
By nurix5

120K 5.9K 1.9K

Forth chases Beam but in reality, it's Tee who chases Tae. How can he win Tae's heart now that he knows he li... More

1: Truth and Lies
2: Underwater
3: Skinship
4: Stop copying me!
5: I'm not his boyfriend!
6: Fan Meeting
7: Mr. Nice Guy
8: Tee likes Tae
9: The Jealous Queen
10: Tae's true feelings?
11: Going Solo
12: Everything Went Awkward
13: Falling Even More
14: Crazy Tee
15: Quarrel
16: Tae's Scandal
17: Drowning
18: Hot Cocoa
19: Tae's Lies
20: TEEory
21: Debut
23: Suspects
24: Caught
25: Breaking Up. Making Up.
26: Scripted

22: Missed Calls

4.2K 241 103
By nurix5

22: Missed Calls

[AN: Sorry for the long wait. I've been lost... lol..  I have decided to upload this after watching TaeTee's TRIAGE short film. If you haven't seen it, click that video I posted above.

Clarification: P'Mok is NOT Ben Santiraj's manager. He is a talent scout for an agency and he has a say on his clients' needs on their commercials.

And also, CLOVE is on hiatus.]


We were all so hyped at having debuted. Weeks and months passed and we have travelled across Asia to promote our brand and our endorsed products. We have MV shoots, commercial shoots, IG endorsements. We were all so busy and elated at this new success that we didn't notice an impending storm upon us.

"There's a rumor that we're all fired from 2moons2." P'Tae said.

We were both at the café near the studio since we were all called to have a meeting in an hour.

"Yeah I've heard that too." I sipped my frappe and sighed. We were all eagerly waiting for this year since they promised us a new season. But the producers have already posted teasers and ads even if we weren't contacted yet. It was a total letdown. Imagine anticipating something, and then it all comes to nothing. We have just wasted practice hours last year if that's the case.

Before we knew it, we were now on our second month as SBFive.

And also, it's our 2nd month as boyfriends.

It happened in a flash. I found myself in a relationship right after our debut.

I smirked as I stirred my straw.

"What's with that face?" P'Tae asked. "It's a sad news and you're laughing."

"It's not that. I just remembered something."

"Hey it's time, let's go." He said.

We went to the studio and found P'Janean, P'Oh and KimCopBas there.

The meeting started. And yes, it confirmed the fact that we are no longer the actors for 2moons2. It was a rift between the producers. Our managers were furious about it. I sometimes feel that the author doesn't want us too. Nothing we can do about it, but obviously, the mood around us changed. Copter was stringing countless curses under his breath. Bas was looking down. P'Kim was blank.

But to cover this unfortunate event, our managers also announced solo and duo projects for all of us which cheered us up a little.

I was presented with a new solo endorsement of vitamins. Then around 5 endorsements with the group, and one with P'Tae.

"Hahahaha!" Bas squirmed as P'Tae and P'Kim tickled him in an attempt to cheer him up. "No, stop please... hahahaha!"

I frowned. It looked cute. It looked like close friends fooling around with each other, but I was getting annoyed.

In our two months as boyfriends, he never tickled me! He didn't even show the slightest skinship movement. It's always me who initiates cuddle time. I thought now that we are finally together, he would at least be sweet to me.

But no! He was only sweet for a few weeks before we became a couple. After that, he went back to being the 'old' P'Tae who doesn't even text me first. Our dates only consist of eating at a nearby food stall or at the food park.

"Ok. We're good for now. Tomorrow, Kim and Tae will appear at the hotel event. Bas, you come with me to the press conference. Copter requested for a leave." P'Oh said.

"Tee, you come with me tomorrow to talk about your vitamins commercial at noon." P'Janean said.

The meeting ended and we all proceed to go home.

We came here via my car earlier because I offered to fetch him. Now that we are on the way back, he was busy scrolling through his phone.

"Want to eat?" I offered.

"No. I'm already 10 pounds heavier than P'Janean's required weight. She'll throw a fit next week if she realizes I gained pounds again." He said without looking up.

I sighed. Eating out means dating to me, but we can't even do that.

"It's still early. Want to go somewhere first?" I asked.

"Nah. I'm already tired. I need to sleep."

"Ok." I sighed again and drove slowly to his house. For the whole ride he was just looking at his phone like it was the most amusing thing in the world. From time to time I can hear him chuckle.

The lights at the front of his house were open, meaning the people inside it are still awake.

"P'Tae, we're here." I said as I parked the car. It was only then that he looked up.

"Oh. I didn't notice. Thanks for the ride." He said and opened the door to get out.

"Wait." I mumbled softly, while laying my hand on his lap.

He looked back and he found our faces an inch close to each other.

"Hey what are you trying to do?" he pushed me back lightly.

"What do you think?" I tried to inject a sense of humor to my advances and puckered up my lips.

"Silly. We're in front of my house." He slapped my forehead lightly and smirked at me before going out and slamming the car door shut.

I was frozen on the spot and could only look at him as he entered his house without even looking back at me.

"What the heck was that?!" I said angrily. 

I drove away but instead of going to my house I stopped by a food stall to pig out.

"Freaking idiot diet. Idiot P'Tae. Who cares if I get fat? I'm gonna eat what I want."

I ordered 1 food each from the five stalls that are in this area, and they are all oily!

"You have a guest at home, Nong Tee?" The lady selling Thai papaya salad asked as I ordered 2 packages from her stall. All the vendors here know me since I always buy from them even before I became an actor.

"Something like that." I lied as I paid for it.

"Here, have some extra, no charge!" she said and handed me a third plastic filled with salad.

"Thanks Auntie." I smiled.

Another vendor rushed to me and gave me an extra fried pork from his stall.

"Here take this. You love garlic fried pork, right son?"

"Yes, Uncle. Can I have lots of fried garlic as well?"

"Of course!" he scooped a teaspoonful of fried garlic and dumped it on top of the fried pork.

"More please?"

"More? Hey son, your girlfriend won't kiss you if you have garlic breath."

I laughed sarcastically but none of them noticed. "Girlfriend? Oh I don't have a girlfriend. Who needs a girlfriend? I can eat as much garlic as I want. I don't have anyone to kiss."

"Here you are then!" and he scooped another teaspoon of fried garlic.

"Thanks a lot!" I waved at them and sat on my car again.

I stared at the pile of packaged foods beside me and I felt guilty all of a sudden. Whenever I feel frustrated, I vent it out by eating more food than usual. For about the hundredth time today, I sighed and drove to my home.

It wasn't just P'Tae that made me frustrated. The 2moons2 cancellation was slowly dawning on me now. I gathered all the foods and placed them inside the refrigerator, having no appetite now that I've stared at them. I ran to my room and flopped on the bed.

Was it perhaps because of me? Maybe I didn't act well and that led them to cancelling the whole cast? I was the least favorite actor during the first season according to a fanmade survey I have seen. I also had plenty of takes compared to the rest during shooting. I was also rated by our acting teacher, P'Pie as the one that needs improvement the most. I shook my head. The managers said it was because of a producer conflict. But I still can't help but think that I might be one of the causes. I might be the major cause. 

And then my mind drifted off to think about my relationship with P'Tae.

I know even before this relationship that he isn't touchy, but I'm now his boyfriend, for f*'s sake. Did I disappoint him during the two months that we were dating? When we started this, he asked not to tell anybody about it, even our manager who in my opinion will just die in joy if she knows we're a real couple. It's to protect our statuses and I understand and could only agree. After all, this is new to me also. I'm also afraid of the possible expectations from us.

But is it wrong to expect from him? I mean, even a girl would at least demand some kind of attention from her boyfriend, and I'm no different. I am clingy and I know it. I can easily sleep on someone else's lap or hug a fellow man.

I tried to think back a little bit as to what I have possibly done to make him go back to the way he was, but I can't think of any faults except the fact that I always bother him to eat out. Was he perhaps annoyed by that?

Then a vague memory of the day when we were not yet together – that day when we ate at a ramen shop just after watching a movie, someone was calling him but he didn't answer it.

Then I remembered earlier that he was smirking non-stop at his phone.

I took my phone and started stalking him.

His media accounts seem normal. I went to his IG and stalked his activity.

None really suspicious except for the fact that he has liked all 20 of Bas's posts.

These were what he was chuckling about in the ride. There's nothing wrong with it honestly, but I'm just annoyed! He keeps on cheering up Bas, giving him snacks and sometimes hangs out with him. But he never initiates anything to me.

Bas is my friend, but I can't help but be angry right now. Not at him, but be angry with what I'm feeling.

"I'm not a girl." I said, as I stared at a couple picture of them from earlier, mere hours after the 2moons2 cancellation announcement. We're not allowed to tell the fans anything yet even if they are pestering all of us on our social media.

I stared long and hard at that heart button deciding whether to like it also, but I can't lie to myself. I don't like it at all. His arms were around Bas and he was smiling that killer smile of his. Before I can throw my phone, because I was so close to doing it, it rang a familiar tune.

