In Love With The Teacher?? |...

By okkayykk

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Kim Taehyung lives in New York with his Aunt. His abusive Aunt and her multiple boyfriends. Its a tough life... More



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By okkayykk

(This chapter is really really long)

Taehyung POV

So today my first day of school, normally you'd assume Im depressed as heck, but actually I've gotten some good news. Jungkook contacted my 'new parents' and well he said that he was working hard to be able to provide a loving home for me and for them to take good care of me. It reallg gave me hope knwoing he's still trying, even if its only been a day. I still cant help but wonder whats going on...

Anyway apparently my new school is even better than my last one. You see I was a scholarship kind of student, its a wonder why they didnt kick me out for my grades. Well at least you didnt have to wear uniforms or have the exact same bookbag as everyone else.

Whats even worse is that the Students are separated by grades. Like A class had students with obviously A's in most subjects. They also even get better treatment. But it doesnt really matter, I wont be in this school for long. Because I'll move in with Jungkook and beg him to homeschool me. He'll have to say yes with my puppy eyes, he always does. Either way I'm stuck in this situation till then.

"Taehyung?" Someone knocked on the door, it sounded like my new 'mom'.

"Yea?" I said struggling to button my shirt and do my tie at the same time.

"The girls are waiting in the car, be quick" Then she walked away. Apparently I was the only boy besides her son, so I guess she is kinda obsessed with me? Like she monitors me all the time, to the point where I feel like a criminal..

I grabbed my bag and went down the stairs, put my shoes on and my coat. Then walked down the walkway and got into the back of the car.

"So Sami, Sarah? I hope that you'll help him out on the first day. Like show him the routes" The father said. The girls shrugged and the youngest just looked out the window. Unlike the older ones she seemed to prefer pants over a skirt, a preference? Anyway she was in middleschool (secondary) but the buildings were connected. So I'd probably see her in the halls once in a while. And the others didnt seem very fond of me, yeah they were nice but just kept their distance...

The ride was short and we were dropped off in the front, just like other students. At first everything was okay, a new school meant new opportunities well in most cases. But the only problem was.. I couldn't find anything. Not the office or anything, the girls deserted me. Sami and Sarah off to their friends and Dakota just wandered off.

So I just waited, with all the other students. And when a bell rung the doors opened and students literally went inside in organized lines. Unlike my old school were people stayed as long as they could outside and tumbled inside when it was time to go in.

At the sight of the first Adult, I immediately ran over to her. She had long blonde hair and green eyes that were so shocking, it kinda scared me. Anyway she brought me to the office where I had to explain things, give paper work and get my schedule.

My schedule wasn't difficult, the normal class of course with a few exceptions. Like I had piano? And Drawing Level 1.. and German? But I still had Chinese Level 1 (apparently they think I'm dumb cause I'm actually a level 4 but hey -_-), Spanish Level 1 (am I really dumb?) and my main subjects. The only thing was that instead of rotating every other day, its every 2 days. I could get used to that but.. my classes start at room 12, then 231, then 127.. so on. Obviously I'll be late for each one. Not because I'll be lost but because I'll purposely take a long time to get there. Who really wants to go to class? Not me.

My first class was Chinese, at first the teacher didn't seem to like me. But after I introduced my self and had a whole conversation with her in Chinese her attitude changed. Oh and my classmates were the type who have to be better so they kinda dislike me but its okay. I really dont care.

My other classes went well, I didnt bother to make any friends. Why would I need to? Oh and it's because I'm trying to seem like a quiet cool guy. Anyway I was called to the office during my Piano Class and thankfully didnt have to embarrass myself.

"Taehyung?" A voice called when I walked into the room.


"You have a call" She brought me through a separate door and gave me a wired phone. I cautiously picked it up not knowing who was on the other line. The girl watched closely.


"Yeah" I answered in Korean, hoping he'd realize that if he wanted to say someone off the books, it needed to be in Korean.

"Is someone watching you?"

"Yeah, what did you need?"

"I'll be able to see you tomorrow, they said that they are gonna test my sanity and things, but during that you'll be able to be there" He sighed. "Make sure to remember what I said, you'll probably have to answer questions. And you foster parents already know, I think the male will he bringing  you there afterschool"

"That's Great!" I kinda yelled ish, startling the lady. But thankfully she could tell I was excited and not mad. After the talk I went to my other classes, then when school was finished I waited outside with the other students.  Hoping to find my 'siblings' but in reality I couldn't really see well, people here were way taller than me. Like inside my school, I may have been short but there were other shorties too but not here. It's hard being short, no tall person can understand.


I sat in the car waiting, anticipating.  John just dropped of his daughters at a afterschool program place and now we were on the way to my place. I honestly didn't know where it was nor what is was, but it didn't really matter. I want Jungkook. No, hold on. Well of I'm being serious, I dont really want him.. I've learned that I dont really need him anymore. But I still really like that fact that he truly cares for me, that's why I still want him. I kinda feel selfish? If that's what I think it is..

