My Love

By NataliaIsNautilus

71.8K 2.4K 579

Alec starts a relationship with Magnus Bane the High Warlock of Brooklyn after the unlikely but fateful night... More

The Party
The Drinking Game
The Healer
Story Time And The Date
Where Is Alexander?
Extreme Demons
Court of Demon Kings and Queens
What Magnus Didn't Say
A Late Night Visit
A Late Night Visit
The Apology
What's A Day Off?
Downworld Ball (pt. 1?)
Downworld Ball pt. 2
The After Party
Happy Holidays
That's Low
He Killed An Angel?
"We Don't Have To Fight"
His Past
The Rescue pt. 1
The Rescue pt. 2
I Like Jace More (teaser)
I Like Jace More (full)
Meeting Paris
The Meeting
Explaining What Oblivious Angels Say (teaser)
Explaining What Oblivious Angels Say
Some Things Are Better Not Heard
The Arrival
I Understand Completely
The Breaking
Beautiful Pain
The Waking of a Lover
Date Night
Don't Go Easy On Me, They Said. I Can Handle It, They Said.
I Can't Be Held Responsible (pt 1 of the Institute Gala scenes)
The Heir Of Hell Indeed (pt. 2 of the Institute Gala scenes)
Surprises All Around! Many Bad! Some Good!
Telling Friends and Family
The Brothers Grimm
Out Of Love
Sorta, Kinda, Homecoming
ALMOST Mundane
The Last Battle
Homecoming & Transfers
Bachelors For One More Night
The Wedding
The Honeymoon

Downworlder Meeting

756 27 1
By NataliaIsNautilus

Magnus POV

I walked into my living room. I was chosen to host the Downworld meeting for some odd reason. Maybe because I had the best taste in drinks or possibly because I have been more silent since being dumped by Alec.

Over the past two weeks my power has intensified too many times to count. Nothing I try to stop it works and it doesn't seem to be stopping. I can barely control it, being emotionally neutral is what helps me do the least damage. But now, the air around me thrums with magic.

A knock at my door sounded, bringing me out of my thoughts. I crossed the distance to the door and opened it, revealing the Praetor Lupus and the new vampire leader. I gestured for Luke and Raphael to enter my house.

"What happened?" Luke asked.

"You'll have to be a bit more specific. Many things have happened lately" I replied, fixing my drink.

"You haven't been very vocal in the Downworld community lately. Everyone is saying that your power is...uh" Luke responded.

"That it is amplifying, that it is getting stronger? That much is true, I'm sure you can feel it" I replied calmly.

"Magnus -" a knock sounded at my door, cutting off whatever Luke was going to say.

"Hello Your Majesty" I greeted the Seelie Queen.

"I suppose I could say the same, Emperor Bane" she replied.

"Come in, maybe you could tell me why you decided to hold this meeting" I responded.

"Of course" the Queen said. " Praetor Lupus, Covenant Leader. Emperor Bane how nice of you to house us, Meliorn grab me a drink"

"Hello Your Majesty" Luke said politely.

"Praetor Lupus, how is your pack?" She asked.

"It's doing well. How about your people?" He inquired.

"Perfect. Covenant Leader, how is your coven?" She questioned.

"The coven is good, Your Majesty" Raphael replied.

"And Emperor Bane, I can tell you are doing splendid. With the advancement of your abilities and a wonderful relationship, things are definitely looking up. The Lightwood boy is certainly beautiful. Even as much as I hate to admit it, that one has a visually appealing aesthetic" The Queen said.

"That relationship regrettably ended, but that is a private matter. And as far as the advancement, as you refered to, is a quite painful process" I replied calmly, handing several drinks to Meliorn. "Choose whichever drink you would like".

"Oh, that is very regrettable, he seemed very special to you. And as far as your power is concerned, beauty hurts Magnus, and the amount of power you possess is truly stunning" the Queen responded.

"Well said, Your Majesty" Meliorn complimented while I fixed myself another, much stronger drink.

There was another knock at the door, I was confused as to who it was. All of the Downworld representatives are here.

