Percy Jackson Love of Aphrodi...

By KatieMossman

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Annabeth dumps Percy after they'd been together for over five years. As a result, Percy is devastated and dep... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 44

5.6K 73 25
By KatieMossman

A/N I had a hard time coming up with what I would write for this chapter that's the main reason why this chapter includes three different point of views. 

Luke's Point of view

It was summer and we'd returned to camp. Things at camp were pretty normal, Like always, there were the same activities, and many of the same campers as well. Despite the camp hardly changing at all I knew my life certainly wasn't the same as it had been the previous summer. Not only was I older, but I had also realized before the school year had ended that the crush I'd had on my friend had finally faded away.

Now I saw him as nothing more than a friend but that was kind of a relief since I had no doubt that if I'd ever admitted my feelings to him he would have rejected me and most likely said that he wasn't gay. That much was obvious considering that he didn't exactly hide his thoughts about our female classmates and sometimes even our female teachers. Sure he could have been bisexual but from what I'd seen I was almost certain he wasn't.

Over the years Adults had sometimes asked me what I thought I would do once I grew up, of course, most of the ideas I'd come up with in the past were ones that weren't really realistic, or sometimes I just lost interest in them and changed my mind. More recently though I'd come up with a new Idea that I might actually follow through on. I wasn't sure yet but it was the only idea I had now.

Ever since I'd first met my dad we'd gotten quite close. I suppose I kind of Idolize him. Of course, I am also extremely close to my mom and I've known her my whole life but she is also the reason why I didn't meet my dad sooner. Maybe I shouldn't hold that against her but I think I am still holding a slight grudge against her for that. Maybe that's part of the reason why I've been thinking about following in my father's footsteps rather than hers. I'm not really as interested in Architecture as my mother is and I kind of like the idea of helping people who had ended up in bad situations.

I knew that Police usually end up witnessing some pretty bad things, and I was sure my dad had seen some pretty bad things over the years although I had never asked him about what he might have seen while working. To be honest I wasn't sure if I wanted to know. Despite that, I was still considering becoming a police officer after I finish school.

Silena's Point of view.

Although I didn't really want to I was starting to think that my relationship with Ezra might have to come to an end. He still couldn't seem to completely trust me and he was just as paranoid as ever. I was sure that if his behaviour got any worse he would probably be stalking me. Thankfully he wasn't that bad yet, but I didn't know if he was going to get any worse.

One day I decided I just couldn't put up with his behaviour any more so I said, "Ezra I love you but you're just so gods damned paranoid and I'm sick of it! It seems like you can never fully trust me even though I haven't given you any reason to doubt me!"

He opened his mouth like he was going to say something but I wasn't done yet. My next statement was more difficult to get out since part of me didn't want to say it. I said, "I think we need to take a break for a while,"

Of course, Ezra immediately tried to get me to change my mind and give him another chance but I knew I couldn't. If I did he'd just continue to be paranoid and constantly doubt my loyalty to him.

I wasn't sure if the break would end up being a permanent one or just temporary. that would depend on Ezra and if he realised he should change how he'd been acting. I was hoping he'd realise he should Change but something told me he wouldn't, not without help at least. It hadn't been easy for me to end our relationship and part of me wanted to give him another chance, but I was fed up with him constantly being suspicious of me and although I loved him I just couldn't put up with his behaviour anymore.

After that, as the summer continued he made several attempts to win me back but somehow I didn't give in despite how much I missed being with him. I guess word of what happened eventually got out since Luke found out when I knew I hadn't told him.yet. I was blaming my half siblings for spreading the word. I was sure that my dad didn't know yet since he's not at camp every day and I knew I hadn't told him. I wasn't sure how he would react when he did find out though. I thought that it might be better if I just tell him myself. If I didn't I thought he might overreact since he is kind of overprotective of me.

Eventually, I noticed that some of the other campers were clearly interested in me but I wasn't interested in a new relationship, not yet at least. I wasn't planning on returning to Ezra either. The last time I talked to him it seemed like he hadn't changed so I wasn't going to give in no matter how much he wanted me to. I just hoped that if I did eventually decide to be with someone else Ezra wouldn't reak out and try to ruin it for me. I didn't think he was the kind of person who would do that but when I'd started dating him I didn't expect him to become super paranoid either.

Percy's point of view

David's death had been hard for me to deal with, but I think I am doing better now. For the most part, I am happy with how my life has turned out even though I'd gone through some pretty bad things along the way. If you had asked me when I was still a teen what I thought might happen in my future I certainly wouldn't have answered with what has actually happened. Back then I used to wonder if I would even make it to twenty much less forty, and although I'm not technically forty yet my birthday is less than a month away.

That certainly wasn't something I was making a big fuss over but I can't help but think about it sometimes since I almost couldn't believe that it was actually true. I'm sure my mom is probably planning some kind of celebration for me even though I would almost prefer it if she doesn't. I guess once we reach a certain age birthdays stop being a big deal and are just a reminder that you're getting older, at least that's what they're like for me now and they've been that way for a few years now.

To be honest, if my mom was planning something I wasn't going to argue with her about it I guess I would just have to wait and see what happens.

Now that I'm happy with how my life has turned out I hope I'll be able to live for many more years, and hopefully, I would be able to spend those with Aphrodite. I hope that I'll eventually be able to marry her, but the only thing that bothered me about that idea was that to do so I would have to be immortal, and even if the gods allowed that and made me immortal that would mean I would outlive almost everyone I care about, even my kids. The idea of outliving my kids was the only part of immortality that almost made me reconsider whether I really wanted to marry Aphrodite. I doubted the gods would agree to make my kids immortal along with me so if Aphrodite and I do marry I would have to lose them. Losing them would probably be even more difficult than anything else I'd ever experienced. Hopefully, I wouldn't have to go through that but if I become immortal I probably would. 

A/N Now I need to know, what do you guys want to see happen in Silena's love life? I know I asked this already but since I decided to give you more insight into their relationship before I did much to change it I think I need to ask again. 

do you want the break to be permanent and have her be with someone new and if so do you want a girl or a guy. 

If not I could write it so Ezra gets help with his problems and put them back together. 

Let me know what you would rather see.  what happens in the next chapter will probably depend on the results of this. 

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