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Autumns pov

I couldn't believe it I just had my heart shattered in half why would Matt do this that's when I saw it we all saw it it was Matt kissing Jenna my bully and he was smiling when he was kissing her? This was heart shattering I couldn't move and tears were streaming from my face.

Jenns pov (Jenn and Andrea are there too)

WHAT THE FUCK MATT YOU FUCKING MAN SLUT HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO AUTUMN! Was all I could say when I saw that after I ran to autumn to comfort her cause I could tell she was in the hardest position right now and I could see she was broke then she said "I never should have forgiven any of you in the first place" I was so confused I was about to ask her what did she mean but then she passed out and landed straight on the floor and her head took a pretty bad hit.

Andreas pov

How could Matt do this to such an amazing girl after I looked a Matt and gave him a death glare but then I heArd autumn say I should have never forgiven any of you in the first place then she passed out and cam freaked out and yelled "CALL 91 FUCKING 1" so did.

P:hi what is your emergency?

A: hi my friend she just past out and she hit her head really hard

P: okay what's the address

A: it's (address)

P:okay an ambulance is coming shortly

A:okay thank you bi

"The ambulance is on their way" i said and soon it was and they picked autumn up but then in noticed there was a puddle of blood on the ground and the nurse said "cover her head up it's bleeding and we can have two people on the ride with us "me and Jenn will go were her best friend" I said quickly and the nurse nodded and we got on and Jenn asked "will she be okay?" Actually that was a hard hit on her head she might have amnesia when she wakes up but we are not sure until we check her fully at the hospital the nurse said "okay" I replied

Once we got to the hospital they took autumn into a room and told us to wait in the waiting room. while we were waiting the rest of the guys arrived and they all looked pissed at Matt. "Dude wtf is wrong with you why would you cheat on a beautiful girl with a clown that use to bully her and still hates her probably" said Taylor "yea Matt she gave you another chance because she thought you loved her " I said while we were arguing the nurse came out and said "hi May you to girls come in here we need to talk" she said referring to me and Jenn so we walked in and I was nervous cause this's was bad news when a nurse says they need to "talk" so we went in and took a seat and Jenn said "so is she okay" "well yes and no the good thing is she didn't injure anything horribly just her head, the bad thing is when she wakes up she's gonna have amnesia but it's temporary...... Ohh crap.

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