Back & Forth | A Jack Gilinsk...

By asfanfiction

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This "relationship" is so back and forth. First you're in love then you're not, then you are, they you aren't. More



453 9 5
By asfanfiction

"So truthfully, what's going on with Mitch?" He asked me.

"Why?" I rebutted.

"I don't know why you can't just tell me."

"I don't know why you need to know."

"I just want to know what's up so I can plan accordingly." He said.

"What do you mean "plan accordingly"?" I asked using air quotes

"Like if you guys are together, I won't invite you to hangout after this, if you aren't together, I would consider inviting you to hangout after this."

"Well were not together, but that doesn't mean I want to hangout with you."

We continued to talk through dinner and it was nice. It was normal catching up conversations. I forgot what it was like to talk to Jack as just a friend. We were friends right?

"Sir. There are paparazzi outside. They know you're here together. What do you want to do? Use the kitchen door?" The manager came over and said to Jack. We have frequently had to go out kitchen doors to avoid paparazzi. I still don't know why they follow him around so much. Sure he is pretty known to the public, but he's no Brad Pitt.

He looked at me. I just shrugged my shoulders. I didn't necessarily want to be seen leaving the restaurant with him.
"Yeah back door is good." He said back.

"Why'd you decide to go that route?" I asked as I finished my drink.

"I could tell you weren't too comfortable leaving out the front together."

"Sorry. I just don't need that drama right now."

"Or is it because you don't want Mitch to see it?"

"Why do you care so much about Mitch. I'm here with you right now. Shouldn't that say something?"

"Let's just go" He said as he wiped his face one last time before standing up. He grabbed my hand and we followed the manager through the kitchen and out to the car.

Why was he holding my hand? Why didn't I pull away? I guess I didn't mind it. When we got out to the car, he opened the door for me and closed it behind me before getting in the front.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

Jack looked back at me. I gave him a blank look. We'll drop her off first, then I'll head back. He didn't even ask if I wanted to do anything so I just let it go and turned my head to look out the window. I guess this was the closure I was looking for.

I looked at my phone to see if Mitch had texted. He didn't. I hoped he would. He leaves in 2 days and I don't want him to leave with things the way we left them.

We pulled up to my apartment and I got out of the car without saying a word. Jack didn't say a word either, but I could feel his eyes were on me as Jeffrey opened the door for me and followed me inside.

"Was that Jack who dropped you off?" He asked as we walked to the elevator.

"Yea." I said shortly.

He pressed the elevator button and didn't ask any more questions. I got upstairs and my parents were already in bed. I sat down on the couch and turned on Netflix. Tonight felt like one of those nights where I was going to fall asleep on the couch. And I was 100% ok with it.

I randomly woke up 1:30am. I always do this when I fall asleep on the couch and I think it's cause my body knows I'm not in my comfortable ass bed. I always end up going up to my bed though.

I went to the kitchen to put my glass in the sink when there was a faint knock on the door. There was no way in hell I was answering that. I didn't even want to move because I was scared of what was on the other side. Sam (the nighttime Jeffrey) would never let someone up here, so then I start to wonder if it's a neighbor that needs something. Then my mind goes back to Sam. What if someone killed Sam and made their way up here.

Then my phone buzzes.

From: Jack
It's me. Can I come in?

Phew. Relieved, I walk over to the door, look through the peephole to make sure someone didn't kill Jack and take his phone to come and lure me out to kill me.

It was him. He looked confused but also really cute. He hasn't changed. He's in the same outfit from dinner. I unlock both of the locks and then pull open the door. I look at him, he looks up from the ground, grabs my face and kisses me really hard. He doesn't pull away for a few seconds.

Did I kiss him back? I sure as hell did! It just felt right. But also so wrong.

Things are starting to heat up and I'm not even thinking about the fact that my parents are right upstairs. I don't want it to end. I want to keep going because I'm enjoying it, so I lead him to the bathroom.

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