Wild card


22.7K 236 24

You wouldn't think Katherine was the 'Wild' kid, and it's true she isn't. She is an A student at her college... Еще

Chapter 1 ♱
Chapter 2 ♱
Chapter 3 ♱
Chapter 4 ♱
Chapter 5 ♱
Chapter 6 ♱
Chapter 7 ♱
Chapter 9 ♱
Chapter 10 ♱
Chapter 11 ♱
Chapter 12 ♱
Chapter 13 ♱
Chapter 14 ♱
Chapter 15 ♱
Chapter 16 ♱
Chapter 17 ♱
Chapter 18 ♱
Chapter 19 ♱
Chapter 20 ♱
Chapter 21 ♱
Chapter 22 ♱
Chapter 23 ♱
Chapter 24 ♱
Chapter 25 ♱
Chapter 26 ♱
Chapter 27 ♱
Chapter 28 ♱
Chapter 29 ♱
Authors note.
Authors note

Chapter 8 ♱

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Katherine's PoV
I woke up this morning to smoke. It was everywhere, my room was covered in this grey fog. It filled my nostrils making me splutter out of my mouth. I sat up right trying to figure out what was happening. I soon realised and shot up to open my window, throwing it open and taking in the fresh air. I grabbed a cloth and put it over my nose and mouth, running out of my room to go to Natasha's.
"Natasha!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
She's jumped up and was coughing like a hag.
I ran over and opened her window, letting out the smoke.
I grabbed her arm and we ran downstairs. We reached the living room and it was up in flames, the fire scorched our skin as we sprinted past and out of the door.
"Call the fire department!" Natasha shouted before falling the floor and coughing even more.
I rang 999 and they showed up very quickly.

One of the fire men came over to us as we sat in the back of an ambulance.
The fire had been put out and he came to speak to us.
"We know the cause of the fire." He looked at us both.
"The fireplace had been left on over night."
We gasped.
"That's going to cost us a fortune!" Natasha put her hands over her face in panic.
"Don't worry, insurance on the building has covered it." He reassured us.
I coughed, it hurt so bad that it scratched my throat on the way up.
"Are you okay?" He looked at me.
"Yeah." I nodded.
"Wait! Katherine what about the baby?" Natasha looked at me concerned.
"Your pregnant?" The man looked at me, panic in his eye.
"Yeah but I feel fine!" I tried to reassure him.
"Guys she's pregnant!" He turned around yelling at some paramedics.
"Let's get you to the hospital." They ushered us into the ambulance and set off the sirens.
One of the paramedics stayed in the back with me and Natasha, he gave me an oxygen mask and switched it on.
"We will get you to the hospital as fast as we can okay?" He patted my shoulder.
"What's going on?" Natasha asked.
"Baby's can't take in a lot of air u less it's oxygen so we need to make sure the baby can breathe."
I began to panic, what if my baby wasn't okay? And I wasn't going to do anything about it! I felt like the worse mother in the world.

At the hospital I was laid in the bed hooked up to a drip. There was a nurse taking an ultrasound of my baby, I looked at the monitor, it wasn't very clear but my baby was in there.
"Okay, everything seems to be fine." The nurse smiled at me.
"Could you see the gender?" I glanced at the screen.
"No not yet, come back in 10 weeks and we will see." She removed the gel from my stomach with a wipe.
"Whilst your here could we get you to fill in a slip?" She handed me the piece of paper.
"Oh what's this?" I took the paper.
"It's just your details and the fathers. So we can book appointments." She handed me a pen and walked away.
I filled in all my information and hovered over the 'fathers' details.
I didn't know a lot about chase, only his name and number so that's all I filled in.
I got up and went to give the nurse my slip, she looked at it smiling and then her face kinda changed when she read chases section.
"I'm okay to go?" I asked, trying to get out as soon as possible.
"Hold on, let me just check these numbered are right." She dialled my number and my phone rang.
"One down one to go." She giggled as she dialled chases number, I was expecting her to say no answer and I could just leave but no, he answered.
"Hello?" She held the phone to her ear.
"Who's this?" I heard him muffle down the phone.
"Burbank hospital is this mr Chase Hudson?"
I nudged her.
"Can I speak to him?" She handed me the phone.
He went silent.
"Look don't talk, listen." I turned away from the nurse to have some privacy.
"I don't know I'd you want anything to do with this baby but it was in danger today, I was in a fire and the baby couldn't of been able to breathe." I whispered.
"I'm sorry." His voice was low and sad.
He hung up.
I passed her the phone back and walked off.

