He said it wasn't his

By themastermaker

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How would you feel if the man you loved don't believe you when you finally confess your deep secret to him. w... More

Chapter 1- reunion
Chapter 2 - flashback
Chapter 4 - New life and Essentials
Chapter 5 - past life
Chapter 6- Painful memories
Chapter 7- happy tears
Chapter 8 - kiss of promises
Chapter 9 - Why Change
Chapter 10 - Out of my Control
Chapter 11- What should I do?
Chapter 12- Clear mind and out of sight
Chapter 13- Overwhelmed Emotions
Chapter 14- Stepping Over My Boundary Lines
Chapter 15: Date Night Or Maybe Not?
Chapter 16: Where is Douglas
Chapter 17: Mr.Daniels
Chapter 18- His Complexing feelings
Chapter 19 - Back home

Chapter 3 - fooling myself

175 7 1
By themastermaker

I shake myself out of my thoughts and look to my right to see Diamond had asleep. Looking outside I see we are in the air and I must really been in my thoughts for so long. Seeing Jared again brought back bittersweet memories along with it. As soon as I get home I need double shot of tequila and lemon. Four hours has passed now and we just reaching New York and I was good. I wake up Diamond and we both got up and out the plane. Diamond was complaining she was tired and when we reach outside our ride was there and the driver took our things. I pick up Diamond and carry her to the car since she too lazy to walk by herself. On the way home we stop by Mc Donald’s to get me and Diamond something to eat. Now couple blocks away from my house my phone rings and I smiled at the name on my call ID my current boyfriend and best friend.

“Hey Douglas” I smiled looking out the window

“Hey, how are my two favorite girls?” Douglas said

I sigh and laugh “tired and hungry”

“I missed you and Diamond” Douglas said

I nod and put my ball fist under my chin “we missed you too… Diamond met with her father today” I said

There was a silence in the other line and a sigh “where, how did it go?” Douglas said

I sigh “good, he was happy but shock… He seems to be determine to find me and her” I glance at Diamond who eating her food and playing with her doll. “We saw him at the airport in North Carolina and Diamond was very happy to meet him to they talked” I said

“How do you feel about it?” he ask with concern

“That I need a drink or two… I don’t know, he comes out the blue and I feel nervous at hell and all I could think how would Diamond reacted and what shock me more before Jared made appears she ask me when will I let her meet her father” I shake my head and smiled down at my baby when she glanced at me humming ‘ this little light of mine ‘ a gospel song “ I didn’t want to disappoint her so I told sure… what I less expected him showing up at the airport like some Greek god” I laugh at my example lets scratch that sex Greek god.

“It must be a hard day huh! Did he give any trouble?” Douglas asked

I yawn and run my hand in my hair “No, but he will be when he finds us and who knows what else he wants”

“Don’t worry so much baby… he might be buffing. He lost his chance to know his child when he deny y’all unborn child” Douglas said seriously

I nod laying my head back on the seat “Yeah I know… but Diamond has a right to see her father and I’m not going to stop her… I’m just afraid that seeing her isn’t going to be enough for him”

“Why?” Douglas asked

“Cause Jared will be Jared and surprise me with an ultimatum” I sigh I look out my window and we just pulling up at my house. It’s a two story house with seven rooms and all.  There are three bedrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room and bathroom. Lucky for me I have a bathroom come with my room. Getting out the car I stretch my limbs and help Diamond out the car. She made a big mess on herself but that my baby for you. We walk towards the house with the driver behind us with our bags. Getting in the house I sigh with content. “Hey Douglas let me call you back after I settle in my house okay” I tell him

“Yeah sure, call me back so I could come over” he said made a kissing sound on the phone I just smiled “Love you Camille”

“Love you more Douglas” we hang up and I got to work with me and Diamond stuff. I took our clothes to the washing machine and throw them in. coming out the Kitchen I see diamond knock out on the coach. I laugh at the way she was position, her hair is a mess, her little body is laid cross the couch and her right arm and leg is hanging of the couch. I took my cold food and warm it up and eating it up after I ate. I took diamond up to her room, putting her pajamas on and carefully lay her down. I soon hit the shower taking a bottle with me and glass cup. Taking a bath and drinking tequila is a relaxing thing. My wonder back to Jared when another flash back.

