The Wedding Planner

By ThatGirlChey

412K 9.9K 720

Lanea Pastele has grown up with Kirk Davenport since high school. They were lucky to get through high school... More

The Wedding Planner [Prologue]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 1]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 2]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 3]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 4]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 5]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 6]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 8]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 9]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 10]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 11]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 12]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 13]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 14]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 15]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 16]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 17]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 18]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 19]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 20]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 21]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 22]
The Wedding Planner [Chapter 23]

The Wedding Planner [Chapter 7]

17.3K 416 27
By ThatGirlChey

"How much do you get paid for the job you've got?" Westly asked me.

I shrugged. "About two hundred an hour."

His eyes widened at me. "Seriously?"

I nodded. "I'm just guessing. I don't ask for as much as other planners, so I get more people asking. Some wedding planners ask for about 500 to 900 dollars for an hour."

We had begun to walk down the streets that weren't as crowded as others had been. I hadn't been around... wherever we were... very much, so I had no clue where we would go for shoes. I guess Westly knew what was going on in this little idea going through his head.

"Damn, you're spoiled. No wonder you have a nice apartment."

"I am not spoiled!" I yelled at him.

He gave me a look and I didn't say anything about the spoiled topic again. "So why were you asking?"

"Did you expect me to buy you knew shoes?" Westly replied to me as we continued to walk and a few people passed by.

"No. Mainly, I would think that you would like duck under me and force the shoes I have on now off of my feet."

"You guessed wrong, even though I would laugh at you falling." I watched him smirk.

"Ha ha," I said sarcastically. "You're a great friend."

"I know," he said, continuing to smirk. "Plus, I don't like the fact that you're so tall. You look better short."

I looked at him for a moment, then said, "I really don't know how to respond to that."

"You just did, love," Westly said with a British accent.

I rolled my eyes at hearing his response and we continued to walk. I could hear a louder crowd of people as we approached and turned a corner of a empty place made for a store. It looked like it had been an old grocery store, or a mini mart.

I saw Westly smile as we turned the corner, and we were in Time Square. People were in a steady flow of traffic, some going one way and some going the other on the side walk. Some people came out of the subways and went on their way. Some walked faster than others. Some were just taking their time, which made the faster-walkers irritated. 

I know how they felt.

"And we're in time square, why?" I muttered. 

"To have a little fun. Did you forget or something?" Westly said.

"No, you never told me where we were going!" I replied.

"Yeah, I did. We're getting you some shoes."

I sighed in frustration. I sounded like Daphne. "Well, what kind of shoes?" I said.

"Some type of shoes," he said with a near grin. Then he disappeared into one of the stores.


"You like'em?"

We walked out of the store, called Journeys, and my eyes were locked on my feet and my new shoes. I hadn't spent that much on them, and they matched the dress I was wearing perfectly. Converse. I liked them.

"Yeah. They're really comfy," I said, looking at my shoes from angles, a small smile on my lips. 

Westly smiled too. "How did I know you'd like them? Oh yeah, I'm a genius," he said, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at his nails, like he broke one of them.

I rolled my eyes. "I sure wouldn't say you're a genius," I responded with a smirk. 

Instantly, he shot me a look. "Whatever, sweetheart. Let's just go."

"Oh, God. Where to now?" I said in a complaining tone, when really, I liked being away from all the stress.

"Planet Hollywood."

"Planet Hollywood? What's that?" I said to him as I followed directly behind him in the bustling street.

"It's a restaurant. You know, a place where you sit down, and order food." He turned around to face me. "But here's the tricky part,"-- He leaned closer to my face--"You have to eat the food too!" 

I gave him a 'You're-An-Idiot' look and he laughed, turning around and continuing to walk. "I even crack myself up," he muttered.

"Is the food any good?" I asked him.

"Would I be taking you there if they didn't have good food?" he replied to me as we stopped at the crosswalk. We had to walk a few blocks to get there, and I could see the red sign that read out Planet Hollywood.

"I don't know. You may be trying to poison me for all I know."

"Yeah, because I'm going to sneak some poison to the waiter and say,'Hey, put this in her food'," Westly said to me.

I giggled a bit and he pointed at me. "I made you laugh," he said.

"Yeah. So?"

He shrugged, and we kept walking. I looked at him in confusion , but followed him across the street, and down the sidewalk. "Weirdo," I muttered.


I questioned the fact that it was even safe to walk into the shop/restaurant, but Westly ended up grabbing my hand and basically dragging me into the place. It was crazy. There were so many strange things dangling from the ceiling, and things posted up by our table.

Yes, I realize I'm saying all of this like I'm going to die in that place, but I just found it bizarre. As if I was bizarre myself.

