Toxic Lips [l.h]

By My_Chemical_Muke

475K 15.2K 7K

--- Those who fear darkness have no idea what the light can do --- More

Toxic Lips
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s i x t y s i x

6.9K 180 263
By My_Chemical_Muke

''Tell me where you're hiding your voodoo doll, cause I can't control myself.

I don't wanna stay, wanna run away, but I'm trapped under your spell."


I wake up in the morning, burning hot.

My throat is dry and painful and my nose is stuffed, my skin on fire. 

"You're finally up," Luke says. He's already dressed in a grey t-shirt and his usual balck jeans, worry etched into his face. He sits beside me on the bed. 

"I feel horrible," I croak, trying to swallow to ease the painful dryness in my throat.

"You were burning up, but I didn't want to wake you," he says. He hands me a thermometer. "Put this is your mouth."

I comply, the cool metal of the stick soothing on my tongue.

A few minutes later, the thermometer beeps and Luke takes it from my mouth, reading it quickly.

"One oh two," he says, placing it on the bedside table. 

"But it's Monday," I say. "We have to work--"

"There is no way in hell you're going to work," Luke says instantly. 


"Here, put on some pyjamas," he says, ignoring my protests. He hands me some of my pyjamas I must have left here before. I slide them on quickly and then am ushered back into bed by Luke.

"Luke, I need to go to work," I say. 

"No, Alaska," he says. "You're staying here, and so am I."

"You can't miss work," I say. "I'll be fine."


"Is everything alright?" Emma asks, opening the door a little and peeking inside.

"Morning, Emma," I smile at her weakly.

"Alaska has a one hundred and two degree fever," Luke states and I roll my eyes.

"Oh dear, that's not good," Emma says, stepping into the room.

"Yeah, so we're staying home from work today," he says.

"No, you're going to work, Luke," I say.

"I'm not leaving you here by yourself," he says sternly.

"I could take care of her," Emma says.

"No," Luke says instantly.

"Why not?"

"Because... because..." Luke struggles for a liable excuse and I smirk.

"Get in your work clothes, Lucifer," Emma says sternly. "I'm going to make Alaska some tea."

Luke huffs, knowing he's outnumbered. Emma turns on her heel and walks out of the room.

I lean back on Luke's pillows as he pulls his t-shirt off, swapping it for a lightl blue button up. He grabs a black coat and turns to face me.

"I guess I'll go then," he sighs. "I'll tell Emma where I keep my medicine, and get lots of sleep," he says, leaning down and kissing my burning forehead.

"God, you sound like my mother," I say.

He rolls his eyes. "Don't do anything stupid, and if you steal my Mars Bars I will know."

"And how will you know?"

"Trust me, I'll know." He smirks and kisses my cheek before standing up straight.

"Have fun at work!" I call after him.

"Not likely!" He calls back.

Emma enters the room just after he leaves, bearing toast and tea. I smile at her thankfully as she sits beside me on the bed.

"I'm so sorry you're ill," she saus as I sip my tea.

"It's alright, it's probably my fault that I didn't get a flu shot this year," I say. "I haven't had the time."

"I don't know if what you've got is the flu, have you got the chills?"

"No, I feel like I've been doused in a pit of lava."

Emma chuckles. "Luke mentioned having ibuprofen. I'll go see if I can find it," she says , and exits the room

My phone suddenly starts ringing from the nightstand and I roll my eyes when I see Luke's caller ID.

"You haven't even been gone for five minutes, what could you possibly want?" I ask as I answer the phone.

"It's important, I swear."


"Don't tell Emma where I keep my Mars Bars."

"That's the important thing?"

"Chocolate is very important, Alaska."

I sigh. "Fine, your secret is safe with me."

"Good. Also, I love you."

I blush and smile. "I love you, too."

"I've got to go, there's a lady wearing too much lipstick in the car next to me giving me the evil eye for talking on the phone."

"Alright, I'll see you later."

"Damn, she needs to take it easy with the lipstick. She looks like she drank a litre of blood or something."

"Goodbye, Luke."

I hang up just as he begins ranting about how the woman may or may not be a vampire, chuckling at his childlike humor.

Emma bustles back into the room soon after, studying the label on a bottle of pills. "I think this is the right one. Here, take two," she instructs, handing me a glass of water.

"Thank you, Emma," I say, swallowing the white tablets and leaning back on some of Luke's pillow.

Emma swtiches on the TV and constantly asks me if I need anything, her caring green eyes hopeful and wide. I'm so greatiful to have Emma right now, she's so kind and sweet. Although she and Luke have a muddled past, I hope they can get past it, because I know Emma and I will be good friends, regardless.

We watch crappy daytime soap operas nad share a sleeve of Saltines throughout the day. Emma finds medicine for my stuffed nose and couch drops for my aching throat. Luke texts me on and off, mostly judgemental messages about co workers. For instance:

I never noticed just how bald Marcus is. Or:

Calum's hair is really tall today, you should see it.

Or, my personal favourite:

Damn it, Allie, now that you're not here I'm directly facing Andrea and she looks like she wants to sever my head from my neck. 

I giggle and share each text with Emma. She laughs along with me as we exchange stories about Luke, many of which I'm sure Luke would not want Emma telling me. 

"He swallowed a chunk of our mother's lipstick when he was four," she tells me. 

I widen my eyes. "No way!"

Emma chuckles. "Yes, I remember it quite well. My mother was so worried he would get sick, she called poison control and our doctor multiple times. But Luke never did, he's got a stomach of steel."

I laugh. "That's too funny."

She also tells me about her travels to distand places and the people she's met. She's been to every continent aside from Antarctica, but she assures me she's going there one day. I listen with insterest, awed by how much Emma has seen of the world at only age twenty four.

"That's incredible," I say when she tells me of the magnificent blue colour of the ocean off the coast of Fiji.

"It was," she sighs.

"You've seen so much," I say.

"I have," she agrees. "But I can't help but think it's all an act."

I cock my head at her. "How so?"

"I've spent almost three years of my life travelling in hopes of soothing the pain of my mother's death," she says. "But in all honestly, it truly hasn't."

I watch her as she runs a hair through her light hair.

"That's why I came here, to get some closure, I guess. I was hoping Luke and I could talk things out a bit, but now I see that's never going to happen."

"It will, he's just hurt," I say. "He loves you, Emma. I mean, you're his sister."

"You believe that?"

"Of course, Emma. He just needs a little time"

Emma's wide eyes brim with tears as she wraps her arms tightly around me.

"Thank you," she breathes.

I nod into her shoulder and she pulls away quickly.

"I realize I shouldn't have done that when you're sick," she says and we both giggle.

Emma wants so badly to mend her relationship with Luke. I've felt it before, and it's a nagging, horrible thing to feel. I do hope she and Luke work things out.

"He's changes, Luke has," Emma says. "Since I last saw him, anyhow."

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes, very much. His eyes are much bluer, I think. His smile's alot wider, too. I think it's because of you."

"Me?" I ask.

"Yes, you. I mean, he's so stubborn, no doubt if you weren't here he wouldn't have let me stay the other night. And he looks to you alot of your time for your views on things, I've noticed. I never thought I'd see the day when hard-headed Luke fell in love."

"Neither did I."

Emma smiles. "You're really good for him, I think. And he's very lucky to have you."

I smile back at her. "I would hug you again, but I don't want to contaminate you."

She chuckles. "Much obliged."

At around two, my fever gets worse, and Emma wets a cool washcloth for me to press to my forehead. I thank her and shut my eyes, focusing on the coldness of the cloth instead of my flaming fever.

I fall asleep shortly after, and my ringing phone awakens me. I don't open my eyes, deciding it's too much energy for me to reach for the phone. 

A second later I hear Emma answer it for me.

"Luke, she's asleep," she says in a hushed whisper. "No, it got worse... one oh three degrees... I gave her two pills a few hours ago... I will when she wakes up.. no, I won't wake her, she needs to sleep... okay, bye Luke."

I hear her set the phone down on the nightstand and shuffle out of the room, the door clicking shut behind her.

