Chapter 15

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(King's P.O.V)
I have finally recovered properly and left the hospital yesterday.The doctor said I should at least took a day-off school.I felt relieved and tired that I couldn't wait to go back home.
Wait,why hasn't Elaine visit or ask about me?Does she know?
I was at the front of my door step and pulled out my keys to unlock the door.
I opened it and walked in,yelling
"I'm home".
No one answered so I shrugged my shoulders and took my shoes off.
"Big Brother?!"I heard Elaine's voice and she came stumbling down the stairs and tripped on the last step.
"Elaine?Are you ok?"I took her hand and helped her up.As soon as she got up,she hugged me so tight that I couldn't breath.
"I'm so glad you're awake,big brother,I'm so sorry I didn't visit you any sooner."She kept sorry while I was practically suffering and tried to get out of her grasp.
"E-E-Elaine"I tried to say.
"Huh?"She looked at my face and saw me out of breath,probably Turing pale by now.
"Oh my goodness,I'm so sorry"She let go and I took a long breath.
"I was about to send you to the hospital again"She said while chuckling nervously.
I shook my head
"No,it's ok.You were just happy and got too exciting that I'm here"I said and she smiled.
It was quiet until I heard an unusual voice.
"Elaine,where are you?"It was Ban wearing some pajamas,walking down the stairs.
"Oh there you are,what took you so long?"He walked to her and finally took a glance at me.
"Hey,King glad to see you're back on your feet"He greeted me,grabbed Elaine's hand and was about to walk back up the stairs
"Hold on"He stopped and turned around to face me
"What and why are you doing here?"I asked suspiciously
He looked surprised and held out his intertwined hands with Elaine to me.
"Me and your sister are dating and decided to hang out at your place.I wanted to finish the movie we were watching upstairs in her room"My eyes widened and I looked at me sister who was blushing furiously.

"It's true"She replied and I grew angry
"How did you two hook up exactly"I ask trying to hide my anger.
"Ban is funny,cute,loyal,and sweet."Elaine explained and hugged Ban's arm as Ban smiled sheepishly.
I looked at Ban waiting for his answer.
"As for Elaine,she is cute,kind,funny and always had my back in bad situations.I wouldn't give her away for the world"He answered
I look at the both of them and realized that I don't wanna ruin Elaine's relationship.She is my sister and I don't wanna make her mad,knowing how scary she is when she's upset.I sighed
"Oh good for you two.But Ban.."I glared at him and he looked back at me clueless.
"Don't break Elaine's heart.If you do,I'll kick your ass,you got it?"I glared at him and all he did was smirked
"I love her too much to do that."He said lazily.
"Besides aren't you upset that your little sister is already in a relationship before you?If you're ever lonely,go hook up with Diane.She's always available "He carried Elaine in a bridal position and went upstairs.
Oh god I'm gonna have to deal with that idiot everyday if he happens to sleepover here.

I went over the couch and lied down.
"Hook up with Diane,huh?"I said to myself and laughed a bit
"That's almost impossible to do,she won't like somebody like me"I added while trying to close my eyes.
I tried to think of something that can make me fall asleep.Something calming.
I decided to fantasize of me and Diane dating and immediately fell asleep.I then had the courage to tell I feel about her.

-The Next Day-
"Oi Ban you forgot to flush the damn toilet again"I complained and yelled so that he can hear me from downstairs.
"Whoops my bad,sorry"I could hear him say and I growled.
I sighed and slowly flushed the toilet while covering my nose.
I then got my toothbrush and brushed my teeth.
Once I was done,I went downstairs and ate breakfast.Today was just a normal day of school,so my sister and..Ban were getting ready to go.The doctors said I need to at least have a day off so I heal my body and not rush it towards stress.

Elaine,wearing her usual school uniform walked inside the kitchen and sat on the table.She began to eat her breakfast and looked at me shocked
"Why aren't you wearing your uniform?"She asked
"The doctors said I need at least one  more day off from school"I explained and she nodded meaning that she understood.
We both finished and brought our plates to the sink.Unfortunately,since I'm staying home,I have to wash the dishes.

I brought out the sponge and soap and starting cleaning.Minutes later,they said there good byes to me and I continued to wash the dishes.After this,I decided to look in the mirror and practice my confession towards Diane.

After cleaning the dishes,I ran to the bathroom,and looked at myself in the mirror.
"Ok,how do I start this?"I asked myself
I figured out what to say and took a huge breath.
"Diane I like you,so let's go on another date"I said quickly in a nervous voice and immediately shook my head
"That's too obvious"I mumbled to myself
I repeatedly tried to get the right words out of my mouth but all of them were not "good enough" or just not making any sense.

I got tired of it so I went to my room and I collapsed on my bed.It actually felt really good to lay down on my own bed again.I was back to thinking of my problem earlier.
"What do I say?"

"Liones High" A Kiane StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon