How I Wish

By Artaith

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Book one of the wish series ...The sun exploded across the horizon bringing with it dawn as fiery fingers of... More

Authors Note/ Trigger Warnings
Author's Note
Chapter XIV


1.1K 95 14
By Artaith

Chapter XI

"How are you feeling Sang?" Luke asked as he took a seat on the chair beside me. Turning my head, I offered him a weak smile.

"I'm feeling better thank you. I really am sorry for freaking out earlier and making things so difficult." I whispered and looked down at my hands in embarrassment. Pressing a nail into the skin of my thumb, I watched as the pink tone of my skin leached of colour as I applied pressure.

"As I said earlier, you have nothing to apologise for, plus it actually makes things easier eating in here as I'm sure your attention would have been stolen as soon as you stepped inside the mess hall. That would have been a shame as it would have meant I wouldn't have had the chance to meet you." Glancing up, I found Luke smiling at me, the familiar playful twinkle in his eyes winking at me. I couldn't help but worry he was mocking me with his statement, but his expression showed no signs of dishonestly which just confused me.

"Why would it have been a shame?" I questioned.

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked, and I shook my head. "You have everyone under a spell cupcake. Not only are you beautiful on the outside, but on the inside too – and that is a rare thing in this world." He added, leaning towards me. My eyes widened at his words, and I could only blink at the male in front of me.

Was he being serious?

Because it felt like he was definitely mocking me now, especially after Gabriel's words earlier.

Saddened at the realisation that he was only teasing, I pulled back and turned towards the table. Pain in my thumb captured my attention, and I saw my nail had broken skin, making a small bead of blood rise to the surface.

A golden hand appeared in front of my face, and I jerked in my seat as it gently grasped my wrist and slowly detangled it from my other. I tilted my head slightly and found Luke frowning down at my thumb, a somewhat distressed expression on his face.

"What was it I said that upset you?" He asked as he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, and softly pressed it against the drop of blood on my thumb. I could only watch as he cleaned the skin before returning the handkerchief and bringing my hand to his mouth where he pressed a soft kiss against the pad of my thumb.

My heart thumped in my chest at the action, and my eyes accidently lifted and met his.

"I-I." I stuttered, unsure what I was trying to say.

"Whatever I said that hurt you, I'm sorry as that was not my intention." He murmured as he dropped out hands into his lap. I forced my eyes to remain upwards, less I combust at the sight of our joined grip being somewhere so... personal. Swallowing harshly, I shook my head.

"You d-didn't." I tried, but he obviously didn't believe me from the expression on his face and I sighed, guilt filling me at making this kind male feel bad.

"Sang?" My head snapped up at the familiar voice, and I smiled, distracted by the sight of Kota on the other side of the table, a bowl clasped in his hands.

Surprise was etched into his features as he looked down at me. "It's good to see you again." He said.

Luke snickered beside me, and I looked over at him to see him giving Kota a knowing look. Kota cleared his throat, a slight blush staining his cheeks as he evaded the blondes eyes. Dropping the bowl to the table in front of me, he slowly pulled out a chair and sat down. "How are you feeling?" He asked, placing his clasped hands in front of him on the table.

Offering a shy smile, I looked down at the bowl in front of me as I contemplated how to answer.

"I'm doing better, thank you. I k-know you were the one who got me to H-healer Green when I fainted, and I'm grateful you did o-otherwise-" I trailed of, realisation of how close I had come to dying slamming into me, and I looked away from the thick orange and brown broth to meet Kota's eyes.

He has saved my life.

At the time he had thought me guilty like the others, and yet he had still saved me.

It was a sobering thought.

"Thank you." I breathed, unsure if I was thanking him for saving my life or for being a good enough male to help me despite his thoughts and feelings.

A small smile softened his expression, the blush on his cheeks darkening as he held my gaze.

"You have no need to thank me, not when it was our fault you were in that situation in the first place. If we had just spoken to you first before imprisoning you than maybe you would have been cured of sickness before it got that bad." He swore, shame darkening his beautiful green eyes as he looked away from me.

Lifting my free hand from where it was placed in my lap, I gently covered his making him look back up at me.

Forgiveness filled my heart for this male, and I squeezed his hands in response.

"I have plenty to thank you for. You took the time to listen to me, and you gave me the gift of the outside world for the first time since I was a youngling. You made a mistake, yes – but if I had been in your shoes I don't know if I would have reacted any differently.

