More Human Than Machine(CharB...

By Ninjaboy13779546

10.2K 248 162

What if there was more to BumbleBee than Charlie thought? A secret that all Cybertronians share, but do not s... More

A Stunning TransFormation
AutoBot Teen Pillow Talk
Walking Brings Back Memories
Music Can Help You Say What You're Feeling
Three's A Crowd
A Bee With Butterflies
Good Morning
Its The Thought That Counts
Capturing The Moment

Blending In

1.1K 28 25
By Ninjaboy13779546

Ok, so by now you probably noticed this story follows the BumbleBee movie but with a few changes for obvious reasons. And you may have also noticed that Charlie is a bit emotional with Bee. And that's because she sees herself in him a lot. Someone who's alone with no friends and is struggling to get by. So I think that's a real good base for them to build on. Now, we're gonna see Bee and Charlie at the beach working on hiding skills! Let's get into this!!!



Before going to sleep herself, she leaned further off her bed, holding herself up with one of her arms and kissed his cheek.

"I'll take care of you. My little BumbleBee," She whispered.

She went to bed with a smile that night. Happy with this new responsibility that she had. As did Bee, who was excited to start a new chapter in his life. If he even had one. And it was with this girl, Charlie. The two of them, together.


***Charlie's Room, Five Hours Later***

Bee woke up feeling energized and ready to take on a new day. Sitting up, he looked around and remembered that he fell asleep in a human's bedroom last night. A female human.

He stood up and looked at her on the bed. She looked so peaceful and calm. He wanted to talk to her, but he didn't want to wake her to do it.

Then he heard a small beep. He looked to the side to see a clock on her bedside table. It was 5:37 AM. Maybe it was a bit early. But he was awake and fully energized.

'Maybe I'll wait in the garage,' he said to himself.

So he walked around the bed to the bedroom door and looked back at the sleeping Charlie. A smile came to his face before he headed down to the garage without anyone noticing.


***Three Hours Later***

At 8:00 AM, the alarm clock blared until Charlie turned it off.

Charlie stretches as she woke up. Instantly, the memories from last night came back to her. Including the sleeping humanoid alien on her floor.

"Morning Bee," She said as she looked over the bed to see nothing but an empty sleeping bag.

Ok, this worried her a bit. Where was he?

'Maybe he's in the garage,' she said to herself. She was mainly trying to calm herself down.

She head downstairs and and saw her little brother and Ron at the table eating.

"Morning!" She greets, "See you guys later."

"Where're you off to so fast?" Ron asked curiously.

Charlie had made a routine of waking up at a certain time and going her way, but never this early.

"Nowhere," she smiled as she opened the door to the garage, "Have a nice day!"

Ok. Now the two were extremely shocked.


"Morning Bu-" She was cut off at the sight of her car missing from its spot. "Bee?"

Her heart started racing as she walked further into the garage, seeing no sign of her yellow-clad friend.

"Bee, where are you?" She was getting worried now. She could care less about the car really. It's was the person inside of it she was worried about.

"Oh god." She looked at the open garage door and the worst came to her mind. "Oh god, oh god, oh god! BEE! Where did you go?"

She ran back inside, hoping to get some answers. Once in, she found her little brother still at the table eating.

"Otis! Have you seen my car?"

"Unfortunately, yes," he replied with a bit of sarcasm. "And-"

"No Otis! Have you seen my car TODAY? It was in the garage. Someone stole it!"

Her brother looked at her like she was weird. "No idiot. Mom took it. She took Conan to the vet cause he swallowed like a rubber glove or something. And Ron needed the station wagon."

Relief washed over Charlie. She knew where Bee was and everything was good again. "Thank God." Bee was with her mother.

Wait....her mother? "Wait.."

She didn't even finish her sentence as she ran out the front door, grabbed her bike and started running with it.

"Excuse me, it's me again." It was the boy from the fair that also happened to live across the street from her. "We never really met, but I-"

"Yeah, can't right now. Sorry!" Charlie replied as she sped off on her bike. Hoping to catch up to Bee and her mother.


After a whole minute of searching, she finally saw her yellow Beetle. As she neared it, the trunk of it opened and a giant robotic arm transformed out of it and waved its hand back at Charlie.

This made Charlie even more worried. Not only because it was out in public, but also because her mom was right there!

"Stop it, don't do that!" She yelled at him, but not too loud as to alarm her mother.

But Bee was still waving until he heard a bark come from inside of him. He turned his hand and pointed his fingers to the back windshield where the dog, Conan was set in his cage.

"Bee, no!" Charlie exclaimed as she passed his arm up.

She pulled up further until she was at the driver seat window, yet her mom still wasn't aware of her being there.


"Jeez! Charlie, what're you doing?"

"Mom, you need to pull over!"

"What the hell is going on?" Her mom asked.

"Just pull over."

Still confused as to what was going on, her mother complied and pulled the Beetle over.

