Chance in a Dream

By KSPerson

99 0 0

All Time Low fanfiction, therefore, only the story is mine and the characters within it are not. All used ima... More

Summer of Blues
Dream Come True
It's Alex Gaskarth
Lost in Stereo
Ready for Baltimore
Clock Counting Down
Oh Jack, Harder
My Future Forever
I'm Ready
You're My Lover
Glistening Waters
Blood Run Cold
Beyond Being Numb
Walk Again
Part of the Family
Chance in a Dream

Too Lost to Care

4 0 0
By KSPerson

A week passes and the healing of my foot was a success, but to remove the deep staples I have to go under again. Alex and I still continued with activities that the doctors said were okay, but I did not go in the water much. Now we were at the hospital again on our last two days of the now extended trip. Normally they would only do a local anesthesia, but I insisted that I could not handle witnessing such deep staples being removed. This also allows them to treat it with a machine to insure closure.

I look at all the doctors around me as I lay on the operating table. One had asked me what type of music I liked and began to soothingly play it as my eyes close. The life around me drips away into a moment I feel never happened once I open my eyes again. I was laying in my hospital room, Alex sitting beside the bed with a smile.

"Hey beautiful," he coos into the cool air around us. His smile was nearly plastered to his face and it made my heart race with love. I blush as I start to move my stiff limbs. Alex gets down on his knee beside my bed, holding my hand and we smile at each other. "I'm glad they got everything neatly closed for you. I requested the best prosthetic developer to create yours with the measurements we provided. It'll move just like usual, just no toe wiggling sadly." We softly chuckle knowing well I would get frustrated trying to move them thinking they would. I curl my hand in his, and start to softly tear up. He looks at me worriedly, glancing down at my hand and back at me with a soft smile. I nod and he clings to me, still holding my left hand. "I told you I will be with you forever, Jack."

"I do, Alex. I do a thousand times. A thousand more, forever," I softly breathe out into his hair. I look down at the silver band on my ring finger, studded with one diamond in the shape of a heart. Alex brings the hand up to hold it against his chest, kissing each finger softly.

"Mr. Barakat or Mr. Gaskarth?" Alex softly questions, our faces both lit with a promise and hope of such a glistening future.

"Mr. Gaskarth," I readily reply, giggling as the butterflies fill my stomach with eagerness. The look in Alex's eyes let me know that he felt the same as I did. We were both deeply in love and we could not be happier. Despite the past week being rough and emotional, we were there to catch each other. Alex literally had to catch me a few times as I fell trying to get used to the temporary foot the hospital provided. I was stubborn and ignored them wanting to do more therapy, but I wanted to spend time with Alex in this beautiful place before we went back home. Home. I gasp, breaking from my thoughts and look at Alex. "My mom, my home.. oh gosh, where does this put us?" Alex chuckles at my small panic.

"I already got your blessing from your parents, they were a bit hesitant at first, but they warmed up to me in no time. As for your home," Alex looks me in the eye, very serious now, "that's wherever you want it to be. Your mom and dad agreed." I look at Alex, my eyes trained on him. I listen to our soft breathing in the air and the faint beating of both of our hearts. I knew that I want to be with Alex forever, and now I really can. It would be strange moving out of a home I lived in almost all my life, but there comes a time we all have to move away from the nest. I feel the next nest I will be in will be much more comfier, much more full of love and passion. I could go to school online or the local college in Baltimore.

"What would I do?"

"Whatever you wanted, Jack. You can go to school, work, stay home, come with me.. whatever you want at the time. I'll take care of you."

"But wouldn't I get in the way? I'd hate for you to feel I'm just mooching off your hard work," I begin as tears start to form. That is one thing about all of this, I would hate to be in the way or seen as taking advantage of Alex's self developed wealth.

"Jack, no," he begins with a tight hug around me, "I know you did not fall in love with what I have, but who I am. You'd never get in my way because you are my way. You're the path I follow, baby. Heck, if you wanted, you could join All Time Low with me. We could all be making the same together. I mentioned it to Zack and Rian and they said you were great on the guitar. It could definitely benefit the band."

My eyes widen at the thought of being a part of the band that I love so much. An opportunity that I felt unworthy of but grateful for. I could practically play all of their songs and more, but how would the fans react? I blush and merely nod, seeing that I had the world as my opportunity at this point. I could do school and tour with Alex, Rian and Zack. If they need a guitarist, I would be honored to fill in.

"I want to live with my husband." Alex's smile brightens more at my words. We both know that the rest will fall in place. We both have such a big life ahead of us. We are young and in love, destined for great things. If I could honestly be a part of All Time Low, a faint dream could be true. Anyone who plays an instruments fantasies of being in a great band. While it was not my main goal, it definitely seems amazing the more I think about it.

"Then live with me you shall. My home is your home, remember that." I nod again and squeeze to Alex, happy we have gone so far together. A light knock on the door breaks our moment and Alex sits back in his chair. We watch as a woman, dressed in a coal black dress suit, walks in with a small team behind her. Her hair was a fading brown cut in a bob, her body weathered with age and slightly plump. She smiles at the both of us before allowing her team to set up whatever was in the bulky container.

"Dr. Evans," Alex pipes up and moves to give her and the team a welcoming handshake. She takes her gloves off and firmly shakes back before motioning towards me. "This is Jack, my fiance," I blush at his words before he lifts up the blanket showing the footless leg.

"Oh dear," she casually speaks before smiling at me, "we will have this changed in just a moment, Mr. Barakat." Her team quickly comes over and hoists my leg up, placing cold metal latches along my leg and pressing the prosthetic foot in place. Making sure it is firmly on, they look at me to attempt to move it. With concentration I begin to flex the foot in an up and down motion. "Now this provides a ball motion as if you had an ankle, providing more flexibility and movement in everyday activities. We are happy to let you know it is both durable and light so that even running and climbing are possible." I begin to tear up as I continue to move my foot around, chuckling through the sobs as Alex places a sock over the metal foot.

"To keep that one warm too." I smile and the room all softly chuckle at the gesture. Alex comes to my side, hugging me tight to his chest.

"Thank you guys so much, it does mean a lot. I'll have my agent finish the paper work and bring it to your offices today."

'You're very welcome Mr. Gaskarth. If you need any more assistance or have questions, I'm leaving one of my team members here for when Mr. Barakat begins therapy later." With that they nod toward each other and the team gathers the rest of the belongings, leaving the bulky container for me behind, and exit the room. I look up at Alex, his eyes waiting for me to respond.

"Thank you Alex, I don't know how I'll ever thank you enough for what you've done for me."

"Marry me," he coos into my ear, rubbing my thigh gently as sparks light up under his touch. I nod eagerly, wanting to be his husband. Wanting to be his forever. I bite my lip as his hand trails further up my thigh in a welcoming manner. "I'm going to fuck you right in this bed, Jack." I moan into his mouth as it closes in on mine. His hand finds my now hardening cock through the blanket, teasingly stroking it through all the materials. It has been since our first time together that Alex has touched me like this. Either out of fear or too busy enjoying the island together, I did not know, but right now I am too lost to care.

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