Chapter 3

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Our third class was over and it was lunch.Finally,I haven't ate a full breakfast this morning.My stomach was grumbling.I was walking down the hallway and put my hand on my stomach.Captain began to catch up with me.

"We should hurry before someone takes our spot in the cafeteria."He began running and I ran after him.
I was running until I saw Diane walking out of her class.
I walked towards her.
"Hey,D-Diane"I said trying to be confident
"Oh hey King"She said to me in an unusual tone.It sound like she was tired.
Her face was red and she was sweating a little bit.I tilted my head in question
"Are you ok?"I asked in a worried tone.
"Yeah,I'm a bit tired that's all"She said a little bit more cheerfully
"O-ok"We both began to walk to the cafeteria and saw the rest of our group from the distance.
I grabbed Diane's hand and started walking towards the group.It was a lot of people in our way and I didn't want to lose Diane in such big crowds.We finally got to our table and sat down.
"What took you so long?"Captain asked
He saw the big crowd and Diane with me
"Ohhhhhhh"He said smirking at me
I rolled my eyes
I saw Ban,Elaine,and Elizabeth with us in our table.
"Ok since we are all here,let's get our food but two people have to stay here so no one takes our spot.Once we come back,the other two can get their food"Captain explained
"I'll stay"I heard Diane said
The rest of the group looked at me waiting for me to raise up my hand.I sighed
"I'll stay with Diane then"Everyone then smiled
"Ok see you guys later then"They began walking away from the table.
I looked at Diane who was looking red and her eyes looked pretty tired.
"You sure you are ok?"I asked
"Yeah,don't worry King"She smiled weakly at me
"Ok if you say so"I rested my head on the table
I was worried about Diane but if she says she's ok then she's ok.
After eating a burger with fries,I feel good.Me and Diane had gym class right after lunch.I needed some fresh air after two long sessions.
But Diane still looked pretty sick to me which made me worried.
I went to the boys change room and change into my gym clothes.
I went through the other door that leads to the outside field of our school.Soon,everybody was there and we began to do our 15 laps on the track.I saw Diane and she looked like she was about to faint.
I quickly ran to her.
"Diane,this is like the third time I asked you this but are you sure you are ok?"I asked
"I'm ok just a little dizzy"She then fainted on the ground
"Diane!"I kneeled down quickly and carried her.
I felt her forehead.It was burning
The other students came including the coach to the scene.
"What's going on?"He asked
"Diane just fainted"I explained panicking
"We need to take her to the nurse right now"Howzer one of the students here said and was kneeling down like I was.
"Lemme take her"He put his hand towards her and I slapped it away.
"I'll take her to the nurse"I said in a serious tone which made a lot of people gasped.
Howzer simply just glared at me and my actions but I won't let him touch her.
I carried Diane on my back and ran to the Nurse's office.Why didn't she told me the truth?I began to ponder in my head.

We were there and I knocked the door of the Nurse who works here.I began to hear the door knob jingling.The door opened and I saw the Nurse with a curious expression.
"What happened?"She asked once she saw Diane
"My friend,Diane here has fainted during gym class"I responded
"Oh you may come in,sorry to make you wait"She then opened the door fully an I walked in.
There were a couple of beds placed in the room and I gently put Diane on one of them.
The nurse told me to wait outside.I sat on one of the chairs outside the office.
Minutes have passed and I was anxiously waiting outside till the Nurse can let me in.

I heard the door opened and I jumped out of my seat.The nurse smiled and welcomed me in.I walked in and saw Diane with a cold rag on her head.
"I checked her temperature and looks like she just had a fever"The Nurse told me

"They were also some bags under her eyes,she might haven't took a nice sleep last night.Just let her relax and everything will be ok"She told and I smiled
I bowed down in respect
"Thank you"I said
"It's no problem just make sure to watch over her"She replied
I stood straight and nodded
"You can head back to class now I can take care of her and you are allowed to come and visit her after school"She told me as I left the room.

I was running back to gym class until I bumped into somebody and fell down.
"Hey watch where you going squirt."I looked up and saw Howzer.

"Maybe if weren't an idiot you would have watch where you're going"I said while getting up
"Where's Diane anywhere?I have no interest in seeing you"He asked looking around
"I'm not telling you and you should mine your own business"I smirked
"Why you little"
"Do we have a problem here,gentlemen?"It was our principal,Mr.Dreyfus
We both straightened our posture in respect and faced him
"No,nothing is wrong here sir"We both said in unison.
"Very well."He began to walking forward until we couldn't see him.
"Better watch out,douchebag Diane doesn't wanna be with you and is gonna end up with me"He picked me up by my shirt
"Oi you should put him down"I heard a familiar voice
It was Ban.Great I have to deal with two idiots at the same time.
"I'm not the heroic type but you should let him go"He said lazily
"Whatever,I have better things to do anyway"He threw me at the floor and walked away.
"You shouldn't have said anything,I could have beat him up and stand up for myself thank you very much"I sarcastically said
"Well,you weren't do a great job at doing that,now were you?"He smirked at me and slouched his posture as he put his hands in his pockets
I dusted some dust off my clothing.
We both began to walk down the hallway.
"I heard what happened to Diane"He began
"She just have a fever that's all so don't worry about it"I replied
"Someone knows how to stick for their girl"He playfully said and nudged his shoulder against my arm.
I blushed and looked away
I felt his hand too of my head.
"Get your hand off my head"I told him
"Well,just to let you know you have grown so much taller from elementary school.You were like the shortest in our class now look at it"He began chuckling
I blinked a couple of times.
I haven't notice that I grew so taller for the last few years.
Ban is a pretty tall guy if you ask me but when I was in elementary,he was that tall in eighth grade and I was about the height of his elbow.Now I'm taller than his shoulder
My eyes widen
"You haven't noticed yet?!What a complete idiot!"He began laughing
"If there's an idiot here it's clearly you"I scolded
We then went to our separate classes.
I still have two more classes until the day ends.

"Liones High" A Kiane StoryWhere stories live. Discover now