By Magconzaaaymn7

89.3K 1.7K 286

When autumn is being pushed around in her school by her bullies known as Cameron,Nash,Matt,Taylor,and Carter... More

Chapter 13
Chp 14
Im sorry
Chp 18
Chp 23
Chp 32
Chp 34


2.1K 34 13
By Magconzaaaymn7

Matt pov

When she opened the door and saw us she ran back into the house and leftthe door hanging open just like that,woooow she so smart. After she ran in me and the guys walked in slowly so that she wouldn't see us In case she was armed or had other partners around. Hayes walked around the house to make sure that no one else was here or that there were no weapons cause we needed to face that we only have our hands and Hayes girly scream to help us and that chick might have a freaken machine gun somewhere in the house we were walking around till carter said " hey guys I think I saw her run in that room" we slowly tiptoed over which wasn't easy for Nash cause he sucks and being quiet (I love u Nash) and we made it there and we saw hew and about five other guys about our age and I guess they heard us cause the girl turned and asked who was there so we walk in and I see autumn tied up on the floor all beaten up.

We were standing there till Shawn took a hammer from the comer and chucked it at the guy right in the head,gee Shawn I never thought I'd imagine innocent Shawn jack hammering a dude😂, right as we did that the other guys were attacking the rest of the dudes carter was doing weird Asian karate moves which surprisingly worked and Shawn and Taylor were kicking a guy and don't even ask me what Hayes and Nash were doing, let's just say they have bebe guns and their giggling."Gee let me introduce you to the Grier brothers their over there giggling with bebe guns"😂After the guys were done beating them up up the girl looked shocked cause first they were pretty big dudes and second they didn't bother fighting back.

When we were all done it was just us and the girl who said "my name is Kelly f.y.i" I didn't care what her name was all I cared about was getting autumn back and getting Kelly arrested. My thoughts were interrupted when Kelly ran by autumn with a knife up to her throat and I could see fear in autumns eyes.we couldn't do anything if we go near her she will kill her and then we heard Hayes say "hey guys I found another room it's all the way back here" the thing was he didn't sound far so I looked at the door we entered in and he wasn't there I noticed some of the guys were confused to then I noticed a door behind Kelly.

I didn't noticed before cause she was blocking it then we heard a really loud bang and I look up to see Hayes brushing himself off then he said " wow that door is hard to open I had to ram into it to open it" and then Nash starts to crack up really hard and then he said " dude,Hayes when you ramed the door open you knocked Kelly out to" then Hayes looks to the ground to see her unconscious and starts to laugh so did autumn and then she looks at me and he smile fades, my smile faded also when.........

Autumns pov

I was so happy that Hayes barged in like that I could have gotten killed by that maniac we were all laughing when I felt a horrible sharp pain in my thigh and I look at Matt and his smile faded also and it turns out when Kelly fell she dragged the knife down my thigh and I look at the knife she was holding and sure enough there was fresh blood on it Matt rushed over to me and soon all the guys noticed and that's when I figured jenn ,Andrea,and o2l came too Hayes called out to them and they came in and jenn called 911 they were helping me keep the blood from flowing out then Andrea stands up looking like she was gonna murder someone and I look over to Kelly who was now awake smirking and Andrea walks over and punches her extremely hard and we heard her jaw crack and she was knocked out probably for longer this time and then I could see my vision getting really blurry and I can hear faint mumbles and sirens then the next thing I knew was I blacked out.

I was later awake but everything's black and I can hear faint voices then I recognized those voices it was MATTS! But he sounded like he was crying and I felt someone holding my hands and I felt tears dripping on my hand then I heard another voice saying " I know this is hard Matt it's been 2 months since she was in her coma but I don't think she will wake up." I think it was jack g.

I couldn't help hearing my little guy like this so I tried really hard to open my eyes but failed and I tried again and yes! It worked so I sat up and see Matt kneeling next to me asleep and the rest of everyone huh I though I heard them a minute ago or was It an hour ago I saw an air horn on my table side and I took it and honked it and everyone's head shot up and then they look at my like they just saw Brittany spears naked or something then I look at Matt and he was in tears and I kiss him on the lips and we shared a long kiss.

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