Adventure Time Insurrection

By 2091riveraisrael

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What would have happened if Finn went Rogue after the events of Red Throne, after being turned down multiple... More

A Hero Turned Rogue!
4 Days Later...
I Trusted YOU!!!
The Gathering of Princesses
Duel of the Ex Lovers
Goodness Within
The Truth Will be Revealed
Never Mess with my Ex!
Finn's Elemental Origin Discovered
Horrid Dreams & Return of an Old Enemy
Raliorvo Ruins & New Problems
Escape from Raliorvo Castle
Fight against One's Self
Finn's Past and true name is Revealed
Fire vs Darkness
What's Happening at Mount Coralious?
A Fiery Dark Past
Where There's Smoke There's Fire
Ambush in the Fields
The Blizzard of Brio Mountain Pass
A Truce Between Royalty? I Think Not
An Electric Encounter!
The Ultimate Punishment

Saving Marceline

129 0 0
By 2091riveraisrael

It has been about 8 hours into their Journey, as Finn and Ice King had just stopped at a nearby hill overlooking one of the fields he had previously flooded what looked to have been a couple of days ago, as the damage to the field was fresh. "We're almost there." Ice King stated as he sat down on a nearby rock, in order to try and recall his memories on what he witnessed.

"You say this is the spot where Marceline was brought too?" Finn asked as he was constantly scanning around the entire field, but couldn't see exactly where anyone was, or where electrogian beings could even hide a vampire queen. To Finn it seemed to have been impossible, as most of the field was underwater, making it deadly for any form of electricity to ever set foot in the flooded mess without shorting out, plus as he looked over to the far right, he was also able to see that there was no cave or structure anywhere, revealing that they couldn't have hid her in this field at all.

Finn thought really hard as he did one more scan of the flooded field, deep down inside he had severe doubts that she could have been hidden here at all, and if she was, there was no cave or anything that overlooked the Tangoria sea, that was not far beyond the horizon of the field that they were on. "No offense Ice King," Finn started off as he turned his gaze from the field to Ice King, who was still in his thoughts, "but I have doubts that she is here. It seems impossible for anything electric based to be here, as I flooded these fields sometime ago to the point that anyone who steps foot in it would drown in the soft muddy soil below."

Ice King looked up at Finn, as inside he knew that he would doubt the possibility of the Electrogian's bringing Marceline in this region, but he knew that he hadn't imagined it at all, in fact he was able to recall when he first saw it with his own eyes, just watching a large group of Electrogian warriors holding Marceline against her will, her screams of Agony, while he is watching from the sky, not being able to do anything due to Electricity being resistant to Ice. Even though Ice King was able to freeze some of the warriors back in Electronica's castle some time after watching this event, Ice King felt silly for not trying to save her, when all this time his powers could have had an actual effect on these beings. He remembered as the look on Marceline's face had constantly haunted him, as he wish he could have done something but in the end could not, as back then, he didn't know the elemental mix between ice and electricity, the only thing that was able to shed light on that tragic sight, was the fact that Marceline didn't notice him in the sky, as she was constantly too busy fighting her abductors to even pay attention, but that still did not brush away the fact that he couldn't help her that time.

He then turned over to Finn, and said, "I know it seems hard to believe Finn," He first started off as he stared upon Finn's glowing blue eyes, "But trust me when I tell you, they brought her here. I saw it with my own eyes," He then got up and placed a finger on his chin as if he were once again thinking really hard. "I'm just trying to remember what they did to get her into that cave." Ice King might have witnessed the whole thing, but he still didn't remember how they got Marceline under the sea, as he constantly was too busy staring into the eyes of the endangered queen to even notice, something that he also regretted.

Finn just sighed an annoyed breath, and just leaned himself against a dead tree, with his arms crossed over his chest, as he waited for Ice King to finally come to the realization that Marceline could not be here. In his head Finn felt really annoyed, as if he was being sent out on a wild goose chase, hell apart of him even thought that Ice King might have made the whole thing up just to get attention, as he often tried to do these type of things at times, even before Finn went nuts.

Finn was so lost in thought that he actually had no idea of a glowing figure approaching directly from behind him, Ice King was still lost in his thoughts and didn't even noticed the figure either. As the figure approached the 16 year old, a single hand, that appeared to be glowing with a small summoned fireball reached out, aiming for Finn's tail that was waging up and down on the ground.

Unaware of this, Finn was now thinking of a mental plan on what he would do in order to try and rescue Marceline, if both him and Ice King are able to find her, he would soon snapped out of his daze when he felt something grab his tail, then a sharp burn on it. "Youch!" He yelped as he quickly turned around ready to shoot Water at the individual only to see Flame Princess laughing. "Got ya." She said with a flirtatious looking smirk on her face, with hands on her hips. Finn groaned, but couldn't help but laugh a bit himself, as it felt like an eternity since she had done something like that, but never in his life did Finn ever think that she would do it to him in the form he currently is now.

"Very funny Phoebe," Finn stated with a chuckle as he fired a small water blast from his finger onto his tail healing the burned section up a bit, only to hear Ice King laugh from behind. "Oooh baby she did get you on that one." Finn ignored Ice King's remarks, as he tuned his gaze once again towards Flame Princess. "So what?s up FP? I honestly thought you were going to stay behind at the Temple." Flame Princess just chuckled at his words, as she just tilted her head and said, "Oh please Finn. I maybe royalty, but you know I love adventuring just as much as you do." Finn just smirked as he placed his hands in his pockets, with a smoggy looking grin, "I don't remember such things." he said acting as if he were stupid, Flame Princess just glared showing signs of an annoyed expression on her face, but it only lasted for a few seconds before her smirk came back on her face.

"Come on Finn, you and I were once a couple, you know what I love." Finn just chuckled and turned around, "Sure I do Phoebe, sure I do." He mocked with a small laugh only for Ice King to finally be snapped out of his main trace of pondering, gaining both the attention of both Flame Princess and Finn at the same time. "I remember!" He bellowed out as he leaped off the rock and looked at both Finn and Flame Princess as they looked at each other with confusion. Ice King quickly ran over to a large gap in the flooded fields that had a large pathway that was full of nothing more then debris. "They went this way, I remember seeing that they continued down this route before heading underground." Finn nodded, "Good, good, Lead the way Simon." He directed, as he walked over following Ice King's lead down the debris field pathway, through the flooded zone.

As the three ventured out farther into the marshlands, Finn soon recognizes a large temple like fortress on a rocky cliff, that was surrounded by multiple deceased giant 2 legged canine Warlords, the fortress was heavily damaged and in ruins, most of the wall was collapsed and parts of the cliffs holding the structure up were eroded, to the point that it caused parts of the structure to collapse onto the field. The sudden sight of this region caused Finn to immieadeitly stop in his tracks, getting Flame Princess's attention, "Finn what is it?" she asked rather worried, only for Ice King to stop as well and turn his gaze over to the 16 year old, and stare at him with a curious look wondering why he stopped following him, and why he was constantly staring at the mountain fortress. "Finn, your starting to scare me now, What is wrong?" Flame Princess then boasted as she walked in front of her ex-boyfriend placing her hands on his shoulders, eventually breaking Finn's gaze on the fortress.

"Phoebe this place is Agonath, or well it used to be." Flame Princess looked at Finn with a clueless stare, only for Ice King to speak up behind him. "Agonath?!" he bellowed out in shock, "You mean the Kingdom of the Canine Warriors of Ooo?" Finn nodded as Flame Princess looked between the elderly wizard and her ex-boyfriend, she never heard of such a kingdom before, but how would she, if she was barley outside of the Fire Kingdom, even while she was dating Finn she was barley adventuring around Ooo. "I attacked here 3 days ago, before hitting your kingdom Phoebe," Finn admitted as he turned his gaze back towards the destroyed mountain kingdom, with his gaze constantly scanning the mountain ruins, "These dogs put up a valiant fight, and I must say this was the first and only Kingdom that I ever had to face against overwhelming Giants." Finn stated with a smile, as Ice King laughed and said. "Well it is true, Agonath was currently the only Kingdom in Ooo to obtain giant titans." Flame Princess couldn't help but stare at Finn, she just couldn't believe he was a blt to take down up to 20 giant canine warrior units, Flame Princess herself even if she was to go into her super form, would have extreme difficulty in handling that many titans, but yet Finn was able to accomplish this ever since he turned into this water elemental. "It wasn't easy destroying this Kingdom Simon," Finn admitted as he looked at Ice King with a serious glance, before turning his gaze back to Flame Princess. "This Kingdom was actually the toughest one I had to deal with, to the point I had to summon over 3 Tidal Waves in order to take down that fortress." Ice King, just took a deep breath and said, "You do realize that many of the Kingdom's on Ooo are wiped out to the point of extinction now because of you right?" Finn growled as he turned to glare up at Ice King, "Really, I hadn't noticed, thanks for the reminder Simon." Finn barked out of sarcasm and annoyance, much to the elderly wizards laughter.

"So what exactly happened out here?" Flame Princess then asked with a curious look on her face, causing Finn to sigh, as he looked directly at her and said, "Are you sure you want to know?" Flame Princess nodded "Finn you destroyed my Kingdom, so it won't surprise me at all," She said determined to listen on what happened out on this field 3 days ago. Finn chuckled, and eventually gathered up the courage to explain. "Fine, It all went like this FP."

