Antithesis | StrayKids

By Hawkpawforever

40.1K 1.5K 632

Kim Seungmin is an outcast. Yang Jeongin is cute and popular. Both complete opposites, but you know what they... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 11:
Chapter: 12
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19: Finale Part 1
Chapter 19: Finale part 2

Chapter 10:

1.8K 82 18
By Hawkpawforever

Seungmin's P.O.V.

Seungmin was in no position to protest when he was placed in the back of Jeongin's car. He felt like shit and if he had to spend his nights in the same house with that disgusting man, then going to Jeongin's was like heaven.

The taller boy was saying something to his driver, his arm wrapped around the smaller boy's frail body.

Seungmin found himself looking up at the boy, watching the way his lips formed every word. He moved on to the boy's eyes; those deep brown eyes. His eyes drifted over to his hair next and he felt the sudden urge to run his fingers through it once again. His mind was still fuzzy as if he was drunk when he reached a hand up, gently pulling on the ends of the boy's overgrown hair. A giggle erupted unexpectedly from within him, but he was too delirious to care.

Jeongin noticed though and Seungmin could feel his gaze on him as he dropped his hand back down to his lap, leaning back up against the larger boy's warm body. This was nice.

He felt a cold hand on his forehead and let out a sigh. That also felt nice. His eyelids grew heavy and before drifting to sleep, he heard someone calling his name but paid no mind to it as he was already falling deep into sleep.


Jeongin's P.O.V.

"Sir, may I ask who it is we are taking home with us?"

Jeongin looked up at the driver feeling slightly irritated with how slow they were driving.

"He's just someone, ok... can you drive a little faster maybe, he's not feeling so good."

The driver nodded, pressing his foot down on the gas a bit more.

Jeongin continued to look ahead when he suddenly felt cold fingers running through his hair. Startled, he looked down at Seungmin, who let out a giggle before tugging rather harshly on a few long strands.

As much as Jeongin was worried, he couldn't help but find the smaller boy adorable. His cheeks were a deep red, his hair a mess, and the way he smiled up at Jeongin really did things to the taller boy.

Seungmin leaned into Jeongin's chest, his body pressed against his which felt unusually warm.

Oh dear.

Taking a hand, Jeongin felt the boy's forehead, calling his name in alarm just as he passed out.

"Fuck- Seungmin, Seungmin!" he yelled, trying to keep the boy awake at least until they could get a doctor.

A look of panic took over his face.

"Sir? Sir, what's wrong?" the driver asked, looking at him through the rear view mirror.

"Fucking shit, he has a fever- can you please drive faster? He needs a doctor."

The driver obeyed reluctantly. "Are you sure we shouldn't take him to the hospital?"

"No." Jeongin didn't know why he was saying no. It would probably be a whole lot better if the boy went to the hospital, but something inside him didn't want others to be touching him with their filthy hands.

"Whatever you say, Sir," the driver spoke as they rounded the corner into Jeongin's driveway. "Shall I call someone out to carry the boy?"

"No. I'll carry him myself," Jeongin replied, focused on placing Seungmin's arms around his shoulder as he stepped out once the driver opened the door.

"Tell my parents not to disturb me, alright?"

Opening the large front door, the driver nodded before heading back to the car.

"Please be okay..." Jeongin whispered to the boy in his arms.


Seungmin's P.O.V.

Seungmin awoke, only to be blinded by the bright rays of the morning sun. 'Geez,' he thought, his eyes adjusting. 'Was is always this freaking bright?'

Turning over onto his side, he attempted to get away from the bright rays, only to be faced with something much more dangerous than the sun hitting his sensitive eyes.

Jeongin lay rather close beside him. His dark locks falling over his eyes, his slow breaths moving them up and down slightly. His tan skin seemed to glow underneath the sun. His lips were slightly parted, a lovely shade of pink.

Seungmin found himself resting back onto his pillow, looking at the peaceful boy's face. How could someone like him look so innocent and cute as he slept?

Seungmin continued to stare at Jeongin right up until he woke up a few minutes later. His face twisted into a frown as he brought a hand up to his face, covering the bright sun rays.

"Fucking hell," he muttered. Seungmin watched as the boy twisted around, reaching for a remote on the side of his desk and pressing a green button. Slowly the curtains began to draw half way down, leaving the room in mostly darkness.

The boy sighed and fell back against the covers, not noticing that Seungmin was still staring at him. Or maybe he did but was too lazy to tell him off.

"I can feel you staring at me."

Seungmin looked away, slowly a blush rising to his cheeks. It was only then that he took in his surroundings. From what he could make out in the dimly lit room, he lay upon a rather large bed. There was a large desk with fancy gaming things, and bags of chips and instant noodle cups littered the area around it. The unnecessarily large room was mostly empty other then a walk-in closet to the right, which seemed to also lead to the bathroom. Posters of different rock bands filled the empty walls to the left and a small piano was stuffed into the corner of the room.

"How are you feeling," came a raspy voice.

Seungmin looked down at the half asleep boy who still held a frown on his face. He looked undeniably sexy. Jesus Seungmin, calm down...

"I have a small headache but other then that I feel fine."

A silence filled the room as Seungmin awkwardly looked around again, wondering how he had ended up here in the first place. He remembered being brought into Jeongin's car but after that, his mind was blank.

Looking down at his clothes, he only realized then that he was in fact not wearing them. He was wearing something, mind you... it just wasn't his.