"You saw me beneath all the lies Kota, and you saved my life even if you thought me a criminal. The part I played..." I paused, swallowing against the truth that I feared admitting. "I am not completely innocent in what happened in that basement, and even though I never laid a hand on those males with intention to harm, I still hurt them.

"Maybe I could have saved them if I hadn't been so scared of the consequences – but I..." Shaking my head, I pulled away and kept my eyes averted less I saw the anger or disgust that twisted their features.

I didn't think my heart could take it.

"No, Sang." Kota pleaded, stopping my retreat as he clung to my hand and I bit my lip, refusing to look up. "You are not to blame for what happened. You were as much a prisoner as the others, and you did the best you could in the situation you were in. I am sorry we added to your guilt and belief in what you think of yourself – but you are not guiltyfor what your family did." He stated, his conviction without question and I darted a look up to find him watching me, a fierce glint brightening his eyes.

My chest warmed at the emotion flickering back at me, and I nodded once unable to argue with the male, even if I didn't fully believe him.

I licked my dry lips as he pulled away, and I slumped back in my seat – exhaustion weighing heavily on my shoulders.

"Enough of that now. Sang needs to eat if she wants to have time to visit Brandon before lights go out." I perked up at the mention of my best friend, and I picked up the spoon that Victor dropped beside the bowl. Spooning the liquid, I paused and looked up to find the others watching me – the mysterious stranger who had been in the kitchen initially – standing in the background.

I froze as I caught the gaze of a male with dual-coloured eyes, something I had never read about or seen before.

His left eye reminded me of a painting of the rainforest I had seen as a child, with various shades of green with sharp edges and watery vines.

His right eye however held a darker edge, of thunderstorms pummelling against it stormy cage, craving its release on the world.

He stood tall and proud, but his stance was almost defensive with muscular arms folded against his chest, and legs pressed against the wall at his back.

His longish hair sat windswept against the side of his angular face, enhancing his strong features and chiselled chin. His clothing was simple in earthy tones of long brown cotton pants, and a short sleeved green tunic which showed of his golden skin.

He was a little rough around the edges and the curious gaze he watched me with, left me with an almost tight feeling inside my chest.

Too many people filled this space, and my stomach twisted at the thought of eating in front of them.

"Alright fuckers, leave Sang eat in peace without you all staring at her." Gabriel spoke up, making the others quickly turn away and focus on other tasks. He offered me a wink before taking a seat beside Luke with his own bowl of broth.

Looking back down at my own food, I took a mouthful and moaned as the taste of carrots and other root vegetables filled my mouth. Swallowing, I hummed in pleasure as the broth warmed me from the inside out.

"Fucking hell." Gabriel grumbled, and I opened my eyes to find the strangers all watching me with their mouths open. Blushing, I dropped my head.

"Shit Trouble, you can't go around making noises like that." Gabriel demanded, and I chanced a look at him to find him staring at me, cheeks pink.

I was confused by what he meant, but the name he called me captured my immediate attention.

"Trouble?" I whispered, unsure if he was trying to insult me again.

"Yes. I can already see you are going to be trouble – but in the best fucking way." He muttered, offering me a perturbed look as he took another mouthful of soup. I tried not to giggle, but the sound slipped free as I realised he was playing with me.

I hadn't experienced something like this in a long time.

I felt almost light as he smiled back at me.

Conversation picked up around us as I took another spoonful of soup, this time keeping my pleasure to myself. I listened as Gabriel and Luke spoke about a 'prank' – whatever that word meant – they did on their brother North earlier – and how he was still trying to get the colour out of his hair. I smiled as they chuckled amongst themselves and wanted to join in and find out what they were talking about.

I wanted to share that joy.

But then I caught the mention of music from Victor, and I turned to listen to him speak with Kota about a song he was writing, and my interest was piqued.

"You write music?" I asked when there was a lull in conversation. Both males turned to look at me at the question, and I tried not to cringe at realising I had interrupted them.

I knew better than to interrupt unless I wanted to be-

"Yes, I used to play other composer's work but in recent times started writing my own to help maintain high spirits on our long journeys at sea." Victor interrupted, drawing me from my spiralling thoughts.

"Wow, that's remarkable. Do you think I could ever..." I froze, the idea of making a request making my palms sweat, and heart race in impending panic.

Desires and wants only leads to disappointment and pain.

"Listen to me play? Of course. How about tomorrow at sundown you come up onto the deck and I'll play you a song." Victor offered with a smile, and I sagged back against my chair – stunned and excited at the idea of hearing music first hand.

I don't think I've ever heard music in person.

