The Scarlet Witch||Doctor Who...

By Yucky_Yarnes

41.6K 1.1K 191

"Absolutely fan-freaking-tastic" "Hey, that's my word." "Well, too bad." More

.Chapter 1.
.Chapter 2.
.Chapter 3.
.Chapter 4.
.Chapter 5.
.Chapter 7.
.Chapter 8.
.Chapter 9.
.Chapter 10.
.Chapter 11.
.Chapter 12.
.Chapter 13.
.Chapter 14.
.Chapter 15.
.Chapter 16.
.Chapter 17.

.Chapter 6.

2.4K 64 7
By Yucky_Yarnes

this is what Elizabeth's dress looks like:


"Hold that one down!" The Doctor yells.

"I'm holding this one down!" Elizabeth yells back. "Well, hold them both down"

Elizabeth reaches across the console and pushes another button down and Rose cries out, "It's not gonna work."

Rose was hanging onto the console for dear life as the room shook and rattled as the Doctor and Elizabeth pilot the TARDIS.

"Oi! I promised you a time machine, and that's what you get. Now, we've seen the future, let's have a look at the past. 1860! How does 1860 sound?" The Doctor asked.

"What happens in 1860?" Elizabeth asked.

"I don't know, let's find out! Hold on, here we go!" The Doctor exclaims and pulls a lever down.

"Oh my god!" Elizabeth shouts as she loses her balance and crashes to the floor. Rose who had grabbed Elizabeth to help her stand went down with her. The Doctor rushes to his companions to see if they were okay and trips on a stray cord and lands next to Elizabeth.

They laid there in silence when the TARDIS landed.

Elizabeth smiles and bursts into childish giggles. The Doctor soon joins her and then Rose. The three laid there smiling and laughing, care free. "Blimey!" Rose exhaled.

"Telling me!" The Doctor grabs Elizabeth's hands and hauls her to here feet. "You all right?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think so. Nothing broken." She answers. Rose giggles and nods in agreement. The Doctor chuckles and grabs onto the monitor. "Did we make it? Where are we?" Rose asked as the two humans walked towards the alien.

"I did it! Give the man a medal. Earth, Naples, December 24th 1860." The Doctor cheers.

"That's so weird." Rose said shaking her head. "It's Christmas Eve!" Elizabeth exclaims.

"All yours." The Time Lord said motioning to the doors with his arm. "But its like... Think about it, though. Christmas, 1860, happens once, just once, and then it's gone, it's finished, it'll never happen again. Except for you." Rose points.

"You can go back and see days that are dead and gone. A hundred thousand sunsets ago." The blonde continues.
"No wonder he can't stay still." Elizabeth chuckles. "Not a bad life." The Doctor said.

"I'd say better with three." The Irish woman said. The three share a grin and Rose pulls on Elizabeth's arm. "Come on then!" She shouts and pulls her towards the door.

"Oi, oi, oi! Where do you think you're going?" The Doctor calls after them. The two turn around and Rose says, "1860."

"Go out there dressed like that, you'll start a riot, Barbarella. There's a wardrobe through there, first left, second right, third on the left, go straight ahead. Under the stairs, past the bins, fifth door on your left. Hurry up!" The Doctor orders.

The girls giggle and ran towards the wardrobe.


"Holy-" Elizabeth mumbles as her eyes take in the rack of clothing. She runs down a spiral case with Rose following behind. "Oh my god, Rose, this is your dream!" Elizabeth exclaims, examining different clothes from different eras.

"Look at this!" Rose said as she pulled out a ruby red flapper dress.

"Ooo, 1920s." Elizabeth said. Rose puts the flapper dress back onto the hanger and continues to look for 1800 era clothing. "Do you know what 1800 clothing looks like?" Rose asked.

"Yeah... something like this." Elizabeth mumbles as she pulled out a black and purple dress. Rose squealed and grabbed it from her. "Do you think it suits me?" She asked holding it up to her body.

"Yes!" Elizabeth exclaims and goes back searching for more dresses. Rose rushes to a changing room and starts putting the clothing garments on. "Have any luck, Liz?" Rose asked.

"No, everything is too. Meh." Elizabeth answered. Then Elizabeth hears a little hum and she turns around and spots a dress that appeared on a closet door. "Oh, what a beauty." Elizabeth whispers.

"Rose, are you almost done? Come look what I found." Elizabeth shouts. The TARDIS lets out a hum again and Elizabeth smiles and whispered, "Thank you."

"What did you find?" Rose asked as she walked back into the room with her black and purple dress on. The blonde gasps as she saw the dress that Elizabeth was holding.

The dress was red and black. Elizabeth's favorite colors. "It's beautiful. Hurry up, let's get you dressed and find some accessories. And our hair!" Rose said and pushes her toward the changing room.


"Wall-ah!" The Irish woman opened the door and struck a pose. Rose giggles as she spins around. "You look beautiful, Liz. Wait till the Doctor sees you." She smirks.

"What you mean by that?" Elizabeth asked. "I see they way you look at him!" Rose giggles. "And how is that?" Elizabeth asked putting her hands on hips.

"Oh you know, like that." Rose snickers. "Oh, shut up you knobhead." Elizabeth said with an eye roll.

"I think, I'm gonna put my hair in a bun. Oh! Can you do it like the one time at prom?" Elizabeth asked. Rose sighs and gives into the puppy eyes.


After Rose braided and pinned up Elizabeth's hair, they added some accessories. Elizabeth pulled on her grandmother's necklace and some other shiny objects and Rose did her hair.

After Rose was done, the two scurried back to the Doctor. Who was currently underneath the console buzzing away. His eyes snapped up at Rose who was in front and he stood up.

"Blimey!" He exclaimed. "Don't laugh." She giggled.

"You look stunning!" He said. "Considering." He added.

"Considering what?" Rose asked.

"That you're human." He answered.

"I think that's a compliment." Rose rolled her eyes and walked to the side and the Doctor's eyes widen even more.

"Wow- Elizabeth... Wow. Um, you look-" The Doctor swallowed nervously as he tried to come up with a coherent sentence. "You look beautiful. Absolutely beautiful." He whispers.

Elizabeth blushes and looks down at her feet. "Thanks, Doctor." She mumbled. "Aren't you gonna change?" Rose asked the Doctor. "I've changed my jumper! Come on." The Doctor said as he began to climb back up.
"You stay there, you've done this before!" Rose exclaimed and ran towards the door. "This is mine."

The Doctor sighs as he pulls himself up out from underneath the TARDIS' console and he hold out his arm. "My lady." He said. "May I escort you to Christmas Eve, 1860?" He asked in over posh voice.

Elizabeth giggled and wrapped her arm around him and said, "Of course, my good sir."

The two share a laugh and walked outside the TARDIS and saw Rose look around the area. "It snowed!" Elizabeth said as she stepped into the white substance.

"Ready for this?" The Doctor asked them. He holds out his other arm for Rose and she smiles grabbing onto it. "Here we go. History." He said.

As the two walked down the street, Elizabeth and Rose look around the town as people walked through the cold night. The brunette shivered and huddled closer to the Doctor at an attempt to consume more body heat. "Quite chilly outside, isn't it?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yeah." Rose said, she was star stuck at the history that was being made around her. The Doctor lets go of Rose and he pulls Elizabeth towards a newspaper man and asked for the article.

The Doctor sighed as he read the newspaper and Elizabeth asked, "What's wrong, alien boy?"

"I got the flight a bit wrong." He answered. "I don't care." Rose said.

"It's not 1860, it's 1869."

"I don't care." Rose said again.

"And it's not Naples"

"I don't care." The blonde said again.

"It's Cardiff."

Rose stopped smiling a little bit and slowed down. The Doctor and Elizabeth walked ahead of her and the blonde mumbled, "Right."

A scream breaks through the cold air, and it alerted the three time travelers. "That's more like it!" The Doctor said throwing the newspaper behind him and dashed off, Elizabeth still holding onto his arm.
The Doctor, Rose, and Elizabeth run up the steps of a theatre and push through the mob of people that were screaming. The high pitch moaning only seemed to grow louder.

When they pushed through the running crowd, Elizabeth gasped and pointed at a blue phenomenon. "Doctor! What is that?" She yelled.

"Fantastic." He mumbled. The Doctor rushes towards the stage pulling the Irish woman with him. "Did you see where it came from?" He asked the man on the stage.

"The wag reveals himself, does he? I trust you're satisfied, sir!" The bearded man snapped at the Time Lord.

"Oi! Leave her alone!" Rose shouts. Elizabeth look back at the seats to see a man and woman carrying out an elder lady. "Doctor! I'll get them."

"Be careful! Elizabeth come here." The Doctor said as he held out his hands for the girl. Elizabeth had grabbed his hands and he pulls her onto the stage. "Did it say anything? Can it speak? I'm the Doctor, by the way." The Doctor said as he continued to ask the bearded man.

"Doctor? You look more like a navvy."

"What's wrong with this jumper?" The Doctor asked. Elizabeth slaps his arm and points at the flying figure. The figure let a high pitch scream and it was sucked into the gas lighting.

"Gas." Elizabeth said. "It's made of gas."

The Doctor looked at her questioning how she knew that. "What? How else was it suppose to do that?" She asked.

The Doctor and Elizabeth hop down from the stage and run out of the room with the man following them. Elizabeth spots the two that kidnap the dead lady and runs forward. "Rose!" She shouts. "Doctor! They took Rose."

"You're not escaping me, sir! What do you know about the hob-goblin? Hmm?" The man from the stage asked. "Projection on glass, I suppose. Who put you up to it?"

"Yeah, mate, not now, thanks." The Doctor said. "Oi! You! Follow that hearse!" The alien shouts at a coachman. The two climbed into the coach. "Can't do that, sir."

