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Hey guys I'm gonna be wrapping this story up soon and I will start another fanfic soon!💖💖💖


Matts pov

Okay so right as if now we are all panicking and autumn has been gone since 9:00am and it's 12:37 p.m right now and I literally am freaking out and everyone is calling her but no one is picking up I was extremity scared and worried like what if some physco took her so we called the police and they said to meet us at,venue police department, so we all drove there including o2l and the girls and they were on the verge of tears as for me I tried to stay strong when we got to the station we literally ran in and when we go there we were greeted by an officer "hello my Name is officer Rivera" dam Rivera it sounds so familiar AHA "hi are you Brent rivieras dad" I asked and he laughed "yes I am and are you from Magcon and O2L ?" He asked and we nodded "okay guys we need to get back to the autumn situation" Ricky said so he lead us to a room and it had a huge round table and we all sat down and there were two other officers there "hello kids I'm officer Chad and officer Nolan , so after you guys notified us about autumn and where she went we headed down to the shop and is this her car?" He asked holding up a pic of her silver Mini Cooper "YAAAS THATS IT" Taylor said "okay well we checked security cameras out front and when she went in she did not return to her car but what we saw was unpleasant after about an hour we saw here come out of the store with a boy but she wasn't leaving with him she looked knocked out and the boy was carrying her but we could not identify who the boy was cause he had a SnapBack on and hair covering his face then they soon drove off.

1 year later

It's been a year since the incident and it turns out the guy that took autumn killed her and he held her captive at his house for a week then killed her but when police found her there was no sign of the guy. After the news I was devastated and i didn't know how to tell Chris that his mom died but I eventually did and told him that she went to a better place he sometimes ask where autumn is and it breaks my heart when he asks but I just say autumn will eventually come home soon.💔

Carter's pov

It's been a year and all of us are pretty upset especially Matt he's been different I haven't seen him be positive except for when he's around Chris and if you go in Chris room there are pictures of autumn everywhere and I can't seeing my Best friend like this "hey Matt I think you should Maybe go out and meet some people" I said and right now were all in the living room chilling "yea bro you've been moping around" Aaron said "no guys I still love autumn and I'm not in the mood" he said in a low tone "dude I think you should I think autumn would want you too, do you think that autumn would want you moping around over her and being sad" I said "uggggh okay I guess autumn would be mad is she saw me like this" Matt said.

Matts pov

I guess the guys were right autumn would not want to see me like this, so I decided to head to my car and go shopping a little bit and meet some fans at the mall and when I was heading outside I saw this beautiful girl and she looked so pretty she reminded me so much of autumn and I saw her struggling with some boxes so I went over to help her "hi I'm Matt do you need help" I asked and she looked up at me "actually yea thank you so much, and I'm Madison " she responded oh gosh she was perfect. "So are you new around here" I asked "umm yea I moved here from Colorado and yea" she replied and the next thing I knew I was taking her home from a date it was like a split second this was nice I could finally get my mind off of all the depression "hey you wanna spend a night I have a son name Chris and my friends live here too" I said and asked "yea sure" she replied and we intertwined hands and walked into the house and all the guys looked at us and smirked "YEA MATT GET SOME!" Jack J yelled and I laughed and took her to Chris room to meet Chris "hey little buddy I want you to meet someone" and he was playing with his toys and I was holding Madison's hand and Chris did the unexpected he yelled "THATS NOT MOMMY, YOUR NOT MY MOMMY I DONT WANT YOU HERE" and I was shocked IV never seen him do that "hey Madison why don't you go downstairs and get to know the guys and I need to talk to Chris" I said and she nodded "hey Chris why did you yell like that?" I asked "Because you brought home another girl and your still with mommy, but when is she coming back?" Ugh this broke my heart and I noticed that he had been asking when's is autumn coming home a lot lately but then I said "listen buddy mommy is actually not coming home she died a year ago" "NO SHES NOT YA LYING" he screamed and ran to Hayes room "hey dude why did Chris run into my room and I heard him yell ,Ya lying," someone said and I looked up it was Hayes "I told him bout autumn dying and he didn't take it well and he doesn't like Madison and she's my girlfriend" I poured out "it's okay man I'll keep and eye on Chris for you and gee I wondered were he got the YA LYING part from" he said and laughed then he left, Hayes was such a good friend more like little brother.

It was now night time and Chris was in Hayes room sleeping and me and Madison in my room and I remember saying goodnight then I let sleep takeover my body


"Hey Matt,hey over hear babe" I heard someone yell I turned around and saw AUTUMN I YELLED and squished her in a hug "listen Matt you can't trust Madison she's bad news like really bad you need to wake up" she said worried "okay but where were you this whole time like dream wise like why just this dream?" I asked "UGH JUST WAKE UP!" She said and kissed me.

<End of the Dream>

I shot my eyes open and I turned to see no Madison there and I got up and went to Hayes room and I didn't see Chris so I shook Hayes up "HAYES WHERE THE FUCK IS CHRIS" and fluttered open" dude calm down he might have went to his room" and we both ran over there and no Chris then I screamed MADISON!! And everyone came out "DUDE SHUT UP IM TRYNA GET SOME BEAUTY SLEEP HERE" Shawn screamed "MADISON AND CHRIS ARE GONE" I yelled and then they all were up wait track Madison's number you have it right ,Taylor said man Taylor with his little tracking stuff....and I did and we drove to the place and I opened the door to seeeee, AHHH A CLOWN', wait then I looked closely it was JENNA HOLDING CHRIS WITH BRENT?!? On the side holding a gun towards Chris and Madison on the side"well well well It's the only MATT ESPINOSA AND HIS LITTLE GANG" Jenna yelled now all of you get out except Matt or the kid dies she yelled and everyone went out "give me him back" I said holding the tears "only if-" she got cut off when I saw CAMERON tackle her Shawn jumping on Brent and Aaron pointing the gun Brent had at Madison. Then I took Chris and then I saw SHAWN HITTING BRENT WITH A WOODEN STICK HE FOUND AND HE WAS GIGGLING???!!" I know Iv seen Shawn like this but sometimes I'm worried for him like srsly he needs help 😂"Ummmm Aaron call the cops and Shawn calm your tits" I said while laughing a bit " umm to be more clear my tits are as calm as they ever will be" Shawn said back in a sassy tone then the cops arrived and soo did Officer Rivera "BRENT WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM" officer Rivera yelled ,ohhh someone's in trouble. And I'm just glad they are gone for good.

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