That friends just sleep in another bed

And friends don't treat me like you do

Well I know that there's a limit to everything

But my friends won't love me like you

No, my friends won't love me like you

I answered it quickly.

"Krub P'Benj?"

"Nong Tee. How are you?" his cheerful voice always calms me down. He's like an older brother that I never had.

"P, I'm..." I stopped. I'm not fine. I changed the flow at once. "How are you? How's your new drama shoot?"

"It's hard." He said honestly. "You know, I have to kiss the actress after just a week of shooting."

"Why do you sound like you're complaining?" I smirked. "Where are you now?"

"I'm about to head home but I'm hungry. What about you?"

"I'm at home." I said.

"Hey! We haven't met in weeks. Want to eat with me? You fatty don't even care about your diet right?"

"It's extra hurtful if you say it like that." I pretended to get hurt. Suddenly, I remember the food I brought earlier. "Hey P, I bought quite a lot of food. Want to go to my house?"

And so after a few minutes, P'Benj is sitting with me on our dining table, both of us devouring at least three packages each. He's like me. He's on a diet now too but he doesn't care.

"And you know, what I have to do? I have to save her from that freaking cold pool that they didn't even clean." He complained while inhaling the chicken skewers I brought.

"You saved me from a pool and here you are ranting about acting it."

"But your situation was different." He winked. "Anyway, she's a great actress hands down."

I forced a laugh. We both chomped our food and a moment later he asked, "You can tell me what's your problem you know. You don't seem yourself."

I hesitated. The story's going to be out tomorrow anyway, and here is a friend who I can talk to and is willing to listen.

I shrugged. "Got fired."


And I told him what had happened earlier.

"But that's insane! You guys have already attended workshops for it."

"I know. But we're not worrying about it now. It has passed, it has already been decided and we can't do anything about it. You know what? We got new drama proposals now!" I tried to act excited.

"Tsk." He muttered. "Don't pretend, I know that face, you look depressed."

All of a sudden a tear escaped from my eye and he quickly wiped it with his thumb.

"Hey, hey, I'll feel guilty if you cry. If your parents saw us, they'll think I made you cry."

"Sorry P. I just felt that we wasted time. It was my major break you know? It's a really special series to me and I hate not to be a part of it anymore. I think it was because of me that they cancelled the whole thing." I said sadly.

He sighed and rubbed my back gently. He said comforting words and I calmed down a bit. I felt like I can tell him anything even my darkest secrets and he'll still be fine with it.

Unfortunately, he was still curious about it and asked, "What about the others – Tae? Aren't you screen partners? What's his take about it?"

"We've all accepted it. He must be disappointed too, like me."

Or is he? I asked myself.

"Ah.. anyway, don't think about it too much. Maybe there's something even bigger for you. For the meantime, why won't you cameo on my drama? Go and ask P'Janean."

It sounds like a funny plan and I like it, so I promised him that I will talk to P'Janean about it. Suddenly, all the heavy feelings earlier were now gone. It helps to talk to a friend, and P'Benj is one honest human being.

"Thank you P. I miss this kind of get together with you. I have no friends who are willing to eat this much. You're the only fatty I have." I teased.

"Anything for Nong Tee. Next time, you can call me if you have problems ok?" he ruffled my hair. "What has Tae been doing really?" he muttered.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Nothing. I'll go now ok. Thanks for the food." He pinched my cheeks. "So cute."

When he was gone, I went back to my room after I cleaned the dining room. P'Benj has always been honest with me. He had admitted liking me during our LoveMatt shoots and while I'm flattered, I told him honestly that I like P'Tae. He seemed to understand and he was cool about it and now we're friends. It was almost like he already knew my answer.

Whereas P'Tae...

I'm having doubts this early in our relationship and I hate the feeling. If he can comfort Bas, why won't he comfort me too?

The next day, I watched on my phone as P'Tae and P'Kim got interviewed while attending the event. They said truthfully that we have not been contacted at all and are just waiting for confirmation. The fans had a riot on social media. They don't have any solid news yet so some were still hoping for a surprise from us.

"Yes, guys. You'll be surprised." I muttered as I scrolled through my newsfeed.

I stared at P'Tae while I replay his interview. Both of them have poker faces.

Once again I stalked his IG activity and was disappointed that he hadn't liked my post last night.

"Am I getting girly now?" I asked myself. "It's just a like Tee. Just a stupid small heart on IG."