"Praetor Lupus get the door please" The Queen said, sipping her drink.

Luke sniffed by the door and then opened it. Clary, Jace, and Isabelle were revealed at my front door. I finished my drink in one swallow and looked at the newcomers.

"Hi, Magnus" Clary said, her voice trembling.

"Hello, Clarissa. Why are the three of you here?" I asked.

"We wanted to talk about you and Alec" she responded.

"That will have to be done some other time, this is a very important meeting" I replied.

"Tell your friend to either be brave enough to come up here and talk or leave this to sort itself out. However, do not do it in the time where the Downworld leaders are having a meeting. Now run along children" the Queen instructed.

"He is in the lobby. Coming up the stairs now" Luke said, his nose twitching.

I could not be near him. Not when I could not have him. I acted subconsciously and slammed the door shut with my power, sealing it with a locking spell.

"Impressive. Do you truly not want to see him that much?" Luke asked.

"Hey. Can I come in?" Alec asked from the other side of the door.

"It appears the High Warlock doesn't want you here" the Seelie Queen answered.

"Magnus?" He asked.

The fire coursed through my veins. It felt different from every other time my power has amplified. This one didn't hurt as much. There was a burn in my veins but it felt more like adrenaline than anything.

"Tell him to go and the four of you need to leave together" I ordered the Shadowhunters. With a wave of my hand I unlocked the door. Alexander was on the other side but I refused to look at him.

The other Nephilim told Alec what I had said and the four of them left. When I had finally allowed myself to see Alec I wished I hadn't. His head was hung in disappointment and sadness. I clenched my jaw to ignore the pain in my heart, that was gradually moving around to other parts of my body.

"Shall we continue?" The Seelie Queen asked. I nodded, as did Lucian and Raphael.

"Good. Now the reason I wanted a meeting is that I heard you were in Valentine's custody and he let you go. How is that? Where is he?" The Queen said.

"I do not know anything about Valentine and his whereabouts. Nor do I know why he let me go. I was comatose the entire time.  The person who does know refused to speak a word about it. We were only released under a promise which I do not know what is was" I replied in a calm voice, though my knuckles were turning white from clutching the glass in my hand.

"Oh. And who might this person be? I'm sure I can convince them to tell me" The Queen questioned.

"He, he will not tell you not anyone else anything Your Majesty. And you cannot force it out him" I answered.

"And why not? Do you doubt me, Emperor Bane?" She inquired.

"This is not a game of doubt. He is an angel, you cannot force it out of him, nor will he go back on promise" I replied. The pain was getting worse, it was hard to breathe.

"Oh. And now why would an angel free you? No offense Your Highness but they don't seem exactly fond of either of the species you are composed of, nor your actual species" the Queen said.

"We go back, far back" I responded.

"This has been very informative. Thank you. Praetor Lupus and Covenant Leader, and Meliorn of course, we need to take this somewhere else. Emperor Bane, thank you for your hospitality and the drinks. We'll speak again soon" the Queen thanked.

"Your welcome, Your Majesty. Goodbye Lucian and Raphael. Oh and of course Meliorn" I replied, giving the Seelie Queen a smirk at the look of distaste on Meliorn's face as the both of us added him along after the Praetor Lupus and Covenant Leader.

"Bye" Raphael and Luke said in unison.

"Goodbye, Your Highness" Meliorn gritted out.

The three of them left me. I could hear the blood rushing in my ears. The pound of my heart echoed through the loft. My breath seemed ragged, even in my own ears. I was ready to scream but my voice wouldn't work. My vision began going in and out.

I gripped onto the table and stumbled around the living room. My glass dripped from my hand and shattered on the floor. The sound replayed in my mind as collapsed on the floor.

My lungs expelled air from my body when my back hit the ground. The impact making my skull ache. My uneven breathing began to slow, but I was still nearly gasping to breathe. My heart that was beating so fast that it had definitely bruised my ribs, began to slow. And soon it was beating along with my intake and exhales of breath, which were insanely slow, even for a warlock.

And then, all I saw was black.

Maryse POV

Today Robert confirmed that he would be back. I had no idea what to do. I wanted to divorce him but with Alec's relationship trouble and everything else that was happening right now, it was something that could wait.

I continued walking up the steps to the loft that was owned by the High Warlock of Brooklyn.

I wanted to get a clear explanation of what happened between him and Alec. They seemed perfect one day and then Magnus stopped coming to the Institute daily with my son. Alec's mood began slipping and I could tell that something was wrong. It could've been mother's intuition or possibly he was just being obvious.

I took a deep breath. I stood for a moment outside of his door and gathered my thoughts. I knocked three times and waited for an answer. A fee minutes passed but no one came to the door. I knocked again and waited.

Ten minutes passed. And then twenty. But no one answered the door. It was completely silent on the other side. This was completely strange, he would have at least come and told me he didn't want to speak now.

Worried, I drew an open rune on the door. A few seconds later, the door unlocked and popped open.

I walked into the High Warlock's house and looked around. Pieces of a broken alcohol bottle were strewn across a section of the ground. Magnus, the High Warlock himself was passed out on the floor.

I ran over to the comatose man and tried to shake him awake. Magnus groaned but didn't awake. His breathing was shallow and irregular. I pressed my thumb to wrist and his heart rate was extremely slow.

I pulled my phone out and dialed Catarina's number.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Mrs. Lightwood, it's very late. Why are you calling?" Catarina responded in a tired voice.

"I'm at Magnus' house. He is passed out on the floor. His rate rate is 50 beats per minute and decreasing. Breathing is shallow and irregular. And he won't wake up" I replied.

"I'm coming. Also how did you get in his house?" The nurse inquired.

"Once he didn't answer after twenty minutes I used a rune to open the door" I explained.

"Ohh. I'll be there in ten. Just stay with him and tell me if his condition deteriorates any more" Catarina instructed me.

"Okay" I replied. Catarina disconnected the line and I sighed. At least this beats going home to your cheating husband

"That it does" I muttered aloud.

Jocelyn POV

"Have Alec and Magnus' relationship improved any?" I asked Clary. My daughter and I were both drawing.

"No. Honestly I think it's gotten worse. Magnus doesn't want to talk about what happened and he even locked Alex out of his house" she replied, making gestures with her hands.

"That's terrible darling. They'll work it out if it's meant to be. If not, then who knows?" I replied.

"They will make it work. Magnus is just stressed about the abundance if power he is getting and controlling an Institute is not easy" she told me

"What do you mean when you say Magnus has an abundance of power?" I asked my daughter.

"Oh well. Something weird ks happening with Magnus. His power keeps amplifying and he's getting a lot stronger. Something else is different too, with him I mean, he's scary. I mean I've always known he was powerful but," Clary shook her head and frowned. "It's just different. He's different"

"Baby, people change after they have been hurt by someone that they care about. And from what you have told me, Alec and Magnus had very serious feelings for one another. Maybe when Alec broke up with him, it hurt a lot. Hearts don't always heal the same way that they were before they were broken. And with the constant back and forth relationship that you have described for me, Magnus' heart isn't given a chance to properly heal. It's only being broken more" I replied.

"That makes sense, I guess. I just hope they don't get hurt" Clary said and went back to drawing, a grimace marring her features.

Catarina POV

"Cat, his breathing slowed again" Maryse said over the phone. I sighed and pushed the gas pedal to the floor, uncaring of the red lights that I was running.

What a cliffhanger! My Love reached 1k reads today!!! This is so amazing, My Love went from 500-600 reads to 1.02k in one month. That's insane. Thank you so much for your support and I hope you enjoy the story. I love making it for you and this story has changed so much since the beginning, and I like to think that my writing has improved too.

Comment, vote and share. I do reply to comments and I adore the amount that I have gotten lately. It's incredible to know that people are enjoying my story and I love hearing what you think. The Q&A for 500 and now 1k reads is still open. All I need is questions to be submitted. They can be submitted in the comments, in Wattpad private messaging and under the posts that I gave uploaded.

Be happy, stay strong, and Love Yourself

- Nautilus

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