Chapter 4

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The day was over and I rushed to the nurses office.I knocked on the door and waited patiently.
The door opened
"Oh nice to see you here"She said nicely and welcomed me in.
I followed her.
I walked over and saw Diane still sleeping.Her face wasn't as red and she was smiling in her sleep too.
"Do you know when she will be awake?"I asked
"Well..."The Nurse looked at the clock
"She began to rest around 1:00 and it's 2:35.She will begin to wake up soon"She answered while a smile crept on my face.
I brought a chair next to her bed and waited.I eventually fell a sleep and laid my head down on the bed

~Diane's dream~
I woke up on some grass and heard some children yelling or shouting.I sat up and a little girl being picked on some bullies.I immediately ran towards them and tried to stop it.
"Hey that isn't nice"I scolded them
But no one noticed me .I don't think they could see or hear me either.
I looked at the little girl and squinted my eyes.That' squinted my eyes and looked at the scene.I remembered be bullied and....
"Hey!!!"I heard a little boy's voice from the distance.He was running towards us I mean them
My eyes widened.That was......a little boy ?Although I couldn't see the boy's face properly
"Quit picking on her,mind your own business"He shouted and standing in front of the bullies.
"Move outta my way you pipsqueak"One of the bullies pushed the boy out of his way and was walking towards little me.
"Don't touch her!!!"The little boy shouted
The bully looked at him
"Whatcha gonna do about it,stop me?!"The bully began laughing.
The little boy got up and punched in the face.I gasped.
The bully held his cheek.
"You got some nerve doing that you punk?!"They all began beating up King.
I covered my eyes.I didn't want to see an innocent boy get hurt
All of a sudden it was sunset.I covered my eyes and see it's only the boy and little me.He was bruised up but sat by my side.
"They didn't hurt you right?"He said
"No I'm ok but look at yourself.You're beaten up and bruised."Little me said worried
"These are nothing,they're gonna be scars and scars make me stronger that way if those idiots come back again I'm gonna beat them all by myself."He grinned
I noticed a wound that stood out the most,it was a big cut on the left side of his forehead.
"I promised you and your parents that I will watch over you and protect you"He said proudly
"Thank you ,I really appreciate that"Little me hugged him and he hugged back.
It was all clear now.That specific memory was a blur to me at first but now it sounded more familiar and clear to me now.But I wonder why I can't remember it.I have to find out who was that boy in my dream

I woke up minutes after and saw Elizabeth entered the room.
"Are you ok?I heard what happened during P.E class."She said while taking a seat next to me.
"Yeah"Is all I could say
I noticed that King was also in the room but was sitting on the chair and kneeling his head on my bed to sleep.
"When did he came?"I asked pointing at him
"He was here before I came here"Elizabeth said while giggling at King.
"He came right after school to see you and to make sure you're ok"Captain said while walking towards my bed.
"Captain?!"I questioned
I remembered what the boy said in my dream
"I promised you and your parents that I will watch over you and protect you"I could hear his childish voice in my head.I smiled while hearing that and looked over at the sleepy King.
He looked like he had waited for me to wake up.
"Looks like we have to wake King up"Captain said
"And I just know how"Ban somehow came in here and held out an air horn.
"Isn't that just gonna piss him off?"I asked
"It's just a joke he won't be that mad at me and once he sees you he will probably forget about it"He said while he held the air horn on the left side of King's head and I blushed.
King gets that happy when he's around me?
"You guys might wanna cover your ears"Ban warned us and we covered our ears.
(Idk how to say what an air horn sounds like)
It was quite loud and King immediately woke up and fell off of his chair.
"Are you guys serious!!You guys should have woken me up in a more mature way"He said very grumpy and crossed his arms while still on the ground.

"Hey,your girlfriend is awake why won't you talk to her?"Ban said tossing the air horn and smirked
"Girlfriend?"King tilted his head in questioned and looked at me.
I blushed
"Hi"I greeted waving my hand in the air
"Diane?!You're awake?!"He was startled and blushed

"Why didn't you told me you had a fever?"He asked worried and stared at me in disappointment
"I didn't want to worry anyone and I thought it would go away"I said with a tinge of guilt on my face.

"Oh...ok"Is all he said.It was quiet for a couple of minutes.
"Oh gee look at the time,it 3:40 and we have a lot of homework to do right,Ban"Captain nudged Ban's shoulder and smirked
Soon Ban began to pick up what the Captain is saying.
"Your right,Elizabeth wanna come I'll ask Elaine too"Ban said
"Sure,why not?"Elizabeth said joyfully
"See you two lovebirds later"The Captain said while rushing them out of the room.

"Homework?They literally just told me before school ended that they didn't have homework "King said trying to figure out why they left.
He brought the chair up and sat on it.
"So King...."I started and he looked at me
"Y-Yeah?"He stuttered and stared into my eyes
"When do I leave?"I asked
"Oh,just sign out and tell the Nurse"He replied
I began putting my shoes on and grabbed King's hand so he can help me find the nurse
"What a-a-are y-you doing,D-Diane?"King asked and out of the corner of my eye,I could see him blush
"finding The Nurse"I answered as I giggled at his expression

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