RWBY Volume 1 The Start Of Th...

De fatalgreen11

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Team RWBY well soon exist but others will be joining they're journey each of them forming some kind of specia... Mais

Red Brazil Trailer
Violet Scarlet Trailer
Blue Swordsmen Trailer
Yellow Drago Trailer
Begining Of A Journey
Welcome To Beacon Academy
All in the same room
Taken The First Steps 2
Found...chess pieces?
Double Trouble
Valetines Special
The Fith Brother
White Spartan Trailer
First Day Of Class
Good Leader?
A Moment With Each Other
A Moment With Each Other Part 2
A Moment With Each Another part 3
Falls Arrest
A Family Fight
Challenging Conflicts
Facing In The Forever Fall
Facing In The Forever Fall Part 2
Finishing the conflict
Finishing The Conflict part 2
A Easy Break
The Family Intentions
Red Stands For Love
A Faunus Romance
The Knight And The Princess
Judgement 2
A Run Away Cat
A lost Cat
Catching them in the act
White Forgives Black
Red Stratos Vs White Spartan
Red Stratos vs White Spartan part 2

Taken The First Steps

202 2 0
De fatalgreen11

???: "I know! We'll have some sort of signal! Like a distress signal! A secret signal so we can find each other in the forest! Can you imitate a sloth?"

???: "Nora..."

Nora: "Yes, Ren?"

Ren: "I dont think sloth makes a lot of noise."my two pistols went down into my shelves

Nora: "...That's is why it's perfect! No one will suspect we're working together."

Ren: "come on, Nora. Let's go" I close my locker to walk with Nora

Nora: "But not "together together" I giggle at what I said as me and Ren start walking off

Ruby: I look back to look at them as they pass me and Yang "Wonder what with those two so worked up about."

Yang: "Oh, who! You seem awfully chipper this morning."

Ruby: I chuckle a bit, then I stsrted opening my locker to pull out my scythe "Yep! No more awkward small talk or 'getting to know you' stuff. Today I got to let my sweetheart do the talking" I touch my scythe sliding my hand down on it, then start cuddling with it

Yang: "Well, remember Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you want to grow up, you're going to have to meet new people and learn to work together."

Ruby: "Ugh, you sound like dad!" I put my weapon back in my locker "Ok, first of all what dose meeting people have to do with fighting? And secondly, I dont' need people to help me grow up. I drink milk!" I cross my arms standing stirght as I said That last line making my stand

Yang: "But what about when you form teams?"

Ruby: I look away from Yang knowing the point she made "Uhm, I dont know,I-I'll just be on your team or something..."

Yang: "Maybe you should try being on someone else's team?" I pull my hair in front of me to play with it out of nervousness

Ruby: I start poking at Yang "My dearest sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me!?" I place both my hands on each side of my hip as I gave her a glare

Yang: "W-what!? No! Of course I do, I just thought...I dont know, maybe it would help you break out of your shell!"

Ruby: I flip out at what Yang said to me
"What the!? I dont need to break out of my shell, that's absolutely-"

Jaune: I walk pass them looking at paper in my hand "Rediculos! There's no way i put my gear in locker 636 yesterday!? I would've having to count that high. Ugh, why dose this have to happen today!?"

Weiss: "So Pyrrha, have you given any thought to whose team you would like to be on? I'm sure everyone must be eager to be in the same team with such a strong, well known individual such as yourself."

Pyrrha: "Hmm...I'm not quite sure. I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may."

Weiss: "Well, I was thinking we could be on a team together."

Pyrrha: "Well that sounds grand"

Weiss: "Great!"

Weiss(in thoughts): As I went into my thoughts dark clouds and lighting appear "This will be perfect! The smartest girl in the class combined with the strongest girl in class. Together we will be unstoppable I can see it now we'll be popular, we'll be celebraties, we'll get perfect grades!" Which each word I said I made more and more darker faces " Nothing could come between us now!" I was snap out of my thoughts when Jaune appear out of the blue

Jaune: I place my hand on the locker to get Weiss attention "You know what else is great? Me, Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you."

Weiss: I cross my arms giving Jaune a glare "You again?"

Pyrrha: I wave at Jaune to greet him "Nice to meet you, Jaune!"