I sleep for three more hours until I hear the door open again.

"How can she still be sleeping? It's been almost four hours," Luke says. 

"I don't know, sickness is tiring," Emma replies.

"What if she has something serious?"

"She's not showing any serious signs, Luke. Quit worrying so much."

"I can't, this is stressing me out." I feel cool fingers touch my forehead and am hit with a wave of spearmint aroma.

"Shit, she's boiling," Luke says, his cold fingers still on my blazing forehead.

"I'll go start preparing dinner," Emma says.

"Alright, there should be chicken in the fridge."

"You're going to stay here?"

"Yeah, just to make sure she's okay.

There's a short pause.

"She's lucky to have you, Luke."

"Do you think so?"

"Yes. And I think you're really lucky to have her too."

"I agree."

I hear Emma exit the room, her footsteps echoing through the apartment.

Luke stays with me for quite a while, his fingers moving gently back and forth across my skin. He begins humming softly, his deep voice sounding beautiful against the previous silence.

At around six o'clock, I finally muster enough strength to open my eyes.

Luke sits on the bed beside me, his worried eyes trained on me. He hasn't changed from his work clothes yet, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

I manage to smile at him and he smiles back, almost relieved that I'm awake.

"God damn it, Alaska. You never cease to worry the hell out of me."

I laugh and sit up slowly.

"Are you feeling any better?" He asks anxiously.

"A little," I say.

"Good, it's better than nothing. Emma's making dinner."

"Have you talked to her?" I ask, although I am already aware of the answer.

"Not about what you'd like me to," he replies. "Forget about that for now. Is there anything I can get for you? Are you thirsty? Do you need more medicine?"

"I'm fine, Luke."

He sighs and pulls me against his chest in a tight hug.

"I might get you sick," I warn him.

"I don't care."

I pull away from him, sniffling slightly.

Emma finishes cooking and we all congregate on Luke's bed to eat and watch television. Emma expresses her love for The Vampire Diaries, and I immediately exclaim that I too am a fan. Luke says he's never seen it and Emma flips the channel before he even finishes his sentence. 

Luke makes us turn off the lights at ten, telling Emma she can stay another night. She thanks him and he even lets her hug him before she exits the bedroom, shutting the door softly. 

"Before you can say anything, no, you are not going back to your apartment tonight," Luke says.


"You're sick, and you're staying with me."

I sigh in defeat, too tired to argue with him.

He changes into pyjamas and makes me take two more ibuprofens before joining me in bed, turning out the light and cuddling close to me.

"I feel so lazy, I haven't left this bed in twenty four hours," I groan.

"Not even to piss? There'd better not be dried urine in my bed, Alaska, so help me--"

"Relax, there's no dried piss in your bed. Of course I got up to go to the bathroom, I'm not a dog."

Luke chuckles. "Even when you're sick, you still sass me."

"The sass never dies, Luke."

We laugh and I eventually fall asleep, my slumber thankfully dreamless.


I jolt awake, sweat soaking me. I'm shivering and burning hot at the same time, my heart racing.

"Luke," I say, nudging him. "Luke, something's wrong."

Luke's awake instantly, sitting up. "What is it?"

"I'm really cold but really hot," I say shakily.

He presses a cool hand to my forehead. "Christ, you're burning." He gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom, turning on the water and rewetting my cloth.

I hear Emma wake up and Luke explains the situation to her.

They both come into the room, Luke pressing the cold cloth to my neck, Emma looking down at me with concern.

I shut my eyes, fatigued, shivering and blazing hot all at once.

"Should we take her to the ER?" Luke asks worriedly.

"I don't know, I think her fever may be breaking."

"It looks worse to me."

"It has to get worse before it get's better."

"Shit, Emma I'm worried."

"She'll be okay. Look, her shivering is dying down already."

Emma's right, I'm feeling less cold and I'm sweating less. My breathing is evening out as well.

Luke breathes deeply. "Good."

"Just go back to sleep, she'll be alright, Lukey."

It's the first time I hear Emma use a nickname for Luke, and it melts my heart.