-3 Days ago-


I had just arrived, on the field, after submerging the Breakfast Kingdom, So I figured that I would go on into hitting a much more advanced Kingdom. I travelled through the Malagian Hills, which were the fields that we were just on not long before. After the Malaganians conducted making my way through the hills, through intense resistance that, I submerged the entire field, and entered Agonath. I was then confronted by a giant canine warrior, who demanded that I turn around and return to where I came from, but instead I overpowered him, by jabbing one of my swords into his leg, before sending a water blast against his chest, literally knocking him against the fortress walls.

War soon erupted all over the outside, as I fought a huge number of giant Canine warriors. They had massive armor and weapons that were well designed and well manufactured. As I was able to bring down at least up to two of these giants, I soon began to realize that taking down these giant warriors, would be extremely difficult, even with my elemental powers. So I did the one thing that I always due when I'm finished in a fight, I snapped my fingers and watched as my Tidal wave smashed into the Agonath forces, drowning at least two of them, but I became extremely shocked when many of them rose up again. Never has anyone survived my Tidal Wave attack, but the grounds were weakened by the intense wave, and I was once again able to fight off the giants, but the tide turned once again in their favor, when they fired cannons and catapults from the fortress itself.

Before I knew it, I was dodging Swords, Spears, cannon balls, and now fiery boulders, These Agonainans, were not messing around. After taking down two more warriors, I summoned another tidal wave, just in time as I saw a cannonball flying towards my direction, giving me the time I need to dodge it, before it smashed onto the ground and exploded. I watched as my wave ripped through the fortress grounds again, this time it was able to bring down one section of the wall, that contained 2 cannons, and 1 catapult, but it still wasn't enough to bring down Agonath.

It wasn't long before the Warrior Canines regrouped and this time attacked me while under cover fire from the remaining fortress fortifications, I decided from there that I would just fight it out and see how well I can last, without having to rely on another Tidal Wave offensive.

I was able to dodge and block every attack that was thrown at me, but eventually I started to take some hits, to the point that I had to start fighting in the sky. I grew out my Aquarian Wings, and began to fight in the sky, using my two swords as long range based weaponry, in order to silence the cannons and catapults that were constantly harassing me everywhere I went, I then proceeded to shoot a powerful water blast towards one of the giants sending him crashing into the town of Algorona. Eventually I attended to land inside the fortress in order to bring the fight to the Canines.

Even though I was able to fight and slay at least up to 4 giants in the fortress, their numbers were too heavy, even for me, this forced me to retreat and snap my fingers one last time.

I watched as the final wave struck the fortress eventually causing the mountain holding it up, to Erode and collapse. I was able to witness as most of the inhabitants soon drowned in the great flood, as the region, having to be hit by multiple tidal waves eventually weakened the soil, to the point that many of the giants sunk into the mud and drowned. After this I mopped up what was left of the region, then dismantled the flooded section, around the fortress, sending the water back to the Malaganian Hills, before eventually leaving to begin my assault on the Fire Kingdom, as I knew that Ooo would be relying on you Flame Princess, and your military to try and bring me down.

-Back to the Present-

"And that's the whole story on what happened here 3 days ago." Finn concluded as he stared directly into the eyes of his ex-girlfriend. Upon listening to Finn's story of his assault, Flame Princess just went wide eyed, "Finn I can't believe all the damage you've done over the course of the week" Flame Princess snapped, getting Finn to sigh in annoyance, "You do realize that once we get Marceline and Jake back, you have to turn yourself in." Finn could do nothing but groan as Flame Princess constantly reminded him, that even if he were to save Marceline and Jake, he would still have to answer for all the destruction he had caused around Ooo, including a royal death to one of the Royals during his assault on Aygrin. "I know FP, I will answer for my crime, this is over, but in the meantime how about we get back to work on getting to Marceline." Flame Princess and Ice King agreed, as they soon began to walk on through the flooded ruins of what used to be Agonath Kingdom, before eventually reaching a huge field that led back to a different part of the Marshlands that they were previously on, before entering Agonath.

Flame Princess was constantly trying her best to stand clear of the water, as her queen's armor was now heavily damaged on the foot section, to the point that water could leak inside and hurt her, "I swear, sometimes I wish I wasn't made of fire," Flame Princess muttered to herself, as she kept a close distance behind Finn, as he just chuckled and said, "Human or not your still beautiful Phoebe deal with it." This sudden compliment caused Flame Princess to smile and blush, but just before she could thank him for complimenting her, Ice King's voice interrupted it. "Here it is!" Finn grinned, as Ice King had led both him and Flame Princess, into what appeared to have been a small hole in the ground, with multiple waterfalls falling down into it. "Simon is this the hole?" Finn asked as he kneeled down and took one big look inside. "Yes this is as far as I saw them take her, Unfortunately I don't know where this tunnel goes or what?s inside, I've never went in it." Ice King admitted as Finn crouched down and stuck his head inside the hole, peering down upside down in the tunnel, his glowing blue eyes lighting up some of the passageways.

The cave was described to be extremely large, with a huge river of water running through down below, there were no pathways on the walls, but the upper portion of the cave, that was not flooded was high enough to fly through, but down below the surface of the water stood a deep portion with what appeared to be giant Sea shells mounted on the river floor and walls. Finn groaned as he slowly moved his head from the hole and sat down. "What did you see?" Ice King immediately asked, "Is there a way we can travel through that cave and save Marcy?" Finn sighed as he looked at both the elderly wizard and Fire queen. "The good news is yes, we can follow it" Finn started off, "The bad news is, is that most of the cave is under water, with only a small section that is above the surface, so flying through will be hard to do with all the stalagmites hanging from cave ceiling." Flame Princess gasped, this meant that Finn would have to go on his own, down into the caves, but Ice King soon butted in. "Can't you just remove the water in the cave?" Ice King couldn't help but ask as Finn looked up towards him, "I mean that's all you've been doing this week was controlling water, why don't you just remove it, that way we can walk through it." Finn sighed, "I can't do that Ice King, If what you are saying is true, and Marceline is down there somewhere, I can't risk it, If I remove the flood down there, the change of pressure combined with the intense Erosion, and heavy flooding on top, will cause a massive cave in, Marceline will be crushed to death, and this whole field will be nothing more but a giant sinkhole." Finn explained as Ice King and Flame Princess gasped loudly. "Its the truth," Finn stated sadly as he looked back down into the hole.

"Ah Great! Now how are we going to rescue Marceline!" Ice King barked in frustration, only for Finn to just laugh, and point a thumb at himself, "Hello..." Ice King looked at Flame Princess, he could see that she had a look of worry on her face, "I don't know Finn have you ever swam before?" she asked causing Finn to get confused. "Ugh FP, you've been watching me swim all the time when we were dating what kind of question is that?" Finn asked with a real confused tone, only for Flame Princess to face palm herself, "I meant have you ever swam in that form before." she repeated getting a little frustrated, "FP you worry too much, I got this." Finn stated with a smile of confidence, as he quickly turned to face the hole in the ground.

"Okay Finn, we'll be up here, until you get back." Ice King stated with a smile, "You better come back or you'll answer to me." Flame Princess threatened with a glare, as Finn chuckled, and said, "Yes your majesty, I'll be back to polish your scepter." Flame Princess, just sighed as she held her head and said, "Finn be serious!" Finn sighed and just place a hand on the fire queen's shoulder, with a nice warm smile. "FP I promise you I will be fine, Sure I'm banged up a bit, but If I was able to make it this far in this form, and survive electrocutions, then there is nothing that can prevent me from rescuing Marceline." Flame Princess, just sighed and placed a hand on Finn's shoulder, much to his surprise, not only did he had have hand on her shoulder, but now she had a hand on his. "Alright Finn, good luck, just be careful." Flame Princess said with a huge smile on her face, as Finn smiled back and winked, "I will FP, you can count on it."

After sharing an emotional nod, Finn began to walk back towards the hole, where within moments he had leaped inside followed by the sound of a splash coming from the raging river below.

Flame Princess, after seeing Finn disappear into the hole then crept to her knees, and looked down into the hole, seeing the raging Finn had jumped in. "Don't worry he'll be fine, he is Finn after all." Ice King said trying to ease her worries, "Yeah That's what I'm afraid of."

-Torgora Cave-

After splashing into the river, Finn was automatically under water, He was amazed at the sight of the cave, as it was extremely large, with multiple seashells, almost the near size of trees, mounted on the walls. "I hope Simon is telling the truth, because this cave is unbelievable." Finn said to himself, as he began to swim through the towering seashells, and debris that appeared to have been remains from the old settlement Finn had destroyed 2 days prior.

As he swam deeper and deeper into the cave, Finn later came into contact with a large school of jellyfish that was swimming in a vertical pattern towards a huge hole in the ceiling. "Jellyfish, nothing I can't handle." Finn stated with a smirk as he formed his hand into a pistol type state, and with a few shots sent pressurized water that consisted of heavy streams of bubbles at the floating predators clearing them out of the way. "Ha ha ha." Finn chuckled to himself only to hear something coming from deeper within the cave.

