

325K 14K 756


A Normal Day-Edited
A Scream In The Woods Starts It All-Edited
Against The Wall-Edited
Silver With a Tent of Red-Edited
A Million Miles Away
Shopping With Kellin
Ask But Not Tell
I Can't Wait
The Devil's Cry
Possessive Witch
You're mine
Picking Up for Dada.
Keeping Sin Away
Happy Birthday Baby
Kellin's Daughter
Northern Border
A Gorgeous Place
Into the World
No Weakness
Like A Dog
Ause and His Mate
Life Is Good
Author's Note

Precious Gift

8.3K 399 19

I tickle Sin's bump. His laughter rings through the air. I move my fingers over his bump, causing him to scream with laughter. I look at him, his face is flush, eyes wide and begging for me to stop, his body squirms on the body moving side to side trying to get away fron my hands.

"Please stop!" He giggles cutely out.

"Never!" I yell playfully. He pushes me off him, falling off the bed. Getting up, I see Sin running out the room, giggling loudly. I run after him, loving the chase. Running out our roon, I follow the sound of his laughter and scent. Running down stairs I hear Sin whispering that the tickle monster is after him.  I hear the pacl amd my family chuckle. Running imto the dining room I see Sin under the table. I pretemd that I don't see him.

"Um where could my adorable mate be?" I tap my chin. I hear him giggling softly. The pack and my family smiles at me. I stand on the side Sin is at. Looking under the table, Sin screams in laughter. He crawls out from under the table jumping up wrapping his arms and legs around me his month old bump agaisnt my tummy. He looks to be about 3 months in the human world.

"Hi." I looks up at me with big eyes. I look down at him lovingly.

'Hi." I kiss his nose.

"Will you not tickle me anymore?" He ask me pouting. I stroke my imaginary beard pretending to think about it.

"For now." I smile down at him. Smiling big, he kisses me on the lips. He's the first to pull away. At that time his stomach growls. Chuckling I sit him in his chair and get him waffles and fruit. He eat everything and a plate of seconds.

"Are you ready for the doctor's appointment." Dada ask bouncing a sleepy Marcus.

"Yes! I can't wait to see my baby and see the gender!" Sin bounces in his seat. The reason we get to see the gender already is for the supernatural only carries the baby for 3 month's. The baby grows quickly in the first month, and slower in the last two.

"Let's go baby, it's time for the appointment." I pick him up bridal style style, carryimg him to the Medical Ward. Opening the door, I set him on a bed. The doctor comes in.

"Hello future rulers, ready to see your baby?" He ask causimg Sin to nod his head quickly.

"Raise your shirt." Sin does as ordered. The doc pours jelly on his stomach, amd grabs a wand, amd moves it around his lower stomach. I look at the gray and black screen to see my baby. The doc looks closely at the screen.

"It looks like a... baby boy!" The doc cheers out. I look to Sin with tears in my eyes.

"We're having a boy." I say my voice thick.

"A baby boy!" Sin cries in my chest. I wrap my arm around him.

"A beautiful baby boy." I kiss his forehead.  "Thank you my love."

"Why are you thanking me." He ask in my chest.

"For giving me the most precious gift in the world."


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