"Thanks, Em."

If I weren't sick, no doubt I would be smiling foolishly at their brief exchange.

I feel Luke get back into bed next to me, pulling me towards him. He pushes my damp hair from my face and ties an elastic around it behind my neck. I want to open my eyes and thank him, but by the time he whispers he loves me and kisses my forehead, I'm already half asleep.


In the morning I feel considerably better. My throat is still slightly sore, but I'm not flaming with a fever.

The bed is empty when I open my eyes, and I reach out to feel for Luke, but he's not there.

I hear his voice from the living room.

"How did you even find me, Emma?"

"It took me a while, but I managed to get your number from our neighbours."

"Why the hell did the neighbours have my number?"

"You gave it to them in case there was an emergency with... with Dad."



"Still, you shoudn't have called me when I specifically told you not to."

"What, you were just planning on keeping me out of your life forever?"

"Ideally, yes."

"How could you? We're each other has left, Luke."

"I have Alaska."

"Yes, that's true, you do. And if it weren't for Alaska you'd probably have kicked me out two nights ago because you have yet to develop a decent bone in your body."

"You're one to talk, Emma!" Luke shouts, his voice rising rapidly.

"Don't you think what I did still haunts me, Luke? I regret it every single day."

"Then you shouldn't have done it."

"We can't go back in time, Luke."

"How could you though, Emma?" Luke asks, his voice so quiet I can barely hear it from where I'm standing. "She was my mother too."

"I'm sorry," Emma says, just as quiet. "I don't know what I was thinking."

They both fall silent.

I hear footsteps and the door to Luke's door opens and he steps through.

"Hey," he says, and I can tell he's slightly stressed. His hair is slightly unruly, no doubt from his fingers running through it again and again.


"How are you feeling?"

"Much better."

He hands me the thermometer from the nightstand, sitting beside me on the bed.

It beeps shortly and Luke pulls it from my mouth, reading it.

"Alright, you're back to normal body temperature," he says. "It must of been a twenty four hour thing."

I nod.

He sighs. "You heard all of that, didn't you?"

I know he's referring to his fight with Emma and I nod. 

"I'm sorry," he says.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize," I say. "She hurt you, you don't have to be sorry for that."

He swallows, his Adam's apple moving up and down slowly. "I thought you wanted me to forgive her?"

"I do," I reply. "But it's obviously going to take some time."

He exhales slowly. I scoot closer to him and wrap my arms around him, pulling his head so it's resting on my chest.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Seven forty."

"We're going to be late!"

I'm instantly out of bed, grabbing the key to my apartment. 

"Be ready by eight fifteen!" He calls after me as I nod good morning to Emma, racing through his apartment and into mine. 

I suck a cough drop for my throat as I shower and change, curling my hair slightly and grabbing my coat. I lock my door behind me and call the elevator.

"I'll be home by six," Luke says to Emma before shutting the door. 

I smile at him as he joins me by the elevator, his shirt white today.

We step into the elevator, pressing the button for the lobby.

Luke's eyes trace over the array of buttons and I reach out and grab his wrist before he can press any.

"Not today," I say sternly.

He laughs. "How did you know--"

"I just knew," I say.

We step out of the elevator in the lobby and walk to the parking lot.

"If you want, I can drive you," Luke says,.

"Or, I can drive you," I counter.

Luke raises an eyebrow and I cross my arms over my chest.

"Fine," he caves, following me to my car.

I smirk triumphantly and unlock it, getting into the driver's seat. Luke gets in next to me. 

"I don't think I've ever been in your car," he says as I put the key in the ignition.

"It's alot nicer than yours, I know."

"It's not. Mine's an Audi."

"Mine's a mini cooper."

"Yeah, but yours is blue."

"Yours is black! Black is boring."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

Luke rolls his eyes playfully as we drive. 

"So we're going to this party on Saturday, hmm?" Luke asks.

I nod. "Yep."

Luke nods as well, looking out the window, exhaling deeply.

"What on Earth am I going to wear," I sigh and Luke looks back at me, half smiling.

"Clothes, perhaps."