___ (Major Time Skip, Like 2 days)

Jungkook POV

Over the course of 5 days I've made some big improvements. I've gotten approval for adoption and others things too. Now I only have to wait for my second court, which will be held in 2 hours. That's one is so we can have Taehyung say he'd rather live with me. Its stressful to actually do this though, I've been working really hard and my wolf is in shambles. Literally.. he can't seem to control himself and makes my emotions worse. So I'm either pissed or super serious. Not a very emotion for court.

Anyway my house has been checked, I've gotten him a room (although we all know he'll be sleeping with me) and even a play room (it's mostly for video games but it has a piano in the corner). I've pretty much baby proofed my house even though he's 16. Cant trust his motives, on minute he'll say he loves me then have a temper tantrum.

Well that's what I've been hearing. Apparently even thing went well the first day at his foster parents' house, he saw me and was happy. But then the second day was chaos, I was told he had a physical fight with the father. Obviously it was one sided and the man only tried to calm him down, but he was still left some bruising. He also rejected his 'mother' and threw a plate of food at her.

And on the 3rd, it was quite calm. Tge lady had said that he was having trouble sleeping and wouldn't eat, so he was not 'drugged' but kinda was so he would sleep. When he woke up, he threw another fit. He was told to take a shower but in the end the 'father' had to physically give him a bath.

It apparently went on like that for a few more days, and now I've heard he's been nicer? Especially after hearing he'd be able to see me. I was nervous though.

One wrong word could ruin everything, a word from mine or his mouth. All we really had to do was get official statement from the judge and we could leave. Obviously after he tells the judge he wants to live with me instead.

My wolf has been aching to see him, I've been waiting for a long time. And working really hard. Even during the card ride to the place, I was thinking.. about everything that could go wrong.

What if that one man was to show up? The man who had threatened me, I've taken care of him but that probably wont stop him. For all I know he could of already told the police or something. I mean I might've forced him to quit his job by black mail and things, I mean he had quite the history. I was actually kind of surprised on how he could get a job as a teacher with a past like that.. but it wont matter. He definitely wont be there..

But a different thought flooded my head. What if they found that my medical charts were fake? I mean I obviously cant show them that I am a werewolf,  not only would I not be able to see Taehyung but I'd probably be shot of spot or worse. So I forged documents, I've done it before. Many times in fact. Just during a time like this guilt kinda just says 'hi, it's been a while'.


I took a deep deep breath, while sitting in my car. I unbuckled and adjusted my Tie. Then opened my door, got out  and locked it. I eventually walked I side and was told to sit on a bench outside the main room. I had to wait my turn.

"You seem like a good man, what are you here for?" An older man that was seated next to me asked. He clearly was here for something silly as his age was definitely not fit for a big crime.

"Custody" I said clearing my throat and trying to relax.

"Oh, how old is the kid? Must be young, your probably in your mid twenties right?" I internally agreed to the young part. I mean on paper I'm young but I'm actually old enough to be Taehyung's grandfather. What? Werewolves has long life spans.

"He's 14" He smiled at me.

"Started young eh?" He patted me on the back. "I got a kid who had their first kid in 8th grade, hated her for being stupid and kicked her out. But here I am fighting to keep our family from falling apart" He somewhat sighed.

"I relate a little to your daughter. My Mother had me at 13, and my twin brothers at 14. She did all she could to keep us together but she had pride. And wouldn't accept help, thankfully though someone taught her how to be loved again. And that why I'm here now, trying to learn how to share the love she gave to me" I kept my life story short and sweet, I was missing alot but he didnt need to know the details. No one did.

"Oh my, I'm about to start tearing up" He smiled and rubbed his eye. "I hope everything works out for you and your kid"

"You too" I smiled back, he had definitely help calm my nerves. Then the doors opened and people came flooding out, after a good minute or so  different people went in and my named was called after another 5 minutes.

I went in and everyone was quiet. Taehyung had not arrived yet so I sat quietly in my reserved spot. Waiting..


10 minutes had passed and they were about to end it, but they right inside before that. Taehyung's hand was being held quite tightly by the 'father', who kinda looked embarrassed. His wife followed behind holding a book bag. Taehyung's face was red and stained with tears.

To be honest if I didnt know any better, I would of assumed they were the ones abusing him. But I knew what had been going on and it shocked me. Taehyung was just being a brat. Not listening for no reason. He didnt even look up until he heard me clear my throat.

But when that happened, his eyes immediately lit up and he screamed my name. Like really loudly. Startling people in the room.

"Let's go sit down" The 'father' told him, tugging his arm a bit. Taehyung fought a little but eventually followed him and sat down.

"Now that everyone's finally here. We can start." The judge said and then looked at me.

Words: 2226


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