"Liones High" A Kiane Story


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(This takes place in a school called Liones high and everything was normal.No demons,no powers,no giants,none... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 8

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I woke up and heard no one.I sat up and looked around.The room was completely empty.
I turned around and saw Diane sleeping on the other side of the couch.I didn't want to wake her up so I quietly got off the couch and tip toed to the front door.
I examined the room once more,the room was well cleaned.
I was quickly putting my shoes on until I end up slipping and hitting the back of my head on the coffee table which made a loud bang.
"Owww"I said as I rub my head.
I heard footsteps approaching me but I didn't bother to look.
"King?"It was a gentle voice that sounded tired.I looked up
"Oh Diane.."I quickly got up
"Are you leaving now?"She asked in almost inaudible
"Yeah,Elaine is probably worried about me and we have school early in the morning"I replied
She gave me a look.
Not a sad one but a disappointed one.
I tilted my head
"Is there something wrong?"I asked as I picked up my other shoe and slipped it on
She waved her hands in front of me.
"No,no,no,no,no it's just.."She looked away and held one of her pig tails on top of her lip.
I waited there for an answer
"Just please be careful and I'll try to talk to Howzer about this"She said while giving me a hug.
I kinda froze and blushed at the sudden gesture but soon I hugged her back.
We the parted from each other's embrace.
"Diane,don't worry I can deal with him"I said while opening the door.
"You better not fight"She pouted and I laughed
"I promise"I replied
"See you tomorrow"I said as I waved
"Yeah you too"She closed the door slowly and I began walking down the sidewalk to my house.
I noticed it was dark and the mop was set on the sky but I jumped.
"WOOHOO I GOT A HUG FROM DIANE"I shouted but not too loud that the neighbors can hear me.
"Captain's right,I might actually get a shot of this"I said excitedly to myself
I felt so happy but my smile vanished when I felt a pain in my back after the jump.
Then a random question got even more sad
"How am I'm gonna deal with Howzer tomorrow?"I scratched my head in stress.
'I promised Diane I wouldn't fight with that bastard'I put my hands on my neck and stared at the stars.

Sooner or later,I was at the front of my house.I walked towards the door and put my hand in my pocket to get my keys.Once I got it,I opened the door slowly.
I peeked my head.I walked inside and closed the door.
While I was taking off my shoes,I felt a someone hugged me from behind.
I turned around and saw Elaine.
"Elaine?!"I said a little bit startled.
"Where were you?You know how worried I was"She let go of me and put her hands on her hips.
"Oh sorry,I got a little side track"I nervously chuckled.
I heard her sigh.
"Dinners on the table and gets some sleep we have school tomorrow"She was said while walking up the stairs.
"Thank you"I said a little bit loud so she can hear.
"Your welcome,I had to cook because your cooking sucks"She peeked from the stairs and smirked.
I rolled my eyes and headed to the kitchen.

-(Diane P.O.V)-
I closed the door and headed to the kitchen.Since Matrona wasn't home yet,I cooked myself some ramen in a cup for dinner.
After I finished,I went upstairs and went inside my room.
I laid down on my bed.
'I hope King gets home safe'I thought to myself.
I blushed knowing that I was thinking about him.
'Why am I thinking about him?'I laid sideways and covered my pink tainted cheeks.
I sat up and shook my head.
'I was so certain I was so certain I was in love with the Captain but King is a different story.Sure,he's one of my close friend but I feel like he's someone different,someone I met before when I was super young.'I laid down
'No way he's that boy from my dream.Well he has that scar but he could have got that from someone thing else.'
I put the blanket
over my body and closed my eyes.

I was somehow sitting down on a park bench.No way,I saw a little me but looked way older then the other me from the other dream.She looked around 12 years.The younger me was chasing someone.I squinted my eyes it was the same boy again but I couldn't recognize the face.
"Haha can't catch me"The boy teased
"Don't be so sure of that"The younger me said while running a bit more faster and tagging the boy.
"Tag now your it"She sad while sticking her tongue out and running as fast as she can away from him.
"Aw you're so on"He said it in the same childish voice I heard in my other dream.
He began chasing her.I smiled.A few minutes past and it was already sunset.
I blinked and rubbed my eyes.
The sunset was still there and I see both me and the boy sitting under the tree.Since no one can see me or hear me,I decided to sit beside them.
Once I got there,I can see them watching the sunset.
"That was fun"Younger me said
"Yeah,but next time let's play catch"The boy said joyfully
"Yeah I think I like that"Little me smiled and leaned on the boy's shoulder.
"What high school do you think your going to?"She asked
"Liones High"He answered with a smile
Although his face is blurry,I can see him mouth.
"That's great!!My parents say I'm going there too!"Little me said and giggle in excitement.
"We will always be best friends right"She asked while looking at the boy.
The boy grinned and held out his pinky.
"I promise"He waited for me to wrap my pinky against his to be left as a promise.
Little me finally wrapped her finger and grinned.
"Thank you"
I smiled at the two and wondering who the boy could be.

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