"Why not?" Elizabeth asked. "I'll tell you why not. I'll give you a very good reason why not." The bearded man said. "Because this is my coach."

"Well, get in, then!" Elizabeth and The Doctor shouted pulling him in. "Move!" He commanded.

"Come on! You're losing them!" Elizabeth shouts. "Everything in order, Mr. Dickens?" The coachman asked. "No, it is not!" The bearded man answered.

"What did he say?" The Doctor asked. "Let me say this first. I am not without a sense of humour..."

"Dickens?" The Doctor asked. "Charles Dickens?" Elizabeth asked.


"The Charles Dickens?" The two travelers asked. "Should I removed the gentleman and his lady, sir?"

"Charles Dickens! You're brilliant, you are! Completely 100% brilliant. I've read them all." The Doctor said.

"Great Expectations. Oliver Twist..." Elizabeth listed. "What's the other one? The one with the ghost?" Elizabeth asked.

"Christmas Carol?" The author asked. "No, the one with the trains. The Signal-Man, that's it. Terrifying!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"The best short story ever written!" The Doctor added. "You're a genius."

"Do you want me to get rid of them, sir?"

"Uh, no, I think he can stay." Charles said. "Honestly, Charles... Can we call you Charles? I'm such a big fan." The Doctor said.

"So am I. Your work is so fascinating." Elizabeth gushed.

"Uh you're a what? A big what?" Charles Dickens asked. "Fan. Number one fan, that's me. Elizabeth can be close second." The Doctor said getting a kick from Elizabeth.

"How exactly are you a 'fan'? In what way do you resemble a means of keeping oneself cool?" Dickens asked. "No, it means fanatic. Devoted to. Mind you, I've gotta say." Elizabeth said. "That American bit in Martin Chuzzlewit, what's that about? Was that just padding or what? I mean it's rubbish, that bit." The Irish woman said.

"I thought you said you were my fan?"

"Oh, well, if you can't take criticism... Do the death of Little Nell. It cracks me up." The Doctor laughed. "No! Sorry! Forget about that. Come on! Faster!"

"Who exactly is in that hearse?" Charles asked. "Our friend. She's only 19. It's my fault." The Doctor said. When he said that Elizabeth grabbed his hand and gave it a tight squeeze. "She's in my care, and now she's in danger."

"Why are we wasting my time talking about dry old books? This is much more important. Driver! Be swift! The chase is on!" Charles ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

"Attaboy, Charlie." Elizabeth said.

"Nobody calls me Charlie." The author spoke darkly. "The ladies do." The Doctor said.

"How do you know that?"

"We told you! We're your number one..." Elizabeth began. "Number one fan. I know."


Charles Dickens grabs the door knocker and lets it slam on the door a couple times and finally a woman opens the door.

"I'm sorry, sir. We're closed." The woman said.

"Nonsense. Since when did an Undertaker keep office hours?" Charles asked. "The dead don't die on a schedule, I demand to see your master."

"He's not in, sir." The woman said. She goes to close the door but Charles Dickens pushes it back open. "Don't lie to me, childe, summon the master!" The author orders.

"I'm awfully sorry, Mr. Dickens, but the master is indisposed."

The gaslight behind the woman began to flicker and flare up.

"Having trouble with your gas?" The Doctor asked. "What the Shakespeare is going on?" Charles asked.

The Doctor pushed his way through and into the funeral home and places his ear on the wall as if he was listening to it. "You're not allowed inside, sir." The woman yelled.

"There's something inside the walls." The alien said. "The gas pipes. Something's living inside the gas."

Faintly, Elizabeth and the Doctor hear Rose's voice scream, "Let me out! Open the door!"

"Rose!" Elizabeth shouts and rushes inside. "That's her!" The Doctor said runs after Elizabeth.

"How dare you, lady! This is my house." An elder man yells at Elizabeth. "Oh, shove off!" Elizabeth shouts and runs past the man.

"Let me out, somebody open the door!" Rose yells as she banged on the door. "Open the door!"

Elizabeth and The Doctor run to the door and the Time Lord kicks it open. "I think this is my dance." He growled and walked into the room to see Rose getting attacked by two dead people.

"It's a prank. Must be. We're under some mesmeric influence." Charles said behind the three.

"No, the dead are walking." The Doctor said. "Hi." He greeted Rose. "Hi. Who's your friend?" Rose asked.

"Charles Dickens!" Elizabeth exclaims. "Okay." The blonde said as she smiles at Elizabeth who fangirled quietly.

"My name's the Doctor. Who are you, then? What do you want?" The Doctor asked.

"Failing! Open the rift. We're dying." The dead man said. His voice was laced with a ghastly voice and his eyes were iris were white. "Trapped in this form. Cannot sustain. Help us."

Then the two deceased open the mouths and let out a scream as blue wisps glide out of their mouths and into the lamps.

"Holy cow." Elizabeth mumbled.

And then they landed with a thud.

(((pretend Elizabeth is in Rose's place

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