It was a weekend and I finish making breakfast. Jared left early to pick up his mother I put on my best clothes I had. I was nervous and excited to meet her. A hour later they come home and walk in she smiled bright and hug me tight

“Hello dear, my name is Avalon Daniels and it’s great to finally meet the girl who catcher my son heart” Avalon said proud

“Hey nice meet you too. My name is Camille Hayes … But you could call me Diamond if you want” I smiled and Jared come over to me and hug me 

“Is she great ma… she sweet and devote to only me” Jared kiss my head

“Yes she is… Why Diamond honey?” she asked with a curiosity

“That is my middle name Mrs. Daniels” I pull out a seat and wave her come take a seat “welcome to our home and happy to have you here… are you hungry I made breakfast”

She nod and take a seat and she started to ask me personal Question that I tried to answered honestly. Even about my parents who die and leaving me on my own. I took care of myself all my life; I started working when I was 15. I told her everything that I could without breaking down. When it was done she actually seems to approve my life style and how I held myself up even though I had a hardship in the past. Later that night me and Jared talked and he was happy. His mother approves us and ready to start planning out wedding date and other things to. I think she was more excited than me. I still had a secret I didn’t tell them. Jared and I made love that night and talked more.

“Camille! I think- we should have at less two or three kids” he watch me with love

I nodded and smile “Sure that would be great” I had a question to ask “How Much do you love me Jared?”

“You know that I would give up the world and my career for you without hesitation” He said it with emotion and pride. I knew he was serious and I smiled kissing him “What about you, how much do you love me?”

I think for a minute and smiled “I would following you to our end of days and give my life for you to live and give you a gift that no man or woman can take from you” I said looking him in the eyes. He smiled and kissed me

“What is that gift you giving me” he touch my face kissing my cheeks and chin nibbling it.

“A life for a life, a unbreakable love bond” we stayed watch it other and Jared look touch by my answer

“I love you Camille Diamond Hayes… more than life itself- remember that no matter what I will always love you. That no one can compare to me. We were meant to be as one and always. (Took out a pin for his night stand and stick himself and me on our thumbs. He look me dead serious “this is a blood oath between to lovers and friends from childhood to parenthood someday”

I nod and we put our thumbs together and say our pledge we made when we was seven. After we lick each other thumb and fall sleep. I never told Jared that night we made love. I prolong the confession and I felt bad. Months has passed and I notices my baby bump is showing. I knew I couldn’t hide it for long. Even Jackie told me to tell him a hundred time but I keep telling her I’m scared or I’m not ready which is true. Now here I am coming to see Jared at work and nerves as hell. Thinking would he accept it or would he reject it. The lady by the desk told me to go in and I walk in seeing Jared working on his computer typing fast.

“hey baby! What’s up?” Jared said without taking his eyes off the computer.

I was thinking how the hell I’m I going to tell him. I went to the doctor months ago and he confirm I was actually pregnant. I try gaining courage by looking out the window and convincing myself to tell him already. When I heard him stop typing I looked at him and with hopeful eyes. “Baby… I went to the doctor the other day… he told me some crazy news.” I laugh nervously “I’m not sure if I should be happy or afraid”

Jared give me a concern look and nods “what did he say?”

“I-I’m pregnant” I said with a serious face

Jared blink and clear his throat “you’re what! Come again?”

“I’m pregnant” I stared at him with fear “we don’t have to keep it”

Jared get up and shakes his head “ how’s that possible if I used a condom on you that Tuesday night” he glance at me “ are you cheating on me?”

“What?” I was shock at his question “No, I wouldn’t dare”

Jared laughs “well it sure can’t be mines” he runs his left hand in his hair “it’s been months sent we last had sex”

I get offend “of course it yours and only” I plead with him to understand “trust me”

Jared glared at me “It’s not mine end of story… we will finish this conversation when I get home tonight

I was so angry at his words “FUCK YOU JARED… I HOPE YOU HAPPY WITH YOUR DECISION” I walk out of that office and out his life never to see him again.

Flash back over

I shook my head at the memory and find myself crying. I knew I can’t keep lying to myself. The more I do reality hits me twice as hard. That I’m still not over Jared Daniels and no matter how much I love Douglas. My love for Jared it undefiled and its gets harder over time. I drink some more and washing up myself and after get out and dress myself call Douglas over. I just finish washing clothes and cooking some food. Diamond still hasn’t get up yet and I had an hour to myself. When Douglas arrive that when diamond makes herself be notice and here I am at the table with them eating dinner and Diamond talking us to death.

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