By _strawberrytae

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Scientists have discovered a way to turn your average human being into any supernatural creature of their cho... More

Prologue (NEW!!)
Chapter 1 *edited!*
Chapter 2 *edited!*
Chapter 3 *edited*
Chapter 4 *edited!*
Chapter 5 *edited!*
Chapter 6 *edited!*
Chapter 7 *edited!*
Chapter 8 * edited!*
Chapter 9 *edited!*
Chapter 10 *edited!"
Chapter 11 *under editing*
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 20

59 2 22
By _strawberrytae

A.n. I can't believe I started getting hate on this. The user knows who she is, so I'm not pointing fingers, but I just want to make 1 thing clear. I'm not one of those girls that sits behind their phone screens and cries all day when I get a little hate. Don't like my story, don't read it. That's my policy. I don't spend my time on Wattpad trying to please people who think I suck at writing. Like it? Great. Hate it? Even better. Haters are my motivators. :)

Enjoy the rest of the book, I'm done with this rubbish.

There's a bonus quote as well at the end of this author's note so yeah.

And on a happier topic, @Soccerluv808 had a question for Zoe that I think we all would like to know the answer to. Her question was:

"Why do you resist Brady being your boyfriend so much?? You already called him your boyfriend! LOGIC DECIEVED!!!

Me: Good question. Now let's ask Zoe.


Zoe: "I told you I didn't want to answer those!!"

Me: "Tough nuggets now get over here before I drag you by your hair." (The famous motherly statement we all love.)



*runs upstairs*

"Last time she was in Brady's room, so she's probably hiding under his bed."

Zoe: "Go away."

Me: "I'll pull you out if you don't."

Zoe: "FINE!! Gosh. Just tell me the question so we can get this over with!!"

Me: *clears throat and situates myself comfortably on the bed*

*reads question*

Zoe: .......

"I-I can't answer that right now.... Bye!!"


Zoe: *freezes*

*sighs* "Fine."

Me: *lays back with coffie... SLURRRP* "K go ahead."

Zoe:"So you guys remember my sorry excuse of an ex Austin, right? Well you don't know exaclty what happened between us, but I promise my fear of falling in love again is linked to that. So here is what happend... The day where everything changed...."

*flashback :D*

"Stay still for crying out loud!" Alice yelled as she yanked a comb through my tangled wet hair. "No!" I whined as she hit a few painful snarls.

Then she grabbed the curling iron and I lost it. "GET THAT THING ANYWHERE NEAR ME AND YOU ARE SOOOO DEAD!!!"

Needless to say, she ended up curling my hair when it was wet, so there were clouds of steam floating around my room by the time she was done. She finished my hair and forced me to let her do my make-up, but shockingly enough I didn't look like a clown for once. She even picked out my outfit gor me, which consisted of a dark blue blouse tucked into a leather mini skirt, black high-heeled boots, an unbuttoned leather jacket with half-length sleeves, and a black change purse with a long beaded strap that I could put over my shoulder.

My hair was curled almost to perfection, with soft, corkscrew curls hangiong delicately around my face, and my bangs swooshed (A.n. Hehe swooshed.) to the side. My make-up was a smokey eye look with mascara and a teeny bit of blush, finished off with thick red lipstick.

I actually, maybe, kind of looked cute today.


I smiled gratefully and turned to look at the person in the mirror again. There was no way that was me.

She had already gotten ready, in a cute black and red dress with heels, so we were ready to go.

"Hey, just out of curiosity, is Austin coming to the party tonight?" I narrowed my eyes at her. Lately she had been extra suspicious of me and Austin's relationship. What was her problem? "No." I said slowly. "He told me he had a math test to study for." Alice looked like she was tryinhg not to laugh. "Austin?? Study??!" Then her smile fell. "Wait... Did you say math?"


"Um... Zoe?"

"What is it now?"

"Me and Austin are in math together..."

I raised an eyebrow. "So? Good for you. Shoudln't you be studying then?"

She gulps. "No, because our test was last week. And I remember the teacher saying there were no test re-takes. So he couldn't of had any other material to study."

My eyes widened in horror. "B-But he s-said..."

Alice puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. "He lied to you."

My eyes narrow. "What's your problem?" I finally snap after a long pause. Her eyes widen in shock and she looks taken back. "All of the sudden you're Miss Suspicious and Miss Know-it-all. You don't know if he's lying or not, maybe he had other plans and he didnt wante to make feel bad. So shut it and leave me be. For all I know, you could be trying to move in on him!" I spat and gave her a dirty look.

Her eyes soften with understanding. "Zoe, I would never-" "Leave." I growl.

Hurt and anger fills her eyes. "Okay then, I can see when I'm not wanted. Sorry for trying to protect my best friend. I'll see you at the party."

Before she walks out the door, she adds dramatically, "Oh, and don't say I didn't warn you."

And she slams the door.


Loud music blarred and lights illuminated the streets as I made my way to Nathan's house. He's known for throwing the bigges parties of the year, and this time I would actually be able to go to one. Probably because of Alice, why else would anyone want to have a freak like me hanging around their house?

I sighed and stepped up the large stone steps. The door was wide open, but I catiously walked in like there could be an invisable electric fence covering the doorway.

Once I got inside, I was treated like an outsider. Wow, nice warm welcome. I immediately ran to finde the bathroom, because I have this 'little' thing called social anxiety, which is another reason I don't go to any parties. Besides, yah know, just not getting invited.

When I found the door to the downstairs bathroom, I realized thst there was already someone in there. Oh well, guess I'll have to poke around upstairs! ^-^

I walked up the long staircase and was met by a few different hallways. I decided to go straight and then started checking every door I came too.

So what if it's not my house? I needed somewhere to hide out in.



Awkward closet.

Another bedroom.

Tow people making out on a couch.


I did a double take and flung the door wide open.

"Austin?" My voice cracked. His eyes flew open and he immediately shoved Blondie away from him. Tears stung in my eyes.

She was right. (A.n. Yah don't saaaaaaay? -_-)

Austin. Cheating on me. With an old lady???!!

Okay, maybe she wasn't exactly old, but she had to be like approaching thirty or something! I tried to hold in my tears, because I didn't want him to know he was the reason for them. But it was all too obvious, considering the look on his face.

I felt my bottom lip tremble as Auatin gazed at me with a look of pity.


"Do you mind?!" The blond haired b**** said cockily. That's when I REALLY snapped.

I stormed across the room and punched Blondie straight in the jaw. No b is gonna steal MY man!! And he is NOT getting away with what he did!

She gasped and screamed, grabbing her nose. Blood dripped onto the cream colored carpet, and I smirked through my tears. (Attractive...)

I tackled her to the ground before she could get up, and I punched her in the stomach. She screamed, "AUSTIN!!!! Control your pet!"

Oh NO she didn't.

I felt Austin grab me from behind and I screamed and kicked my feet, hitting at his arms. I jumped out of his arms, and I turned around and kicked him in the groin. "I TRUSTED YOU!!!" I screamed, hot angry tears leaking out of my eyes. And with that, I ran away sobbing.

This was when I finally began to realize, I was truly alone.

*My best friend hated me.

*My boyfriend cheated on me.

*My mom couldn't care less if I drover her care off a bridge and blew up in a firey explosion.


Oh, and p.s.....



Me: "Zoe I'm so sorry! Well um I created you though so sorry for making you have a sad love life? In my defense, I did create super smokin' Brady to make up for it..." *Hugs her and wiggles eyebrows*

Zoe: *frowns at me* "S-So that's why, I am so afraid to trust people again. I-I don't wanna get hurt like last time."

Brady: *Walks in at worst time* "What are you- WAIT WHY IS MY BABY CRYING??"

Me: "Oh shiz..."

«Remember, stars can't shine without darkness.»


Zoe's P.O.V.

I stared at the sword in my hand (A.n. Autocorrect seems to think it should be NY's hand (°-°) and wondered what the heck I had gotten myself into.

We were at Brady's secret hide out a.k.a. granny Joe's hobbo farm, and it turns out the place has a secret weapons vault as well as a training room. Shocking.

Brady sighed. "Zoe, you've been staring at that sword for at least 5 minutes. When are you going to let me demonstrate how to hold it?" I sighed. "Alright, you can show me now."

He smirks, and I give him a confused look, before he grabs a rather large sword- WHAT AM I KIDDING THIS THING IS HUGE- off the wall of weapons (um... Yeah).

His next moves make my jaw drop. He does NO HANDED flip towards the test dummy and kicks it in the back of the legs, tripping it, and then finally he chops the head off and sends it flying across the room. But it was all done at superhuman speed, to the point where I couldn't even pinpoint exactly what he did. Guestimate?

I gape at him. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." He says cockily. My stare turns into a snicker. "Show off." I spat and huff, turning away. I stare down at the sword in my hands, the metal too cold and heavy for my liking. How was I ever going to get the hang of this??

I hear Brady say, "Well you won't get the hang of it by standing there and staring at the thing. Come here so I can help you." I bite back a smart remark and turn around, nearly screaming when I see Brady is less than 0.333 inches away from me. "God will you stop that?? You're going to give me a heart attack!!!!" He smirks, and I give him an annoyed, but confused look. "What?"

He continues smirking. "Nothing... " I clench my teeth. "You irritate me." "Touché."

"Now, for starters, your holding the sword wrong. Watch, I'll show you."

He stands behind me and wraps his arms around to the front, carefully positioning my hands. His fingers were ice cold, and I held back a shiver as I felt his breath on my neck. Creeper.

I took a deep breath to calm myself. Chill, Zoe. It's not like he's a complete stranger!

I waited patiently for him to move back, and he did, but not before placing a gentle kiss on my shoulder. I instinctively flinched, but then cleared my throat and shook it off.

I stared at how Brady had positioned the sword in my hand, and winced when I realized how off I had been. "Now," He started, "make sure you hold it that way all the time. The last thing I want is for you to hurt yourself." I winced again when he said that. Oh he had no idea...

But instead of telling him I just nodded and whispered a quiet "thanks."

"Okay, now I don't expect you to do exactly what I did but-"

I cut him off by taking a running start at the other test dummy. I was a black belt in karate, why not? (A.n. I thought I had mentioned that she was before, but I didn't. So I'm mentioning it now, lol. She isn't very good at fighting back because the people that try to hurt her are more experienced with their abilities and are stronger. Plus, you don't want to attack and unstabel thing, kind of like me! :) I did a handspring, touching the flat side of the sword to the floor as I flipped over with skill I didn't even know I had. When I reached the test dummy I sliced it straight down the middle with a satisfied "hmpf." It wasn't as graceful or quick as Brady's, but it would have to do.

I turned to see Brady's expression, and the look was priceless.


"So you pretty much know all the basics." Brady said, after we had went through a round of basic training. "But I highly doubt that during your karate classes they taught you how to fight supernatural creatures." Brady said, fastening a belt with pockets holding weapons around his waist.

I nodded, and once he was finished he grabbed another belt and came to do the same to me. He started to explain what the next training session would include. "So this first part will probably be the easiest of the exercises, but the hardest to get used to because it's your first time training like this." I was about to open my mouth and deny that when I realized he was right. Everything was about to get a whole lot harder, but it was for the best.

I nodded to show I understood. Brady smiled. "Okay then. Let's do some training."

I smiled nervously and he gave me a hug before leading me to a different room. "This is a virtual training station. You'll put on your goggles, and it will change what you see in your surroundings through the goggles, but not what it's like in reality."

"Whoa." Was all I could say.

"Now, the weapons I strapped to your waist only work in the virtual training courses. So don't try kicking butt with a laser gun that only works in video game like settings." He said, before handing me a pair of goggles. Showtime.


Third person P.O.V.

"Can you track their coordinates?" The woman asked hurriedly. "We're working on it, but they're moving to fast. It's like they found out how to reproduce and are multiplying by the second." Was the reply.

She bit her lip and furrowed her brow in concentration. "Something is wrong, the numbers shouldn't be adding up this quickly." She sat down at a new desk and began typing away at the touch screen monitor's keys, her French nails clicking softly as she went. "I'm trying to hack into their firewall right now. It seems like their security was breeched."

Her eyes widened. "Brent..... Brent look at this." Her companion peered over her shoulder at the flashing red bulb on the tracking screen. "The numbers are moving away from here.... It's like they are all gathering in a new area!"

They shared a look. "Boss!!" The woman screamed, slamming down the emergency warning button. Within seconds their boss ran in, breathless and painting. "Did you see-" The boss began. "Yes." The woman interrupted. "This can't be good..." The boss gave her a look of pure agony. "You mean someone took..." The boss nodded. "It's gone. It's in the wrong hands, and we have to hurry. Or else humanity is doomed forever."


Zoe's POV.

I plopped down on the bench with an exhausted sigh. "Brady I'm tired-" Suddenly an annoyingly loud alarm and red flashing lights cut me off. It reminded me of the time I was escaping from the lab, so I immediately started to panic. Brady rushed over and held me, whispering soothing words in my ear.

"It's alright Zoe, it's just the emergency alarm. Someone must have bumped it by accident again." Alright???!!!! A freaking alarm was flashing and beeping at top volume, and he says everything is alright??? What if there was a fire? Or an intruder??? Or worse...

"Zoe, your thoughts are as loud as your voice. Calm down, and I'll handle this." I snickered. "Oh sure, Mr. Take Control of the Situation is at your service, am I right? And- wait a second, since when is my voice loud??" Brady smirked.

Just then the doors to the training room flew open and a few super hot boys came into the room. "Someone pushed the emergency alarm for a reason. Lauren says it's a real emergency." He spoke calmly, as if he was reading the ingredients on the back of a chocolate chip cookie recipe.

"Who's this?" He gestured towards me. "Sandy the squirrel from Spongebob." I said sarcastically. "Oh fiesty. I like her already." I stuck my tongue out childishly as he winked at me.

"Does it really matter? We obviously have an emergency on our hands!" Brady snapped. He obviously didn't like the way Curious George was eyeing me.

"Curious George?" The boy snickered. "You're hilar-" "Stay out of her mind! That's my job!!!" Brady spat, pulling me tighter into his protective embrace.