Charlie got off her bike and walked behind it and scolded Bee's arm.

"Would you put that robot junk away, what were you thinking?"

Bee's arm went down like a sad dog as it transformed back into the trunk.



So after talking with her mom, getting Bee back to the house and putting some actual clothes on, Charlie drove them to the beach.

"Ok, Bee. We need to go over a few things." Charlie said as she got out the car.

She looked around to make sure there weren't any other people around before Bee transformed.

"Ok, the coast is clear."

Bee detransformed into his humanoid form. But what he didn't know was that he accidentally kicked sand all over Charlie.

"What do you think of the beach?" She rhetorically asked as she started brushing herself off.

Once his suit was fully gone, Bee looked around and smiled. "I like it. It's nice and peaceful."

When he turned back to her, he realized what he did.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed as he ruffled her hair and patted her down to get the sand off.

"Oh! I'm-- I'm good." She replied. But Bee still kept on. Ruffling her hair and shaking her in the process. "I'm-- No, I'm good. Thanks."

He finally stopped and stepped back. "I'm sorry, Charlie." He said with his head down and sad expression on his face.

Charlie's face softened even more at this. So she pulled him into her and hugged him.

"It's ok, Bee." She replied tenderly, "I was just scared when I woke up."

"Of what?"

"I thought it was all a dream. And I was afraid that you were gone for good. You're becoming the first real friend I've had in a long time."

"Really?" The young humanoid asked.

Charlie nodded back with a smile.

"Well, then I'm happy that I get to be your friend."

"Me too, Bee. But if you're gonna stay with me, we're gonna need to go over a few things."

"Ok. Like what?"

Charlie let out a sigh as she starters "Well for starters, don't go anywhere without letting me know somehow. Cause I will worry about you. You might accidentally reveal yourself and I can't let that happen."

Bee's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "How come?"

"Cause others may not be so caring and understanding as me."

"Oh." Bee was starting to understand what she meant.

"Look, people can be terrible about things they don't understand," Charlie explained, "If they find you, they will probably lock you up in a lab somewhere and cut you into tiny
little pieces!"

That made Bee's eyes go wide as the sun. Would people actually do that to him? He didn't want that to happen!

"It'll be bad. Trust me. The only person you can show yourself around is me. Okay?"

Bee nodded immediately at that. "Definitely. Only you."

Charlie nodded and smiled at her friend. "Good. So, let's practice."

She walked a few feet away until she was next to a big rock. "Are you ready?"

Bee nodded and held up a thumbs up.

"Ok. Now there's two ways you can blend in. You can be like this or a car. So let's work with this. Turn into a robot."

Bee did a sideways backflip and his robot form came back instantly.

"Ok, now say we're walking and theeen...SOMEONE'S COMING! QUICK CHANGE BACK, BEE!"

Bee's robot eyes went wide as he backflipped again and landed on his feet in his humanoid form.

"Great job!" She complimented. "So just to be sure, if you see anyone besides me, what do you do?"

"Car!" Bee exclaimed excitedly as he rolled and turned into a car.

Charlie laughed at his gleeful self. "Great. Perfect. Come back now, as a robot."

Two seconds later, he was back in his robot form.

"Okay, so let's say we're driving, right? We're driving and all of a sudden--Oh! shoot! Somebody is there! Hide! Hide, Bee Hide!"

Bee looked around in a shocked and worried state while Charlie ran and hid behind the big rock. As she his, she heard a sound like Bee transformed.

Poking her head out from the rock, she saw the giant robot hiding behind a smaller rock. Well, not really hiding. The only thing the rock hid was his head.

Charlie rolled her eyes at this. "Are you serious?" She asked.

Bee stood on his knees and realized he did the wrong thing. So he tried again by rolling and turning into his car form.

"Bee, it's too late. You're already dead." Charlie said.

He turned back into his robot form them detransformed into his humanoid form.

"Sorry." He said with his head down again in shame.

"It's alright, Bee." Charlie smiled compassionately and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's why we're practicing. You'll get it. Ok?"

Bee nodded and smiled back at the girl. He was glad that she wasn't mad at him. She was nice and understanding. He was also glad that he found her. Or that she found him.


This is getting a little too sweet for me. But I don't care!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I love this ship almost as mush as I love SpideyChelle. But that one will alway too it all. My OTP list is like this.

1. Romanogers
2. SpideyChelle/TomDaya/SpiderTiger
3. Thomesa
4. CharBee

I have more that I ship, but those are my very top ones. So yeah. I've been doing a lot of work on my original series, the Ninja Squad on WattPad. So that's why I haven't uploaded as much. But I promise you that more will be coming.

I'm working on the next chapters for Fast 9 and my Maze Runner 3 story. I don't know when they'll be up. But when they go up, you'll know. But thanks for sticking with me and I hope y'all like this. Til next chapter, NINJABOY OUT!!!

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