"We meet again"

By amber04blank_

11K 108 3

It must be meant to be when two people parted ways and then keep getting reconnected with one another. But... More



190 3 0
By amber04blank_

A few weeks after the Stars had won the cup, we all stayed in Dallas because it was that time for the Stanley Cup parade. Millions filled the Dallas streets to watch the guys come down with the cup for a few seconds. They fought the crowds just to see them for a few seconds. That's how you know Dallas has the best fans there is. After the parade was over, the guys still had some things to do with the cup like take it to a local restaurant, to the White House and to the children's hospital of Dallas which was my favorite part of it all. When there was nothing left to do for the city, it was the guys' turn to spend time with something they all have been waiting for. Each guy gets to spend about a week with the cup wherever they want. Tyler and I are going back to Canada for some of the summer then coming back here to Dallas for the rest of the summer.

Summer time.
One of my favorite seasons besides fall. I love fall weather because it's not too cold and it's not hot. It's also very beautiful outside.
It is now July and Calder is a month old, turning 2 months at the end of July. Time is going very fast and Calder is started to hold his head up on his own, he makes some sounds and although he doesn't sleep the whole night, he's getting there and doing a lot better than he was a month ago. Going to Canada was stressful because I have obviously never flew with a newborn before. It was hard but thankfully he slept almost all the way because I didn't want to be one of those parents that has a kid that's screaming bloody murder the whole flight.
We didn't get to make it for Canada Day and we'll be here in Canada for America's 4th of July so it doesn't look like we'll have any holiday to celebrate this month. It's better off that we aren't around fireworks or anything loud this year since Calders with us.

We get the cup in exactly 1 week and I cannot be anymore excited. He will just be sharing it with family and friends at his house and just having a big ole cookout.

No one has seen Calder in person yet, they weren't even there when we was born. All they've seen were photos, videos, and FaceTimes. When we arrived, Tyler's mom picked us up from the airport and she didn't even want to drive to their home because she just wanted to sit in the back with the baby.
When we got to the house, she held him for it felt like hours, she wanted to feed him, give him a bath, everything. His sisters and grandma were there along with some friends and family of his I didn't know or ever met before.
My family is coming next week and they invited them to stay for the weekend. I'm so happy Tyler's family and mine are getting along and our moms basically are best friends. They hang out when they can and text everyday about us.

1 week later.
My mom, brother, Brigitte and the kids all came to Tyler's house for the cookout along with my aunt, cousin, my best friend who's here from Boston, and Elias since he's still living in my brothers house and he still hasn't went back home for the summer. He's going to be staying in Calgary.
     When they arrived, Tyler, Calder and I all greeted them at the door.  It wasn't time for the party yet and the cup hasn't even arrived yet so it was just Tyler's sisters and mom sitting in the living room with the dogs.  Once my brother and Elias meet the baby and all, they all go down to the basement to play games or whatever they're going to do. All of us girls and the kids stayed upstairs talking about a lot of things like hockey, Dallas, being a mom, my pregnancy, and having the baby.
My mom was crying when she was meeting Calder because I'm her daughter. This is the first time she's meeting her grandson.  Brigitte on the other hand was so ecstatic and very excited for her kids to meet their cousin even though they just see a baby that they don't care about in their eyes. All they want to do is go play. They don't even acknowledge their own baby sister who was born about 5 months ago yet.

     It was 12:30 so we all decided to start getting ready for the party because it starts at 4 and the cup won't come until 5 the keeper of the cup said. We get the cup for 2 days so we better make the most of it.
Even though Tyler's mom kept shooting us away and saying no about helping her out with making things and getting stuff ready, we all still helped.
Tyler's sister and I made some of the desserts and the drinks, my mom made the salad, fruit and meat trays while Brigitte helped his mom make ham, rolls, sausage, and other things that is made in the oven. We also ordered pizza so we just took that out of the box and put it on a nicer plate.

     When 3:30 came around, people started to file in the backyard by the pool. We sat out all of the food and drinks and just had a cookout that felt like it was a family reunion but soon enough, the cup will be coming and we'll celebrate with everyone's who's been there for Tyler throughout this whole thing.

