TOUCH OF HOPE (MxM) (Complet...

By raquel98rm

684K 43.8K 16.9K

Haphephobia: the fear of being touched. Blake, a second-year Psychology student, hadn't ever heard of such a... More

Upload Schedule
1. The lost boy (revised)
2. Finding the boy (revised)
3. Right Wrong Answers (revised)
4. Two freaks (revised)
5. A new friend (part 1) (revised)
5. A new friend (part 2) (revised)
6. Let the games begin
7. The right direction
8. A normal afternoon
9. "Having lunch with your friends?"
10. Intern vs Supervisor
11. Episode
12. The courage to be weak
13. My brother's... friend
14. Afternoon Plans
15. Slowly opening up
17. An exciting invite
18. Spending the night
19. Tingling
20. A Suiter for the Heir
21. Hands
22. Sweet Truces
23. Slowly but Surely
25. Lost and Found
26. Showtime
27. Aftermath
28. The strength's name
29. Not even that cute
30. Sleepless (part 1)
30. Sleepless (part 2)
31. Safe space
32. To each their own
33. Like in the movies
34. Gold star
35. Family Shackles
36. A rock and a hard place
37. Here for you
38. As the moon watches us
39. A little bit dramatic
40. No words
41. Reduce, Reuse, Relax
42. A son's lost. (part 1)
42. A son's lost. (part 2)
43. Guys and Dolls
44. Breaking the surface
45. The abnormality of normal
Christmas Special (chapter 30.5)
46. Pay off
47. A big deal
48. Aunty knows best
49. Little Steps
50. At last... (part 1)
50. At last... (part 2)
! Q&A + Announcement !
51. Something for you
52. The future in pages (part 1)
52. The future in pages (part 2)
53. A break
54. I'm so s'Oreo
55. Just better than you
56. Enough
57. To hear and be heard (part 1)
57. To hear and be heard (part 2)
58. When the Sun vanished
59. Epilogue
Touch Of Hope's SEQUEL
Once again, I need your opinion
Bonus Content (AI Characters)

16. Sleepy Brat

8.8K 667 179
By raquel98rm

Please help this novel grow by voting and commenting!

Every chapter I will shout out someone, as a thank you for reading! If you want to be the next shout out, you just have to VOTE and leave a COMMENT (anything you want to).

This week's shout outDehydrated_Banana! Thank you for always being one of the first to vote and comment! And thank you for your "mid-text" comments, I love reading them!

Passing his hands through his dark hair, Adam let out a frustrated sigh.

He had been in that field for years now, had done extensive research on the matter and planned everything in advance. He also repeated the experiment so many times, he had lost count. Still, he couldn't understand the reason for the results to come out wrong every single time.

Frustrated, yet not totally defeated, the doctorate student took a deep breath, ready to try again.

He was surprised when he looked up at the clock on the wall that marked half past six in the afternoon. After being inside that laboratory for as long as he had, he seemed to have lost the perception of time. That was apparent when finally awoken from his dormant state, his stomach turned with a loud roar.

Laying his hand on his stomach, he wondered when it was the last time he had eaten something. Coming to the conclusion his last meal had been a granola bar before lunch hour, he came to the pretty obvious conclusion that he had to eat something as fast as possible or otherwise he would fall to the side. The idea of a cup of noodles, at that moment, was as appealing as a gourmet meal.

The sound of the door opening was heard through the lab, calling his attention.

Collin had just entered the room, twenty minutes later than what was stated in his schedule. Adam was about to open his mouth, ready to state the intern's delay when he noticed his appearance. Since they had met, months ago, two things were clear about the boy: the complete and utter lack of responsibility, and the effort he put into his appearance. Although Adam couldn't stand the responsibility issue, he didn't consider the latter a problem. He himself tried to take care of himself to the maximum of his capabilities.

However, for the last few weeks, the intern wasn't behaving quite like himself. The usually doe-eyed student had now a tired gaze, with darkened marks framing the eyes, although it appeared to have been an attempt at concealing it with a light sheet of makeup.

He didn't even try to spew out a ridiculous list of motives that excused him for arriving late, cutting right to the chase instead.

- I'm sorry, I'm late.

Adam frowned lightly. Even his voice was weak.

- Just don't let it happen again.

Although lack of punctuality normally drove him crazy, this time he was willing to open an exception and let him go with just a warning. He recalled having told the intern to do some research and bring it to him, but given his tired appearance, it was a miracle he had remembered how to get to the lab.

A sharp twist from his stomach caused Adam to grimace uncomfortably.

Alright, alright, I get it! I'm going to eat!

Stopping his lunatic conversation to himself, the doctorate glanced one last time to the intern, before making his way to the rack by the door to grab his jacket and bag.

- You can start by doing the culture medium. Everything his written in the protocol that is on the counter.

The supervisor explained while putting on his jacket, looking straight at the intern to make sure he was listening. With his bag on shoulder, he grabbed the doorknob, still talking.

