Saving Pony

By Olliejbooks

17.6K 305 270

"How would you like to join your friend, Johnny?" The Soc on top slurred in my ear, smiling wickedly.The smel... More

Johnny's back
Get over it
Just a scratch
How to be a big brother
Big News
Fish Stix
Now I'm Bleedin'

but where is Pony?

2.9K 45 28
By Olliejbooks

A/N hellooo and welcome to the first chapter of this book. I don't like it as much as I like the other chapters. But I will update everyday depending if something gets in the way so,,, SAVE TO UR LIBRARY FOR MORE,, and tune in next chapter bc IT ABOUT TO GO DOWN HLCKHCKHC. ok thank you for ur support uwu
P.s sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes hehe.

3rd person POV

Dallas ran his fingers through his blond hair sorrowfully, looking out at the dark night sky of the Curtis brothers porch. It had to be almost dawn.

Johnny couldn't be dead, was what Dally kept repeating to himself. He didnt just see him breathe for the last time, and he didn't just hear him whisper his last words in the bland old hospital room. Johnny's last words still echoed in Dallas' mind on a continuous loop. Dally would forget, then the emotions would come flooding back.
Dallas Winston was convinced life hated him enough to rip the only thing he loved in life out of his control.
And he hated not having control.

Sure Dally loved other things, like gang fights, his family (not his blood family), and the feeling he got Everytime he lit a cigarette. But Johnny was something else to him. Something that Dally could never admit to anyone else, in fear they would think he was "soft." Although he hoped the kid new how much he really like him.

Dally tried to tell himself that he would walk through the front door and see Johnny sitting on the couch, his body free of burns and managing a conversation with Ponyboy that didnt require words like they always do. Sodapop and Steve would be playing poker, as Two-bit engulfed himself in Mickey short films, while Darry sat in his arm chair reading the evening paper that he caught up on every night. Silently judging.

The greaser knew that this was wrong, and Johnny wouldn't be sitting peacefully on the couch, next to his best friend. Sodapop and Darry would be out looking for their missing brother, Ponyboy, Steve would be out roaming the streets, And Two-bit would be an awful mess probably drinking his life away at the very moment. Though he didn't blame him.

How Dally wished he would have stuck by Ponyboy when he ran out of the hospital room and into the night. He was only 14 after all, and was still just a kid, he wouldn't bare it if something happened to him too. Not watching close on Johnny is what killed him. How could he be so stupid? Dally came straight to the Curtis house after he said his farewell- remembering back in the lot where Johnny laid feebly in sodapops arms after the encounter with the Socs. He promised himself nothing would ever touch Johnny Cade as long as he was around. But when it came to falling timber...Dallas Winston was helpless.

Dally held his foot back and kicked it forcefully into the frame of the Curtis' front door. Pain shot up his leg, but he didn't care. His leg pain was the least of his problems at the time. He muttered unintelligible threats under his breath, and quickly swiped the back of his hand over his burning hot cheeks, wiping away a small tear of frustration and hatred. Dally slammed the center of his palm back and angrily brought it to the door, he watched as his hand blotched with red due to the self inflicted pain. Didnt matter. Hurt a lot less than the reality of knowing he would never see the young greaser's quiet eyes again.

"Dallas?" A voice called behind. A small part of him hoped it was Johnny, although it was impossible to hear the dead. He stopped thinking there was life after death when he watched the police officers inform Darry of their parents Shannon and Darrel's passing. He watched sadly as Soda broke down, and Darry become the father figure of his brothers in that very moment. Dally certainly didn't think there was a God now. And if there was, how could he Be so cruel as to give all the socs the breaks. Equality wasn't seen in the eyes of Dallas when it came to the rival gangs, maybe God didn't see them equal either for all he knew. If he did, Johnny Cade would be alive and well, living the life he so deserved.

Dallas spun around on his heel to see none other than Two-bit Mathews. Two-bit was hunched over and had red puffy eyes from crying, though he was wearing a jacket, he was shivering cold. Apparently he had not been getting boozed up after all.

"Two?" Dallas snapped "how long have you been here?" He just hoped Two-bit hadn't seen him so vulnerable like he was a second ago. But instead Dallas plastered a cold emotionless look across his features. The last thing he was doing was making himself look like he cared the slightest. Even if he cared a whole lot.

"Came by, figured you would be here" he sighed. "Sodapop and Darry can't find Pony. They gettin real worried about 'im. You should have seen the way Sodapop nearly collapsed on the road in hysteria. The kid hasnt been back for a about an hour" two-bit frowned and Dally couldnt help think it didn't suit him well at all, he preferred when he was cracking wise jokes, although Dallas pretended to find him obnoxious. Which he did at times, but could always count on a good laugh. Some how this just didn't seem real to either of the boys as they stood facing eachother with sad eyes on the porch that night.

Dally raised his eyebrows at the news of the kid missing. It just wasn't like the kid to run off like that. Even after he close to hysterics he may have been. He thought he would be back by now, or in the lot.  "He ran out on me. Haven't seen him since." Dally added staring beyond Two-bit's shoulder. "Hope he doesn't do anything stupid" Two-bit whispered quietly more to himself. Dallas nodded his head in agreement. "We can't lose another." He muttered softly under his breath, so it was BARELY recognized by Two-bit.

That sentence made the reality all more real.

When Dally came back informing the gang of the news, Two-bit almost lost it as well. Steve stormed out angry, despite his condition from the rumble, and Sodapop let the water works run.

What concerned him more was the absence of Ponyboy who had just been with Dal' after the fight with the Socs. He wasn't looking too hot either. Like he was about ready to fall flat on his face. Two-bit felt slightly guilty about that for not informing Darry, about his younger brother.

The guilt really seemed to build when he remembered the bruises and cuts on the youngest boys body as Dally lifted his from the wet grass to see Johnny. They all just wanted him to come back. If he wasn't already dead.

:O where is pOnY? *Audience gasps* find out tmmrw :)

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