"What are you mumbling about?" P'Janean asked me. We were both sitting at a restaurant waiting for our meeting to finish. Earlier, we had our contract signing here as well as a copy of the script that I will do for tomorrow's shoot. I'm a bit nervous because it's my first solo commercial but at the same time, I feel at ease because I get to see familiar staff faces.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." P'Mok returned from his trip to the bathroom and looked at the contract. "Perfect. Janean, you don't have to worry about Tee's clothes, we'll take care of it."

"Thanks again for giving him the offer, Khun Mok."

"No problem. I like to take good care of rising talents like Tee." He winked at me and I smiled.

"Then, we'll go now. Tee here has some school requirements to finish."

"Is that so? Then, see you tomorrow, Tee."

"Krub, P'Mok. Thanks a lot." I said.

What P'Janean said was true. I still have a few more things to submit in order to graduate. So I'm back to juggling my career and school life.

While P'Janean drove me back home, I texted P'Tae asking him what time his activity would be finished. There was no reply until I forgot about it. Maybe he can't use a cellphone on the event.

I focused my school project first and without realizing it, the sky outside was already dark and my mother is calling me for dinner.

I spent the whole night researching and afterwards fell asleep.

P'Janean's morning call woke me up. I dragged myself out of bed and looked at my phone. Still no text from P'Tae.

Annoyed, I went to work feeling a little bit grumpy.

My phone rang during our first break from shooting. But it wasn't P'Tae. It was P'Benj.

"Fatty, what are you doing?"

"Break. I'm on standby for 10 minutes. You?"

"On a break too. We're just shooting a few blocks from yours. Visit me here later."


"Bring P'Janean, I'll tell her about the cameo."

"Haha, cool." I said unexcited. I was still feeling off since my boyfriend hasn't contacted me. "Hey P. Break's over. See you later." I lied and hung up.

"Who was that?" P'Janean asked.

"P'Benj. He's shooting a drama nearby; he wants us to go."

"Alright. It will expose you to more directors and producers." She agreed.

After my take finished, P'Mok congratulated me for a job well done.

"Leaving already? I was about to invite both of you to dinner." He said.

"Can't, Mok. Maybe next time." P'Janean said.

"Ok. Anyway, here, have this." He handed me two tickets to a wine party. "I was the one who scouted the artists for their commercial and they gave me tickets. Tell me if you need more. See you there!"

"Krub P. Thanks." I looked at it. It was for tomorrow. I'll invite P'Tae since I remember that he doesn't have any schedule until the weekend.

When we arrived at P'Benj's filming location, P'Tae finally decided to reply.

♥ P'Tae  ♥ : "Sorry, I overslept. Can't reply last night, low battery. How's your commercial shoot?"

Me: "Finished."

And he didn't reply anything after that! Grruuuh. This old man is getting to my nerves.

"Tee!" P'Benj waved. "Sawadee, P'Janean." He smiled.

"Sawadee. This is a huge set!" she looked around while giving him the meat buns we bought on the way. "Are you on standby?"

"Thanks. Yes. We're going to shoot a few more scenes before I can go home."

I roamed my eyes around. They can't use a real coffee shop since fans would flock inside, so they created a café setting, complete with cashier's counter and tables and wall displays.

"Cute!" P'Janean exclaimed, pointing to a shelf with coffee mugs and tumblers.

"P'Janean, if you don't mind, what if you and Tee here have a cameo on the next set? I will be 'meeting' someone in this café, then you two can act as customers and sit behind us?"

P'Janean giggled. She has not appeared on any of our actual TV appearances although she was mostly on all fan-taken videos. "Me?"

"Yeah why not?! That bar they set-up over there has real coffee press and they even hired a real barista. You can drink real coffee if you want." He pointed to the staff and indeed, some of them were holding coffee cups.

"Ok. Sure, why not?" she looked at me. "Tee?"

"Of course." I replied and behind her, P'Benj winked at me.

The next set will start in a minute. P'Janean was having a conversation with someone on the phone, while I turned mine on silent mode so as not to disturb the set.

"Tae, I have to hung up now. Our set is next ok? What? Ah, later. I'll talk to you later." She said and ended the call abruptly while she too, silenced her phone.

Not more than 5 seconds and I felt my phone vibrate.

"Ready? Ok, Scene 7, Act 2, Take 1! Action!" the director shouted.

I opened the fake door they created and walked up to the front. The camera followed me up to the counter as I ordered. Another camera was behind the lady cashier.

"One matcha frappe with whipped cream, less ice please." I smiled at the cashier.

"Cut! Good take!" the director said. P'Benj gave me a thumbs up.

"Scene 7, Act 3, Take 1! Action!"

