A Christmas Baby #Wattys2019

By Dredge116

20.3K 1K 297

Kadence Hilton hasn't been home in years as her job took her all over the world. She's finally home for the h... More

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1.3K 51 10
By Dredge116

Jenna's POV

I'm in my room packing my stuff, when there's a knock on the door. Walking over to the door I open it. Standing on the other side is Ainslie. "What are you doing here?"

"Daniel asked me to help you pack." She enters the room and looks around. "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me, but the way you were carrying on was disgraceful. I've seen you treat Kadence badly for a long time and I had enough of your behaviour. You weren't going to listen to my advice which is why I had pull myself away from you."

Taking her hand, I say, "I understand, Ainslie. The Hilton's come before anything else. Maybe, being away from this place will help me grow up and appreciate the things I had when I was living here."

Ainslie hugs me. "I'm glad you're opening your eyes and looking at the damage you've caused. Kadence, calling her uncle was the right thing to do. I hope you'll be able to appreciate it when you come back to the house."

I'm not going to come back to the house. I need to find myself before I can face my uncle, aunt and cousins again.

I continue to pack my bags. Once we everything packed I meet my father at the front door of the mansion.

Father looks at me. "Let's go." He grabs my bags and takes them out to the car.

I climb into the front seat of the black BMW that he owns.

The car has a new smell to it. Like he brought the car recently.

He climbs into the car and looks at me. "I see you're admiring my new ride."

"Yeah, I wish I had someone to teach me to drive. Working in that house I wasn't able to learn to drive."

Father's phone starts to ring and he looks at it. "I have to get this." He swipes his finger across the screen. He presses the loudspeaker before saying, "Hello?"

Voice: Dad, when are you coming home?

Father: Soon, I have to do something first. Why?

Voice: Rhett won't teach me to drive and you promised you'd do it.

Father: Give me an hour, Ryan. I'll see you soon. Bye, son.

Voice: Bye, Dad.

The call ends and he looks at me. "I'll tell my wife about you tonight and then I'll get you for dinner tomorrow?"

"Okay," I look out the window and see bush around us. "Where are we going?"

"Lucas, has a cabin around here. I'm going to leave you here for the night and then we'll go from there about where you're going to love."

I don't say anything to him.

The car pulls onto a dirt track and through a fence that says 'private property.' Turning towards my father, I say, "Are you going to kill me?"

He laughs. "That would be irresponsible of me. Even if I don't like the way you've come into my life."

A couple minutes later, the car comes to a stop in front of a cabin. It has a porch with a swing on it. A few sticks are left on the porch from the trees. Heaps of leaves are on the ground and the lawn has been freshly cut.

Why didn't anyone get rid of the leaves?

Father unlocks the door and waits for me to enter first.

Stepping into the house I see the walls are lined with all sort of animal heads. One of the main ones I can identify is a deer head, another is a buffalo and a wolf head.

I can't believe someone from my family hunts these innocent animals down just to put their heads on display in their house.

Looking at father I say. "Who's the hunter in the family?"

Father raises his hand. "All these are the animals I have killed. I got them stuffed so I can display the things I've hunted."

Shaking my head. I say, "It's disgusting. Before you leave can you cover all the heads? I'll have nightmares if I have to look at them all night long."

He walks to the closet and pulls out a few towels and then places them on the animal's heads. He turns towards me. "I have to go now. I'll check on you tomorrow." With that he walks out the door and heads to his car. Starting the car he pulls out of the driveway. He beeps the horn before disappearing around the corner.

I walk back into the house and lock the door. "What am I supposed to do now? I'm all alone in a huge house with no one to talk to."

Why am I talking to myself?

I walk over to the kitchen table where my bag is sitting. Opening it I search for the tablet. I pull it out and type in the password before opening the Facebook app to see if my friends are online. When I find that no one is online I go on Twitter to see if anyone's retweeted my post about the dress Annabelle Richardson wore to her father's new movie.

A few people have responded to it and it's not in a positive way.

Sometimes I should really keep my opinions to myself, but that dress deserved to have some negative feedback to it.

When I'm done checking stuff out on the tablet I look at the clock on the wall and it's close to six o'clock. My stomach rumbles reminding me that I haven't had anything to eat since lunch.

Walking into the kitchen I open the closest cupboard and look for something to eat. There's heaps of soup in there ranging from chicken to tomato. I pull the tomato one out and search for a pot. I find one the next shelf. Taking it out I put it on the stove and pour the soup into it. I put half water and half milk into the soup and turn it on.

While I wait for the soup to heat up I turn the TV on and turn the channel to HDMI for Netflix. I flick through the recent release and find Birdbox.

I heard a lot of good reviews about the movie and I'm hoping that the movie exceeds my expectations.

The soup starts to bubble and I turn it off. I pour the soup into the bowl and take it with me to the living room. I sit on the lounge and turn the movie on. I place my feet on the table and get ready for the night of watching movies and eating the junk food that's left in the cupboard from the last time that the Hilton's were here.

When the movie is over I stretch and then have a look at my tablet. There's no messages from my friends and I start to feel lonely being in this house. Walking down the hall I open each bedroom door trying to find a room that I want to sleep in. I take the last room which has a King sized bed, light blue walls and purple curtains. The bedspread is black and on the table is a picture of the family.

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