Chapter 18

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This lasted till night and a lot of the customers have left except for one.
That bastard Kaito came in and sat down on one of the tables.He spotted me and gave an evil smile but I didn't care.I saw that Diane sat beside him

I was drinking a couple of cups of ale which made me super sleepy and I had to rest my head on one of the tables.
"Didn't know you work here,Diane"I heard Kaito say
"It's only my first day"She giggled
"Well,you're a natural"He flirted and I silently scoffed.
"The reason I came here is because I heard you were here and I wanted to ask you something"He explained a little nervous
I peeked through my arms
"Well,I was wondering if you would like to come to the dance with me next week"He asked while blushing.

I knew Diane would say yes after what happened in the hallway which made my heart shattered.
I stood up and walked towards the door.
"King,where are you going?"Captain asked as I felt all eyes on me.
I turned my head and gave a fake smile.
"My head hurts and I wanted to get some fresh air for a little bit"I lied while keeping the smile plastered on my face.

"Don't be out too long,we're gonna have a small meeting later"He said and I nodded.
I walked outside leaving the smile out of my face making me shut the door.I can hear them talking as I felt the cold breeze against my skin.

I went behind the hut which is opposite ways of the entrance of the boar hat and sat down.I just felt like leaving and avoiding the conversation.I needed to step out and think what to do now.

I decided to gaze at the stars.I stayed quiet for a few minutes.
"What do I do now?"I mumbled to myself.
"Diane's probably gonna say yes.After what happened between me and her ,I don't think she'll ever talk to me again"I noticed I was sitting on grass and picked a piece up.
"C'mon King,there's more girls out there I can't just like one and hope she'll be with me forever"I tried to cheer myself up.
"Not every story has a happy ever after"I quoted and then picture all the times I had with Diane.

Those....memorable life.

"But.....Diane is special.I promised her I would be by her side since when we were little kids"I mumbled softly and I threw the piece of grass away.
"Aghhhh"I screamed quietly to myself as I held my head in frustration.

"Why is this so hard?Why can't I make a damn decision already?"I formed my hand into a fist and slammed it against the ground.
"There's no way that she remembered me"I tried to relax against the grass.
I heard footsteps but I didn't care cuz I was just thinking and probably hoping it's just a wild animal running or whatever.

(Diane's P.O.V)
I told Kaito I will think about it.Minutes have passed and King hasn't come back.
"Diane,can you get King?I doubt he's taking a little fresh air outside"The Captain asked and I nodded.
I went outside and saw that he wasn't at the front of the entrance.
"King?"I spoke and looked around the outside of the bar.
I heard his voice and I couldn't help but listen to it.
"What do I do now?"He asked himself
I made sure he couldn't hear or see me.
"Diane's probably gonna day yes.After what happened between me and her,I don't think she'll ever talk to me again"He said
Does he really think that?
"C'mon King,there's more girls out there I can't just like one and hope she'll be with me forever"He said in a more cheery voice.
"Not every story has a happy ever after"He added and giggling a bit.
He's trying to get over me just because he thinks I like Kaito but no.I really do love King.Very much.
"But......Diane is special.I promised her I would be by her side forever since we were little kids"he said and I quietly gasped.My eyes widen slightly.
Merlin's right.He is the boy I've seen in flashbacks and my dreams.I then heard him scream in frustration.
"Why is this so hard?!Why can't I make a damn decision already?!"He said angrily
"There's no way she remembered me"I heard him say as if he's admitting defeat.
I couldn't hold myself back.I have to tell him I do remember and how I feel.

"You're wrong about all that"I spoke up and stood out from my hiding spot.I held my hand on my chest.

He looked at me and his eyes widened with guilt and fear.He then looked away.
"You heard all of that,didn't you?"He asked and I cannot turn back.
I sat beside him.
"I did heard all of that"I admitted
It was a moment of silence
"Do I really mean that much"I asked
He still looked away and nodded.
"I remember.....everything"I spoke and he looked at me with widen eyes.
"No,this must be a stupid dream"He refuses to listen.What a stubborn idiot.

"This isn't a dream..Harlequin"I hesitated to say his real name.
He faced me again but didn't look like he believe.
I smacked his head.
"Ow,what was that for?"He clutched his head with his hands.
"For making me wait so long when we were little kids"I scolded and his eyes widen.
"So you did....remember"His voice was trembling somehow and he finally believed
I saw that he left his hand on his sides.
I grabbed his hand softly and intertwined with mine own.
He gave me a confused look but tightened it.
"King,I have something to tell you"He then looked at me,giving me a chance to say how I feel.
""I confessed and he seemed surprised.
He then smiled and laughed a bit which made me worried.
"Why are you laughing?"I asked
"I promised myself that I'll confess my feelings towards you first,here you are confessing to me first"He explained and scratched the back of his head.
He then had a faint blush across his face.
"I can't hide it anymore but.....I love you too."He confessed back as we both gaze at each other's eyes.
"I felt this way when we were little kids.But I still cared for you even after you forgot about me.That's why I didn't tell you what happened between me and Kaito.I was just jealous that he's making you laugh and happy"He added
We both still gazed at each other's eyes as if we were lost in them.
I leaned in and touched one of his cheeks.He also leaned in and moved a lock of my hair away from my face.
We were so close to each other that I felt his lips on mine.
We pulled away and both said
"I love you"We decided to rest and leaned against the wall of the boat hat.
I rest my shoulder and still had our hands intertwined.We both drifted off to sleep.
I felt the most safest person
in the world knowing that King is always and forever by my side.


"Liones High" A Kiane StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora