The Scars That Haunt Me

By anigirl596

1M 33.9K 60.1K

What if Harry wasn't the golden boy everyone thought? What if his world of Hogwarts changes forever? Harry Po... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 3

38.4K 1.1K 1.4K
By anigirl596

Draco's POV

It hurt.

To see the look in Potter's eyes when he appeared in front of the entrance to the Slytherin common room, just a little bit earlier.

I had gone to go find him, as curfew had passed, but he was already there.

I have never admitted that my eyes have always lingered on Potter's even for long periods of time.

But, never in a million years had I expected him to be placed into Slytherin, let alone, he knew this would happen.

He looked so broken, damaged. Like he had lost his final connection keeping him alive.

To be honest. It scared me. To see the look of death in his eyes the few times he would look up at me.

It's almost as if he's finally giving up.

Like someone just cut the final string that keeps him from falling off the edge of a cliff and now.....he's falling.

Has he always felt like this? That he didn't matter?

No. Impossible. The whole wizarding world sees him as a hero.

I'm currently laying in bed. I couldn't sleep for some unknown reason. My mind kept wandering to the state I found Potter in.

There was a slight whimper and if it wasn't for the fact I was awake, I never would have heard it.

What was that? It sounded like it was coming from Potter's side of the room.

I opened the curtains that wrapped around my bed. My bare feet touched the hard cold ground.

The whimpers seemed to get louder. There were even a few gasps of pain. Then the sound of sheets rustling back and forth had me run over to his bed and pull back his curtains.

He was tossing and turning. His right hand was on his forehead, while the rest of him quivered, beats of sweat ran down his face and neck

Oh no. What do I do? He's having a nightmare.

I started to shake him lightly, but it didn't do anything. So I tried again a bit harder this time.
"Potter! You're having a nightmare! Wake up!" I whisper yelled.

He seemed to snap back to reality as his eyes shot open and he sat up quickly looking over at me.

He seemed terrified. Not of me, but whatever he just came out of.

"Are you okay?" I was worried. That nightmare didn't look too pleasant.

"I'm fine Malfoy. Go back to bed." He laid his head back down on the pillow.

"That's a lie. I know you're not fine. Not from the way I found you." I said sitting on the edge of his bed, making no signs of me leaving.

"It was just a nightmare. Not a big deal."

"Sure. Totally not a big deal. You didn't just thrash in your sleep or anything." I said sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Yes Malfoy, it's not a big deal. Why do you even care?"

Good question. Why do I care all of a sudden?

"That's not important."

"Whatever. Go back to bed."

I sighed. "Fine, but just know that if you need anything, I'm just right over there." I pointed towards my bed.

I got up from off his bed and walked over to my bed. Potter then closed his curtains. Once I was settled, I did the same.

Why did I tell him that? Do I pity him? No, that's not it, but then why do I care so much about what has happened to him in the last few hours.

I'm just freaking myself out is all. He means nothing to me. It was just a shock he got put here is all.

The next morning I opened my curtain to find only Blaise awake and out of bed.

"Morning Draco. How did you sleep?" Blaise asked me when he noticed I was awake.

"Not the greatest, but it's whatever. What time is it?"

Blaise glanced over at the watch on his left wrist.
"It's six fifteen. Breakfast isn't until seven."

"Might as well get ready then."

I stood up from my spot on the bed and grabbed the pair of clothes I laid out the night before from off the desk. I then proceeded to go to our bathroom.

It was a pretty standard bathroom, it had two sinks and two full baths. The walls were a dark green, the floors a silvery white, and the curtains and rugs were a slightly lighter green from the walls with the Slytherin crests on them.

I hopped into the shower first, letting the hot water hit my back.

Eventually I washed my hair and body, then stepped out, dried off with the silver fluffy towel that laid next to the bath, and then put on my Slytherin robes on me.

Next I brushed, combed and gelled my hair back like I usually do. Lastly I brushed my teeth and put on some cologne before exiting the bathroom.

Everyone was awake at this point. Potter sat on his bed, the same clothes he had on yesterday.

He was looking at his hands, almost nervous like.

"Better hurry up and change Potter, or you're going to be late to breakfast." I said to him as I slid my shoes on.

"Don't tell me what to do, Malfoy."

I rolled my eyes.

He's going to be late if he doesn't hurry up. "Just get done, would you?" I am not in the mood to pick a fight.

A few moments later, he walked up into the bathroom. Unlike me, he had taken no time at all changing into his new Slytherin robes.

I must say though. Green looks way better on him then red ever did. It brought out his green eyes, but sadly, they were mostly covered by his hair, which covered his face.

Everyone in the room seemed to be ready at this point and so we all left collectively towards the great Hall.

Potter stayed quite a few feet away from us and every so often he would stop as if contemplating whether or not he could go in there.

I don't blame him. Famous Potter is a Slytherin. Not only is it hard to digest, but it's also hard to get through, knowing everyone is judging you.

I stopped a few times in my tracks just to make sure he didn't get left behind, but his head was still towards the floor, so I highly doubt he would've noticed.

Finally, we made it to the great Hall. The room froze as everyone's gaze fell on the boy behind me.

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