The Scarlet Witch||Doctor Who...

Von Yucky_Yarnes

39.2K 1K 185

"Absolutely fan-freaking-tastic" "Hey, that's my word." "Well, too bad." Mehr

.Chapter 1.
.Chapter 2.
.Chapter 4.
.Chapter 5.
.Chapter 6.
.Chapter 7.
.Chapter 8.
.Chapter 9.
.Chapter 10.
.Chapter 11.
.Chapter 12.
.Chapter 13.
.Chapter 14.
.Chapter 15.
.Chapter 16.
.Chapter 17.

.Chapter 3.

3.2K 111 16
Von Yucky_Yarnes


there is a flashieback too

enjoy hoes

"In you go," The Doctor lightly pushed Elizabeth into the TARDIS. "So, pushy." She mutters.

"Alright, let me connect the arm and see if we can get a signal. Then, we can patch you up, you'll be good as new." The Doctor said and connected various wires into the arm.

"Do you think an arm is gonna be enough?" Elizabeth asked. The Doctor shrugs and starts hitting buttons and pulling levers. "Who knows."

Elizabeth plops herself on the chair and watches the man in front of her work.


"Gallifrey?" Elizabeth asked. The Doctor's head snapped at Elizabeth. "What did you just say?" He asked.

"What?" She asked. "You said something." He said walking closer to her. "No, I didn't. You must be really old. Maybe a bit senile." She said.

The Doctor pulled out his sonic and scanned her. "You could've just asked before buzzing me. Rude." She said.

"You said 'Gallifrey.'"

"No, I didn't. Gallifr-ey." Elizabeth winces when her head starts to hurt. "Elizabeth?" The Doctor rushed back to her.

"My head. It hurts." She cries.

"Come on, let's get you to the medbay." He said and carefully pulls her to a standing position. "Doctor." Elizabeth sighs and her body drops. Before she could hit the floor, The Doctor caught her. Gently tapping her cheeks, he called out her name. "Elizabeth?" He whispered.


Fire burns through the land and children run screaming from all directions. "Kota! Where are you?" A woman shouts.

Her eyes spin as she searches for him. "Theo!" A voice in the distance yells.
"Kota?! Kota, I'm coming!" The woman shouts and sprints into the direction where the voice came from. "Theo?" A voice yells again but, this time it was close.

"Kota? Where are you?" She cried out. Still no sign of him. The woman sobs and she spins around to look in the ruins. "Theo? Sister, over here!"

"Kota!" She shouts again. 

"Over here!"

She dashes again and into a burning building that was nothing but rubble now. "Where are you?" She called out.

"I'm over here! Help, I'm stuck!"

She ran into a partial room and found a man with brunette hair and she drops to her knees and grabs him by the face.

"Oh my gods, Kota. What happened?" She asked and examined the rumble that was crushing part of her brother's left side.

"They were coming. I had to hide. The pillar broke and it landed on my arm. It's broken." He wheezed out.

"I'm gonna get you out. Okay?" She said. She stood up and she waved her hands and red wisps start to form.

"Theo, no! You're too weak! You're gonna kill yourself!" He said grabbing onto her leg. "I'm fine!" She said.

The red wisps grew bigger and she flicked her wrist and the wisps circled the rocks. "Theo," Kota whined. "I got it." She whispered.

The rocks slowly began to float and remove themselves off of the man. The woman's hand shook and she felt blood drip from her nose. "Theo! Stop!" He yelled and tried to escape the rumble.

"Just one more." She gasped in pain. Her ears started to ring as she lifts the last remaining boulder. Kota rolled away just in time for her to drop it. She stumbles and loses balance and falls.

Kota wraps his good arm around her waist and put her arm around his neck. "We need to find Loki or Koschei!" He said.

They stumbled out of the building and made their way further to the city streets. "Let's steal a TARDIS and leave!" Kota said as the made their way into the tall building. "What about Loki?" Theo asked. "We can't just leave, he's our brother." She yelled.

"Halt!" A voice screamed.

"It's them," Kota whispered. "I need you to run." He says.

"Kota, no! I will not let you die!" She said. "Go! Flee to Earth! Find Winifred Barnes. She's friends with Patience." Kota said pushing her towards the building.

"Kota!" She sobs. "Please, I won't leave you."

"Just go! Get out of here, sister." He points.

"No! Not without you!" She yelled back.




"Elizabeth? Are you okay?"

Elizabeth's eyes flutter open and she looks around. "Kota..." She mumbles. "Elizabeth? Can you hear me?" The Doctor asked.


"I'm here, love. I'm right here." He whispered. His hand had pushed back her hair behind her ears. "Where am I?" She asked.

"In the medbay, we're still in the TARDIS. You fainted in the console room." He said.

"I did? I don't remember anything." She got up and started to feel a little woozy. "Take it easy." He said.

"Did you find a signal?" She asked.

"You fainted and all you're worried about is the bloody signal?" He asked. "Well, it's important." She stated hopping out of the bed. "You're one peculiar girl, Elizabeth. And no, I didn't find the signal. The arm was good enough."

"Thought so." She grabbed the bag that was on the table next to her and she flung it over her shoulder.

"The TARDIS did find another life form though. Maybe, we can catch it." He said.

"Well, come on alien boy!" She exclaimed and pulled him to the hallway.

"I don't know where I'm going so, take me to the console room." She said with a giggle. "And you say I'm the pushy one." The Doctor mumbled and started the adventure back to the console room of the TARDIS.


"So, where is this thing at?" Elizabeth asked as she hopped out of the doors. "Well," The Doctor said buzzing his screwdriver. "It's this way." And he walked into a restaurant.

"Doctor, Rose and Mickey are here." She whispered and pointed at the couple. "Noted. But, that ain't Rickey."

"It's Mickey, and what do you mean?" She asked and the two walked by the couple. She was surprised Rose didn't notice her. "Where are we going?" Elizabeth asked The Doctor.

He handed her a champagne bottle and smiles sweetly. "Let's go congratulate the happy couple."

They approach the table and Elizabeth's eyes widen as she saw Mickey. That absolutely wasn't Mickey.

"Your champagne." The Doctor said presenting it to Mickey. The plastic figure completely ignored it and said, "We didn't order any champagne."

"Where's the Doctor?" Plastic Mickey asked squeezing onto Rose's hand. "Madam, your champagne," Elizabeth said.

"It's not ours. Mickey, what is it, what's wrong?" Rose asked. "I need to find out how much he knows, so where is he?" The plastic man answered.

"Doesn't anybody want this champagne." The Doctor asked when he walked behind Rose and stood next Elizabeth. "Look, we didn't order..." The plastic man looked up and saw the two people.

"Ah, got you." Plastic Mickey said. "Don't mind us," Elizabeth said and the two began to shake their bottles of champagne. "We're just toasting the happy couple." The Doctor said.
Rose looked behind her and Elizabeth smiled at her.

"On the house!" They shouted and opened the bottles. The corks flew from the bottles and into Mickey's forehead which absorbed into his body. He spat the corks out over Rose's shoulder and nearly missing Elizabeth. "Oi!" She exclaimed.

"Anyway!" Mickey said and raised his hand which morphed into a flat smasher type thing. Elizabeth grabs Rose as Mickey smashed that table into pieces and scampered to the fire alarm.

The Doctor wrapped his arm around Mickey and yanked his head off. "Doctor!" Elizabeth yelled as he went flying with the head.

"Don't think that's gonna stop me." The head grunted out.

People start to scream as the body of Mickey started smashing things at random.

Rose slammed her hand against the fire alarm and screams, "Everyone out! Out now!"

Lizzie holds out her hand for the Doctor and he grabs it and they run towards the exit, following Rose. "Get out, get out, get out!" Elizabeth yells.

Behind them, she hears glass breaking and tables being chopped in half. The three run into the kitchen and into the hallway with the plastic being following.

Rose shoves open and they run into the alley. Elizabeth slams the door closed and The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver to lock the metal door.

Elizabeth hears Plastic Mickey bang on the door and sighs in relief. Rose dashes to a gate and tugs on the lock. "Open the gate! Use that tube thing! Come on!" She shouts.

"Sonic screwdriver." The Doctor said as he and Elizabeth walk casually to the blue box. "Use it!" The blonde yells.

"Nah, tell you what, let's go in here." He said. Elizabeth laughs as Rose looks at them with a crazy look.

"Can I unlock it?" The Irish woman asked. The Doctor handed her the key and she cheered while unlocking the door. "C'mon Rose!"

"You can't hide inside a wooden box," Rose exclaimed. "He's gonna get us." She said and runs back to the gate.

Suddenly, Rose runs into the TARDIS and then runs back out.

"Wait, she's taking it in." The Doctor said. She then runs back in and rushes to Elizabeth.

"It's gonna follow us." said the blonde. "The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door. Believe me, they've tried! Now, shut up a minute. Elizabeth, c'mere and help me with this will you." The Doctor said as he soniced the head.

The two plugged wires into the head that connected it to the console as Rose looked around. "You see, the arm was too simple, but the head's perfect." The Doctor mumbled.

"He can use it to trace the signal back to the original source." Elizabeth continued. The Doctor places the head on the console and turns to face Rose. "Right. Where do you want to start?" He asked.

"Um... The inside's bigger than the outside." Rose stated.


"It's alien."

"Yep," Elizabeth said.

"Are you alien?" Rose asked The Doctor. "Yes. Is that all right?" He asked.

"Yeah. Why is Lizzie so important to you?" Rose asked catching Elizabeth's attention. "Because she's weird. I like weird."

"Oi! I'm standing right here." Elizabeth said wacking the Doctor. "Ow! It's called the TARDIS, this thing. T-A-R-D-I-S."

"It stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space," Elizabeth said bumping The Doctor's hip. The two smile at each other and they were torn away from their inner conversations when they hear Rose sob.

"That's okay. Culture shock." The Doctor whispers to Elizabeth. "Happens to the best of us." He said. "Did they kill him? Mickey? Did they kill Mickey? Is he dead?" She asked the alien.

"Oh, I didn't think of that." The Doctor mumbled. This earned him another wack from Elizabeth. "Oi!" He hissed.

"He's my boyfriend. You pulled off his head. They copied him, and you didn't even think." She yelled. "And now you're just gonna let him melt."

"Melt?" The Doctor and Elizabeth asked in unison. They turned around to see the plastic head melt into the console.

"Aw, no, no, no, no!" The Doctor whined. "What are you doing?" Rose asked. "Following the signal. It's fading!" He yelled.

"Wait a minute. I've got it."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" The alien yelled again. "Almost there, almost there. Here we go!" The Doctor then runs to the doors of the TARDIS after he landed the machine. "Doctor! Wait!" Elizabeth yells and grabs Rose and pulls her outside.

"We can't go out there! It's not safe!" Rose yelled.

"I lost the signal. I got so close." The leather jacket man whined. Rose looks around with a surprised expression printed onto her face. "We've moved. Does it fly?" She asked.

"It disappears there and reappears here," Elizabeth answered. "You wouldn't understand." The alien grumbled.

"Liz? How do you know so much about this?" Rose whispered. "Because I asked some of the questions you asked." The brunette said giggling.

"But if we're somewhere else, what about the headless thing that's still on the loose?" Rose asked them.

"Melted with the head. Are you going to witter on all night?" The Doctor snapped. "Hey, calm down," Elizabeth said. She walked towards him and grabbed his hand having hopes it would help calm him down.

"I'll have to tell his mother," Rose mumbled. The Doctor looked at her with a confused look. "Mickey... I'll have to tell his mother he's dead and you just went and forgot him, again!" She snaps.

"You were right. You are alien."

"Look, if I did forget some kid called Mickey..."

"He's not a kid!" Rose intervened. "...It's because I'm trying to save the life of every stupid ape blundering about on this planet, all right?" The Doctor yelled. His hand tightens around Elizabeth's as he yelled at the blonde.

"All right?" Rose asked.

"Yes, it is!"

"If you are an alien why do you sound like you're from the north?" Rose asked. "Lots of planets have a north!"

"What's a police public call box?" The blonde asked. Elizabeth smiled as she felt the pressure from the Doctor's hand go down. He was calming down.

'It's a telephone box, from the 1950s. It's a disguise." The alien said as he began to stroke it.

"Okay... And, this living plastic, what's it got against us?"

"Nothing. It loves you. You've got such a good planet, lots of smoke and oil. Plenty of toxins and dioxins in the air. Perfect." The Doctor answered.

"Just what the Nestene Consciousness needs," Elizabeth concluded. The Doctor smiled and nods to Elizabeth, confirming she was correct. "Its food stock was destroyed in the war, its proteins planets rotted." The Doctor continued.

"So, Earth. Dinner" Elizabeth finished for him.

"Any way of stopping it?" Rose asked.

The alien pulls a tube that was filled with a deep blue liquid that almost matched the color of the TARDIS. "Antiplastic."

"Antiplastic?" The girls asked. "Antiplastic! But first, I've got to find it." The Doctor said.

The Doctor walks back to the railing of the bridge looking over the river Thames. "How can you hide something that big in a city this small?

"Hide what?" Elizabeth asked skipping over to him. "The transmitter. The Consciousness is controlling every single piece of plastic, so it needs a transmitter to boost the signal." The Doctor said.

"What does it look like?" Rose asked.

"Like a transmitter! Round and massive, somewhere slap-bang in the middle of London. A huge, metal, circular structure like a dish, like a wheel, radial. Close to where we're standing." He said.

"It must be completely invisible."

Elizabeth and Rose look up and spot the London Eye.

'He's got to be bloody stupid.' Elizabeth thought.

"What?" The Doctor asked noticing them staring behind him. Rose nodded toward the ride behind him and he turned around but didn't get it.

"What?" He asked again.

Elizabeth facepalmed and sighed. "You're so stupid." She mumbles quiet enough so he didn't hear her.

He looked again and his brain hasn't connected the dots. "What is it? What?" He asked getting irritated with the girls.

The continue to stare at the London Eye and the Doctor turns around again finally, the light bulb turns on. "Oh."

"Fantastic!" He cheers and sprints away. The three run down the bridge and while so, The Doctor and Elizabeth conjoin hands again and run towards the stairs leading below the bridge.

They come to a stop when they were directly below the giant ferris wheel to catch their breath. "Think of it. Plastic all over the world, every artificial thing waiting to be alive. The shop window dummies, the phones, the wires, the cables." The Doctor said.

"The breast implants," Rose said. Elizabeth snorted after she heard Rose.

"Still, we've found the transmitter. The Consciousness must be somewhere underneath." The Doctor said.

Rose races to the edge and spots a sewer drain. "What about down there?" She asked the other two. The two run over to Rose and smiled and the Doctor said, "Looks good to me."

And off they ran down more steps and to a lower level.

The Doctor opens the up the cover and crawls down the chute on a ladder. Rose and Elizabeth follow behind.

When the went through another door, the found the Nestene Consciousness which to Elizabeth look liked a big blob of lava. "The Nestene Consciousness. That's it, inside the vat, a living plastic creature." The Doctor said.

"Well then, tip in your antiplastic and let's go," Rose said.

"I'm not here to kill it. I've got to give it a chance."

They descended down the staircase and the Doctor with Elizabeth approach the railing. "I seek audience with the Nestene Consciousness under peaceful contract according to Convention 15 of the Shadow Proclamation." The Doctor grabbed Elizabeth's hand as he sensed her fear of the great goo.

The blob below gurgled at the two and Elizabeth looks back at Rose exchanging a strange look with the blonde. "Thank you. If I might have permission to approach with my associate." 

Elizabeth's eyes widen and she shakes her head at the alien. "Don't drag me into this, I don't want to be blob food." She whisper-yelled. The Doctor ignored her and pulled her closer to the railing.

"Oh my god." Rose mumbles and runs down the stairs. Elizabeth leans forward a tad to see where Rose was running too and she saw Mickey. "Mickey!" She waves. The Doctor rolled his eyes and Elizabeth snorted at his actions.

"Jealous much, Doctor?" She asked. The Doctor blushed and followed Rose down the stairs. "Mickey! It's me! It's okay." Rose shouts. "It's all right. It's all right."

"Shh." Mickey whispers and puts his index finger to his mouth. "That thing, down there... The liquid, Rose, it can talk!" Mickey cried.

"Oh, you're stinking!" The girlfriend mumbles. "Doctor, they kept him alive." Rose said. "Yeah, that was always a possibility, keep him alive to maintain the copy." The man said walking down the stairs.

Elizabeth smiles at Mickey and waves. "You knew that and never said?" Rose snaps.

"Can we keep the domestics outside, thank you?" The Doctor and Elizabeth continued down the last stair case before they were standing on a platform just 10 feet above the yellow liquid.

"Am I addressing the Consciousness?" The Doctor asked. The blob gurgled again and moved inside the vat spilling some of itself over the sides.

"Thank you. If I might observe, you infiltrated this civilisation by means of warped, shunt technology. So, may I suggest, with the great respect, that you shunt off?" The Doctor asked making the brunette next to him giggle.

The blob let out an angry hiss and started to stretch higher towards them. "Oh, don't give me that! It's an invasion, plain and simple. Don't talk about constitutional rights."

"Sounds like the Americans." Elizabeth utters under her breath. The liquid squirms again with more angry hisses and groans as it yells at the Doctor. This time it spilled more of itself onto the sides.

"I am talking!" The Doctor shouts. "This planet is just starting. These stupid little people have only just learned how to walk. But they're capable of so much more. I'm asking you, on their behalf. Please, just go."

"Doctor!" Rose shouts.

Elizabeth feels two arms grab her and separate her and the Doctor's hands. "Doctor!" She cried out as she pulled at the restraining men. "It's okay, stay calm." He said.

One of the plastic dummies pulls out the tube filled with antiplastic which cause the Nestene to gurgle angrily. "That was just insurance!" The Doctor shouts.

"He wasn't gonna use it!" Elizabeth yells. The angry goo screeches louder at the two.

"I was not attacking you. I'm here to help. I'm not your enemy, I swear, I'm not." The Doctor cried out. "What do you mean?"

Behind them, a metal door slides open and it reveals the blue police box. "No, no, no! Honestly, no. Yes, that's my ship."

The goo yells again.

"That's not true! I should know, I was there. I fought in the war. It wasn't my fault. I couldn't save your world. I couldn't save any of them!" The alien cried.

'Time War'

"Doctor, I think your feeding it excuses!" Elizabeth yells. "What's it doing?" Rose asked from above.

"It's the TARDIS. The Nestene's identified it as superior technology, it's terrified!" The Doctor answered. "It's going to the final base!" Elizabeth cried realizing what is happening. "It's starting the invasion. Get out, Rose! Just leg it, now!" She yelled.

Suddenly, a big blast of blue electricity shoots up into the ceiling and burns a hole through it. "It's the activation signal! It's transmitting."

"Get out, Rose! Just get out! Run!" The Doctor yells. Elizabeth and her alien boy lock eyes and she smiles sadly at him. "It was nice knowing you, alien boy." She said.

"The stairs have gone!" Rose yelled.

"Time Lords!" The Nestene shouts.

"What?" The Doctor asked. There should be only one Time Lord, him.

Rose and Elizabeth make eye contact and share glances at the Doctor. "Just leave them," Mickey whined.

Rose runs to a wall with chains on it and she grabs a axe. "There's nothing you can do!" Her boyfriend yelled after her.

"I've got no A-levels. No job. No future. But I'll tell you what I have got." She wacks the chains breaking them. "Jericho Street Junior School under-sevens gymnastic team. I got the bronze." She says.

"Oh my god. Nope. Oh my god. Don't do that you stupid blonde!" Lizzie mumbles at Rose. Rose swings herself on the chain which causes a distraction for the plastic beings. The Doctor flips the guy over his back and throwing him into the plastic goo.

Rose kicks the other one holding the antiplastic making them both go in. The Doctor punches the plastic man holding Elizabeth and tosses him into the Nestene as well.

"Rose!" Elizabeth yells and points at her. The Doctor catches her as she swings back and she lets go of the chain. Elizabeth lets out a sigh in relief and tackles the blonde in a hug. "Oh my god, you scared me! With that swinging." The Irish woman mumbled into Rose's ear.

The Doctor joined in the hug because he felt left out and they looked over at the Nestene Consciousness. "Now we're in trouble."

Hand in hand, Elizabeth and The Doctor run pulling Rose with them as the ceiling explodes. Running up the stairs, the alien pulls out his key to the TARDIS and tries to unlock it with Mickey in the way.
The four of them climbed into the spaceship/time machine and with that, the TARDIS whooshes out of there.

((there's four minutes left aaaa))

Mickey stumbles out of the TARDIS and runs into a stack of wood panels. He watches as his girlfriend walks out like nothing crazy happened.

"Fat lot of good you were!" She said and rushes over to him with a smile. Nothing came out of his mouth but small child-like whimpers. "I'm gonna smack him," Elizabeth said as she and her alien boy walk out of the blue box.

"'Just leave them?'" Elizabeth yells. "Mickey! You're lucky I'm tired. I would've slapped you so hard you'd be in the next century!" The Irish yelled.

"Nestene Consciousness? Easy!" The Doctor laughs.

"You were useless in there! You'd be dead if it wasn't for me." Rose said with a cheeky smile. "Yes, we would have been," Elizabeth mumbled.

"Thank you." The Doctor said. "Right, then! We'll be off." The Doctor said. Elizabeth snapped her head toward the alien. "Wait a second. When have I said I wanted to go with you?" She asked with a teasing smile. The Doctor smiles at her.

"Rose? You gonna come with us?" Elizabeth asked as she walked closer to the Doctor. "This box isn't just a London-op, you know, it goes anywhere in the universe. Free of charge." The Doctor tells Rose.

"Don't!" Mickey said gripping tightly on Rose. "He's an alien. He's a thing."

"He's not invited."

Elizabeth snorts.

"What do you think? You could stay here. Fill your life with work and food and sleep, or you could go... anywhere."

"Is it always this dangerous?" Rose asked. "Yeah." The Time Lord answered.

"Yeah, I can't. I've gotta go and find my mom, and someone's gotta look after this stupid lump, so... " She laughs.

"Okay." The Doctor said. "See you around."

"Bye." Elizabeth waved. The two walked into the TARDIS and shut the door.

With a sigh, the Doctor started to pilot the TARDIS. "Don't act so disappointed, alien boy," Elizabeth said poking him with her foot. The Doctor chuckled and looked at the door.


Elizabeth pops her head out of the doors with the Doctor. "By the way, did I mention it also travels in time?"

The Doctor pulled Elizabeth back in and waited for Rose. "I told you, she'd come."

Rose runs in and closes the door.

"Oh, shush now." The Doctor said.


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