I could only nod enthusiastically, which made both Kota and Victor chuckle.

"I think Aggelle Mou likes the sound of that." Silas rumbled as he took the chair beside me. Jumping as I hadn't heard him come over, I gave him a wide-eyed look. He chuckled in response and patted my shoulder in reassurance. "It's okay you distracted. Most females get excited at idea of hearing Victor play." He smiled, spooning a bit of broth into his mouth.

I couldn't help but notice how small the bowl and spoon looked in his giant hands, and a giggle slipped free at the sight.

"I haven't heard music in a long time." I said in ways of explanation of my excitement. I also couldn't help but dislike the idea of being compared to other females – which made no sense to me.

Maybe I was still sick?

"When was the last time you heard music Sang?" Victor asked, drawing my attention back to him. I caught the tail end of a look between Kota and Victor, and my brow furrowed.

"Like singing or a musical instrument?" I asked. My question make the conversation around the small room quieten down.

"Both." Victor clarified.

"Well I used to hearing singing all the time, as it would bring the male prisoners solace during the moon's cycle." I hesitated as I continued. "But I haven't ever heard a musical instrument in person, but I used to hear them on the old gramophone my mother had when I was a youngling." I perked up as I remembered the old music player, and how my mother would dance us around the house on the rare sun cycle's the gramophone actually worked. In my exhilaration over the memory, I missed the looks the others passed between one another.

"Your mother – as in downstairs?" Kota asked, and the memory evaporated at the mention of the step monster.

"No, my mother passed when I was young. The monster downstairs is my stepmother." I whispered angrily, hating the female who had ended so many lives and caused so much pain in her tyranny.

"That explains earlier." Victor whispered, guiltily. I looked at him in confusion. "You mentioned your mother earlier in Gabriel's quarters and you looked both happy and sad when speaking about her. I'm sorry for judging before asking." I was confused by Victor's apology.

"I don't understand." I voiced out loud.

"I thought you had been speaking of the woman downstairs, and that is why I reacted so poorly. If I had known..." Trailing off, he shook his head angrily.

"A lot of mistakes and assumptions have been made brother – we can only try to do better in future." Kota said, offering a hand of comfort on Victors slumped shoulders. Victor sighed, but nodded and offered me another apology, which I didn't respond to as I was unsure what to say.

He was right that he had jumped to conclusions, and I was grateful he was owning up to his mistakes – but apologies were easy to make, but actions always spoke louder than words.

Time would tell if he actually meant it.

Looking around, I noticed the stranger from earlier had disappeared and the kitchen door now sat closed. Curious about the dual-eyed stranger I turned to ask about him when Luke asked me a question, distracting me from the train of thought.

"Do you like chocolate?" Everyone groaned at the question, and I raised an eyebrow as I looked around before settling on the brown eyed male.

"Chocolate?" I asked, unsure what he was asking as the word was unfamiliar to me.

"Yes, the sugary goodness that melts in your mouth – chocolate?" When I still looked confused, Luke gasped and pressed his hands over his heart. "Tell me you know what chocolate is?" He pleaded, and my eyes widened at the manic look on his face.

This chocolate sounded dangerous if everyone's reaction was anything to go by. I almost didn't want to answer, but everyone was waiting patiently, and I knew I wouldn't get away without saying something.

To protect myself, I decided to keep my mouth shut and shook my head somewhat hesitantly. Luke gasped at my non-verbal answer, shooting to his feet. The sudden movement had me flinching backwards in my chair, and a soothing hand on my shoulder was the only thing that stopped the chair and myself from tumbling to the floor.

Glancing over my shoulder, I found Silas had moved his chair so he practically encompassed my own, and he offered me a gentle smile as he shook his head mirthfully.

"I have you Aggelle Mou." He murmured. My jaw dropped at his words, and a blush rose hot and quick in response. Slapping my hands to my cheeks, I could only stare wide eyed at Silas as my mouth gapped open and closed with no words escaping. Chuckling at my reaction, he gently grasped my chin – his touch sending warm tingles across my face and closed my mouth. Using his grip, he softly turned my head until we were both watching the rest of the room, before releasing me.

Who were the males and what were they doing to me?

Pressing a finger against my bottom lip, I fought to gain control over myself and my melting emotions. Everything was so confusing, and I wasn't sure whether to be wary of them or desperate to get closer to their kindness which was so foreign to me.

I was sitting on a ledge, and either way I was going to fall showed no hints of whether I would land on something soft or tumble to my demise.