Jaune: I push Pyrrha aside to talk to Weiss "Yeah, yeah. So weiss! Couldn't help but overhear your fondness of me the other day." I flex my right arm for her

Weiss: "Oh, you've got to be kiddjng me." I face palm myself out of embarrassment

Jaun: "Dont worry, no need to be embarrassed!"

Orleans: As me and my brothers are getting our gear and weapons on I look at what Jaune was doing to Weiss from a far I laugh knowing that she got karama "Oh thank god for men. She was probably planning on using Pyrrha for something evil."

Orlando: As I was listening to Orleans I was getting my gauntlets and greaves "Of course you people say I'm the pushy type."

Snow: "Well...understand Orlando some girls don't like it when guys are pushy"

Orlando: I start putting on my weapons, then pull out fire dusts loading them in the cartridge of my gauntlets and greaves "Pfft, hey atlest we get more confident like that. Don't you think it ok for you to let Jaune do that to Weiss though?" I gave him a concern look

Snow: I wave my hand in defenses "Oh no it fine! I mean base on how Weiss is reacting to it I doubted she happy about it."

Orleans: I place my foot on the wall to put on my gun hostages on my thighs area, then start loading bullets into my FN Five Sevens after that I put them in my holsters. Then switch to my other foot doing the same thing, then put my knife behinde my hip"Listen Sweet Sapphire I don't want you getting hurt. Who knows what kind of test we be doing since we are ask to get our gears." I took my foot off the wall, then walk towards Snow "But I really don't want you to get emotionally hurt...I just want you to be safe around her." I put a very concern look on

Snow: I smile gently towards her "I'm not to worry I have a great sister to look after me." I grab my swords from my locker, then put them to my left said of my waists

Orleans: I felt comfortable to what he said so I put on my natural cheerful smile "Oh Sweet Sapphire you'r such a sweet heart." I grab my belt with some gadgets, Dusts, and my dual Whips, then buckle my belt around my waist

Nero: I put on a thick leather bracer on my left hand that expose my two fingers, then put on a regular glove for my right that also expose only my two fingers "Hey Orleans. You said this is a glove that can switch to a gauntlet which can be used as a shield?"

Orleans: I gave him a smirk "That right big bro! How that small gadget helping with your weapons?"

Nero: I move my jacket to show her my small gadget on my belt "Useful."

Orleans: I jump cheerfully onto Nero hugging him tight "YAY! I'm so glad you like them!"

Nero: I look away to hide my embarrassment "By the way how this bracer suppose to work?"

Orleans: I let go of him to answer his question "It very easy. All you have to do is aim it at a direct pyschial attack like a sword, bat, hit by a truck."

Nero: "Wait a truck!?"

Orleans: "Just kidding!" Me, Orlando, and Snow laugh at my tease towards Nero then went back explaining the device "Once a pyschial attack comes to your bracer it will creat a energy shield around the whole thing which is protecting your arm. Depending on size of the shield or how it wraps around you it depends on how the pyschial attack appears to it."

Nero: I grab my dual pistols, then put them on my holsters after that I pull out my long sword putting it on my back, then look towards at others with my arms cross "Thanks for the tip."We all heard a scream so we look towards the direction of it to see only Jaune being hang by a spear

Pyrrha: I lifted arm up to Jaune to show him my apologies "I'm sorry!"

Orlando: "Wonder what Danger Zone he got in with the ladies" We all heard Glynda voice on the speakers so we listen

Glynda: "Would all first year students report to Beacon Cliff for initiation? Again, all first students report to Beacon cliff immediately."

Pyrrha: "It was nice meeting you!" I grabbed my spear to let him go as I walk pass him

Jaune: I sigh as I fell down on my butt "Likewise."

Yang: me and Ruby walk towards Jaune while Ruby offer her hand for him to grab "Havin' some trouble there, LadyKiller?"

Jaun: "I dont understand... My dad said all women look for is confidence. Where did I go wrong!?" I took Ruby hand she offer then she put me on her shoulders

Yang: " "Snow Angle" probably wasn't the best start." As I was talking I started walking off

Ruby: I help him walked "Come on, Jaune let's go" I notice Nero and his siblings "Oh hey guys!"

Orlando: "Hey there, how it go with the laides." I gave a wink at Jaune

Jaune: "Not so great."

Nero: I pull some of my armor out placing them on my knee and shoulder

Ruby: "Are you sure it ok to go out with less armor?"

Nero: "It not less armor I also have a chest plate in my locker. I like to be med weight. It helps me move fast, but also give me good defense. Can't say about you though."

Ruby: "pfft! Hey my semblance is! speed got to be light on my feets if you catch my drift!" I look at his gear, then notice his guns"Cooooool! They look custom made!"

Nero: "Oh these? They just help me with long range I normally prefer the classic way of switching guns to swords."

Ruby: "I can't wait to see them in the fight! I'll see you then!" I smile cheerfully towards Nero as me and Jaune walk off

Nero: Once I grabbed my chest armor plate I notice my siblings were shock and staring at me "What?"

Orleans: "It never talk THAT much with anyone."

Orlando: "Did you slept bad last night or did you woke up bad this morning cause I doubt it was pleasent."

Snow: "I won't lie,...but they are right you normally not social atleast not with anyone, is everything ok?"

Nero: I put on my chest plate"yea. I'm fine."

Snow: "Are you sure? We here if something on your mind."

Nero: "Don't worry. Let get going though before we are late."

Orlando: "Well as long your head is clear then I guess it fine." Me, Snow, and Orleans follow Nero out of the locker rooms after we step out we head to the cliff where we suppose to be, then we line up shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the students facing Ozpin and Glynda

Ozpin: "For years you have trained to become warriors. Today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest."

Glynda: "Now, I'm sure many of you heard rumors about the assignments of teams. Well, allow us to put in end to your confusion. Each of you will be given tramates...Today."

Ruby: "What? Aw..." I made a scared noise after hearing what Glynda said

Ozpin: "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paried with someone with whom you can work well."

Orleans: "Good thing we got that cover already right Orlando." I turn to look at him, but notice he was staring at Blake with his jaw drop "Grr." I place my hand behind him shocking him a bit with electricity

Orlando: "Ow! Im listening!"

Ozpin: "That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next 4 years."

Ruby: I made a shock face expression that my ideas went completely white blank "What?!?"

Nora: I look at Ren "See? I told you!"

Ozpin: "After you've partner up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will neet oppsition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path, or you will die."

Jaune: I laugh nerviously

Nero: After hearing him saying that I had a small smirk on my face a smirk you have when you get a oppertunity to go all out "No holding back...what a exciting thought."

Ozpin: "You will be monitored an graded for the duration of your initation. But our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abonded temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one, and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and your grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?"

Orlando: I rise my hand as I had a big smile on my face "Do you have coka cola!?" This made everyone giggle except Nero

Ozpin: "I'm glad your having a nice laughter, but it won't help you in this task mr. Zexal. Now, in positions."

Jaune: I rise my hand to ask a question "Uh, sire? I've got, um, a question" I saw weiss getting catapult into the air, then one by one other students are being catapulted "So, this landing strategy thing, uh, w-what is it? Your dropping us off or something?"

Ozpin: "No. You will be falling."

Jaune: "Oh, I see. So did you like hand out parachuts for us?"

Nora: I got launch with having exictment "Woohoo!"

Ozpin: "No, you will be using your own landing strategy."

Jaune: "uhhuh... Yeah"

Yang: Before I got launch I wink at Ruby, then put on my shades of glasses

Ruby: I had a huge smirk on as I look at Jaune, then got launch

Orleans: I look at Jaune with a tease face "Don't be to shy Pretty Boy." I get launch into the skys

Orlando: I look pass Jaune to look at Snow and Nero "Stay safe You two."

Snow: "We will." After Orlando gets launch so do I

Nero: After seeing my brothers get launch I made a emotionlesses face "hm." I get into my stance, then gets launch

Jaune: I look back at professor Ozpin with a questionable look "So, um, what exactly is a landing strateGYYYYY" I was getting launch into the skys

Ozpin: I turn around to look at the students then sipped my coffe

Glynda: "You know those four students eariler. You sure to let the Zexals family be involved in this tasks?"

Ozpin: "Glynda no need to worry if there any issues involved with those four I'll see to it, but for now." I sipped my coffe again leaving the conversation in slience

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