Peter Parker: A New Hope

By PeterParkerStark19

132K 2.6K 2.5K

This is the story of Peter Parker, he is the smartest kid known to the world. But after Aunt May passes from... More

Adjustment Period
Friend In Need
A Night to Remember
Puppy Peter
Is this a date?
Is this weird?
School Troubles
Authors Note
A Hurt Peter Is A Pissed Peter
Cold Hearted Captain
Author Note
Hold on....what?
Boss is on a Field Trip
Guess who's back, back again...
Close Call
The Morning After
Time To Tell
The Hard Part
The Journey To A New Life
New House
9 Months Later
What A Welcome
Midtown High
Oh you gotta be kidding me!!!?
A New Hero
Love Hurts
Trouble Maker

What'd you say?

3.9K 74 90
By PeterParkerStark19

2 Months Later
Needless to say after Peter gave the Captain a good beat down he and most of his team left the tower. The only two that remained was Natasha and Wanda. They both apologised to Tony and the rest of the Avengers for the way that they had handled the situation.

Over those two months they had grown quite close to the other Avengers especially Peter. Natasha had nicknamed him 'Baby Spider' whilst she called her 'Momma Spider.'

Wanda on the other hand had taken to calling Peter her little brother and he had even returned it by calling her his big sister. She even went has far as taking Stark as her last name to make herself feel like she was part of the family. This made Tony smile broader than anyone thought was possible.

Speaking of Tony, he really improved since the Rouge Avengers left the tower. He was much healthier and happier. He still had the Arc Reactor in his chest but it didn't bother him. It just made him feel whole again.

As for Peter Stark, formerly Peter Parker (although he uses Parker for public), he was doing a little better but still had to deal with the stupid bullies of Midtown High. His primary antagonist was Eugene 'the Flash' Thompson he would bully Peter constantly. The only comfort that he sought was in the arms of his girlfriend Michelle Jones. Michelle and Peter were head over heels in love but because she was dating him Flash began bullying her too. That was something Peter didn't know...till now. This is where we continue our story.

Peter and Michelle walked up the steps of Midtown High School with their hands intertwined. Peter was babbling to Michelle about the projects that he was working on in Stark Industries. She loved it when he talked to her about his work, she may not understand all of it but she loved seeing him so confident.

As they walked through the doors she noticed a lot of people throwing dirty looks at the two, but Peter was so busy explaining a new project that he was working on he didn't notice it.

As they made their way to their lockers they both noticed something was off. The couple looked around, something was someone was missing.

"Hey Michelle...where's Ned?" asked Peter glancing left and right to see if he could spot him amongst the throng of students that littered the corridors of the school.

Michelle looked around also and just shrugged, "Maybe he is in home room."

Peter nodded and continued on with putting his books inside his locker. Michelle did the same. That was until her phone buzzed.

Ned: Fair warning Flash is hunting you out Michelle

Mj: What!?

Ned: Says he needs to teach you respect. Something about you ignoring him

MJ: what do I do?

Ned: Tell Peter. Trust me when I say he can handle this

Mj: No it will get Peter hurt

Ned: Trust Peter Michelle. I am not in school to watch your back. You need him

Mj: I will tell him if it gets worse

Ned: Fine

""Michelle you okay?" asked the voice of a curious and concerned Peter. Michelle hastily stuffed her phone back onto her pocket and plastered a fake smile on her face to hide her true emotion.

"Everything is fine Peter!" she said in a fake happy tone, Peter looked suspicious of her attitude. If he did have suspicions he didn't voice them. But Michelle was pretty sure he was going to be keeping a very close eye on her throughout the day.

Their day went pretty well if they were to be honest, Peter aced a pop quiz in physics and Michelle got an A+  in her English Literature paper. But of course there luck went from good to bad quicker than Peter's stomach after eating Any May's walnut meat loaf.

Michelle was sitting alone at a table reading while waiting for Peter who had held back after class to speak to their teacher about an assignment. She had just gotten to a particularly good part in her book when a voice interrupted her reading.

"Hey Jones!" growled a very angry voice. Michelle sighed knowing it was Flash Thompson. She ignored him and pretended to keep reading hoping that he would go away. How wrong she was.

Seconds later Michelle found her book being snatched out of her hands and thrown to the floor. She looked up slowly to see a pissed off Flash Thompson towering over her.

"Don't ignore me Jones!" he growled at her. Michelle looked instinctively to where Ned usually sits just to see an empty seat. Michelle gulps slightly, knowing she is on her own.

"I ignore you because I don't like you," she replied hoping to sound more confident than scared but she ended up sounding more scared than confident.

Flash looked at her as anger became more apparent in his body language, Michelle didn't know what he'd do, then Flash shoved her off of her seat onto the floor.

Michelle landed with a thud and the entire cafeteria burst into a crescendo of laughter making tears sting the eyes of Michelle at her impending embarrassment. She was about to stand when Flash slapped her across the face sending her back to the ground, this time tears did escape and the laughter that once filled the cafeteria died down to mumbles of disagreement with the actions of Flash Thompson.

"Did I say you could get up you little whore!?" yelled Flash angrily. But a voice roared louder than his and ripped through the crowd like a tornado of rage.


Flash stopped for a moment and looked over his shoulder to see a very vengeful looking Peter Parker standing alone with a tray of food in his hands. The look in Peter's eyes alone would send a grown man running, but obviously not an idiot like Flash.

Peter looked from Flash to Michelle who was sobbing on the floor while clutching her cheek. The anger surged through Peter with ten times more ferocity.

"I WON'T ASK AGAIN!" yelled Peter as the metal tray in his hands snapped in half sending his food to the cold floor upon which he was standing.

Flash looked at the metal tray halves that were once a solid object and he immediately felt a trickle of fear, then he decided he needed to show confidence and confront Peter.

"I called her a whore, so what?" he said in a smug voice. Peter dropped the tray halves and the entire cafeteria watched on as the events transpired.

"That's all I needed to hear Eugene," said Peter in a low cold voice that would make frost giants shiver.

Peter was quick as lightning and grabbed Flash by the front of the shirt and flipped him over onto the top of the table. Peter punched him in the face and a sickening cracking filled the cafeteria making everyone wince at the sound.

Peter grabbed Flash by the scruff of the shirt and held him into the air with one hand. He addressed the crowd watching him, "ANYONE DARES TO HURT OR BULLY MY GIRLFRIEND WILL END UP LIKE FLASH!"

The crowd all nodded in unison, primarily in fear of Peter. Then Peter pulled Flash close to his face, the blood seeped from the broken nose of Flash but Peter didn't care.

"You hurt her, just be thankful I went easy on you," growled Peter with as much anger and venomocity that he could muster. He then proceeded to drop Flash onto his face with another slap onto the floor.

Peter glared at him and everyone before approaching Michelle, who watched the whole thing in shock.

"Are you okay Mj?" asked Peter softly. Michelle nodded and Peter took her hand helping her up. People watched the couple with respect and fear.

"Wow, babe. I never knew how well you could fight," said Michelle as she snuggled into his shoulder while they left the cafeteria. Peter sighed sounding slightly woebegone, "Yeah, but I really wish you came to me about Flash."

Michelle sighed feeling slightly downhearted and down right miserable herself, "I know Peter, I promise I'll tell you if I have any problems with bullies."

"Attah Girl," said Peter with gaiety radiating from him like the natural light of the sun. Michelle couldn't help but smile at his encouraging inclination.

As the school day drew to a pronounced cessation the entirety of the school knew not to mess with Peter Parker or Michelle Jones. Flash also learned one important lesson. Never to disrespect anyone, or Peter would kick his assistant into oblivion.

But as all this occurred one thought came to Michelle as she gazed upon her amazing boyfriend. This was the man that she loved, and this would be the man that she would give her maiden hood too. But only when the time was right.

Hey guys and gals,
Sorry for not uploading more, I really do apologise. I am trying to get a lot of personal stuff sorted and this kind of fell between the cracks. O do hope you guys and gals are enjoying the story if so leave a comment and a follow.

Until next time,


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