Spy School Erica's Peril [Com...

By ZellicTheOptimist

34.8K 370 483

Ben Ripley, second year Spy School student, is only days away from his 14th birthday when he is yet again cal... More

Chapter One: Rumors
Chapter Three: Training
Chapter Four: Party
Chapter Five: Plane Trip
Chapter Six: Pursuit
Chapter Seven: Decisions
Chapter Eight: Go time
Chapter Nine: Erica's Peril
Chapter Ten: Tick Tock
Chapter Eleven: Capture
Chapter Twelve: The Missile
Chapter Thirteen: Tricked
Chapter Fourteen: Erica?
Chapter Fifteen: Together
Chapter Sixteen: "What did you just do Ben"
Chapter Seventeen: Their Powers
Chapter Eighteen: We did it again

Chapter two: The Mission

2.1K 21 30
By ZellicTheOptimist

Again, sorry for the short chapter, next one will be longer. I have some more ideas I'm wanting to put into the story, so I'll update today and maybe Monday. Without any further ado... Enjoy chapter 2.

Ten minutes later I found myself in Erica's room. Cyrus Hale was there waiting for us, which I thought was weird because I never saw anyone in Erica's room. Correction, I never see Erica's room, period.

Before Cyrus could say anything, I asked the question that was on my mind.

     "Am I being activated for a mission?" I asked. Cyrus didn't convey any emotion.

"Who told you that?" he asked.

     "I figured it out," I lied. Erica flicked me on the head. "Alright Mike told me," I admitted.

     "Well, his sources are right you are being activated," Cyrus said.

"Welcome to operation Final Strike," Erica said. What operation Final Strike? I thought. Erica seemed to read my mind. "We have a lead on SPYDER," she explained.

"Basically, we need your help, kid," Cyrus said.

"Me?!" I said shocked. "What on earth could I help you guys with?" I asked.

"You're becoming a better spy then you think Ben," said Erica. My heart fluttered. Did Erica just compliment me? "We could use skills like yours," she said. Ok, something was terribly wrong two comments in 5 seconds.

"Alright," I said. "What's the lead?"

"It's not that big of a lead, but it's a start," said Erica. She continued, "We know that they're up to something," she paused and looked to Cyrus.

"They're going to blow up the school," he said. I felt mixed with surprise, shock, and fear.

"How did they get the coordinates to the school?" I said.

"It really wouldn't be that hard," she said. "They have tons of moles in the CIA. I'm sure they have one in the school," said Erica.

"Oh right," I said, feeling a little stupid. "What can I do to help?" I asked.

"For now, just keep low. I'll come get you if any new information comes up," she said. "Oh, and one more thing...we think Joshua Hallal is after you," she said.

"WHAT!?" I yelled. I should have kept my cool but failed. Up till that point, I had just been listening to what Erica had been saying, but if Joshua was after me, then I was screwed.

Erica gave me a comforting look, "Don't worry, you have me and Grandpa to cover for you," she said, as soothing as possible, which worked pretty well because it was Erica saying it.

"That's all for now kid, run on back to your class," said Cyrus.

"Let me get this straight, you guys are going to have me go back to class when Joshua Hallal is after me?" I said, somehow keeping my cool. "We don't have many options," Erica said. I stormed out of the room to confused and angry. After a long day at class and the possibility that one of the best SPYDER agents was after me, I was completely drained and just wanted to fall asleep. On my way back to my room, Mike caught me.

"What did Erica say?" he asked.

"Nothing, " I said.

"Oh really, I'm sure she asked you out," he said. I gave him a look to see if he was serious; I knew we was joking because he had a wolfish grin on his face.

I played along, "Yep, sure did. We're going out tomorrow at 6:00," I said. Mike seemed to know that I was lying.

"Did she give you her standard," he started to talk in an Erica impression, "if you so much as tell one person I will find and kill you speech?".

"Yeah," I said. We both burst into laughter.

"But seriously dude, did she ask you out?" Mike asked. He looked serious and I was about to answer no, when Erica stepped out of the darkness that she had been hiding in. "We have a long day tomorrow Ben go to sleep," She said. I understood what she meant with me being in on the mission. But Mike interpreted it differently.

"Um, Erica, did you hear what we were saying?" I said.

"Yep, the whole thing," she said. Mike looked like he saw a ghost.

"Right, sorry, I'll see you at 6:00 then?"

"Yep, meet at my room," she said.

Mike looked shocked. "Is she really going to go out with you?".

"Looks like it," I said. Playing along with his miss interpretation. Even though I knew it wasn't true, it felt good to have something over on Mike. "Well, I should be off to bed," I said.

"Oh, yeah sure," said Mike. "See you later Ben".

I climbed into my bed and lay for a good hour before falling asleep with a mix of emotions.

And that's chapter two. Hope you guys liked it because I enjoyed writing it. Til next time, peace.

Re edited and posted

August 15th 2019

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