:What the?!" He began to scan the area around him, the sound almost sounded similar to that of a beast like, but only more menacing. "I'm not the only one down here." Finn stated to himself, as he scanned his eyes left and right, only to witness a shadow like figure move passed on the far left corner of the cave. The figure was described to be that of a giant bubble like creature with tentacles, but Finn couldn't get a clear view at it, but judging by the size of it, Finn knew that he didn't want to be anywhere near that thing. "Wow I better get out of this corridor." He stated to himself as he swam on continuing down the cave, passing multiple other entrances, that were located to his left and right.

As Finn moved on through the more corridors in the cave, Finn had to dodge multiple obstacles in his way, such as debris left behind from his attack on the region 3 days ago, along side multiple predators, that had somehow swam into the cave from the Tangoira Sea.

Finn was able to make it through these small predators, while at the same time dodging multiple obstacles, but soon the sounds of that beastly roar was heard again, forcing Finn to stop swimming, and scan his surroundings, the sound was now closer then it was the last time he heard it. "Ah great, I better figure out which way to go now, It's a maze down here." Finn said to himself as he was constantly trying to figure out which direction he should go now, especially when he reached a large fork in the cave.

Apart of him wanted to continue swimming straight, but he heard the sounds of the beast come out from that one section of the cave, and he wasn't going to take that risk. "I head down the right path way." Finn said out loud, as he quickly swam down the right cave, and into the next corridor. By now all seashell sightings were gone, the only thing that was in this cave, were nothing more then coral, and debris.

As he swam farther into the cave, he soon, heard the beastly sounds one more time, this time it was right to his left. Finn was soon shocked as a tentacle appeared from out of the darkness and struck him against the cave wall, as a giant monster that appeared to resemble a jelly fish appeared out of the blackness, it's whole head glowing light purple as it roared loudly its tentacles sizzling with electric currents.

Obviously, the beast must have known exactly where Finn was going, and was using the caves pathways, to easily catch up with the 16 year old, in order to prepare itself for an ambush. After shaking his head and regaining his senses, Finn noticed the monster, as his eyes went wide open. "Giant jellyfish" Now I've seen everything." The beast quickly swam towards him launching multiple attacks from both its tentacles and powerful body, causing Finn to swim out of the way multiple times, at one point he was able to summon, his two water blades, that were once previously destroyed during the duel he had with Flame Princess yesterday, and use them to deflect the sea monster?s attacks. His duel blades were able to become resummoned, after Finn was able to produced enough energy in order to repair and reform them, as before during his duel with Flame Princess, his energy was mostly used up in his attacks on Ooo, combined with the fight against her, to the point that the strength of the blades gave away, causing them to shatter.

Upon dodging multiple attacks, the beast then stopped and charged an attack sending a shot of lightning straight towards Finn, but the 16 year was able to block this attack, with the use of a water shield, that was made up of over thousands of heavy pressurized buttons. Using this to an advantage, Finn swam over towards the monster and slashed at the bubble section of the beast causing it to roar in agony, and swim back a bit. Finn smirked, as his glowing blue eyes locked onto the beast, as it came back firing a huge steady stream of lightning towards him.

He is quickly able to dodge this, and counter attack by firing a huge stream of water, towards the Jellyfish's tentacle shattering it off, he then proceeds to swim over to the monster and slash another tentacle off, causing the beast to swim even more back. "Come on you freak! You call that fighting!" Finn barked with amusement as his fangs were shown, his light blue eyes still locked directly towards the sea monster, he could see that the monster was now changing colors, where its once purple head was now being changed into red. Finn prepared himself, as the beast attacked again, only this time with even more speed and mobility then strength.

With all of its strength and power, Finn was soon struck on his wounded side of his head, causing him to scream in agony, before being electrocuted and swapped hard against the cave wall causing a huge crack to form and spread all the way up to the ceiling. Finn growled, and swam back towards the monster again launching several water attacks, but the giant jellyfish this time used an electrical force field, causing his attacks to fail.

Finn growled, as he then turned his blades back into the Liquefied chain blades, that he once used against the Candy Kingdom, and tossed both as hard as he could hoping to penetrate the electrified shields, only for the swords to bounce off the electrified shield and fly straight back towards Finn, causing him to duck, narrowly, the two blades narrowly avoid his head as they strike the wall. After getting his swords again, Finn was able to dodge another lightning barrage that was conducted by the jellyfish, but was not fast enough to be struck by another tentacle sending him crashing back towards the same spot where he struck before, making the hole on the ceiling even worst, to the point that the cave could come down. Upon noticing this, Finn got an idea, and instead swam right under the crack in the ceiling, and began to barrage the jelly fish with constant water poundings, in hopes of getting the beast come to him.