We were sat down at a table and I couldn't help but look around and gawk at the decorations. Tiger striped table cloths. Small play cars and chairs dangled from the ceiling. A palm tree there, and a palm tree here. I felt like something was going to land on my head and crush my skull into the ground.

"Calm down, Lanea. Geez," Westly said as he placed his eyesight down on the menu.

"I can't help it. This place is weird."

"And you're not?" Westly replied, looking up at me with ice blue eyes.

I gave him a look and said, "Funny," in a sarcastic tone.

"Thanks," he replied to me, looking back down at his menu.

I rolled my eyes and did the same. "So what's good here?" I asked, opening the plastic pages.

"Alota stuff. Pick something out for yourself," Westly said.

I just sighed. "Ever eaten a salad from here?" I asked him, looking for the salad section of the menu. I felt his eyes gaze at me, then looked up at him. "What?" I said in confusion.

"You're not eating a salad," he stated simply.

"I need it. It's better than what I normally eat. I, like, never eat them anymore."

"You're, like, getting a burger," he mocked me.

I gave him a hateful glance. "Why the heck am I even here?" I wondered out loud.

"Because you don't know how to get home, and you most likely don't wanna go home without me there to protect you," he said to me. "You'd probably get hurt being beaten around in those subways."

"Was I not already when we rode that deathtrap?" I replied.

"I was there to make sure you didn't."

I sighed in frustration then felt myself stand up. "Yah know what? I'm leaving," I said, grabbing my bag and starting to walk off.

"Hey, hey! Wait!" Westly called after me. I stopped and turned around.

"Flip a coin. You stay if it's tails, you leave if it's heads," he said pulling out a quarter from the pocket of his jeans.

I stared at him as he flipped the coin. "You're ridiculous!" I said. Oh, and I promise, I wasn't making a scene.

He caught the flipping coin and turned it over onto his hand.


"I hate you."

"No, you don't, Lanea. You know you love me," Westly said in smooth response.

I rolled my eyes. "As if."

Clearly, it was tails. I had to stay. And he made the deal longer. I had to spend the day with him. Honest, I had given it some thought, and it wouldn't be much different from spending the day with Daphne. It would still be weird and a little annoying. But I just shrugged it off, think I should make the best out of what Westly had in mind.

Our food got to us, and Westly had ordered me this massive burger. I swear, the thing could feed me for about three days. At first, I had asked him if it was for the two of us to share, but once his food was set down, I took that as a no.

I stared at the burger in amazement. "It's a masterpiece," Westly said to me.

"It's a monster. It's gonna eat me before I can eat it," I said, almost looking at it in a scared way.

Westly smiled softly. "It won't eat you, and I didn't poison it. I promise," he said to me.

I sighed and took his word for it. I cut the burger into fourths, and took a piece of it. We ate for a while before anyone said a word, but Westly eventually broke the silence.

"Yah know, this is kinda like a," he paused. "Date." He smiled at me like an idiot and it made me laugh.

"Yeah, right," I replied to him.

"Well we're eating food together, and you kinda have to spend the day with me so..." His voice trailed off.

I sighed. "Whatever," I said finally.

"Hmm," he said. "You say that a lot."

"I don't," I muttered.

"You deny things, too," he said, pushing a few mayonnaise covered fries into his mouth. "You can't get to know the real you?" he assumed.

"I know myself, Westly. I'm... me! I know who I am."

Westly laughed at me. "Yeah, right. I think I know you better than you know yourself. Isn't that just sad?" he said.

I gave him a look, as if telling him he was an idiot, or an even bigger idiot than he had been that entire day. But why wasn't I tired of this yet? Oh wait, I am.

"I know me. Just... let's get over this topic, okay? If I have to spend the day with you, I don't want to be arguing with you all day long," I said to him.

"Wow," he said, looking up at me. "You're actually stopping an argument with me? That's new."

My green eyes were narrowed at the boy with messy hair. "Will you just shut up?" I said, trying not to raise my voice at him.

"I can," he said while he was chewing up some of his burger. Honestly, it didn't make me much more annoyed than before, but it was still kinda gross. "But I probably won't."

"Will you do it for me?" I asked with a stupid smile, tilting my head and fluttering my eyelashes at him, trying to look sweet, but he laughed.

"Sure, sweetie, sure."

Thank Goodness!

A few minutes of silence left us to eat some of our food. I kind of looked up at him while I chewed on the burger I had dismantled before, then put back together. He was a pretty good-looking guy, and if anyone would have assumed we were on a date, they would think I was lucky, when in reality I really, really wasn't all that lucky.

But I'm sure I'd get over it.


"Why are you such an idiot?" I yelled at him, panting heavily from the running.

"I'm not an idiot, Lanea. I'm fun!'

