Retention (Dabi x OC - Commis...

By LadysDaze

48.9K 2K 313

Fuyu never considered herself to be someone who would take risks. She opted to be a rescue hero after all, bu... More

A Warning to Future Readers
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14 (NSFW)
Part 15 (NSFW)
Part 16
Part 17 (NSFW)
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21 (NSFW)

Part 10

1.9K 103 17
By LadysDaze

Part 10

"It appears he's gone back underground as far as we can tell..." Fatgum sighed, looking towards his head of rescue operations. "Your call as to what to do for Fuyu now."

"I'll do my best sir." She responded, turning back to the young hero in question. "Fuyu, let's leave Fat to do what he needs to."

Fuyu nodded slowly, rising to her feet and thanking the highly regarded hero as she made her leave. She had felt guilty all day today. For making them all worry. For lying to them about the number of times Dabi had shown himself in her life. For keeping his secret. And for continuing this terrible lying game she had picked up on.

But... she couldn't tell them. The consequences that would come with the idea of her actually having spoken to the infamous League of Villains member and hoe she had even willingly let him into her home... it would not be looked at like she was trying to save him.

It would be looked at like she was some treasonous hero.

"I want you on paperwork." The woman in front of her spoke, pausing at Fuyu's desk. "Especially since you don't want to take it easy... so please at least stay out of danger. I don't want you with any more burns after all."

Fuyu nodded, embarrassingly hiding her wrapped hand behind her leg. Her boss nodded to her and went back to work with whoever she had been working with before being called in on the latest news about Dabi.

Fuyu sat down at her desk, looking at the clock. Lunch hour was nearly upon her now and yet she felt like she hadn't done a single thing of importance today. Once she had come into work, she had been whisked away from one department to another.

The police wanted more information on what she assumed Dabi was speaking about when he said he was giving her a warning. Endeavor and Hawks had once more reached out, this time through email, saying they would be interested in a follow up if she wanted to show up for a coffee and a talk.

Then came the usual hectic office operations. Fatgum and many other hero agencies had assumed there would be an attack on the downtown area today, and thus a large number of heroes had been dispersed to guard popular hangouts and gathering areas. Leaving the office itself a bit more barren adn empty.

The only ones who actually appeared to be here were those like her who were on desk duty for one reason or another... or the interns from UA. Of which... a certain one had seemed to be hovering a bit closer than usual after hearing about the attack she went through the night before.

"Kirishima... I know you mean well... but keep in mind that many girls don't feel comfortable with men looking at them from across the room every few minutes."

The red-haired UA student nearly jumped when he heard his voice being called from the female who had appeared to be focusing moments ago on her paperwork. He was certain he hadn't been staring too long... but it appeared he was wrong.

He approached his superior and greeted her properly. And once he had, the apologies started to spew from his lips, and his body bowed in apology to her as well. Fuyu only chuckling slightly at his attitude.

"Relax, kid." She told him, seeing as the redhead inhaled a deep breath to calm himself. "I know you mean well... just, maybe actually say something next time then hover, okay?"

"O-of course, Alchemist." He spoke, a pout on his lips as he spotted the bandage on her hand.

Fuyu caught on and looked at him. "I'm fine. It's just a burn."

"Yeah but still... those guys don't attack to mane..."

Kirishima's eyes darkened for a second, Fuyu taking notice of how the male's entire demeanor seemed to be remembering something. It was only then that Fuyu remembered herself who this kid was and what he had been through... after all, he was part of that already infamous class 1-A at UA.

"They've attacked you guys a lot this year, haven't they?" She commented, seeing Kirishima nod slowly.

"The most recent one was at our summer training camp. They stormed in and injured a lot number of us... kidnapped my good friend... and didn't even seem to care that we were kids."

His fist tightened as he spoke of the night in question. Fuyu realized that the memories of that night must still be strong for him to still so openly say and show it. She nodded to him slowly, looking at his scarlet eyes with a remorseful gaze.

"We can't always understand why they do it... but occurring to them, the ends justify the means."

"How can someone think that though!?" Kirishima rose his voice slightly. "How are killing and hurting people worth whatever goal they seek?"

Fuyu sighed. "I can't say... but who's to say that what we're doing is right either. We regulate quirks, are the ones who deem right from wrong... and make the final decision for others, at times without their consent."

Kirishima looked at her with wide eyes, his mouth opening and closing slightly. Fuyu smiled sadly at him.