His plan was working as the jellyfish began to swim directly towards him, launching its own lightning attacks. Realizing the Jellyfish was falling right into his trap, Finn quickly swam at a safe distance, and waited as the jellyfish chased after. "See you freak." Finn snapped as he fired a Water blast toward the weakened ceiling as soon as the sea monster went under it, causing a huge cave in to occur, as rocks fell down on top of the jellyfish, completely destroying the shield, and heavily damaging its membrane.

In one final blow, Finn swam over at fast speed and jabbed both of his swords into the beast's brain causing it to roar in agony, before eventually dying, and turning grey. "Loser." Finn muttered as he looked up, only to see that the cave in caused a hole so strong it led straight to the surface, this only proved his statements were true, as attempting to move this much water, will cause an immediate cave in.

After defeating the giant jellyfish Finn continued to swim down the path way he chose feeling a bit more at ease now, knowing that he dealt already with the biggest threat that was lurking around in the shadows. After plowing his way through more debris and predators, Finn eventually located a single tunnel, which appeared to be heading upwards. "At last I finally found the exit." Finn stated with joy as he swam into the tunnel and began to follow the path way upwards until eventually reaching the surface of the water, which led to an underground facility of some sort. "I'm finally out of that crazy cave," He said to himself as he breathed a sigh of relief, "If I never see another Jellyfish, or Sea shell again, It will be too soon."

-The Tangoria Underwater Electrical Facility-

As Finn made his way through the corridors, Finn noticed after entering a doorway that he was in fact under water, and judging by the look of it, he can easily tell that he was under the sea now. The halls were silent, as Finn began to dodge multiple booby traps, along with electrified water pools, but the farther he ventured into the facility, the more trickier and more careful the 16 year old had to be. After dodging multiple Lightning cannons, alongside a huge death trap, that Eletrogians tried to do by trapping Finn inside a giant silo, in order to kill him with the use of rising electrified water, Finn was able to finally arrive at a door, which appeared to be heavily guarded. "That has to be where they are holding Marcy." Finn said to himself as he eyed the guards. With the use of his own tactics, Finn was easily able to overpower the guards, and slip through the door crack as a puddle of water, before growing back into his humanoid form.

After entering the room, Finn quickly realized that he had just entered a dark room, he could barely see anything, with the exception of small light that was being reflected from his dimly glowing eyes. "I don't like this." Finn said to himself as he cautiously ventured through the hallway, looking left and right, in hopes of finding Marceline.

-Marceline's Cell-

The Vampire Queen was constantly sitting down in her cell, she couldn?t believe that she had been captured, but what hurt her the most, is the fact that Finn had went rogue, which only left her with nothing more then doubt that he would even try to rescue her.

Marceline was in a lot of pain, as a matter of fact, she couldn't even move her arm, nor her legs, her clothes have been completely tattered, plus the vampire somehow lost her regeneration ability, due to the Electric warriors removing it from her, through the use of a shot, about a half hour ago. As time progressed, Marceline could feel nothing tears forming in her eyes, she wondered if she would ever see her best friend or Ice King ever again, and just the very thought of Finn going rogue, only made her worry even more. Apart of her even worried that Finn might have found Malian Temple by now, and that all of Ooo could possibly be under water right now, the more Marceline thought of this, the more she wanted to cry.

Marceline was about to lose all hope, until a sudden thud occurred from somewhere in the darkness outside her cell, before she knew it she saw glowing light blue eyes enter her holding area. Marceline gasped in a quiet manner as she recognized those glowing eyes, it was Finn, how did he find her? But most importantly, why is he here? All these thoughts raced through Marceline's head as she tried to figure out what to do. Apart of her wanted to call out to him, but then again he could still be corrupted and doing such an action might lead to her death, but upon seeing Finn's glowing light blue eyes searching from left to right, she decided she had reached her decision, she was desperate and she wanted to be rescued, she decided to take the chance.

?Finn!? She called out, causing his light blue eyes to look directly at her. As Finn began to walk over towards her, her fear started rising, she clenched her hands into a fist, incase he would attack, as her eyes were still locked onto his. Before she knew it, his footsteps stopped, and were right outside her cell now. She braced for an attack, but got something different. "Marcy! Thank the glob, I've been looking all over this place for you." He started off as he was looking directly at her, with a sight of relief in his glowing light blue eyes, "You wouldn't know what I had to go through, just to get in here." Marceline's eyes went wide open, as she felt tears coming out of her eyes, only the Finn that she knew would say such words, and come this far to rescue his friends. "Finn?" Marceline started off as her eyes were still wide open staring at him, "Are-Are you?" Finn just smiled revealing his sharp jaws, but this time in a happy way and in a non-menacing way. "Oh were you expecting something else." Finn teased. This was all the proof she needed to, as Marceline quickly jumped at him trying to take him in her arms, but realized that an iron bar was blocking her way, as Finn laughed.

