Back & Forth | A Jack Gilinsk...

By asfanfiction

30.6K 288 78

This "relationship" is so back and forth. First you're in love then you're not, then you are, they you aren't. More



405 3 2
By asfanfiction

Everyone was out and I was sitting at home. I was so mad. I decided to FaceTime Joey. I haven't seen Joey since New Years.

"Where's Ash?"

"At a party with everyone"  I replied...annoyed.

"Who's everyone?"

"Jack, Jack, Sammy, Stassie, Kelsey, Olivia...all the Instagram people."

"Jealous much?"

"I was invited."

"Then why aren't you there?"

"Because its not me. Jack threw a hissy fit and went without me."

"Well are we going to stalk their Instagram stories all night?" He asked. I could tell he was already checking them.

"No, because I don't care."

"Well maybe you should. Go look at Stassie's story."

It was a video of Ashley on a mechanical bull.

"I can't tell who the guy is...but she works quick." Joey said as he watched the video again.

Unfortunately, I knew right away who the guy was. It was Jack. My Jack. They were on the bull together. Him behind her, holding around her waist to keep her on.

"Maybe it's nothing. Just friends riding a bull together." Joey said. Well that was really assuring.

The night continued to go pretty much the same way. You'd see them in the background of people's Instagram stories...too close for comfort. This is Miami all over again. He had his arm around her, standing too close, her on his back. Sure there were no incriminating photos of them kissing or holding hands...that we know of.

I told him in Anguilla, if this ever happened again, I was done. I'm so mad right now that I don't care to hear either of their stories. If it looked odd to me and Joey, it would look the same way to his fans. I was done. I am done.

I packed my stuff and tried to book a flight home. The next flight to NYC doesn't leave until tomorrow morning. I can tell you I'm not staying in this house tonight. I call an Uber and head to a hotel. I was not going to be here when they got home. Was I even going to tell them I was leaving. Nope.

As I was laying in bed, I went back and watched everyone's story again. I took pictures on my iPad so no one could tell I screenshotted anything. I needed to have them when they tried to tell me..."it's not like that". More videos and pictures were posted throughout the night until 3am. Still no kissing pictures but they kept getting closer in the pictures.

I have to be to the airport in 2 hours, so I tried to get some sleep. When I woke up, I had no texts or calls from Jack...or Ashley. That's suspicious. I can't imagine Jack got home and didn't realize I was not in the bed.

I made my way to the airport and onto my flight. 5 hours to sleep and try not to think about anything. But I couldn't. All I could do was look at the pictures and videos again. I can't believe he would do this again. We haven't even been together a month and he couldn't be trusted. I knew I shouldn't have done this.

I know I shouldn't take it all out on him. Ashley is to blame too. We've been through this before and it ruined our friendship. You'd think she had more common sense then to do it again.

I'm greeted at the airport by my dad and Joey.

"You're home early for your grandmothers party." My dad said as he rolled my bag down the sidewalk.

"Yea, well I was just missing home a lot."

"It's been 6 days. Where's Jack?" He asked.

"In LA."

I didn't want to get into it with my dad. I've learned from my last relationship, to leave the parents out of it. My last boyfriend and I had broken up a couple of times and I always did the whole, "let's talk shit to your parents." Of course they were team Annie so they had a sour taste in their mouths of him. So when we got back together every time they were hesitant to trust him.

My parents are already hesitant to trust Jack considering who he is and what comes with dating him. They don't think I should be with him. Don't get me wrong, they love him, and they think he's a great kid, but it's just the fact that he has a lot going on and dating someone famous when you're not famous can be tough.

I got home and started unpacking. Joey wanted to get lunch, so we decided to head to get some food.

"So have you heard from Jack or Ashley?" He asked as we walked down the subway stairs.

"Nope. Speaks volumes doesn't it?"

"I just don't get it. Why would she...why would he? He tried so hard to get you to trust him and then he fucks up like this."

"Yeah I don't know. Whatever I'm over it. He hasn't even noticed I left? On another note, guess who texted me the other day?"


"Mitch. He said he was coming to New York for some meetings and wanted to know if I wanted to grab lunch."

"Why aren't you getting lunch with him then?"

"I told him I was in LA."

"Yeah well you're not anymore. Text him back."

"Is that fucked up to do though? Jack and I aren't technically broken up."

"Well you weren't even remotely broken up when he was at the party with Ashley."

He wasn't wrong. What's the harm in getting lunch with a friend?

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