P'Janean was the one to exit the coffee shop this time, carrying props: a half-finished coffee which we all know is just water mixed with brown watercolor. As she opened the door, a very annoyed-looking P'Benj entered the coffee shop. He bumped P'Janean's shoulder as he aggressively entered, ignoring the fact that the 'coffee' spilled on the floor and a flabbergasted P'Janean was at the focus of the camera. They used fake coffee even if they have real ones so it would be easier to clean and won't be sticky.

"Cut! Good take again. Goodness Benj, your friends are talented!"

"Haha P! Tee is an actor you know! And I didn't know P'Janean can act too!"

P'Janean shamelessly gave her calling card to the director who accepted it excitedly. "Please give us a call, ka. My talents are all very young, and Tee here is attending workshops."

The next scene was really simple. All I have to do was sit at the table behind P'Benj, pretend I'm drinking my matcha while he was arguing with another actor. My leg is vibrating non-stop because someone keeps on calling me. I phished it out of my pocket since I'm not the focus anyway and found out I have 15 missed calls from P'Tae. My role was to get out of the coffee shop after a minute, so I pretended to take the call and stood up to leave while P'Benj is still the focus.


The director and P'Janean talked for a moment, while P'Benj hurried over and gave me a one-armed hug. "Good job." He whispered. The phone I was holding has stopped vibrating.

Soon, we left P'Benj who still had about 10 more takes. On the way, P'Janean slept while I decided to read text messages.

Or rather, just one text message:

♥ P'Tae ♥: "You didn't tell me you'll go to Benj's set."

I scratched my head. I called him instead of replying but he isn't answering the call.

Honestly, when we started this, he keeps on telling me not to contact P'Benj. But I told him flat out that I can't do that since the guy saved my life and because he's like a brother to me. Admittedly, I can see why he's telling me to do so. P'Benj likes me but I assured P'Tae that I only see Ben Santiraj as a friend.

I kept on calling him until I was back home but he's still ignoring me.

Me: "He invited me and P'Janean last minute for a cameo since our locations are close. We left in less than an hour." I texted back.

I removed my clothes and checked the pockets for coins. Instead, I found the tickets that P'Mok showed me earlier. I took a picture and sent it to P'Tae.

Me: "Want to go? Let's go together. You like wine right? Tomorrow at 7pm."

Still no answer. I have no time to deal with a dramatic boyfriend right now. I still have my school requirements to finish.

But the next day he still hasn't replied and I'm feeling worried. I tried calling again but he isn't answering.

I have school in the morning and up to the afternoon. I don't know if he can come to me to the wine party so I didn't contact anyone just in case he decides to show up. I've already told P'Mok that I would come and I don't want to break my word since he has done a lot for me already.

At 7pm I found myself at a hotel function room while I was still calling P'Tae.

Feeling really stupid, I entered the hall, greeted P'Mok and like the other guests, got a mini table to myself while waiters serve canapés.

It was really a straight-forward event. Just to celebrate a new brand of wine on the market. However the company also sells various alcoholic drinks and other types of wine so they were displayed and served as well.

Me: "Hey P. I'm here now. You can still come, your ticket's with me." I texted him.

"Oh. Tee? You're also here?!" I heard a voice.

"P'Benj?!" I exclaimed. He gave me a brotherly hug. "You have no shoot today?"

"It finished in the afternoon." He said as he signaled the waiter to give him a glass of wine. "Cheers."

I can feel my spine tingle all of a sudden. Someone was staring at me. I was sure of it. I looked around, and yes. There she is.

P'Tae's ex-girlfriend.

Savannah and other models were invited here as well. She was staring at me, poker face. I decided to turn my back and ignore her.

The owner of the company was talking in front, beside him were the actors and actresses used in the commercial. I have long digested about 10 plates of canapés, beside me, P'Benj is yawning. I was getting a bit tipsy with this wine and I haven't noticed that a waiter perhaps has refilled my glass.

"Tee, aren't you going home? I'm getting kinda sleepy, I'm so tired."

"Want me to drop you off?" I offered.

"Oh no. No need, I have my car with me." He gulped the last of his wine. "Then I'll go first." He pointed his thumb on the door.

"Krub P. Take care."

He ruffled my hair and disappeared through the door.

I plan to go as well seeing as my boyfriend ditched me. But it was for the best maybe, since I don't want him to meet his ex-girlfriend here. Giving my glass one last look, I drank it, bottoms up, and stood up.

I swayed.

"Whoops." I said in a slur. I shook my head as I see the floor revolve. I was getting dizzy so I had to hold on to the walls to find my way back to the parking.