"Whoa whoa.. Easy there Marceline, let me get you out first, and then you can hold me," Finn said with a warm smile as he placed a hand on her cheek, only to feel something strange on her face. "What the?" He stated as he quickly pulled his hand back and looked in horror as the glow from his eyes revealed Vampire blood. "I got to get you out of here now, now right now." Finn stated as he quickly shot water at the bars, causing them to shatter, due to the constant water pressure, giving Marceline a chance to escape.

"Alright we have to get out of here now-" Finn's words were cut off when he felt the Vampire Queen leap on top of him holding him in her arms, Finn can feel tears coming down from her eyes. Finn smiled and patted her head, but then remembered that they should be trying to escape. "Marcy as much as I want to stay cuddled to you, we gotta get you out of here." Finn said only for Marceline to look up at him and say, "Okay, but you owe me a cuddle when we leave." Finn just chuckled and said "Deal" as Marceline got off of him and helped him back up. "Alright let's go." Finn instructed as the two made their way out of the cell block.

-Outside the Cell-

After escaping from the cell blocks, Finn and Marceline slowly made their way through the underwater facility fighting their way through Electronic guards, but soon ended up in what appeared to be a research lab. "What is this place?" Finn demanded as his eyes scanned the lab left and right. "We're in a lab," Marceline answered as she floated passed him and took look at the various chemicals in the vials. "It looks as if they are trying to merge there element with yours." Marceline said after reading looking it up on the vial's instructions, only for Finn to go wide-eyed. It all made sense now, how that big jelly fish was able to power itself while being underwater, and how they were able to get Marceline down here, they ejected themselves with this one vial in order to do so, and judging by the color of the liquid, it looked to have been light blue, which made Finn even more nervous, this means that the potions that were being used by the Electrogians in the facility, were made entirely out his DNA, they must have gotten it, while he was out cold back in Electronica's castle, he thought to himself. "Finn are you okay?" Marceline asked as she quickly floated up to him placing both her hands on his cheeks, causing him to snap out of his thoughts. "Marcy we gotta destroy this facility now." Marceline looked shocked, at first as Finn continued, "These chemicals are made from my DNA, if these vials get to the surface, the Electrogians will be able to control both Electricity and water at the same time, thereby destroying all of Ooo."

Marceline just couldn't believe what she had just hear, but after what she witnessed in the last hours she had been inside this facility, Finn was right, these vials had to go as soon as possible. "Your right Finn we got to destroy this place, otherwise we are all doomed." Finn nodded in agreement, and with the help of Marceline shoved the shelf of potions onto the ground causing them to shatter. "Great job that's one group, come on let's get the others." Finn and Marceline destroyed much of the lab as they could, before Finn was able to find something of a vial filled with what appeared to be pink liquid. "What's this?" Finn told himself as he looked at it. "Okay Finn the lab is destroyed we should-" Marceline stopped in mid sentence when she saw Finn holding the pink vial, she smiled, "FINN You found it!" Finn looked over at her with a confused look. "I what?" He didn't even have time to think, as Marceline had already had him in her arms, "You found my regeneration DNA, now I can heal myself." Finn went wide eyed again, he just couldn't imagine the torture Marceline must have went through down here, but it didn't matter anyway, he was going to make sure this facility was brought down.

He watched as Marceline while still holding an arm around Finn began to drink the vial, it didn't take long for her to finish the whole thing, as within moments all of her injuries were healed. "Terrific" Finn started off as Marceline wrapped her free arm back around him again, "Your beautiful just like I remembered." He playfully jokes, as Marceline blushed and said, "When we get out of here, you and me are going to have a long talk about talking to girls," she teased in a flirty way as she nuzzled his head with her nose before releasing him, and leaving the room with him.

As the group fought there way through the facility, Finn was able to cause some severe damage to the facility's interiors, causing water to spill inside, flooding multiple sectors of the structure, it wouldn't be long now before the weight of the water causes the facility to collapse, and break apart. Making it to what appears to be an elevator, Finn and Marceline were able to travel to the surface, only to reach a platform that was located on the surface of the water. "We did it." Finn said with a smile as he can see Ooo's coastline on the horizon. "Yeah we did" Marceline stated as she wrapped her arms around his head from behind. "Okay you before we go back to Ooo, I think you deserve something for opening your eyes." Marceline stated with a huge smile on her face, which caused Finn to become excited. "Oooh what is it?" He asked, wanting to know right away, only for the vampire to move his face towards hers, and say "This," She was about to give him a kiss, until all of a sudden something struck the platform causing the two to fall to the ground.

