The Voyage of Dawn's Treader

AlessaAuditore tarafından

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~3rd Story in the Dawn Pevensie Series~ After staying with their irritating and selfish cousin, Eustace, whil... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 2

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AlessaAuditore tarafından

Before I even had the chance to say anything concerning the ship's name, Caspian was already jogging ahead of us and called out for attention, "men!"

The crew quickly dropped all conversations to listen to their King. Caspian stood on the steps up to the wheel of the ship. He stared around at all of us as he spoke, "behold our castaways, Dawn the Enchanting, Edmund the Just and Lucy the Valiant. The High Queen, High King and Queen of Narnia."

As one the crew dropped to one knee which caused us to smile at the sight and the feeling of pure respect from everyone aboard.

We were led down into the ship, Caspian wanted us to change out of our wet clothes. Sadly for Lucy and I, there were no women's clothes so Caspian sorted us out with some of his. I had offered to Lucy to edit them using magic but she said she just wanted help with the sizing. I, on the other hand made completely new clothes out of some old materials. Caspian and Edmund re-joined us in the room after we had dressed and glanced at my clothes questioningly for a few moments before shaking their heads, neither of them needing to ask where they came from.

Lucy, Edmund, Caspian and I were now out of our wet clothes. Lucy dressed in a white shirt with a red embrodied over tunic and a pair of brown pants which were held up by a tight brown belt wrapped around her waist, her simply tied to one side, her hair had curled slightly ow that it had dried.

Edmund was wearing a slightly grey shirt with a light brown waist coat and a dark brown, leather sleeveless over jacket with some brown trousers and boots.

Caspian was dress in a handsome silk, purple shirt with a long, wine coloured overcoat with brown slacks with a gold belt around his waist. I finally got a good look at him, his hair was longer and he was definitely a few years older. He was taller as I had already noticed and he was growing a beard which oddly suited him and gave him a more rugged appearance. It also made him look older and more mature, less boyish than he had last time we had been in Narnia. He seemed to almost glow and he seemed excited and overjoyed. His expression never seeming to dim.

All in all, he looked good. Better than good.

I like Lucy was a white shirt though mine wasn't as large or long and had gold detailing. Over it I wore a brown leather corset and jacket with several belts attached along with a brown and reddish-brown skirt that stopped just above my knees. On my hands were fingerless leather gloves and my feet were covered by a magically shrunken pair of Caspian's boots. I had done that same for Lucy as our feet were much smaller than any of the mens' on board the ship. I quickly, with the help of my magic, braided my hair across the back of my head into a bun in a strange four-rowed, over-and-under style.

"Come, there is much for us to discuss," stated Caspian. He took my hand and led us out of the room now that we were all ready and dressed for the voyage.

Caspian led us through several narrow hallways before opening two large wooden doors each set with stained glass windows near the top and walked inside with us right on his heels as we stared around at the room in wonder.

Edmund turned to close the doors once were all inside while Lucy and I began to explore. There were paintings all along any bit of free wall but the first thing that caught our eye was a large golden sculpture of Aslan. Lucy grazed her fingers across it wistfully as she sighed, "Aslan." I placed my hand on her shoulder and we shared a small smile. Underneath it was Susan's horn which was on a small stand.

We both smiled at Caspian who was watching us with warm brown eyes. Edmund moved to inspect a painting next to where Caspian stood while Lucy walked over to the other side of the room. I was studying the tall cabinets near the doors which held large scrolls and books, many of which appeared to be different maps and drawings and tales of the sea. I couldn't help but wonder how the things out to the Eastern Sea had changed since our time. Did the people still hold their many festivals and celebrations? Did everyone still spend their mornings strolling or working at the markets in along the streets or in the town square? Did the Lord of the Lone Islands still visit the orphanage on the west side of square and bring food and toys for them? Or had everything changed.

Lucy's voice broke me from my thoughts, "hey, look! It's Susan's bow and arrows!" I turned to look and saw she was right.

"Lucy," called Caspian. He was taking what appeared to be a small wooden box from a cupboard. We both immediately saw what was inside.

"My healing cordial and dagger!" she exclaimed happily as she made her way over to the man. He reached out for them but pulled back and asked, "oh, may I?"

Caspian smiled at her fondly before offering the box to her, "of course, they're yours." Lucy didn't waste a moment of time taking her belt and settling it around her waist where it belonged.

Edmund then pointed out Peter's sword which he had given to Caspian what felt like years ago. Caspian set down the wooden box and approached the sword with Edmund and taking it down, "looked after as promised." He took the sword off the hook on which it hung for quick and easy access and offered it out to Edmund, "here, hold it if you wish." But Edmund quickly declined but I could tell that he so much wished to say yes to him, "uh, no, no. It's yours. Peter gave it to you."

Caspian gave a soft nod before turning away, his coat swishing around him as he did, the sword still in hand.

"I did save this for you, though." Caspian opened a small glass cabinet and took out Edmund's torch. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me at Edmund's expression. Caspian tossed it to him and easily caught it and said, "thanks" before turning it on and stupidly blinding himself for a moment with it.

Caspian then turned his attention to me, a small smile set on his lips. He placed the sword down on a nearby table before stretching out his hand, "will you come with me for a moment?" I shared a look with my siblings who nodded and shrugged before going back to doing whatever.

I placed my hand in Caspian's who opened the doors again and led me down the hall a little way to another set of double doors, this room was right next to where Caspian had let Lucy and I change. It was a beautiful large room (for being on a ship anyway) with a bed built into one wall. This must be Caspian's bed chambers.

I glanced around, it was similar in style to room that we had left Lucy and Edmund in. Caspian hadn't let go of my hand and led my over in the direction of the bed. I watched him curiously for moment. He sat me on the bed and kneeled in front of me, holding both of my hands firmly in his as he stared intently into my eyes. He seemed to be taking in every little detail of my face, trying to see what had changed and what hadn't.

"Lie down," he ordered."

My face went rather red, my mouth falling open slightly as I managed to choke out, "wh-what?" Had this handsome man – King – just asked me to lie down on his bed? I believe he had.

"Trust me," he said with a smile, "close your eyes and lie back."

I trusted Caspian with my everything I had and so I closed my eyes and shakingly let go of his hands but he quickly held them again and moved them with me so as I moved back he wouldn't have to let go of my fingers. I was completely vulnerable to Caspian with my eyes closed and my hands held firm but my magic reassured me that I was safe and there was nothing to worry about. Even my magic trusted Caspian.

I felt my back eventually meet the softness of the sheets and sink into them. It was like floating on clouds and it was no surprise that this was a King's bed by how comfortable it was. I could feel Caspian leaning over me and I dared not open my eyes, as I felt him loom over me, his long hair tickling and grazing along my cheeks as he leaned down, he pressed a soft kiss to my cheek before whispering, "open your eyes." Caspian had moved to lie next to me and I saw exactly what he had brought me here for.

Hanging from the ceiling above the bed was none other than my moon staff. The moon still perfectly polished and glittering in the light shining in from the far windows.

I turned my head to look at Caspian, he was already watching me closely, his face so close to mine I could feel his warm breath encasing my face and causing my cheeks to redden even more.

"I had it put there so it would be the last thing I would see every night and the first thing I would see every morning. I wish that I had been seeing you but it was as close as I was going to get."

I was shocked. He had just clearly told me that he wished to wake up to me every morning and sleep together each night. I didn't notice that tears were streaking down my face and falling onto the bed until Caspian wiped some off from under my eyes.

"I have missed you so much. I prayed every day that you would come back to me and now you're here. It took a little longer than I had wanted but I am just glad you are finally back. Hopefully to stay."

I beamed at him through my tear blurred eyes, "nothing could keep me away."

After a few moments silence and me, trying to pull myself together and hide any signs that I had been crying, Caspian got down my staff and strapped it to my back for me. I also noticed how he stood much closer than need be as he buckled the straps across my chest and I noticed a small blush on his cheeks as his right hand 'accidentally' grazed across my chest.

"Come we must be going, Drinian will be with your brother and sister by now." I didn't get a chance to ask who Drinian was before we were back down the corridor,I suppose I was about to find out. Just as we were nearing the door and we head soft voices from inside, Caspian stopped dead, almost causing me to slam right into his back if i hadn't thrown both my hands out to stop myself. My palms and fingers pressed firmly in between his shoulder blades.

Caspian turned back to me, his eyes a familiar dark brown almost black. He picked me up in his arms and pressed me against the wall his face unreadable and his lips held in a firm line. The voices from the room only footsteps away seemed to disappear or were at least drowned out by the sound of my heart thumping madly. It had been over a year since Caspian had kissed me, since anyone had kissed me. I noticed now that we were so close together that Caspian still carried that woodsy and warm smell but now it was laced with salt water from the ocean which suited him well, I could practically taste his scent on the tip of my tongue. I just hoped no one came out of that room or came down the corridor to see us in this compromising position.

Before I had any more time to assess the situation Caspian's mouth was on mine and my mind went completely blank. All I could think of was Caspian's lips moving against mine in a perfect combination like we hadn't been apart for almost two years on my part who knows how long it had been for Caspian. His hands were firmly pressing into my thighs through my skirt which had been bunch up to near my hips by Caspian standing in between them. He took advantage of the wall behind us, pressing me more firmly against it so he could use his hands more. He wrapped my legs around his waist and then placed one hand upon my ribcage, the other on the side of my neck, forcing me to tilt my head to give him more access to my mouth as his tongue forced its way past my lips and into my mouth not that I objected in anyway. Caspian was very controlling when it came to intimacy and I quite liked it but when he was soft it was amazing, there were many sides to him and I got to see them all.

My hands were firmly tangled in his long brown hair, pulling and tugging every so often, causing the odd moan to escape the King's mouth sending small vibrations against my lips and into my mouth. His stubbled beard scratched against my cheeks but only added to the passion of the kiss. Eventually I had to pull Caspian back using his hair so that I could breath. It seemed Caspian could go slightly longer than I without air but that didn't mean that he wasn't breathing heavily.

I was sure that I was bright red and I was gasping for air after what had happened.

"Where.. did that.. come.. from?!" I managed to gasp.

Caspian gave a laugh as he let me back onto my feet which were rather shakey and unbalanced, "I have been meaning to do that since I saw it was you in the water."

I shook my head before I began to trying and tidy myself up a little while Caspian did the same. We didn't want to walk in there like we had just made out against the wall, even if that was what we had done, but we were royal, we had to act like it.

We re-entered the room together to find the bald man that had been standing above us out on the deck in the room with Lucy and Edmund, talking about where they had just come from and where they were at the moment. I suppose this was Drinian. He gave off a wise and kind aura so I knew we could trust him. I saw Caspian smile at him and stride over in the man's direction and grasping his arm firmly as though they were brothers.

"Your highness," greeted Drinian.

"Captain, shall we?" spoke Caspian as they moved to a large table that had a map spread out across it, gesturing for us to follow them.

Caspian began to speak of his rein. Three years had passed for him. Three whole years. I couldn't even begin to imagine the agony if I had had to been forced to wait three years. I hadn't even waited two!

"Since you left us, the giants of the North have surrendered unconditionally," spoke Caspian pointing to the North of the map off in the corner to the land where most of the Giant population resided. He then moved his fingers down the edge of the map, "an we defeated the Calormen armies at the Great Desert."

He leaned against the table looking at my siblings and I who all stood on the other side of the table with me in the middle of them. Drinian stood to our right at the end of the table.

Caspian looked up at us from the map, "there is peace across all of Narnia."

"Peace?!" exclaimed Edmund in surprise, though I could tell he was quite impressed.

"In just three years," finished Caspian.

I smiled widely at him, "I am so proud of you Caspian! To think, you thought you weren't ready when you are in fact on your way if not already there to creating a new Golden Age of Narnia."

Caspian's face lit up once again as we gazed at one another completely forgetting about everyone else in the room until Lucy spoke up her elbow just happened to hit my ribs as she brushed her hair behind her ear with her other hand, "And have you found yourself a queen in those three years?"

Caspian smiled at her noticing her sly and cunning topic, "I think so." The whole room seemed to fill with shock before Caspian continued, "I am quite pleased that she has now been returned to me after those three years." He reached across the table and caressed my cheek softly in his palm.

Edmund glared at him and gave a loud -fake- cough before saying, "so if there are no wars to fight and no ones in trouble... then why are we here?" Caspian sighed and glanced around as he said, "that is a good question. I have been asking myself the same thing."

It was only then did I notice the many drawings of men pinned to the wall behind Caspian but I didn't ask as Edmund asked, "so where are we sailing?"

Caspian answered, "before I took back the throne from my uncle, he tried to kill my father's closest friends and most loyal supporters." He turned to look at the wall behind them studying each picture in turn, so these were friends of his father. I moved around the table with Edmund to stand next to Caspian.

"The Seven Lords of Telmar. The fled to the Lone Islands. No one has heard from the since."

Edmund had approached the drawings and turned back to us, "so you think somethings happened to them."

Caspian sat back against the table, wrapping an arm around my waist as he spoke, "well if it has, it's my duty to find out."

"Well whats east of the Lone Islands?" asked Lucy as she stared down at the map.

"Uncharted waters," replied Captain Drinian, "things you can barely imagine. Tales of Seaserpants and worse."

Edmund scoffed, "Sea Serpents?!" I laughed as well, it wasn't possible. That was just going too far.

"All right, Captain. That's enough of your tall tales." Caspian lifted an apple from his desk and took a large bite out of it.

I raised my hand, "I have a question that I really want an answer to!"

I now had everyone's attention and I was going to have fun with it.

"Yes, your majesty?" asked Drinian curiously.

"Whats up with the ships name?"

Caspian's face immediately went quite pink as did his ears which I thought looked rather cute, he seemed to almost start choking on his apple while Drinian also began to give a slight cough but his seemed to be trying to hide a laugh at which he was failing.

"Ah, yes. The Dawn Treader. The first ship built for the Navy and the finniest. So named by the King himself."

"Yes.. I believe it was a good name," spoke Caspian trying to keep his expression calm and relaxed while Lucy was giggling away behind her hand and Edmund who was now leaning back against the wall had gone quite pale and his lips were pull together in tight line in slight annoyance.

"Though I do remember the King wished to simple call the ship, The Dawn. But we thought it a bit too obvious where he got it from so we added on 'Treader' which also had quite a ring to it."

Caspian now held a hard and playful glare on Drinian at the moment, "Captain!" Drinian smirked at his King, "yes, sir?"

"I am quite certain you are needed on deck!" Drinian bowed and left the room laughing quietly to himself and we all heard him mutter to himself fondly, "lovestruck fool."

I smiled and turned to Caspian, Lucy had grabbed Edmund and practically dragged him out of the room after Drinian and up onto deck. Edmund didn't seem to want to leave but after a dark glare from me that I had learned from our mother Edmund went running.

Caspian sighed, "I thought if I named the ship after you, it would bring us luck. Stupid, I know. Trumpkin laughed at me for days afterwards. Probably still is."

I smiled and walked slowly to him, each stepped seeming to be slower then the last as I cut across the room to Caspian once again. He had let his head fall to supposedly study the map once again. I placed my hand on his chin and forced his gaze to mine.

"It is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me."

With that said, I rewarded him with a kiss.

After several moments spent alone in the study, Caspian and I made our way up onto the deck where he led me to Drinian who was steering the ship and calling out orders to the many crewman. He didn't have to do this often it seemed as they were all quite used to the work and knew exactly what to do and when to do it. It was rather impressive and seemed rather complicated. It was much easier when we lived in Narnia and wished to go across the sea. But then magic was a wonderful thing so it was easier.

Caspian tried to explain it all but eventually he realized that I was a lost cause but Edmund was quite interested in the topic and Caspian happily explained on. I ended up starting a conversation with Drinian who was a kind, wise man and had known Caspian's father. He was a good man and seemed rather fond of his Narnian and Telmarine crew, treating them all equally. I couldn't help but wonder how things were back on the mainland with the two cultures coming together.

"It was quite difficult at first. Once your family left, the Narnians became a bit reserved for a time, the Telmarines weren't much better," explained Drinian.

"I can understand that, it was how you were all living for many years. All of that can't be completely turned around and forgotten in just a short time, it takes years of rebuilding."

Drinian smiled at me, seeming to agree with me, "Telmarines were weary and were quite hostile there were also some attacks on some Narnian families but the King quickly set the law, this seemed to show the Narnians that things had changed. Interestingly enough it was the children who truly began to bond together."

I laughed, remembering when I had gotten some Narnian and Telmarine children playing together.

"It is not all that surprising to me, children are usually pure and innocent creatures, blind to the prejudice and pride of their elders. All they see is someone their size willing to play, they don't care about the differences on the outside, usually. Though sadly its not true for all, some children can be cruel."

Drinian nodded sadly, "quite true, your majesty. You sound as if you speak from experience."

"I suppose. Nothing ever too bad. A bit of name calling, being ignored or left out. Just because you're different. It was a good thing I never showed my magic there, would have made it a whole lot worse."

He seemed shocked by this, "show your magic? But didn't you? It is a gift. One that is highly treasured and to be respected."

I laughed coldly, "not there. I would have been seen as a freak, something for them to fear. So I had to hide the true me, all my life. Magic was I was, who I am. Growing up like that was hard but I knew deep down that things would get better. I would find somewhere that I could be free and I have."

"You are a strong woman, your majesty."

"Thank you, Captain."

There was silence for a while, well as much silence as there could be on ship full of men on the ocean. I watched as Caspian and Edmund spoke together enthusiastically. It looked as though the two were brothers and they could probably pass for it. Edmund and Peter had hardly ever looked this close, nearly always arguing and it had been hard to watch. Edmund had very few friends back in England so I was glad to see him like this.

Caspian seemed relaxed and at peace with himself unlike last time when he was still in a young state of mind, terrified of becoming King and the responsibilities and the up-coming battles. Now he was certain of who he was and there was a new aura of confidence surrounding him. It was the good kind, not arrogant or cocky like most but he was just confident in his beliefs and what he knew to be right. It made me all the more proud of the man that he had become and was continuing to become. I could see just by the relationship he had with his crew and the state and atmosphere of the men that the Kingdom was flourishing under Caspian's rule.

"The King has missed you greatly, it was hard at times I noticed."

I turned to Drinian at his sudden remark, "I missed him too."

"The show you and the King put on before your departure was the talk of the kingdom for months, some people still bring it up but everyone saw how hard it was for him to hear about you. Even just your name seemed to break his heart, that love is strong."

I smiled looking out across the ship, spotting what looked to be Lucy at the Bow of the ship, remembering when someone said something quite similar to Drinian's last sentence, a great and powerful someone. "I know it is, if I return after three years with no word or sign and he still loves me like he did before like we were together this whole time, I know that his love is true."

"Just as yours is for him?" I could tell he wished to know the answer and his shoulders hadn tensed slightly his hands gripping the ships wheel so tightly that his knuckles had turned white.

"Just as my love is for him."

The man relaxed and sighed, a small smile on his face, "I am glad to hear it. Every King needs a Queen to help him rule. A King can only last so long without one."

With that Drinian fell silent again as he was approached by a crewman. I thought over what he had just said as I watched Caspian talk with Edmund. I pushed it out of my mind and decided to go join Lucy at the Bow of the ship, not knowing how much longer Caspian and Edmund were going to be. They would eventually follow.

"Lucy!" I called as I approached her. I spotted Reepicheep standing on the edge of the Figurehead of the ship, the Dragon. I suppose Lucy had been talking to him while I had been speaking with Drinian.

"Dawn, come look!"

I skipped over to her side at a leisurely pace and leaned over the edge a little to see what she was beaming at. Woman seeming to made of water with tails instead of legs.

"Mermaid!" I exclaimed happily as we waved at them. They were such beautiful and magical creatures and their voices were almost as enchanting as that of a Phoenix. Unlike what Drinian and his crewmen believed of them dragging men under the depths of the ocean and drowning them, they were very sweet and peaceful people. The ones you had to look out for were sirens, which were cruel and malicious, very seductive and used it to their advantage. Fortunately on weak minded men, their powers didn't work on men who already loved a woman, men who were strong willed or women themselves. That was one of the reasons I was so glad I was born female.

Thankfully we had only run into a siren a couple of times back in the Golden Age, Edmund was fine thankfully he had learned from his dealings with the White Witch. Peter didn't appear to be as strong willed as our other brother but we were there to keep him out of harms way.

Lucy and I waved enthusiastically down at the mermaids who returned the gesture playfully as the flipped and splashed in the water below. Seeming to almost be dancing along the surface before returning to the deeper parts of their ocean home.

Lucy and I shared a smile before Lucy asked, "where's Edmund?"

I shrugged and said with a laugh, "with Caspian. They are 'bonding'."

Lucy laughed as well, "it could be worse, you know. Ed is pretty protective of you eventually it's all going to catch up on him and he is going to freak out on Caspian for liking you."

I rolled my eyes, knowing perfectly well how protective my older twin brother was.

"If it's either sooner or later, I think I'll choose later."

Lucy grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the Bow and back up the ship to where some of the crewmen were gathering. I spotted Caspian and Edmund swinging swords around a few feet away from each other. They were about to duel.

"Oh, they started early."

Lucy and I giggled together before finding somewhere we could watch the two males spar.

"I wonder who will win," spoke Lucy.

"Edmund is very good with a sword but Caspian's older and stronger and Ed hasn't held a sword in over a year." Lucy nodded agreeing with me, but we knew it was going to be a god fight.

The fight began and quickly Caspian got the upper hand pushing Edmund back along the deck. The cheers of the men and Narnians was infectious and joyful as they watched the two Kings battle. The two young men both had smirks on their faces but you could see their eyes were ever watching and calculating each move. Edmund pushed Caspian back towards us. I got to my feet to get a better luck leaving Lu to stand next to Drinian who sent me a smile nod in greeting which I returned.

I turned back to the fight just in time to see Caspian give a hard swing at my twin who dodged swiftly the great cheers of those watching. The two men stopped for a moment considering their next moves. The fight began again and the two of them spun around each other as though in a dance and each knew the steps perfectly. It was fascinating to watch.

Edmund swung wide and this time it was Caspian's turn to swerve out of the way and hurriedly stand back up to face his opponent. He struck at Edmund who blocked him a each turn. Then Caspian caught Edmund with a hard blow against his blade and with two hands on the hilt of his sword and swung his body around gaining the upper hand in a flash and though Edmund tried to regain it his tries were fruitless as Caspian ended up with his sword pressed against Ed's neck but then I noticed Ed had his against Caspian's! It was a draw!

The men began to cheer and I felt several patting my shoulder, "you brother is a fine swordsmen, lass!" I laughed and nodded in agreement with the smiling seaman.

The loud and excited cheers grew as Caspian and Edmund laughed letting their swords drop to their sides as Caspian grasped Edmund's shoulder in a brotherly hold, "it seems you have grown stronger, my friend." Caspian flipped his sword up an around in his hand. 'Show off!'

"It seems I have," laughed Edmund, slightly out of breath.

I pranced down the steps on which I had been standing near Drinian who was staring around at his crew.

I came up behind Caspian and jumped on his back causing him to laugh and swing me around. Edmund laughed as well as he watched us quickly the men who were still standing around watching joined in at seeing their King so joyful.

"Impressive, but I think I can do better. Any volunteers?" I glanced at Ed, Caspian, Drinian and the crew. Many of them held uncertain looks, others had smirks and cocky expressions for all to see.

"I'll take that challenge."

Just as I had hoped, Caspian was going to fight me.

"Are you sure? You must tired after your duel with Ed," I spoke in a slight taunting voice. I knew he wasn't going to back out but I could still have fun with this.

"Trust me, I am well enough to take you on," he said with a little playful arrogance. I rolled my eyes at him childishly and sent him a small wink.

"It seems we have another challenge, men!" boomed the voice of Drinian from his spot above everyone.

A great enthusiastic yell exploded from the crowd around us.

"Hope you're ready to be beat by a girl," I giggled girlishly, over playing it for show. Caspian knew it too.

He sent me a small smirk, "we'll see. Would you like to borrow a sword? No staff this time sweetheart." This caused a number of whistles and cheers from the men. I spotted Edmund glaring around at the men for a moment before return his hard stare to Caspian, impatiently.

I sighed over dramatically as I removed my staff from my back, "oh well." I send a small flirtatious smile at Caspian before flinging my staff up high above our heads to the sheer amazement of the on lookers, I kept my hand stretched above my head as I waited. I got many curious looks until a yell cried, "whats that?!"

I felt a coldness in my hand and I immediately closed my hand tight around it, letting my arm fall gracefully and slowly to my side and inspected what was in place of my staff. Gasps and whispers spread throughout the men watching.

In the place of my staff was a black sword, the hilt curved to fit my hand, the blade also black with gold engravings all the way up to the tip of the slight curved surface.

"I suppose this will have to do."

Caspian gave a mock bow and without a seconds hesitation struck forward with speed and strength. I dodged just in time, my body moving left but my sword went right, clashing with his. The yells and gasps from our audience drained away as we stared each other down.

I spun sharply keeping my sword tight and in control as I swung out. Clash! Caspian blocked, he swung out. I bent back, grabbing the blade of my sword with my free hand. Bending back further, my sword met the ground along with my hands and I flipped back onto my feet kicking Caspian's sword from his hand as I went.

There was a deafening silence.

We stood there facing each other. Caspian's eyes glanced at where his sword lay only about a meter away from him but it would be a risk.

5 seconds past. Caspian's hand gave a small twitch.

8 seconds.

10 seconds.

14 seconds. I blinked and he sprung.

Caspian lept across the wooden floor, sliding to the ground on his side, grabbed his sword and swung his body around, trying to knock me off balance.

I thrust my body into the air, flipping backwards. Using my magic to give myself a little more of a lift into the air.

I landed on one knee in front of him. We were once again on the same level of ground.

Caspian's leg came out of no where. I rolled to the side to avoid it. Caspian got to his feet in the mean time. He approached me again but I kicked my leg up as he bent down slightly, managing to get the back of his head as my legs spread out in an over split. Thankfully I was very flexible.

I sprung to my feet and took a chance, striking at his legs but he blocked. Went for the neck like he and Edmund had done, blocked. He went for my stomach but I twisted around him to stand at his back, causing him to look around in surprise at the fast movement.

He spun around. Strike. Clash. Spin. Blocked. Dodge. Swing. Clash. Swing. Dodge. Duck.

It continued, our dance seeming to never end until finally...

I swung around, Caspian anticipating the move stepped closer then I planned, my turn ended half way so my back was against his chest, his sword at my throat.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "I win."

I nodded slightly, his blade close to my throat but I knew he would never truly cause me any harm. I went to step away as his sword fell away but Caspian grabbed the fabric of my skirt pulling me back and spinning me around so I was back in his arms.

Disoriented from the sudden spin it took me a moment to realize that Caspian lips were on mine once more, beginning a completely different dance to the one we just finished.

If I wasn't out of breath and flushed a bright red from our fight I was after his kiss.

Loud cheers and cat calls finally reached my ears as I came back to the reality. Caspian's lips left mine finally and I heard Edmund groaning, "must you snog my sister in front of me. It's sickening."

I heard Ed give a cry of pain, Lucy must have hit him. I know I would have but I was still trapped on Caspian's arms.

"They're sweet," she exclaimed firmly.

Caspian and I laughed as we walked over to them. Caspian never removing his free arm from my waist.

"You my darling are an incredible swordswoman. Archery, swords and magic! Are you good with daggers too?"

I laughed, "only for close combat. Never throwing. That's Lucy's thing. I couldn't even hit a troll if it happened to be having a nap 5 feet in front of me. And if it did hit him, it would be the hilt and would bounce back at me."

"Alright, no throwing knives for you then."

"Good call," said Edmund, obviously recalling when I had tried throwing knives and daggers and had almost given him a new haircut.

"Alright! Back to work!" called out Drinian as all the crew went back to their jobs and choirs, talking and conversing over the recent entertainment.

Edmund had been given some water and was standing with Lucy drinking it greedily after his fight. I was offered one and I took it gratefully. Caspian took one also before kissing my forehead and going to speak with some of the men and most likely Drinian as I stayed with Edmund and Lucy.

"Edmund, Dawn," said Lucy taking our attention from the amazingly delicious water, "do you think if we keep sailing to the end of the world, that will just tip off the edge." She ended with a slightly nervous laugh. It was a valid point. Explorers used to think that back home, but this was Narnia completely different place. But then I remembered that beach I had been to with Orious and Aslan, the wave on the beach, it seemed to go on forever so I am guessing that was as one could go. Not that I said this to my brother and sister, I felt Aslan wouldn't have wanted me to speak of his country to them.

"Don't worry, Lu. We're a long way from there," replied Edmund soothingly. Just then that annoyingly irritating voice that had been silent for some time returned.

"I see you're still talking nonsense, the three of you."

I bit back a groan of annoyance at his reappearance as he walked over to join us at the edge of the ship. I settled my staff which had changed back by itself back onto my back while Lucy asked him kindly, "are you feeling better?"

Eustace leaned back with his arms crossed over his chest, still wearing his clothes from England, "yes, no thanks to you. It's lucky I have an iron constitution." I shook my head in disbelief, Lucy was just trying to be nice to him, something that Edmund and I were incapable of doing, not that we really cared. So far he hadn't shown any reason for us to be nice to him. Here was a perfect example, Lucy showing him kindness and he throws it back in her face, she was just too polite to reprimand him.

"Still as effervescent as ever I see," spoke Reepicheep as he appeared next to us, "find your sea legs?"

"Never lost them," he snapped back quickly, "just simply dealing with he shock of things." Edmund and I shared a look as we each took a large gulp of our water.

"Mother says I have a acute disposition, due to my intelligence."

I almost spit out my drink but managed to stop myself, Edmund wasn't so lucky and his water spilled out of his mouth all over his hand which was trying to stop it on reflex. Lucy was also trying hard not to laugh.

Reepicheep then said, "I don't think he has 'a cute' anything!" I smiled around at Reep cheekily who was standing on the other side of Lucy.

Eustace had heard him and stalked closer to the mouse and exclaimed loudly, "I'll have you know as soon as we find civilization; I'm contacting the British Consul!" As he spoke he walked around us, keeping a distance as if he was scared we would infect him with our 'childish nonsense'. I hid a smirk as I spotted Caspian making his way in our direction.

"Have you all arrested for kidnapping!" spat Eustace, he then turned not looking where he was going and bashing right into King Caspian himself who so happened to be much taller than him, an almost frightened look spread across his face.

Caspian smirked down at Eustace, "Kidnapping is it?" Half his hair was pulled back behind his head and he had removed his more Kingly clothes for attire more suitable for ship work and it suited him well.

"Funny, I thought we saved your life." Amusement was laced in his voice, his eyes twinkling with humor at Eustace's allegations against him and his men.

Eustace moved back quickly his head darting from us to Caspian, a look of utter disgust on his face, as though we were all gum on the bottom of his perfectly clean shoes that wouldn't come off.

"You held me against my will!

I moved over to Lucy's side as she giggled slightly into my shoulder and Reepicheep gave a loud "Ha!". Caspian also moved to my side, leaning against the side of the ship, his fingers playing with my skirt as he said in a playfully serious tone, "Did I?" Don't ask me how someone could sound playfully serious, but he pulled it off.

"In, what I say, the most unhygienic quarters. It's like a zoo down there!" I glared at Eustace, he had barely been in there a few hours and he wasn't even conscious for most of that when that 'zoo' was the place where the crewman lived while on this ship, yet they all seemed rather pleasant. There didn't seem to be an unpleasant man or Narnia among them.

"He's quite the complainer, isn't he?" spoke Reepicheep as he lounged back. Caspian chuckled next to me as his changed for playing with my clothes to fiddling with my hair, his hands touching the intricate braid at the back of my head and marveling at the complexities of it, his eyes squinted in confusion for a moment.

"He's just warming up," spoke Edmund and I as do just discussing how dull the weather was. We had grown far to used to Eustace's complaining by now, especially Edmund who had been forced to room with the boy.

Eustace glared at us, not only had we just insulted him but we used our 'twin speak' which he hated.

Suddenly a cry came from over our heads in the Crow's Nest, "Land Ho!"

Caspian immediately sprinted off, up the stairs to Drinian's side to get a better look at what was ahead. Just on the horizon was the outline of several Islands.

After a while of sailing closer, we were finally close enough to get a good look with a telescope.

Edmund, Tavros, Drinian, Caspian and I were all at the bow of the ship. Caspian opened the telescope and studied the land closely for a while as Drinian spoke to us, "The Lone Islands. The port of Narrowhaven."

I rolled my eyes at Edmund, I didn't want to be rude to the Captain but we already knew this. We were the High King and Queen of Narnia, The Lone Islands had been around in our time as had been Narrowhaven.

Caspian let the telescope fall to his side for a moment before passing it over to Edmund.

"Strange, not a Narnian flag in sight."

Edmund and I looked to him in confusion. Edmund raised the telescope to his eye while I pulled power from my connection to the Deep Magic to allow me to see farther, it took a lot of energy to enhance senses magically, thankfully my connection to the Deep Magic was stronger than it had ever been before. It seemed to grow with each trip we made to Narnia.

I saw that Caspian was right the whole Island was bare and not just of flags or signs but of people as well, it might have well been deserted.

"But the Lone Islands have always been Narnia's," said Edmund as he was obviously seeing what I was.

"Seems suspicious," stated Drinian and I definitely agreed.

"Whoa Dawn!"

I pushed the spell away, ending the power link from the Deep Magic, "what?" I asked my twin.

"Your eyes they were strange," spoke Drinian.

"She was using her magic to stretch her sight," said Edmund, "I hate it when you do that, its freaky."

I just rolled my eyes, "what do my eyes even look like when I do it."

"They go gold," said Caspian, "no pupil or iris just the white surrounding it and then gold. Never seen anything like it."

A thought hit me, "that's weird."

"Yeah, we know," said Edmund raising the telescope again.

"Not that! My eyes haven't changed colour when I have used magic the past few years. If they did I haven't felt it. When ever I used magic my eyes used to change from blue to gold but now they don't, I wonder if it means something."

"Maybe you have grown stronger, you are able to hide your powers better and have more control of them," said Tavros speaking for the first time in a while. I nodded, it was a good possibility.

"A worry for another time, I suppose," I said, returning us to the matter at hand.

"I say we prepare a landing party," supplied Edmund coolly. I nodded, thinking that Caspian and Drinian would agree. Not noticing the two sharing a look.

"Drinian?" asked Edmund waiting for his thoughts.

The Captain turned to my brother, "Forgive me, your majesty, but the chain of command starts with King Caspian on this ship."

"Oh, right." I could feel Edmund's embarrassment and annoyance and I quite agreed he had been simply supplying an idea.

"My apologies, Captain, Your Highness, but my brother is well known for his skills in tactics and planning, he was simply providing a suggestion. He may be a King but just because he speaks his ideas doesn't mean that he is ordering it to be so. We are all free to speak and I for one, believe that his plan of action is quite a wise one and you would be smart to heed his advice. For the fifteen yearsthat we ruled this land we spent much of our time on the ocean and have met similar situations and speak from experience, it would be wise for you to remember this when my brother or I give supply you with our thoughts on a situation."

My speech finished, the three men and the Minotaur stared at me opened mouthed though I could feel pride and gratitude coming from Edmund. I had spoken in a calm, collected voice, not raising it or lowering it, speaking direct and with power.

Drinian and Caspian both gulped loudly before the Captain finally said, "I understand, Milady, I apologize to you both."

Edmund gave a soft click of his tongue to signal for me to connect to his mind to have a private conversation as we often did.

"What was that?!" I could tell he was surprised yet pleased.

"I didn't like how you were spoken to as though your suggestions didn't matter, it reminded me of Peter from when we were younger and never stood up to him."

"It's just... I haven't heard you speak like that since we were back in the Golden Age."

"I wasn't crowned High Queen for nothing."

Edmund smiled at me as I broke the connection just as Caspian spoke, "We'll use longboats. Drinian, pick some men and come ashore."

Caspian looked to us and his eyes stopped on me for a moment, a look of almost wonder on his face. I smiled, just glad that he had gone along with Edmund's plan.


We turned to leave. Caspian ordered, "Tavros." The Minotaur knew exactly what he had to do and boomed out across the deck for all the men to hear the orders.

"Man the longboats, furl the sail and prepare to drop anchor." The men immediately got to work doing just that.

Caspian took my hand as he lead us down back into the ship for more weapons and supplies.

"You still continue to surprise me."

I smiled up at him, twirling my staff in my hand as I sent him a small wink.

Word Count: 8239

AN: Hey Guys, I'm working on several other fanfics yet to be published and was wondering if anyone would be interested? The different fandoms are:

~Spy Kids

~Night at the Museum

~Cheaper by the Dozen


~Star Trek

~Avatar the Last Airbender/Korra

I have at least one chapter for each done and will publish them all eventually. Just looking to see if anyone would read them... maybe a sneaky peak if they want! Each story has Original Inserted Characters like with Dawn in the Chronicles of Narnia.

Okumaya devam et

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