The Wedding Planner

By ThatGirlChey

412K 9.9K 720

Lanea Pastele has grown up with Kirk Davenport since high school. They were lucky to get through high school... More

The Wedding Planner [Prologue]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 1]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 2]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 3]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 4]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 5]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 6]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 7]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 9]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 10]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 11]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 12]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 13]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 14]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 15]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 16]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 17]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 18]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 19]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 20]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 21]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 22]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 23]

The Wedding Planner [Chapter 8]

15.1K 409 42
By ThatGirlChey

I sighed softly to myself. “Who is it?” I yelled toward my front door. I wasn’t getting up until I knew who was at the door for me, but I mainly wasn’t getting up because I was painting my toe nails white.

“Who do you think it is, Lanea? Santa?” said Westly’s voice.

I formed a small smile on my lips and then stood up, careful not to ruin my toe nails. I was painting them for the engagement party that was in three days. Even though I was going to be wearing closed-toed shoes, I still liked to paint them.

I walked over to my front door and unlocked it after rolling up the sleeves of my baggy sweat shirt again and careful not to hit my toes on the door or something clumsy like that.

Hey, I was pretty awkward!


I looked up at him, and his hair was still messy, and his eyes were still ice blue. I actually smiled at him.

“Hey,” I said.

“What you grinning about?” Westly said, and he walked inside.

My smile faded quickly and I watched him walk into my living room. “What? I can’t smile, Mr. Sarcastic?” I said to him.

“No, you can’t. I forbid it.” He turned around to face me as I closed the front door.

I smiled at him widely and cheekily as I pulled my hair up into a sloppy ponytail, but he did nothing to stop me from smiling. He just looked me up and down. I guess he had never seen me in a striped sweat shirt and jeans before. Normally, I didn’t dress that casually. That could explain it.

“Why are you dressed like that?” he asked me.

“Daphne hasn’t called me yet, so I decided to just,” I paused and dropped down onto my couch, “Chill.”

He gave me another look. “I’m surprised you know how to do that,” he replied, then sat on the other side of the couch. I was surprised he didn’t sit in the middle, next to me.

“I have been spending time with you lately, haven’t I?” I replied.

He gave it some thought, realized that I was right, and sighed. “Yep.”

I grinned slightly. “So what’s up? Just wanting to see me?” I said, teasing him.

He rolled his eyes at me.

“You were dying to see me, weren’t you?” I said, sounding dramatic and holding the back of my hand to my forehead.

“Shut up, Lanea.”

“Then why are you in my house?”

“Aren’t I your date to that engagement party?” Westly said to me, finally looking from the TV that had been on the whole time.

“Yeah. And…” my voice trailed off.

“Do I have to go through some type of training for all that nice stuff. I mean like, how to eat, and how to dance, and-“

“That would be if you were my date to the wedding, not the engagement party, Wes,” I cut him off.

 All he did was nod.

“Really, there is nothing to train you for. We’ll be eating, talking. You’ll get to meet Daphne’s parents and Kirk’s mom.”

“But am I supposed to act as if I were your…” He swallowed, “boyfriend?”

I lifted an eyebrow. “Do you want to act as my boyfriend?” I asked him, almost too scared to ask.

He just looked at me. “I asked you a question first.”

“My question was my answer. What is your answer to my question?” I said to him.

He shook his head.

“Oh, come on, Westly. Don’t be like me and shut up. Say something,” I said, giving his arm a push. I was glad to make him smile for a moment, but his smile faded.

“Are you doing this to use me?” he said softly.

I gave him another look, but really, I should be giving myself that look. Was I using him? Or did I want to just try out another date on him? Was I trying to make Kirk jealous just to get him with me? What would happen to Daphne after that?

My mind moved to quickly, farther and farther away from the point. Away from the question I was supposed to answer what felt like minutes ago.

“Well?” Westly said, looking me dead in the eyes. The look in his eyes made me feel weak, and guilty. But his eyes were gorgeous.

“No, I’m not,” I said. “Think of it as a date.”

“So you asked me out on that ‘date’, right?” he said. “I didn’t just dream of that?”

I didn’t sigh, and I just nodded to him. “Yeah. I was the one that asked.”

Westly smiled and pulled me into a hug. “I knew you’d come to like me eventually!”

I quickly struggled away from him and checked on my toe nails. Undamaged.

“What? Don’t want me to ruin your nails, Princess?” Westly said with a smirk.

“No, actually. I like my nails unbothered. And I’d be extremely mad at you if you made me mess them up.”

“I think you could be clumsy enough to do that on your own, sweetheart.”

I rolled my eyes and then looked at the TV just to be watching a commercial about some stupid TV show that looked kind of gross to me. I think it was about zombies or something like that.

“Does this mean we’re dating?”

I looked at Westly and he was looking at me again. Clearly, he had been gazing at me when he asked.

“No. It just means that I’m giving you a chance to be boyfriend worthy.”

Westly smirked at me, and you could see the happiness and humor in his eyes. “It’s a date though. You’ve gotta agree with me, Princess.”

“I don’t have to agree with you, Westly,” I said, looking away from him and breaking our eye contact and looking at the TV in front of me. “But it kinda is.”

Westly laughed, and then my phone started going off. I had a dubstep ringtone, and it was the song Right In by Skrillex. I quickly got to my phone and answered the call, and just then, Westly had said, “You listen to dubstep?”

I nodded to him, but said, “Hello?” into my phone.

“Lanea, hey, it’s Kirk.”

“Hmm. I kinda saw you as a pop or country music lover,” said Westly a little loudly.

I ignored him. “Hey, Kirk. Why are you calling,” I paused and held the phone away from my face to see that the number was Daphne’s. “from Daphne’s phone?”

“I broke my phone and Daphne’s letting me borrow hers for now. I’m getting a new one today and I was wondering if I could stop by your apartment after I get it.”

I was almost frozen when I heard him talk, but fortunately, I spoke again.

“Uhh, yeah, uhh, sure. You can come on over. I don’t mind. How long will it be?”

“About an hour and a half. That cool?” Kirk said. I loved the way his voice sounded with the British accent. I had always liked it for some reason.

“Sure. See yah then.” I hung up to quickly to hear him say goodbye. I basically dropped my phone on the counter and walked into the living room and over to Westly.

“Who was it?” He stressed the word it because at that moment, I had pulled him off of the couch and I was pushing him toward my front door.

“Kirk. You need to get out.”

“What, are you embarrassed of me?” Westly said, turning around to face me so that I could push him out of my apartment by the muscles of his chest and stomach.

“No, it’s not that. I just don’t want you and Kirk to meet yet?”

“So you want him to meet me at the engagement party?”

“Sure. I just want one guy at my house at a time, please?” I said, looking up at him as I continued to push him, but it was then that I realized that he wasn’t moving, and he wasn’t going to leave right now.

“Is he coming over now?”

“No, but I’ve got an hour and a half and-“

“Then I don’t have to leave now.” Westly went around me and walked over to the couch again, but took my old place on the couch.

I looked at him. “Westly!” I whined, and I can’t believe I actually did.

“Let me at least stay for a little while longer, Lanea,” Westly said, looking back at me. “The walk to my apartment is way to long.”

“You live across the hall. Do have to get a wheelchair and wheel you out of my apartment?” I replied.

“Nope.” He leaned back on the couch and put his hands behind his head. “Because I’m not leaving.”

I sighed in frustration. “Fine,” I said to him. “Just don’t do anything stupid like burn the place down.” I started walking down the hall and into my bathroom. I pulled my toothbrush out and put a long strip of toothpaste on it.

Westly almost looked confused last I looked at him.

“Are you seriously going to go change just because that guy is coming over?” Westly called to me.

I sighed again. “I don’t need to tell you my person business, especially what I want to do.”

“Then what are you doing?” he called back.

I poked my head around the corner again and I had the toothbrush hanging out of the corner of my mouth. “Brushing my teeth. Deal with it.”


Someone knocked on the door around the time that Kirk said he would get to my apartment.

I kind of jumped, which made Westly stare at me and laugh some. I hadn’t really realized that It had been an hour and a half already, and I hadn’t kicked Westly out of my apartment already. I stood up and walked quickly over to my door and looked through the peep hole that I had to stand on my tip toes to see through. Don’t worry, my toes were dry and flawless.


Kirk stood outside, and then I turned around to face Westly, who was look right at me, as if to ask, “What are you gonna do? Kick me out now?”

I sighed and opened up the door. I smiled at Kirk and he smiled back. “Hey,” he said to me. He looked really happy to see me standing there.

“Hey, Kirk. Could you-“

“Who’s this, Lanea?” Westly’s deep voice came from behind me. I could almost instantly feel his body right behind mine.

Right then was a stupid moment for me, and my face landed in my hand as I tried to think out of my frustration.

Kirk’s smile vanished from his lips and his eyes landed on Westly. “Who’s-“

“This is Westly, my neighbor. Westly, Kirk. Kirk, Westly,” I said quickly before anyone else could say something else that could give me a bigger headache that added to the fact that Westly was there.

Westly offered his hand out to Kirk, but I was surprised to see that Kirk didn’t shake it. All he did was nod.

There was a bit of an awkward silence there but, Westly did what he knew that I wanted.

“I better get over to my apartment, Lanea. My brother is coming home soon.” I knew that he didn’t have a brother, and that he was just using that as a cover and a pretty smooth excuse to get back to his apartment.

Kirk nodded and moved out of the way to let Westly get to his apartment.

But Westly just had to give me a goodbye kiss before he went on his way.


yep. That's just how I am.

I hope you liked the chapter! It came out faster than I thought and I will be working on the next chapter soon! :)

The outfit that Lanea is wearing this entire chapter is in the extrenal link over there.. ---->

The song is Secrets by OneRepublic. I love the song, and it kinda fits the chapter. :)

Thanks for reading!


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