"My father was a villain." She stated, no emotion present in her voice. "He made my life a living hell. And now... I'm a rescue hero because I want to save others from the fate I had. That's what I work for. And to me... its justified as long as this reason continues to be my guiding light."

Kirishima's face changed, a look of awe crossing his features. And soon enough, that office famous thousand-watt smile of his was greeting her eyes. Kirishima had already long become the object of many of her peer's affections. His boyish attitude and kind heart was something everyone wanted to protect... Fuyu included.

"You're pretty cool, Alchemist." He spoke, the sincerity in his voice striking Fuyu deep in her heart. "I hope I can be as cool and manly as you one day. But first... I guess I gotta keep working hard and following my guiding light, huh?"

Fuyu nodded to him. "Yes. And you can start by taking your lunch break."

Kirishima chuckled, knowing that he was supposed to take off twenty minutes ago. And now seeing as one of his role models had given him not only her time of day but also some advice... he'd make sure to follow through with her request of him getting some food as well.

He stopped himself though and looked back over to the female. Fuyu rose a brow at him, and Kirishima rubbed the back on his spiked locks gently, as to not ruin them, as he spoke to her once more.

"I'm sorry about what your day did to you... but if you ask me, I'd say you're a really cool hero. And I'm really grateful to have you as someone I can learn from."

His face was a bit of a red mess, no doubt a bit embarrassed to say something so full of emotion to someone he was trying to have a professional relationship with. Either way though, Fuyu couldn't help how her heart squeezed at this.

Even so, she knew she had to remain as his role model... and sadly, she kept with her professional attitude to the little rising star of a hero. A simple nod and proud smile were enough for him to know she appreciated him as well.

He left a few moments later, after having asked of Fuyu wanted him to pick her up anything. She denied, wanting nothing more than to get through her missed paperwork and maybe also get a little ahead for the coming days.

He really was too cute at times... but she needed to focus and get her work done! Her anime and comfy pajamas were waiting at home for her after all!

And thus, she worked hard and scribbled down as many things as she could in the next forty-five minutes. Her pile of papers getting to be less and less as Fuyu fell back into her work groove.

And with a number of people now also off having their own lunch breaks, Fuyu could work in a rather quiet environment. Or at least... that was until something came flying in through the front glass window of the agency.

Fuyu jumped at the sound, looking up to see a large hole was now there. Her movements were cautious as she approached the window, a few of her colleagues coming her way as well to check it out.

Fuyu's orange orbs widened when she saw what was laying on the floor. The white rag with the flame nearly reaching the inside of the bottle. Her heart struck her ribcage as she jumped back and took cover under one of the metal desks of her peers.

"GET DOWN!" She called right as the malatov cocktail ignited and exploded flaming bits of fire and alcohol onto the desks and papers of the office.

After that, more homemade explosives and hard objects were coming on from the outside. Angry shouting sounded from the streets, as men dressed in masks and arms with metal bats and wooden ones with rusted nails sticking out of them began to climb into the office from the broken window.

"We're under attack!" Fuyu heard her rescue operations boss holler from the upstairs.

Her boss made quick work to put the entire building on the alarm and to call all their free heroes back. But as she did so... the calls that other agencies were also under attack started to come in as well.

It was made very clear very quickly that this wasn't any normal thug attack on some hero establishment... no. This was a well planned and well-organized one, meant to throw the heroes in disarray and scatter them.

"Evacuate!" Fatgum came out of his office, as a burst of fire came behind him. "Don't waste time-fighting when your own lives are at stake!"

Everyone seemed to agree with the head hero and quickly started to make their ways towards one of the two exits. The front door or the alleyway entrance, each hero taking out or pushing aside a villain who was in their way as they did so.

Fuyu dodged fist after bat as the fires started to grow around her. Her eyes focusing on the images of people and trying to see if that was really everyone. Her distraction not proving well, but even so, her peers managed to protect her enough to not have the already injured her get worse.

Something was not sitting right with her though... Fuyu's mind telling her she needed to check the rooms and truly make sure no one was getting trapped in from the flames or knocked out from one of the minor thugs who had broken in.

And so... despite her boss's words, Fatgum's words and her own judgment... she began her sweep of the area for anyone who needed help. Her peers were quickly making work of the remaining thugs, and thus she was feeling a bit more confident in not having to fight today.

The smoke was another issue though... as the fire had started to take to the carpet and papers that were in the office building. The black smoke making it not only much harder to see but also much harder to breathe.