"Oh ya, I had to clean you up when I brought you here," Jeongin spoke, pointing toward the large yellow hoodie Seungmin had on. "You had thrown up and you were like running a fever or something..."
Seungmin just nodded, already embarrassed with the fact Jeongin had actually changed him. As he slowly placed his legs over the side of the bed to stand up, a sudden wave of dizziness took over him. He brought a hand to his head as his vision became fuzzy for a second. "Shit..." he mumbled, as the feeling passed only a few seconds later.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Jeongin asked, getting up and walking to Seungmin's side of the bed.

"Fine... just a bit hungry, that's all." Seungmin of course was more then a bit hungry, and even though Jeongin had made him food yesterday, he had barely touched it.

"I could make you something if you would like?" the taller boy questioned hesitantly. He had by now kneeled down in front of Seungmin with a look of genuine concern on his face.

Seungmin couldn't help but blush with the sudden attention he was getting from the larger boy. "Oh um... don't you have staff for that?"

"Well yes, but um they're busy with other things... you know?"

Seungmin nodded, not wanting to press the matter anymore. If Mr. Handsome over here wanted to look after him, Seungmin wasn't exactly going to refuse. "Ok then."

Jeongin didn't even try to hide the smile that appeared on his face. "Perfect."

Attempting to stand up, Seungmin only found himself being hit with a feeling of dizziness once again. "Shit..." he muttered.

As if on cue, Jeongin, who was still kneeling, turned around and pointed to his back.

"Here." He motioned to it.

It took a moment for Seungmin to get what Jeongin meant.

"Come on, get on before I change my mind... it's not often I give people piggy backs."

Seungmin blushed, not even bothering to answer as he leaned forward. His arms wrapped gently around the taller boy's neck and as he began to stand up, Seungmin on instinct wrapped his legs tightly around the boy's waist.

If his face wasn't red before, it was now.

"Make sure to hold on tightly," Jeongin said, before beginning to walk slowly out of the room.

As the two made their way downstairs, Seungmin silently hoped that no one was around to see this. All he had on was an oversized hoodie and his underwear.

Jeongin had tightened his grip on Seungmin's thighs when they got to the large main staircase. He leaned his head on the larger boy's shoulder, noticing this as his breath hitched slightly.

This was nice.

When the two had reached the main kitchen, Jeongin had gently placed Seungmin down on the right side of the kitchen counter.

"So what is it you would like to eat? Keep in mind I'm no chef though."

"Anything is ok, really... make whatever is easier for you." Seungmin replied, watching with a smile as Jeongin brought out eggs and other goods from the shelves.

As he watched the younger boy prepare his food, a comfortable silence fell over the two.

"So," Jeongin began. "Can you finally tell me what it is that's causing you so much pain- and don't lie because I'm not taking your excuses anymore." His voice was firm as he spoke the last part and Seungmin knew he would end up telling him at some point... just not at this moment.

"Can we talk after... I'm just not ready yet," he mumbled, looking down at his feet.

Jeongin let out a frustrated sigh but didn't press the matter further and for that, Seungmin was grateful.


A little while later, the two boys were seated at the counter, Seungmin's face already stuffed with more food than he could take in. Jeongin simply watched him with a rather content look on his face. Of course, Seungmin didn't notice it.

The taller boy let out a laugh suddenly, reaching over to a box of tissues and wiping the side of the smaller boy's face gently.

Seungmin blushed, mumbling a thanks.

He finished off the last of the omelet and pushed the plate to the side.

"That was really good, thank you." He smiled, contently rubbing his stomach.

Jeongin smiled, picking up the plate and bringing it to the sink. "Don't go getting used to it now. I'm only taking care of you cause it makes me seem like a nice guy," he chuckled.

Seungmin's heart dropped. "Oh... is that really the only reason?" he muttered, not even sure if Jeongin had heard him over the sound of the water running.

Jeongin shut off the water, grabbing a dry towel.

"No, of course not. I was just making a joke," he began. "I wouldn't go out of my way to do all of this if I didn't care about you... I mean, sure I kind of hated you at first but that changed over time. This whole week you didn't show up to school... do you know how worried I was? I mean I shouldn't have been, but I was. And yesterday when you doubled over and got sick, I was so scared something would happen to you." He stopped to put down the plate, before turning to face Seungmin.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but, I care for you more than I care for my own friends."

Seungmin felt rather overwhelmed in that moment, his heart beating fast. So maybe it was because of that feeling that prompted him to say his next words.

"I um... you wanted to know why I was away all week and why I threw up yesterday." Moving his gaze down to his hands, eyes suddenly filling with tears. "You see um... my mom told me that my sister is getting married... and I'm sure I would be okay with that but I can't be. I can't be because she's marrying the guy who tried to force himself on me." Seungmin's could feel tears sliding down his face as his memories went back to that awful night. "I- I managed to stop him before anything serious could happen but he really hurt me and when my mom told me that my sister was going to marry him- that I would have to share a house with him, I just couldn't take it. I had to get away..."

The room fell into silence and Seungmin slowly looked up to see the taller boy's reaction. He was met with a look that made Seungmin shiver. On the outside, he looked deadly calm but Seungmin could feel the anger radiating off of him, his knuckles white as he gripped the edges of the counter.

"What's the name of this motherfucking piece of shit... and where can I find him."


Life man... :(

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