- I'm just going to eat something, I will be back in a bit. Don't touch anything you aren't supposed to.

Directions given, he abandoned the room, with an apathetic kid looking at him.

How tired is he? He didn't even whine about "being treated like a child", and whining is his favourite hobby.

Adam halted in his track when another thought came over his head. The Erlenmeyer flasks had been moved to another place, and Collin had yet to be notified of it.

Ignoring his raging empty stomach, he made his way back to the lab.

Collin didn't even notice when the door opened, and his supervisor entered, being too occupied... staring into the protocol with squinted eyes.

Once again, Adam frowned, wondering how bad the boy's condition was. His brown eyes looked at the sheet of paper as if the letters were as big as a grain of salt, and his lab coat was put on in an untidy way, with missed matched buttoning.

Still frowning, the supervisor took out his bag, laying it on the ground, beside the rack. Collin was practically sleeping standing up and Jane had finished her work for the day, so she wouldn't be there to make sure he didn't break something or worst, hurt himself. Adam couldn't let alone in the lab in that state.

- Hey, kid.

His call was met with a slow head turn, as the intern frowned whiningly at him.

- I'm not a kid.

Alright, so maybe he isn't as exhausted as Adam had originally assumed. Still, he wasn't fully awake, and that was a problem.

- I need to go eat something and I can't let you alone if you can barely keep your eyes open. It's better if you come with me and drink some coffee.

Collin blinked slowly in his direction, slightly tilting his head.

- I don't have money. Forgot my wallet.

Adam rolled his eyes, impatient. He could feel his belly complain and wanted to feed himself before it turned from a grumble to a full-on earthquake.

- I will pay it for you. Just come, I'm in a rush.

The intern took a few seconds to process the offer. When it finally registered, he concluded it was a good deal, walking towards the senior that already awaited him with the door open and impatient look.

God, he was so hungry.

Noting the boy was about to leave like that, he frowned one more and placed his hand on Collin's chest, stopping him. Consequently, the interne glanced at the hand, before looking at him with a questioning expression.

The two were about the same height so, now that they were closer, Adam noticed Collin's eyes had a slight red tint to it and looked irritated.

- You have to take out your lab coat. How many times have I told you that?

The confused look didn't lessen until the intern looked down at himself.

- Oh. I don't remember putting it on.

When the lab attire was taken off and laid onto a balcony, both men made their way to the parking lot.

Given Collin's need for caffeine and his own hunger, Adam concluded that it would be better to go a proper cafe where he could eat something and Collin could drink the most caffeinated thing in the menu. If it was up to him, he would buy something from the department's vending machines, but the coffee there was more like dirty water than anything else.

The older man led them to his car, that was fortunately parked close by. Inside, Adam had to warn the intern to put the seatbelt on and, once the order was obeyed, he took the car from his spot.

For his stomach's torture, they could only move a few meters before being faced with a ridiculous amount of traffic.

Groaning, he laid his head on his hands joined at the top of the wheel. He had forgotten the amount of people that were leaving the place at that time of the day. They would be lucky if they were able to leave the parking. At this point, the digestive acids should be corroding his insides.

In the following minutes, as they slowly made their way from the parking lot to the street, the car was filled with silence, with the exception of the low radio music. Only when the car finally reached the road and Adam was able to enter safely, did he look at the passenger who sat beside him.

It didn't surprise him when he saw Collin had fallen asleep. His body had fallen to the front, being held up by the seatbelt, as his head bobbed around with the car movement.

Adam raised his eyebrows, honestly impressed at how somebody could fall asleep like that. However, there was the risk of him hitting his head if Adam was forced to brake abruptly for some reason. With that in mind, the driver glanced at the passenger, reaching his hand out and laying it on his forehead, forcing him to lean back on the seat. The touch and movement woke up Collin, who fluttered his eyelids open, followed by rubbing his eyes with both hands. Adam saw this sleepy gesture and a smile almost reached his lips, although not quite. This brat should be around nineteen years old but even his unconscious gestures looked like ones from a kid.

Feeling movement from his peripheral sight, Adam looked ahead to the road and followed the queue.

- Honestly kid, how many hours did you sleep?

Collin mumbled a response, attached to the yawn that followed. The first part Adam could assume to be "I'm not a kid", but the rest was incomprehensible.

- I can't understand a thing you say.

A few more moments of waiting followed as Collin finished stretching his back and harms, letting out a sharp yet silent hum. Adam raised an eyebrow but waited in silence.

Finally letting his arms fall to his side, the passenger responded in a nonchalant low tone.

- I pulled an all-nighter.

Adam almost hit the car on the one in front of them. With wide eyes, he glanced at Collin as if he was crazy, which the supervisor was almost sure he was.

- Are you crazy?

Collin didn't look the slightest bothered by his scolding, laying his head on the window and closing his eyes.

- What? I was busy.