I realize Tyler had disappeared while I was holding my niece and when I was looking around for him, I seen him coming through the gate carrying the Stanley cup high over his head. I can't do anything but smile. He makes a speech while holding it and then sits it down on the grass by the pool where people can take pictures with it.
First up was Tyler, Calder and I. We sat the baby in the cup with tyler holding him up while I kissed the cup and he kissed Calder. It was funny but a cute family picture. There was many more just with Tyler and I too. Then it was time for some with family and friends. After everyone was done talking a photo with it, looking at it, and giving it a kiss, Tyler poured some champagne in it and we all took a drink out of it for good luck. Before that, we filled it with juice so the kids can have fun with it also.

It was an amazing time with the cup and we'll for sure miss it when it's gone. This is all surreal and I'm just blind to it because it happened so fast. It's such a blur.

"Damn sis, you're a 2 time Stanley cup winner, you got another ring, and your old big bro who actually plays in the league got nothing." My brother says. I feel bad but it's true so I laugh.
"And add onto that, I came on the team late in Boston, wasn't even in the playoffs or anything and still got a ring. This year is just a ring they give for the families. But you got it brother, just save some more pucks ya know and maybe you guys will win" I laugh. My brother and I always have a competitive Style and always makes jokes like that.

Everyone left the party late, around 2 am. Brigitte and my brothers drove back to Calgary since they had the kids with them and my mom is staying at the Seguin household for the weekend. She's staying in the guest bedroom.
Since everyone decided to leave and they all went inside to go to bed, Tyler and I stayed up. Just us two. No family, friends, no dogs, no baby. Just us two sitting in the hammock chair cuddling up together because it was chilly on this night. The Stanley cup still shining from the lights hanging and hitting it. It was so peaceful just us by the pool, it was very quiet when we weren't talking. The cup was to the right of the chair we were sitting in and I look over staring at it- smiling.
"What? You can't stop looking at it either?" Tyler says. I just let out a little chuckle and lay my head back on his shoulder. "You know... I can't stop staring at that reflection in the cup either. It's beautiful and I got something else that would look beautiful on you." I was confused on what he said.
"What else would look beautifuler than me wearing this Stanley cup champions ring eh?" I ask flashing my hand to him.
He grabs my left hand and takes off my promise ring. "I don't like this one anymore so I got you another one that I hope you'll love even more." He tells me getting up then pulling me up out of the chair walking me over around to the other side where the cup was.

"Also El, take that Stanley Cup ring off, I want all the attention to go to this instead.." he starts off saying then pulling out a blue box from the Stanley cup. He gets on one knee. "Ellie, this is for real this time. I know I pranked you many times before with me joking around with rings and getting down on one knee but this is it. I'm finally doing it. This is real. Will you marry me Ellie?" I start to tear up and now knowing what to think. I stare at the ring and then back at him staring into his eyes. Wow. Every girl starts planning their wedding when they are a little girl and dream of getting proposed to and they vision it.
I wait a minute to answer because I'm still shocked and don't know what to think.
I'm not completely aware of anything around me. I'm totally focused on Tyler right now.
"Yes. Oh my gosh Tyler. Yes. Ah" I say still not breathing correctly. "Yes?" He says back to make sure what I said. I shake my head in the 'yes' motion smiling so big it hurts. He replaces my bare left finger with the engagement ring. "Oh my gosh Tyler. It's so beautiful. I love you." I say jumping into his arms giving him a huge hug and kiss.
"I love you so much Ellie. Trust me, I've been waiting a while to do this. When I got you that promise ring, it was supposed to be this ring but everyone kept telling me it was too early that I should just get a promise ring so that's what replaced this for a while. I wanted to do it on the ice after we won but that's where I pranked you again with the Stanley cup ring."
I finally realize there was a photographer clear in the back of the yard taking photos of us. It was a surprise for sure and I'm glad Tyler was smart and hired her to capture this moment. I wouldn't have wanted it anyway else. It was just us in the backyard at 3am with no one else back there, except for the photographer of course. It was special and intimate. What a year so far, it's been amazing.

Our child was born. The Stars won the Stanley cup. I'm getting married.

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