He rounded a corner and then into an allyway. I followed quickly and we both slammed our backs into the brick wall, panting heavily. 

"How the hell is this supposed to be fun?" I panted at him, a slight smile on my face.

"It just is! You need to try it once in a while."

"This'll be my last time, mark my words."

Westly laughed at me. "Yeah, I'll remember that in the future."

We heard hard footsteps approach the corner.

"They're gone!" said a male voice, a security guard was what I was guessing.

"How'd we lose'em? All they did was turn the corner!" said a female voice, another security guard.

"I don't know," said the male voice.

The woman sighed loudly. "Oh well, at least they're gone. You remember what they look like?"

I think the man scratched his head. "Uh, yeah, kinda."

The woman was silent, but then said, "Okay. If they ever come back, we'll know to run'em out next time, or get them."

And their presances were gone, leaving just the street, a few blocks from Time Square.

"You're so stupid," I said, poking Westly in the chest as I stood in front of him, accusing him.

"I'm not! Come on, that was fun."

"Being stupid in a store for you might be fun, but it wasn't for me."

Westly's smirk disappeared off of his lips and he and I walked down the next block, away from the direction the security guards had gone and walking some way. I had no clue where, and I don't think Westly knew either.

"So, is this the moment where we have the heart to heart talk?" I said, breaking the silence as I walked beside him on the messed up sidewalk. Not may people walked on the streets, but I knew we weren't in any kind of danger.

Westly smiled as he looked forward to watch where he was going. "I guess so," he said, then he looked at me. "That is if you want to have one."

I shrugged. "I just kinda expect it, you know?" I said.

He nodded.

We were quiet for a moment, and crossed the street to another block before he replied. "Do you hate me?" he asked.

We had slowed our pace, and acted as if we weren't meant to be going anywhere. That reminded me right then that I was supposed to be with Daphne, but the fact that Westly was walking beside me gave me that kind of 'Screw-It' attitude. "No. I mean, you aren't that bad," I said.

"You act like it." His head was lowered so his bright eye could stare at the ground.

"I don't. I'm just not used to what you call fun," I said, looking down at the ground, too, suddenly feeling a little bit bad. "I guess I do need to loosen up."

I saw Westly smirk, and then I brought my head up to look at him. "You said that just to get me to admit it, didn't you?" I said quickly.

He giggled. "Yep."

I punched him in the shoulder once playfully, and he continued to laugh at me. The aautumn air blew, almost making the moment romantic. "You do need to loosen up a little bit more, though," Westly said to me.

I gave shrug. "I guess so," I said sarcastically.

We were quiet for a moment more, and I was watching the orange sun pass down over some of the many shiny buildings in the distance. I was guessing that it was about five in the afternoon, and that I'd spent most of the day with Westly.

I had to admit, it beat spending the time with Daphne by a long shot. Daphne wasn't very fun.

"You know, since you've been such a good sport today, I'll take you home," Westly interrupted my thoughts.


The subway ride home was much more entertaining with Westly there to point out stupid things. Like the fact that the place was jammed full with people who had work that day, and that they wanted to get home, and that there was a fat guy in a turtle neck in the back of the subway train eating a salad from McDonald's. He found ways to make me laugh, and before we knew it, we were standing in front of our apartment building. Quickly, I rushed up to the second floor and to my door. Westly walked up more slowly than I did, but he made it up the stairs when I was unlocking my front door.

"Did you have a good day, sweetheart?" Westly teased me as he stood in his now open doorway. I had just then pushed to door open and set my bag down on the ground by the door.

"I guess, Westly. It wasn't that bad."

"Score out of ten?" he asked of me.

I gave it some thought as I leaned on my own door frame, then, facing him. "You get an eight."

He raised his hands up in victory. "Yes!" he said, holding out and stressing the s.

I laughed at him, rolled my eyes and started into my apartment. As I started to close my door, I felt myself stop, then open it up to see if he was still standing in his doorway.

And he wasn't.

Then, I started to walk to the door, and almost knocked, but the door came open.

"I knew you'd come for me!" he said with a grin and I just rolled my eyes again.

"Do you want to be my date to Daphne and Kirk's engagement party?" I asked, breathing out.

He looked at me as if I was completely insane and that I had escaped from a mental hospital and that I was asking him for something weird, like skulls or his furniture. But then he smiled at me. "I'd be honored to accompany you, Lanea Pastele," he said, bowing before me and speaking ina horrible British accent.

I smiled and then turned back. to my door. "Bye, Westly."

"Bye, Lanea."


I like this chapter,and it's taken forever for me to write! I'm almost glad it's over.

It wont be much longer until I write the next chapter.

The awesome Converse are in the external link. ---->

I hope you liked the chapter and please comment, vote and fan!

Thanks for reading!


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