She coughed, trying to cover her lips from the smoke and fire that danced all around her. Her eyes struggling to stay open from the poison that had contaminated the air. Even so, the female didn't wait for a single moment to try and find anyone else that may be left inside the building.

While she knew her peers were all strong and capable heroes, the female had it set into her training to always go through and check every room. God knows the feelings and emotions that would take over her person if she found out later that someone had perished when she could have done something to help.

And so, despite the lack of air and the burning in her lungs from inhaling so much CO2... she continued to walk through the upstairs level of the agency. Fuyu paused by the break room, opening the door and walking inside.

The air was much fresher in here, and she quickly took a few deep breaths. Soon enough though the air was filled with more smoke. Even so, she completed her survey of the room, checking in areas someone might have fallen or hid. No one was there, and so she continued on.

Fatgum's office, the bathrooms, and the head sidekick for both rescue and first responders were cleared as well. All that was left was the files room, one Fuyu was definitely not looking forward to walking inside and looking around.

The files room had recently been in the process of going from paper files to digital ones. And thus the entire room was a bit of a mess. The shred of paper that rested in plastic bags on the floor and the new computer systems were, of course, big fire hazards in this instance.

But the more she thought about it... the more Fuyu couldn't remember if the specialist who was going the data transfer was in today, or if he had taken off or an early lunch. Her stomach did a flip as she approached the door and with a sigh, she opened the door.

The room was in a much worse situation that she would have assumed. With firey bags of trash making it unbearably hot and bright, and the smell of burning plastic and machinery making her hold her breath as to not breath in the toxic substance.

She had to go in though... as in the corner, near the only running computer... she could see the figure of someone standing. The flames getting closer to them, no doubt having scared them and frozen the person in place. But now she was here, and she'd be able to get the person out of here before it was too late.

Fuyu came forward, making sure to take cautious steps towards the hired help. But as she grew closer and closer... she started to realize that it wasn't the person she was expecting to see, rather... it was someone else. Someone who shouldn't be here.

"Looks like I got caught at the perfect time." Spinner chuckled, pulling free the USB drive from the computer. "If your system had been more complete... maybe you'd have actually caught me at a more desperate point."

Fuyu's eyes narrowed towards the lizard-like male who was coming out from behind the small standing desk. His smirk growing as he reached behind himself, pulling out a pair of several swords and knives that had been tied together.

"The boss said to not be too afraid to take out the pestery heroes... and well darling looks like you wandered in at the wrong time." He spoke, rushing towards her.

Fuyu was quick on her feet though and slid into a row of machines. The villain crashing into a set of slightly burning trash bags. He growled and followed the lines of the machines, looking down each crossing aisle and row for the female he had just seen.

The dark haired female stayed quiet though, knowing that she had to play it cool on this situation. She was never very good at combat, nor could she risk using her quirk at this moment. Each had the possibility of being overpowered by the male who was still looking for her.

Spinner may not be one of the bigger players of the League of Villains, but he was certainly someone that a smaller rescue hero like herself would have trouble with. And along with the mask he currently had on his voice that was venting in clean air... he also wasn't feeling drowsy like she was.

Fuyu listened closely, hearing as his footsteps came close to her. In a moment's decision, she rose to her feet and rushed Spinner with everything she had. The villain barely having time to react as the female crashed into him and sent them both falling towards the ground.

Fuyu landing just by a stack of computer parts, while her target was not as lucky. One machine in front of her, Spinner had fallen into the large tower of the computer's system. His voice yelling loudly as he collided with the hot metal and its sharp edges. The building like structure was taken down with him, landing on top of him.

Fuyu breathed heavily as she rose to her feet again and started to make her way towards the door. With Spinner down, she should make her escape now. He wouldn't stay down for long though, and thus, time was of the essence to her right now.

Her arm had a long gash running down it, blood flowing freely from the wound and dripping onto the once bright white tile flooring. Her legs were slow, and her vision cloudy at most. It appeared she had stayed a bit too long in this room... and now she was really starting to feel her mind wander.

And to make matters worse, the next big gash on her would come in the form of one of those tied sword bundles striking her back shoulder. The feeling of something sharp penetrating her body and ripping apart the fragile muscles in her back was enough to send her towards the ground.

She cried in pain as within another moment, the sword was being pushed further through her arm. The floor underneath being penetrated as well by this point, so much so that the owner of the weapon was able to let go of it and the metal stood still as if it had been struck in stone.