-On the Surface of the Tangoria Sea-

"What was that?" Marceline yelled in shock as the two looked around only for a giant Electrified water Eel to leap over the platform and splash back into the water, completely sending a huge wave towards the duo. "Get behind me!" Finn ordered as He held his hands out and stopped the wave, and caused it to subside. "We're not out of this yet." A huge thud can be heard again, as platforms rose to the surface, this was signifying that the facility was falling apart from beneath the surface. "We got to hurry. Come on!" Marceline yelled, as she grabbed Finn's hand? and attempted to fly him off, only for the beast to show up again and literally almost gobble the two up, sending them both falling to the ground.

"No Marceline! There is no time, but you can still make it." Marceline's eyes were filled with horror. "Finn!" She cried out of both anger and terror, "You're the only one who can get back to Ooo right now." Marceline out of anger, quickly tried to forcefully pick up Finn, but her attempts failed as he liquefied himself so that he couldn?t be grabbed or carried. "By the GLOB You're coming with Me!" She screamed with tears forming in her eyes as she tried desperately to break through his liquefied form but failed miserably, as the platform shook violently again. Knowing that there time was up, Finn quickly grabbed Marceline?s shoulders and forced her to look at him. "Marceline. I'll be okay I promise, Head to the Malagian Hills Hills, Ice King and Flame Princess are there, tell them everything." Finn can see Marceline crying, as she nodded, eventually getting the message, but not before kissing him, and saying through her voice of both passion and worry. "Please come back to me." Finn nodded, as Marceline finally jumped up into the sky and flew back towards the mainland, leaving Finn behind to deal with the giant Eel on his own.

Finn waited as the monster attempted to ram itself onto the platform in hopes of using its sharp fangs to devour the 16 year old, but Finn was able to outsmart the monster by sending multiple waves smash hard against it, causing it to retreat temporarily giving him time to resummon his duel blades. While scanning the sea, Finn was almost struck by lightning, as he turned to see the Eel had rose up at a farther position from where he was, and began to unleash a huge lightning barrage all over the platform causing the water elemental to leap onto the platforms that had previously risen from the bottom of the sea.

Knowing that its barrage failed, the giant Eel, then goes as far as to launching multiple bite attacks against Finn, where the 16 year old was able to lunge both his blades into the under belly section, causing the monster to roar in agony, but Finn himself also got shocked which send him flying back towards the main platform that he was just on before.

Hurt pretty bad, from the electrocutions, Finn quickly crawled over to the edge of the platform and placed his hand in the water, allowing him to overcome the Electric currents, giving him the strength to stand back up and face the beast once more. The Electric Eel soon resurface again, only this time It lunged at Finn directly, in hopes of devouring him, but the Finn was able to send a huge water blast forcing the monster to retreat again, only for Finn this time to chase after, using the nearby floating platforms. After getting a close enough distance, Finn leaped into the air and send a huge blast of water into the wound of the beast causing the Eel to Roar in pain, before a huge Lightning explosion ribbed the monster in half. The explosion was so strong it blew Finn straight into the sea, but fortunately for him he was in water, and was able to heal himself once again, but his wounds that he had received from Electroga and during the duel with Flame Princess, still remained on his head and body.

-Back on Ooo-

As Finn slowly crept back to the surface of the water, as he constantly swam back to Ooo coastline, he slowly emerged on the beaches only to see Ice King, Flame Princess and Marceline. Finn smiled and said "Glad you guys can make." Marceline was quick to hug him, before Flame Princess could even get a chance too. "You moron! Never do a stunt like that to me again!" Marceline barked out of anger, as Flame Princess constantly glared at Marceline, but just remained quiet, as she watched the Vampire queen break away, and say "Come on we got to get back to the Temple." Finn shook his head and responded "No Marceline, there is one more place I have to go, before I can go back." Marceline looked at Ice King who nodded in agreement. "He is right, his brother has been taken, him, Flame Princess and I are trying to rescue him. Do you think you can head to the temple yourself?" Ice King insisted. "Alright I'll do it, And Finn, be careful." Marceline stated as she hugged him one last time, much to Flame Princess's annoyance.

"I will Marcy I promise." As the group watched Marceline Leave, Flame Princess smiled, happy that she was gone, she thought that she would hug and kiss Finn later on, as right now she had to try and get the image of Marceline hugging him out of her head. "Okay Kids, this way, we will head towards the grasslands of Marn, from there it will be a short walk to the main spot where the Airship is being held." Finn nodded in agreement and said, "Lead the way Simon." And with that the trio continued their journey to the Marn Grassland.

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