"Argh." I massaged my temple. Needing to pee, I pushed open the door to the comfort room and relieved myself.

After washing my hands, I washed my face as well. I couldn't drive in this condition. I dialed P'Tae's number forgetting that he doesn't answer my calls. Next, I dialed my sister's number. She should be home by now but she isn't answering too. I placed my phone on my pocket and I decided to just leave my car and hail a cab but I felt a sharp elbow to my nape and I collapsed completely.


I watched the replay of my interview and liked how it turned out. We look like the victim, which in reality, we are. I feel really bad about not being contacted, but at least we have gained popularity and a solid fanbase because of this. It just pains me to see the other SBFive members get hurt because of this. Copter has already expressed his anger on twitter. Tee is silent about it and I don't know how he's feeling but he seems ok about it. Bas however was beyond comfort. He had cried before and during the announcement, but he's a happy kid. All you need to do is coax him and calm him down.

Today however, he was with P'Oh during the press conference at Em Quartier. Finally, they had announced that we are no longer part of 2moons2. The tears he shed today was nothing to those he shed yesterday with us. Yet, here I am still feeling sorry for him. He was the lead after all.

I'm currently here also, incidentally, because I had errands to do. I didn't know the press conference was supposed to be here. I'm at the parking. I sent a short text to Tee why I couldn't reply yesterday.

My phone rang.

"Krub P'Janean?"

"Finally you learned how to answer your phone! I was calling non-stop since yesterday!" she reprimanded me.

Well, what should I do? I forgot my powerbank and by the time I got home, I was so tired and didn't charge my phone. I couldn't use it also during the event.

"Ah, anyway, I just want to let you know, there's an additional schedule for you later at night. Go with Oh and KimCop. Then the day after tomorrow, the free fansign even would be cancelled since someone asked us to do a charity event with you guys."

She said all of these very fast and I could hear various people on the background.

"Krub P. Where are you? Isn't Tee's shoot finished?"

"Yes. We're now here at Ben Santiraj's set. We're going to have a cameo."

"What?! Why are you there? Where is Tee? How come you're with Benj?"

"Tae, I have to hung up now. Our set is next ok? What? Ah, later. I'll talk to you later." She said and ended the call abruptly.

I stared dumbfounded on my phone and dialed Tee's number immediately after.

He was not answering it.

"A cameo for Benj, are you serious? Didn't I tell you not to contact him?" I spoke to my phone. By the time I was on my 10th or so call, I saw P'Oh and Bas entering the parking lot.

I opened my car and went to them.

"Tae? Why are you here?" P'Oh asked as soon as they saw me.

"I was out for a family errand and I happened to saw you here. I've seen the press conference." I pointed to my phone then I turned to Bas. "Are you ok now, Nong Bas?"

He nodded although his eyes were still a bit red.

"Aw, don't worry about it Nong." I gave him a hug. "You've been offered multiple series and commercials right? You even have a Chinese drama. Cheer up!"

He nodded again and smiled this time.

"By the way P'Oh, P'Janean called me and said I should come with you later to an event. Is that right?"

"Yes. She's told me about it. Would you like to come now? I'll just drop off Bas."

"Just tell me the location P. I have my car with me today." And I pointed at it while still maintaining a one-arm hug at Bas.

He gave me the information and we said goodbye. Bas was looking calm now.

During the night event, Tee was calling me non-stop. I decided to ignore it. I was still a bit pissed off that he didn't tell me about going with Benj. I am being childish about it, I know!

Until the next day I haven't replied to him nor on his invitation to a wine party.

By night, I was feeling guilty now. He was calling me non-stop.

Should I go? My anger has already dissolved and it might give way to problems if I don't answer him. But I was already feeling tired from my morning schedule and we still have that charity event tomorrow.

He had stopped calling after an hour although I missed another call from him 30 minutes later. Did he still go to that wine event even if I didn't go?

And then...

A few minutes after his call, another number called me. Savannah's number flashed on my phone.

"What does she want now?" I asked myself.

I debated with myself if I should answer this. I have no other reason to talk to her.

I ignored her call too and went to sleep.


The next thing I knew, I was face down on a soft bed and there was someone sitting on my back.

My eyes flew open and my head started hurting again. I can't lift up my head since a hand was pinning down my neck.

That hand again. That soft hand.

I panicked. How long has it been since I was out? I remember going to the bathroom after P'Benj left. It looks like I'm inside a bedroom. One of the hotel rooms probably. But neither P'Benj nor P'Tae is here to save me. My phone is still on my pocket; I can feel it, but I cannot reach it. He had tied my hands with a cloth-like thing behind my back.