A flash of blonde drew me from my thoughts, and I looked up to watch as Luke disappeared into the other part of the gallery, cupboards doors rattling.

"You're in for a treat Trouble." Gabriel chucked as he watched my face, and I caught a glimpse of Kota out of the corner of my eye, shaking his head at his friend.

I did not know which emotion worried me more – Gabriel's glee or Kota's exasperation.

"Do not fret Sang, you will enjoy this." Silas soothed at my back, and I forced myself to relax beneath his hand on my shoulder as I continued to watch the others.

"Wait until North finds out." Gabriel snickered, and Victor laughed in response as he watched Luke rummage around the space, looking for this chocolate thing he spoke of.

"He's not going to be happy." Victor agreed, and instead of looking upset by the thought, Gabriel just chuckled.

The more this word was mentioned, the more my stomach sank, and worry filled me as I was starting to think whatever it was – was not good if this North did not agree with it.

"Aha! Found it, now for you to try one of the gods greatest's gifts to us mere mortals." Luke exclaimed, appearing from beneath a worktop with a bright smile. Climbing to his feet, he walked over to me, and I frowned at the milky brown thin block he was holding.

It didn't look like anything special, but from the look on Luke's face – it was something extraordinary.

He broke a small piece off and placed it on his tongue. My eyes widened as he moaned, the sound sending shivers down my spine and causing heat to pool in places I didn't realise it could.

Shifting in my seat, I fought the heat rising in my cheeks and was relieved when he stopped making those noises and opened his eyes. He scanned my face, but I refused to look at him, embarrassed by my reaction.

Thankful when no one said anything, I looked down and waited until he broke of another small piece and handed it to me.

Swallowing, I shakily took what he offered and placed the small brown pebble looking thing in my mouth. I hesitated at first as I didn't want to disappoint Luke with my reaction, but as it began melting and softening on my tongue, an explosion of rich, thick flavour had me moaning in pleasure.

Humming in delight as the silky sweetness caressed and stirred my tastebuds, I savoured every moment of decadence as the block dissolved into a pool of warm, gooey liquid and I was forced to swallow.

I mourned its loss as soon as my tastebuds settled from their amazing culinary journey.

A chuckle had my eyes fluttering open, and I met a pair of heated, playful brown eyes that I now realised, resembled the chocolate I had just eaten.

"So, what do you think – heaven right?" Luke asked, a throaty rumble to his voice. My cheeks heated as I looked around the room and found everyone watching me avidly, the same heat reflected in each of their gazes.

My throat thickened, and heat pooled in my stomach. Pressing my hands against the strange fluttering sensation, I met Luke's eyes and found him watching my hands.

My blush deepened s as I dropped my arms and cleared my throat.

"Heaven." I agreed, and the others chuckled, breaking the strange spell.

"I think we need to get Sang eating chocolate more often." Victor hummed, and I saw nods around the room as everyone agreed – myself included.

Smiling, Luke rose to his feet and returned to the gallery, just as the noise of the door opening behind me drew everyone's attention.

The sight of another stranger had me sinking in my chair as I started to feel overwhelmed again, the constant drum of unfamiliar emotions battering against the dredges of my sanity.

"Master Axel." Kota greeted, and I titled my head at the prestigious title.

Who was this stranger?

Eyeing the male closer, I saw the large broad shoulders that filled the doorway, a silent strength forcing his posture straight. He had a thick corded neck, and rugged face with long raven black hair parted down the middle.

He was the epitome of powerful and handsome – even though he stood shorter than Silas, and he reminded me somewhat of Sir Blackbourne.

His dark almond shaped eyes were stern, demanding obedience and I tried not to cower beneath the power hidden behind the thin spectacles resting atop his roman nose.

Flinching when his eyes landed on me, I jumped when a hand tightened around mine and turned to find Luke offering his silent support. Tears filled my eyes and I blinked to clear them as I returned his squeeze.

"To what do we owe this pleasure?" Kota continued, and Axel tore his eyes from me to look at the other male.

"Brandon is awake." My heart skipped a beat at the news, and I had to force myself to remain still and not jump up in glee and demand to see him.

One like me did not make demands.

Biting my lip, I focused on the small pain as I desperately waited for more and thankfully Master Axel did not disappoint.

"He is asking to see Sang."


Hello my lovelies!

The time is here! Next chapter will be Brandon and Sang reuniting! Can't wait to share the heartbreaking experience with you.

But for now - another chapter and another update for you!

I hope you enjoy, and don't forget to vote and comment below :)

Stay safe <3

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