Adam didn't even wait for further information. Spotting a right exit, he turned the blinker to indicate his turn. Felling the change in course, Collin opened his eyes, confused.

- Why are you turning?

- Taking you home. – he explained with his eyes locked on the road. – You are staying at the dorms, right?

The sleepy passenger frowned lightly at the question.

- Taking me home? But I have work at the lab.

Adam ignored him, checking if he could enter another road.

- You are staying at the dorms, right?

Frustrated by the disregard at his statement, Collin's frown increased.

- You said that I couldn't skip work.

- And now I'm saying you need to go home and sleep.

His severe tone was enough to make the younger man retreat, although the stubborn expression persevered. After a few seconds, when the mood had softened, Adam decided to give it another try. This time, he was careful to contain his impatience.

- Are you staying at the dorms?

Hearing the question, Collin glanced at the driver and, still pouting, gave a small nod accompanied by a hum.

Now with that crucial information in hand, Adam made his way accordingly.

- Were you partying?

As soon as the question left Adam's mouth, the intern lifted his head and scowled.

- I wasn't!

His loud defense was followed by a painful expression and Collin bringing his hands to his temples, with a groan.

- Alright, calm down. You are too defensive.

- Of course, I'm defensive. You don't believe me.

Adam arched an eyebrow, glancing at him.

- Who said I don't believe you?

- I know you don't. – the boy insisted, crossing his arms. – You think I'm irresponsible.

It was true but he wasn't about to confirm it out loud, knowing that would irritate the passenger. Adam was way too hungry and Collin way too tired to deal with more excitement.

Not affirming nor denying the statement, Adam opted to handle it from another angle.

- Then what were you doing?

In reality, he wasn't interested as it was not his business, but if he didn't give any type of answer the intern would accuse Adam of ignoring him.

– It was the first round of auditions to the winter play and I was one of the last ones.

Adam arched his eyebrows, looking ahead. What type of auditions last all night?

– And then I had to finish the papers you asked me.

The surprise made the driver glance at the boy that had once again closed his eyes and leaned against the window.

– You actually did what I asked on time?

An agreeing "hm" was the response.

– Then where is it?

Collin groaned with the question, complaining about the effort of communicating. Seeing the boy open his eyes and starting to reach for his bag on the floor, Adam stretched his arm, stopping him.

- You can give them to me when we arrive.

He knew he was coming out contradictory, but Adam had to keep Collin talking, which he never thought he would want. If he just let the intern in silence, he would end up falling asleep in his car and, based on the boy's state, waking him up would be a challenge.

When they reached the dorm complex, the driver had to, once again, bother Collin's semi-slumber so he could give directions.

With the four blinkers on, the car stopped in front of the building. Collin took his time stretching and rubbing his eyes, even though Adam's car wasn't parked in a particularly good spot. It got to the point where he was wasting so much time, that the starving doctorate student took it upon himself to bend down to Collin's side, grabbing his bag and placing it on the boy's lap.

- You can give me the papers now.

There was urgency in his voice, he made sure of it, but the younger man didn't seem to register it, judging by the calm demeanor as he opened his bag.

All of a sudden, a loud grumble was heard through the car and, for Adam's disconcertment, this noise had its origin from his stomach. The older man grimaced with discomfort as Collin attention was picked by the sound. Not wanting to give time for the intern to childishly point the ridiculous sound, Adam occupied himself checking the rear-view mirror.

- I will read your research today and email you the corrections needed. Now go to sleep.

Adam didn't look to the passenger but heard the ruffling of paper. Seconds later, a stack of papers was placed on his lap... along with a wrapped granola bar. Seeing the snack, Adam's brows met in confusion, but when he looked up, Collin was already closing the car door.

Watching the younger man disappear into the building, he scoffed, and an almost imperceptible smile formed. That brat hadn't even thanked him for the ride.

Laying both the papers and the granola bar on the now empty passenger seat, Adam made his way out of the dorms complex.

Luckily, the traffic was starting to ease so it didn't take him as long to reach a cafe somewhat close to his department. Papers in hand, Adam entered the establishment. Given his starving state, the man went straight to the balcony to place his order, before choosing a lonely table in the corner. The fluffy Japanese pancake and bubble tea were delivered to him after what felt like an eternity but in reality, had been a matter of minutes.

As much as he wanted to stuff his face in the food, his self-control prevented him to do so. Taking his time, he appreciated every single bite and sip of his first real meal of the day. After the first few bites, when he finally felt like he could focus, Adam took to reading the papers he had asked from the intern.

By the time he reached the end of the text, the plate and cup were already empty and his stomach soothed. Adam slowly put down the papers, with his eyebrows arched.

Who would have guessed? That brat did a great job. 

Please remember to VOTE!

Vote+Comment for a chance at being next week's shout out.

I know most of you are more invested in BlakeDean than CollinAdam (with reason, Blake and Dean are the protagonists, after all) but if you want to leave your opinions on this secondary couple, I would really appreciate it!

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