Chance in a Dream

By KSPerson

99 0 0

All Time Low fanfiction, therefore, only the story is mine and the characters within it are not. All used ima... More

Summer of Blues
Dream Come True
It's Alex Gaskarth
Lost in Stereo
Ready for Baltimore
Clock Counting Down
Oh Jack, Harder
My Future Forever
I'm Ready
You're My Lover
Glistening Waters
Beyond Being Numb
Walk Again
Too Lost to Care
Part of the Family
Chance in a Dream

Blood Run Cold

4 0 0
By KSPerson

After the hearty breakfast we took a shower together and waited an appropriate amount of time before heading out. Walking the dock I waved at the fish below, now eagerly ready to swim with them. Alex kept reassuring me that everything would be fine and he would protect me. From a shark somehow. Now we were boarding the boat to head out into the crystal lagoon. The instructor advises everyone on board that while it is a lagoon and much more shallow than the distant sea, there are chances of sharks and to be alert when swimming.

"Only I can bite you," Alex jokes once the instructor finishes the rules. The couples around us were all gearing up as we approach the middle of the waving waters.

"I want you to be the only to bite me," I speak in a serious tone as nervousness seeps back into me. Watching everyone ready to jump into the waters made the moment dawn on me. While the waters below us were beautiful, the air warm and blowing with a scent of salt and sea life, I was afraid for the worst. We stood up to get our equipment and Alex leads me to the lowered dock so we can go into the waters. I look down, the light reflecting all along the water. I could see the bottom where the soft white sand brushes back and forth. Alex steps out to the edge before jumping in. I stumble to the edge, making sure he comes back up.

"It feels amazing, Jack, come on in!" He encourages with his arms out for me. I blush and close my eyes, jumping straight into his arms. We bob down into the water and I feel my flipper smack Alex's stomach, but when we raise back to the surface Alex is laughing and holding me close.

"Wow, it does feel good." I smile and start easily swaying my feet back and forth with the flippers keeping me swift like a fish. Alex rinses his fogging up goggles in the water before we set out swimming in this day dream of a lagoon. The waves of the water brush all along our floating back sides as we swim with the fish. Alex starts to swim ahead of me and I laugh in my snorkle, only laughing more at the sound it makes as it shoots out some water into the air. I look around at all the creatures around us. The gorgeous array of colors jet pass us and the starfish and corral below blossom with a life I never appreciated until now.

As time passes Alex and I switch from our stomachs to our backs to relax in the water. He holds my hand as we do, making sure we stay together. The boat is far from us, but close enough to swim once the time was over. All the couples around us were enjoying splash fights and finding seashells. When Alex found a seashell it magically appeared in my trunks. I gaze up at the sky, not a single cloud in it.

"Thank you, Alex. This has been so wonderful."

"If you think this is wonderful, we still have the rest of our visit baby." Alex turns to me with a smile. His hair dark and slick back, water making his tanning skin glisten in the beating sunlight. I lazily paddle to kiss Alex soft, his breath hitching in excitement. We turn up right to swim into each others arms, I hold tight to him as our kiss deepens. When we pull back, both of our cheeks are flush with red. "I hope you know, I'm keeping you forever."

"I'll have to let my mom know," I jokingly breathe out, my eyes trained on Alex's. She was not thrilled I was in the middle of the Indian ocean with a rock star, but she was not hesitant to tell me to take lots of pictures and get her and dad a gift while I was here either.

"I think your mom loves me."

"She loves you because I do," I softly confess. Though we both knew it, it was still special to hear each remind that we love each other. It may seem fast, but we have spent more time than I ever spend with anyone at once. We connect and while Alex can take me to wonderful places, traveling across the world, there is nothing more amazing than him. If I could only be in my home town with him by my side, I would not think differently.

The whistle sounds from the boat letting us know to head back. Alex gives me a smile and pecks my cheeks.

"Beat you there," he challenges and before I knew it he was racing off to the boat. I laugh at the playfulness and start racing after him. I see all the other bodies of couples swimming toward the boat from different directions. The boat was bobbing up and down in the water as people climb in. I try to grab Alex's foot to slow him, but he only speeds up. I look around the water noticing small schools of fish seemingly compete with us. I grin at their scales sparkling with the rainbow as the water reflects. I see Alex quickly get on to the boat, and I am seemingly the last person approaching.

I hear voices above me encouraging me to keep swimming as I slow from tiring out. Suddenly the fish swerve towards the right and under the boat, one scratching against my stomach. I look to the left of me and realize the sudden change in co-ordinance they took. I panic, my heart racing as I swim closer to the boat, just about to the ladder leading up. I hear now the encouraging shouts were yells of horror and danger. The eyes that met mine, as the blood lightly fades into the water from my cut, made my blood run cold.

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