
By willowedoutlaw

25.6K 778 556

๐˜’๐˜œ๐˜™๐˜› ๐˜ˆ๐˜•๐˜‹ ๐˜”๐˜Œ๐˜ˆ๐˜‹๐˜–๐˜ž ๐˜Š๐˜๐˜™๐˜Š๐˜ˆ: 1980๐˜ด~90๐˜ด More

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august 11th, 2022
t w e n t y t w o

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987 34 47
By willowedoutlaw

Aberdeen, Washington 1987
October 1st
After breakfast, Meadow and Presley decided to head off to Kurt's house and see if he was home or not. It was more Presley than Meadow that wanted to go, but Meadow was hesitant due to her not knowing if he was busy or not.

"Alright M, I'm going to work. Call me if you need anything, and I may or may not respond." Blair laughed and gave her a kiss on the head.

"Presley, keep her out of trouble, okay?"

"That won't be a problem B." They all laughed and Blair headed out the door.

"Alright, take whatever shit you want. We're heading off to Kurt's." Meadow looked at Presley almost horrified, "Pres, I'm scared. What if he's--"

"Shut your mouth Mea, you sound disgusting. I bet he'll be more than happy to see you, you can't keep walking into stuff and have expectations. Keep a clear mind."

She confided in Presley knowing that Presley never judged her actions, she simply tried to make them better. She smiled knowing nothing had changed.

"You're right! Alright, I'm heading out, I'm going next door."



"You haven't even moved an inch, let alone make your way to the door."

Presley hurriedly pushed Meadow and practically dragged her out the house. After minutes of clawing, screaming, and cussing, Meadow and Presley finally made it next door. "Okay, ring the doorbell. It's the least you owe me after almost scratching my eyes out."

Meadow rolled her eyes and rang the doorbell. They heard stumbling and the sound of what seemed like someone falling. "Kurt! Someone's at the door!" "What!" "Someone is at your door, jagoff!" "Oh, alright."

A stampede then came running up the stairs and then there was silence. The door opened and there stood Kurt, a tall bearded man with long hair, and a woman. "Meadow? Hey, I didn't know you were coming over. Hey Presley!"

"Yeah, I didn't know I was coming over either. I can go if your busy though." "No, not at all. Come on in." Kurt smiled at the pair as they walked in and closed the door after them. "This is the famous Meadow! The pleasure is all mine, I'm Krist and this is my girlfriend Shelli."

Meadow smiled at Krist and shook his hand, looked at Shelli and did the same. "This is my friend Presley." Presley then shook Krist's hand and Shelli as well.

Shelli spoke up out of curiosity due to her wanting to know more about the mysterious girl that Kurt was beaming over.

As Shelli was about to open her mouth, Kurt chimed in and asked Meadow if he would accompany him upstairs to help with a song, she hesitantly said yes.

The pair ran upstairs leaving Presley with Shelli and Krist, but it didn't upset her, in fact she was ready to start talking to brand new people.


Kurt opened the door to his room, allowing Meadow to walk in after him. "I like your room, it's quiet." Kurt grinned and laughed.
"Quiet? I've never gotten that one before."
"I don't mean it in a bad way at all, I—"
"It's all good M, I'm just teasin'.
"Where's your aunt and unc?"
"They went to some convention for their jobs, something to do with electrical bullshit."
Kurt laughed and spoke.
"I wrote a song." Meadow's head shot up, "Can I hear it?" Kurt hesitantly looked at her knowing he had never performed for anyone before.

"You can hear it, but my voice isn't that great at all." Meadow frowned, "Oh c'mon, I don't think it's that bad." Kurt eyed her, gave in, and hesitantly picked up his guitar. "This song is called Opinion, I wrote it a while ago after I fought with my mom, but I just polished it up."

Watching Kurt, Meadow was in awe. He had the voice of an angel, it was the perfect combination of raspiness and roundness that was euphonious to Meadow. After singing his lyrics, Meadow clapped so loud and fast that her hands were burning bright red.

"That was...amazing" Kurt blushed, "Thanks, Krist and I have been writing like that for a while, but now we need a drummer." Meadow's mind ran to her childhood friend, Dave Grohl. "I have a friend actually, he's been drumming since we were little and he's amazing."

Kurt beamed. "Really? You think we could meet him soon?" "How about now? I can call him and see if he's down to come over." Kurt smiled. "That sounds great! Thank you, Meadow."

Meadow smiled at him replying that it was no problem. The phone rang and rang until finally there was a voice on the other end.


"Dave! Hey, it's Meadow."

"Meadow? Holy shit, it's been years. How are you?"

"I've been doing okay, just getting by."

"And how's Blair?"

"Blair is doing good too, she went to work today. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing. Just been trying to keep myself busy, I moved to Olympia, so I've been doing odd jobs around the town."

"That's better than you doing nothing, so that's good."

"Hey, do you still drum?"

"Yeah? Why, what's up?"

"There's this band that could use some good drumming right about now."

"Oh yeah? How do you know them?"

"The frontman is my next door neighbor." Meadow laughed then continued on.

"Yeah, I'll come check them out and see if I fit in."
"Great! Okay I'll let them know."

"Alright, I can be there in about forty-five minutes."

"See you when you get here. Bye."


Kurt was ecstatic, he was running around the room like his hair was on fire. Meadow on the other hand was simply just admiring him because of how adorable he looked whilst running around. Suddenly Kurt stopped and walked over to Meadow on the ground.

Meadow looked at him trying to figure out why he stopped so abruptly. "What're you doing?" "I've never told you...your eyes are real neat." Meadow blushed, laughed and looked away.

Kurt swiftly grasped her chin and slowly pulled her face back to his. "You don't like attention, I can tell. Maybe that's a big reason why I'm so into you."

For that moment, Kurt and Meadow weren't next door or in a house. It seemed as if the pair drifted off into space for a moment, everything was pitch black except for Kurt and Meadow. They were crystal clear to each other simply just gazing into each others eyes was enough for the both of them.

They leaned in and shared the most passionate kiss known to man. The kiss sent shockwaves through both bodies, which caused a hesitation at first, but they melted into it soon after. They kissed for what seemed like hours, but it was only about a minute.

Pulling away, Meadow and Kurt smiled at each other which was soon followed by nervous laughter from Meadow. This alarmed Kurt, "Shit, did my breath smell bad?" Meadow erupted again in real laughter, not failing to fall over and start rolling on the ground holding her stomach.

"Meadow, seriously. Did I do something?" Meadow calmed down realizing that Kurt genuinely thought he had messed something up. She came close to him with a reassuring glance. "You didn't do anything dingus, I just got nervous." Kurt laughed lightly, "Well, I'm glad I didn't screw up totally. That was nice, I'll give you that."

Meadow playfully hit Kurt, "Watch it asshole. I'll get Presley and leave." Meadow laughed and Kurt grabbed her hand smirking. "You could do that, but you don't want too." Kurt leaned in once more, but the doorbell interrupted him. His expression went from full of confidence to angry at the fact that someone ruined another moment.

Meadow laughed and stood up off the ground. "Better luck next time Cobain."


Meadow and Kurt walked downstairs to find Krist, Shelli and Presley playing Twister. "What the hell are you guys doing?" Meadow asked laughing. "Just a friendly game of Spin the Bottle." Meadow laughed at Krist's sarcasm and walked to the door.

"So what were you two lovebirds doing up there?" Meadow glared at Presley, who had a more than significant smirk on her face. Meadow looked over at Kurt who was as red as a tomato. "He just showed me some songs, that's all."


Meadow opened the door to reveal Dave. His face lit up at the sight of how grown Meadow was. It had only been two and a half years since they last saw each other, but it felt like ten.

"Meadow, holy shit. You look great!" Meadow smiled and pulled Dave in for a hug. "You look great too." Dave walked in carrying Meadow in the hug still.

Presley looked up to see Dave staring directly at her. "Dave!" Presley ran up to him almost knocking him down. "Presley, oh my God. Hi, it's like a reunion today huh?"

Presley and Dave had a "history" behind them. They had a fling on and off for about six months in junior high before Dave left for Olympia and Presley moved away also. They hadn't seen each other in a while, but this was good for them. It was as if they needed to see each other.

Dave eventually let go of Presley and made his way over to Kurt who was sitting on the steps staring off into space. "It's nice to meet you, I'm—." Kurt stood up and shook his hand. "Dave, right? I'm Kurt, I sing and play guitar. Over there with his back arched is Krist, he's on bass." Dave smiled and looked over at Krist who returned it.

"So where can I show my skills?" Kurt and Dave laughed. "C'mon, I'll take you to the basement. Krist, come on." Krist shifted his body out from under Shelli and stood up almost breaking his back and tearing the Twister board. All three of them headed for the stairs and went to the basement.

Shelli sat up off the board and invited Meadow and Presley into the kitchen for some cookies she had baked. Meadow and Presley obliged and filed into the kitchen, each taking seats at the table. "So Meadow, we didn't officially meet. I'm Shelli, and I have to add that I am in love with your hair."

Shelli admired Meadow's jet black curls for a second. "Thank you. I love your name, it's unique in a way." Shelli smiled, "Not really, Presley is the one with the unique name here." Presley looked up with a mouth full of cookies, "Thanks."

"These cookies are amazing, Shelli." "Thank you Mea, can I call you that?" "Only if I get to call you Shell." "Deal." Meadow, Shelli and Presley laughed and continued making small talk.


Two hours had passed and the boys came back up the stairs laughing. The girls turned their heads to see what the good or bad news was. It couldn't be bad if they were laughing, right?

"Everybody welcome our brand new limited edition drummer, Mr. Dave Grohl." Kurt started the applause and soon it spread around. Meadow and Presley jumped up to give Dave a huge hug.

"Group Hug!" Krist grabbed Shelli and gathered everyone around Dave, Meadow and Presley. "I'm gonna go pop open some champagne, come give me a hand Kurt?" Kurt looked at Meadow and quickly nodded. The pair walked into the kitchen anticipating what the rest of the night had in store.

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