He grabbed me by the hair and lifted my head slightly so he can lick my neck.

Fuck. It's happening again. My nightmare which I have learned to bury. His hand snaked inside my inner shirt, on my chest feeling my nipples. I struggled.

He covered my eyes with a blindfold and while I tried to shake my head to remove it, all he had to do was pin my neck on the bed. I was still dizzy from what I have drunk earlier. He turned me around and unbuttoned my shirt impatiently. I couldn't scream. A cloth was on my mouth making me incapable of making a sound. Before he blindfolded me earlier, I saw a lamp, a few bottles of wine and a glass of water on the bedside table.

I gasped as I felt him unzip my pants. I tried to kick him, but he was as strong as the first time we met. Why didn't I study martial arts after this? I should have listened to P'Tae.

I shook so badly and while struggling, I felt his hand caress my legs as he pulled down my pants.

Or was it him?

The hand this time was rough. Like it was full of callouses, very different to that soft hand earlier. Were there perhaps two people trying to rape me here?

I wanted to vomit. The rough hand was touching my manhood while the soft hand was running all over my upper body. One of them was on top of me again, I can feel he is naked judging by the texture of skin against mine. His freaking balls are on my navel while he moaned, probably pumping himself.

I tried to move upwards towards the headboard by flailing my legs. I felt my head touch it and I calculated my distance.


A mouth encircled my dick.

No. No. Fucking NO!

With all the strength that I have I pushed my body upwards again and swayed it so it could hit somewhere on the right where I know the lamp is located.

I just wanted to make some noise. I prayed that someone would be able to hear it and investigate what was going on.

It worked. I don't know what it was, but probably the wine, crashed to the floor loudly. I heard him hiss and hit my stomach.

I couldn't move now, and I can feel him by my side, I don't know what he was doing, as long as he's not anywhere on my body.

Not long after, the rough hand caressed my upper body this time, while the soft hand was the one pumping me.

Help. Anyone. Please.

"Ooof!" I heard a loud sound, he gasp and right after, he lay on top of me. It sounded like he was hit with something. Then I hear scrambling footsteps, the sound of a door slamming and then cursing.

I can feel him moving beside me and I tried to sit up and surprisingly he didn't pin me down. The dizziness I felt tripled when I hit my head earlier. I could hear running, the sound of a belt buckle and then running. Afterwards, the door slammed again.

Not wasting anytime, I turned to my side and even if it breaks my bones, I tried to bend my body so that my arms would be on my front so I can remove my blindfold.

Ignoring the pain on my wrists, shoulders and elbows, I successfully did it and removed the blindfold immediately. There was no one around. Only me, a bottle of crashed wine bottle at my feet and a piece of unused condom on the messy bed. I pulled up my hands immediately and just as I was zipping it up, I heard movement outside.

"FREEZE!" someone shouted.

I froze on the spot. Security guards. They were pointing guns at me.

"Wait. Please help me. Someone brought me here." I pleaded.

They seem to understand the situation immediately. I'm sure I looked like a mess. I was so embarrassed to be found at a spot like this.

If I hadn't pulled up my pants before they entered, they would've seen me naked. My wrists were still tied together, and the blindfold was hanging on my ear.

"Come with us. Are you ok?" a guard went to me and untied my hand. I flexed it. I think I broke an arm earlier.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"At Silom Hotel."

"Silom." So I was still at the venue after all. I painfully moved my arm to get my phone. At times like this, the one I should call first is my manager. "What room number is this?"

"Room 20C."

A few policemen arrived and investigated the scene.

P'Janean answered immediately. She is just around the area so she promised to arrive soon. She told me not to tell anyone yet of what happened, and to wait for her before I can tell the police the incident in detail.

In 20 minutes she came haggardly towards me, almost crying again.

"Oh Tee!"

"You are his guardian?"


"P', I want to take a bath first." I said weakly. They all agreed.

I wanted to remove that guy's saliva on my dick. I used the bidet to spray my lower body and I ignored the swelling of my wrist as I pressed on it tightly. Why? Why does this always happen to me? Who is that guy? Who is his accomplice?

I wore the bathrobe that was hanging on the corner and crumpled my clothes. I will not wear them again.

"I have spare clothes at the car." P'Janean said kindly.

"We'll have to interrogate him now. He can't go home without being questioned. And we'll have to take those clothes for evidence."

"He's the victim!"

"Yes we know. But we can't bring him to our station and it's much better to do it here. I see that he's a celebrity. This will come out quickly since there are media outside.