"You should have checked to see if that pile of junk actually was holding me down, girly." Spinner laughed. "Your mistake is going to cost you a whole lot more than your shoulder."

Fuyu struggled to move, the pain in her shoulder making things much too harsh for her to really even move. Her unpierced arm still managed to grasp that the floor beneath her, but not for long. Spinner took notice of her attempt to drag her self out of the situation, and only chuckled again.

His foot came down harshly on her, stopping any more movement. Fuyu shrieks as the pain increases and the fire begin to dance that much closer to her face. Whisps of sparks tickling at her nose and darkening her skin.

"You know its a shame really." Spinner scoffs, walking forward until he was now in front of the female. His form blocking the light that came in from the hallway in front of the door and his nasty smug face looking down at her in what can only be described as some messed up form of pleasure. "You have such a cute face... but seeing as if you're lucky to survive... it won't be for much longer."

Fuyu's eyes widened, the look making Spinner once more burst into a small fit of laughter. The terror in her eyes that she might be burned alive, and then have to live with the consequences of it... was something that really seemed to make him happy with what he was doing.

Having heroes suffer in the worst ways and seeing as they came to realize the consequences of their so-called heroic, but destructive deeds... was always the icing on the cake for the male.

"I'm feeling a bit nice today though, hero." Spinner clicked his tongue. "So if you have any last words, I'll make sure to carry them to whoever you-"

The male couldn't finish his sentence as something from behind him struck the back of his head. The green male fell like a ton of brick after that, striking the ground with a loud and echoing thud. The sounds of something thick and metal landed next, a few inches away from where Fuyu was currently laying.

"Idiot..." Someone grumbled. "A burn is something you shouldn't use as emotional manipulation."

Fuyu's eyes staggered to make out who had come into the room, the dark figure of someone male and strong. His feet moving towards her, passing by the stray piece of sheet metal that must have come from the downstairs metal tables.

"Be still... especially if you don't want it to hurt any more then it already does." He told her, the voice starting to sound more and more familiar with each passing second.

Fuyu was forcing her consciousness to stay together by this point, the gears in her head telling her she could pass out from lack of air after she knew who had come to rescue. She definitely knew this male, but trying to actually get the name and voice through the blurry figure and his voice was proving to be a bit of a challenge.

Her mind was immediately brought away from her sleuthing as the sword bundle inside of her shoulder was started to be torn out of her. The feeling of more blood and muscles breaking and spilling out of her was strangely a good sigh, as she knew that she was freed of the rusty blades and no longer a floor decoration either.

Her form was brought up slowly, her head resting against the male's chest and his arms holding her protectively. Her eyes flickered up to see the sight of cerulean blue looking back down at her. Her orange hues widened upon the sight of him and saving her from one of his allies no less.

"Touya..." She breathed out slowly, eyes starting to droop. "What are you doing here?"

The male shrugged, kicking Spinner out of the room as he started to walk out with the fallen hero in his arms. His footsteps were light, being cautious of where he walked and how he held her. She had already had a number done to her and seemed to be starting to fade away.

"Endeavor and Ryukyu were pretty easy... they actually had a strict rule that in the case of a fire... everyone had to leave no matter what. I managed to finish my work up pretty easily, and sadly without any action." He spoke, pausing a moment by the staircase and trying to decide how to get Fuyu, himself, and Spinner down.

He settled for simply kicking Spinner down, the male-only hitting his back and arms as he fell onto the ground floor. Dabi walked down slowly, his words finding their way back to his lips.

"So.... I came here to see if you and I could duke it out some more. Instead... I find this asshole doing something I couldn't stand for. Or at least... couldn't stand him doing to you. Can't explain it myself... but, I've burned tons of people to ashes before... but the idea of you living with the burns like me... or anyone... it doesn't leave a good feeling in my mouth."

He paused by the alley entrance to the agency, glancing down at the hero on his arms. His eyes widening slightly as he rose an eyebrow. He sighed, looking towards Spinner and dragging him out into the alleyway before quickly messing Kurogiri on Spinner's mobile.

"Well... guess I should take you home." He told the sleeping hero in his arms.

And as the sirens filled the area and the search and rescue operation began for those still fighting and trapped in the numerous hero agencies attacked that afternoon... no one seemed to notice him or Fuyu walking down the streets.

A moment of panic for once creating an escape for him... and to a place that he knew he and the hero would be safe at for a moment's rest.

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