Back home James and Natasha were cuddled up on the couch.
"Hey!" Natasha looked over at me.
"We ads both fine." I sat down on the arm chair.
"Thank god" She sighed in relief.
"I spoke to chase.."
"Wow really?" Natasha sat up right to face me.
"Yeah, he didn't speak I just told him what happened and he hung up." I looked at the floor.
"He might just be in a weird place, I mean he's never been in a relationship" James explained.
"Never?" I was shocked.
That's why he was acting so weird, he had never committed himself to anyone and now I was pregnant with his baby! God I felt like an idiot, I would be scared as-well if I  had never been in a relationship and now some random girl is pregnant. I needed to speak to him, face to face.
"James do you know where he lives?" If I could find where he lived he couldn't avoid me.
"Yeah but it's not a good neighbourhood.." James voice changed like he felt bad.
"Just tell me!" I raised my voice.
"Okay okay! He lives downtown at 56 frontier street." He looked at Natasha for reassurance.
"Don't go Katherine." Natasha begged.
"I won't." I rolled my eyes.

Later on James and Natasha had gone out for a meal and I was just sat in my room, starring into space. I know they didn't want me to go but I needed to see him, he needed to know that I understood and I wasn't mad at him.
I got up grabbed my coat and some trainers before getting a taxi to his address, it was getting dark now so I couldn't stay long, I knew the neighbourhood wasn't very safe but I had to see him.
The taxi stopped and I climbed out, the driver quickly sped off.
I walked up to chases house, it looked abandoned honestly, it had cracked windows and the grass was all dead. I walked up and started knocking on the door, practically banging. I looked around, loads of people were stood on the street, all of them looking at me. I began to panic and pound on the door even more.
"Chase!" I yelled.
The men began to walk over to me, they looked rough, covered in tattoos.
"Chase!" I yelled again, my eyes filling up with tears. I was terrified.
I heard footsteps in the house.
"Chase please!" I smacked both of my hands on the door.
The men were so close now, practically in arms reach from me.
The door swung open and I didn't even look who it was I just fell forward and threw my arms around them. I looked out the corner of my eye and saw the men back off, minding there own business now. I let go of the person quickly and looked up to see who it was, it was chase he looked dazzled to see me stood there.
"Katherine?" His voice quiet.
"I'm so sorry I shouldn't be here." I looked around, I was so embarrassed.
"No come in" he moved so I could come in. I thought about leaving but it wasn't safe and I was frightened for my life.
Inside the house it was cold, the lights didn't work in most rooms and the furniture was falling to pieces.
"You live here?" I said looking at Chase, his expression was still shocked.
"Well no, this is my old house I'm just hanging around." He was stood quite far away from me.
"I know why you freaked out!" I stepped closer to him.
"What?" He was confused.
"About me being pregnant!" I took another step closer to him, I placed my hands on his chest as he looked away from me.
"You have never had a real relationship ship before!" I pulled him to look at me but his face was even more confused.
"That's why you think I freaked?" He looked mad.
"Katherine I freaked because my life isn't ready for a baby or you!" He pushed me away.
"What?" I took a step back.
"I can't keep you safe and I sure as hell won't stop you from having a bright future."he turned his back to me.
"Chase.. I need to you to raise this baby with me." I was holding back tears.
"I'm all alone in this, I wasn't ready for this as much as you were." I crossed my arms.
"Katherine I think you should go, I'll call you a taxi but you need to leave." Still not facing me I walked over to him and pulled his shoulder.
"Look at me." He spun around, he looked like he was about to cry.
"Katherine.." he placed his hands on my face, pushing his lips against mine.
I felt myself melt in his arms again.
"I want to be with you I do, but I can't." He placed his head against mine.
"You can! Please chase." I began to beg for him to stay with me, listening to myself I sounded desperate but I was.
"Let me drive you home." He walked to the door.
I silently followed after him, I didn't have anything else to say and honestly I was exhausted.
He drove me to my apartment.
"Please come in" I placed my hand on his.
"Katherine you know I can't." He pulled his hand back.
"No i dont! Why can't you?" I was irritated and overall upset and I had snapped.
"It's too dangerous my life." He frowned at me.
"That's what everyone says." I rolled my eyes at him even though they were full of tears.
"I'm sorry." He leant over me and opened the car door.
"Walk me up?" I asked.
He nodded and we walked to my apartment door.
I didn't know what to do but I knew Natasha was staying over at James house and I didn't want to be alone tonight.
I leant in and kissed him, he put his hands on my hips and pushed me against the door. Our lips still pressed together I fumbled around with my hand trying to find the door handle, I swung it open and he picked me up and carried me to my bedroom and threw me onto the bed. Instead of pouncing on top of me he climbed around me, laying next to me on the bed. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in closer before whispering in my ear.
"Goodnight beauty" he kissed me cheek softly and I drifted off to sleep.

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