"It's ok P." I said.

"What are you doing in this hotel?" they started.

"I was invited to a wine party. It's on the 22nd floor. At the function hall."

"How come you ended up in this room?"

"I honestly don't know. I was about to leave but I had to go to the bathroom first. I remember feeling dizzy because I drank too much wine then something heavy hit my nape. I think it was an elbow. The next thing I knew I was –


"I was..." I looked at P'Janean and tears suddenly flowed. "P', it's him. He's with someone."

"What's this? Who's 'him'?" the police asked.

"He was attacked before." P'Janean explained. A man molested him last year during an event also at Nouveau Hotel."

"I remember that from the news." Another police said to his colleague. "Is the case moving?"

"No. We had no evidence." P'Janean said.

"So you think whoever attacked you there, attacked you here?"

I nodded. P'Janean sniffed.

"What did he do?"

"He touched me. When I came around, my arms were tied to my back. He put a blindfold on me when he saw I was awake. Then he removed my clothes... and he touched me..." I wanted to vomit.

The police took all evidence they could find: the condom, the blindfold, the blankets, the cloth that tied me which turned out to be a necktie, the cloth which gagged my mouth. They took pictures of the crashed wine bottle.

"How did that happen?" the police pointed at it.

"Before he blindfolded me I saw those at the bedside. So as I struggled, I used my body to hit it hoping to create a noise."

P'Janean looked at it. "You're bleeding!"

They checked my foot. I couldn't feel it, but yes, although I have taken a bath, it was still bleeding.

"What happened next?"

I remember the feeling of being given a blowjob but I couldn't say it. I cried hysterically. I was so scared. It was disgusting.

"Did he force himself on you?" the police asked.

I cried more. I couldn't continue on the story. It was awful. I could still feel his tongue on my dick. The pain on my broken arm and injured foot were nothing compared to the new nightmare he gave.

"I'm – I'm n-not sure. But I think there's two of them. Someone was touching me with a soft hand, while another's hand was different. A rough one."

"There are two of them?!" P'Janean exclaimed and she tightened her hug on me.

I saw the police taking down notes. They turned to the security guards.

"How come you're here? How did you know he was here?"

"We received a tip. Someone threw a stone on our glass window and it had a paper around it."

I looked up.

"May we see it?"

The security guard fumbled in his pocket and took out a crumpled paper.

"Room 22C. A guest is kidnapped." The police read it aloud and afterwards placed it inside a clear plastic for evidence.

"How come you didn't see anyone here but Mr. Jaruji?"

"Someone must have tipped him off?" another police said.

"There are two of them right? What if one was a look-out?" a guard suggested.

"Can you remember anything about it Mr. Jaruji?"

"I – I heard footsteps. He punched my stomach so I couldn't move, then he stopped molesting me at one point. It felt heavy, as if he fell on top of me. I could hear a belt buckle then footsteps then the door."

"He must have sensed help was coming. So they escaped. Review the CCTV." Their leader said and one police disappeared with one security guard.

"We were alerted by the security a few minutes ago. Our station is just beside this hotel. They told us it was kidnapping. We didn't know it was attempted rape."

I shuddered and P'Janean comforted me immediately.

"I'm sorry. We'll have to interrogate you again once evidence comes up. Did you came here with anybody?"

I shook my head. I came alone. "I have a friend who left a minute earlier than me."

"I thought you were coming with Tae?" P'Janean frowned.

I shook my head again.

"Very well. It will be good if you stay here perhaps on a different room. We will review the CCTV and will inform you of any update."

"Thanks." P'Janean said. "But we'll bring him to a hospital instead."

"Get a copy of the list of guests for that wine event. Everyone is a suspect." The leader said.

[AN: I was watching Triage's short film while writing Tae's part. And I can't.... HNGGGGNGHH.. I miss my TaeTee so much. Tae wearing an apron... Tae wearing glasses. Although I'm gonna laugh at Tee's acting on his 'heart attack' scene and Tae's 'TADA' scene. But damniiiit! Tee's serious face is so HANDSOME. My TaeTee! My TaeTee heart!

And I know. Lame chapter ending. 

As I've said. Clove is sort of in a hiatus.

I am reading story comments and I really love them, so please rate and comment. For some reason, I can't read personal messages right now.

Thank you for waiting for this story. I hope you didn't get bored over this chapter. As I've said in the previous chapter. We are nearing the end of this story as I want to write a new one.

Please continue to support me by hitting that rate and comment button! Who the heck wants to rape/molest Tee?! And what would Tae do after this?

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