"Damn it, I was planning on going nude."

"I surely wouldn't mind."

I roll my eyes. "Of course you wouldn't."

He laughs and I stop the car at a red light. "What do you think Drew is planning?" I ask, my tone suddenly serious.

"I haven't a clue, and it scares the shit out of me," Luke says, shaking his head.

"You don't think... my dream..."

"Let's talk about something else."

I'm more than willing to change the subject as I park my car in front of Capitol.

I lock my car as Luke and I walk in. He reaches for my hand, his fingers slipping softly though mine.

"Your hands are so much bigger than mine," I observe as we wait for the elevator.

He looks at our intertwined hands. "Yeah, you do have pixie hands."

"Pixie hands?"

"Never heard of a pixie? Do you live under a rock?"

I laugh as we step into the elevator. "I know what a pixie is, Luke."

"Good, I was beginning to worry."

We part ways once we reach our desks, Luke plopping into his seat, already seeming bored.

I open my desk drawer and bring out one of the pens Luke bought me, clicking it open and reaching for my work.

Luke, as usual, doesn't do anything.

He does, howeverm draw a detailed sketch of 'hellfire; and passes multiple notes to me. For example:

Help, I'm running out of gum.


Look, quick! Connery has toilet paper stuck to his shoe lol

I manage to stifle laughs, focusing on my work. Calum, however, gets annoyed with his constant note passing.

"Cut it out, mate," he snaps at Luke as yet another piece of folded paper whizzes my way.

"Cut out what?"

"Throwing shit."

"Ew, why would I throw shit? I'm throwing paper, Hood, don't be vulgar."

Calum rolls his eyes and I giggle quietly.

"You think this is funny?" He asks me, humor in his dark brown eyes.

"Very much so," I answer.

Luke drags me onto the roof at lunch, pulling me by the arm out oonto the 'window of death', as I have named it. I'm still wary of the fifteen stories below us, and am quick to rush off it once lunch hour comes to a close. 

At around three o'clock, my work phone rings.

"Hello, Alaska Andrews speaking, how may I help you?" 

"Miss Andrews, Mr Adams has requested to see you," Andrea says on the other end.

"Right now?"

"I believe so."

"Alright, thank you."

I hang up and stand, stretching slightly.

"Where are you gonig?" Luke asks.

"Adams wants to see me."

Luke furrows his brow and I shrug, turning and walking out of the complex. 

My pumps click on the marble floors as I take the elevator to Adams' floor.

I nod to the receptionist as I enter his office, shutting the door behind me. The receptionist is not the same one as before, and I swear I have seen her somewhere, but I just can't put my finger on it. 

"Miss Andrews, nice to see you," Mr Adams greets me. "Have a seat."

"You wanted to see me?" I ask, sitting in the chair on the opposite side of his desk.

"Yes I did." He leans forward on his desk, folding his hands. "I have been thinking about what Hemmings, Hood and yourself told me about Drew Blackwater very hard these past few days."

I swallow, nodding slowly.

"It has come to my attention that there is a party in my favor weekend, and that you will be attending."

I nod. "Yes, I will."

"I'd like to know what exactlty you and this alliance are planning," he finishes.

"With all due respect, sir, but how can I know that I can trust you?"

"I am helping you, aren't I?"

I nod. "But... I don't think this is a safe place to discuss this."

"Why do you say that?"

Before I can answer, the door to his office swings open and the receptionist walks in, a slip of paper in her hand.

"Message for you, Mr Adams."

Her voice is smooth as velvet, and the nagging sense at the back of my mind telling me I know her from somewhere intensifies.

"Thank you, Isabel."

My blood runs cold and I widen my eyes as she turns and smiles slightly at me. Soft blonde waves tumble over her shoulders and her brown eyes are sparkly and bright. That's why I thought I had seen her before, because she is none other than the girl Luke was in love with.

"Alaska, this is Isabel, my new receptionist," Mr Adams says. 

"It's so nice to meet you, Alaska," Isabel, her voice taunting as she smirks at me.

And I can't help but notice as she looks at me, that she knows exactly who I am. 

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