"Whoa whoa whoa, cool it Miss Overreacter. (A.n. I just made up that word!!! *hits 'add to dictionary'*) No one should be reading my mind! My thoughts are private!!!" Both of then turn to look at me with a surprised look on their face, like they just remembered I had the ability to talk.

Brady smiles weakly at me. "Sorry babe. Ryan can be a real j**k at times." I raised an eyebrow. "So can you." He glared at me so hard I think that if he could shoot lasers out of his eyes, which he probably could, I would be ashes. Ryan laughs loudly in the background. "I love her!" He smirks at Brady, daring him to say something, and Brady growls.

"Well at least I don't have to call you Curious George any more. Now what's this big 'emergency' you need the fancy alarms for?" Since Brady clearly wasn't taking this situation seriously, I obviously had to take charge. Yeha cause yah know, I'm such a good leader. So brave and courageous. Note the sarcasm.

The alarm sounded again, louder than before, and a voice came over the loud speaker. "Warning, this is not a drill. Repeat, this is not a drill. Everyone report to a control room immediately." Well finally, some direction!

We all stood up and ran towards the door, rushing out into the area if endless hallways. Brady grabbed my hand and Ryan led, both of them obviously knowing exactly where they were going.

I was dragged down a few hallways, stumbling to keep up, and then was pulled into another room. It was covered with moniters and screens, wires coming out of the walls and cables connecting to each other at the most awkward spots on the floor. I looked around at the people in the room and realized that everyone had a look of panic on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Brady asks, immediately turning into mocho cool mode. This is all so cliché. I followed him like a lost puppy, of course.

"I-It's t-the lab." A woman tried to squeak out. "What about the lab?" Brady asks, brow furrowed in concentration and confusion. "Take a look at this. Look at the coordinates."

Brady walked over to a screen, and started tapping away at the touch screen monitor, taking a seat in a black leather chair in front of it.

"What the.....?" He started, biting his lip and zooming in on a spot that looked like it was tracking a few red dots that were moving from all around the screen to a new area in the center. I tried not to focus on how cute he looked biting his lip. Focus!

"These are the other escapees from the lab." He said, relaxing slightly. "When Zoe helped me and the others escape, she let out all the creatures in the building. But still... There shouldn't be this many of them. They must've at least tried to capture some of them during the escape."

He tapped away at the screen some more. "Is there more you haven't told me yet?" He asked curiously. Now it was her turn to bite her lip. "Well..." She started with a shaky voice. She gave Brady a look and then nodded over at to me with her head. I raised an eyebrow. "I'm right here!!" Brady sighed. "Zoe, give us a moment." Then he and Miss Mystery walked away.

I glared at them. "Real nice!" I called. Brady turned his head and gave me a look. "Try not to blow anything up. So that means hands-off the equipment. Oh, and try not to annoy anyone with your constant stream of questions." I snickered. "Yes Mother." He clenched his fists tightly by his side and looked like he was struggling to not go over and slap me till I'm blue in the face.

As soon as he walked away, I stared at the screen in front of me. Well of course I was going to touch it.

I sat down and started zooming out to get the coordinates of the area. It looked like a similar layout to the area of the lab. Except, the creatures were moving away. "Weird...." I muttered.

I scrolled across the screen to see the direction they were heading. I didn't even recognize the area. Shocking. What was I even thinking?? Brady and Velma lady couldn't figure it out, so who was I to think I could?

I took a deep breath and was about to move on to bug some people with my endless questions when I suddenly spotted a tab on the screen that was left open. I clicked on it and was immediately met with a black screen and a red flashing sheild on it.

'SECURE NETWORK' It read. I furrowed my eyebrows. They were trying to hack into something? I saw a symbol I recognized at the bottom of the page. They were trying to hack into the ADSS system?? What for?

I decided to give it a swing. It asked me to give a password, so I put in 'evil maniacs.' No luck.

Suddenly, I felt a stinging pain in my head, like it was behind my eyes. I saw colors flash before my eyes, so I groaned quietly and squeezed my eyes shut.

I immediately was met by a bunch of coded symbols and numbers flashing before my closes eyes. Was this a hacking code? Where had it come from?? Why was I seeing it??

I decided to try my luck and began to type the code with my eyes still closed. My fingers flew across the keys as I began to type faster. Suddenly my eyes flew open when the code disappeared. I pressed the enter key and waited impatiently.

Suddenly the words flew across the screen in a jumbled mess. "Access granted." A mechanical voice of a lady said and the shield symbol disappeared.

"Bingo." I said and started going through their deleted and hidden files. Since when am I Wade from Kim Possible? (A.n. YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THAT? YOU HAVEN'T LIVED.)

I was so engrossed in searching that I didn't realize I had clicked on employee files. So a few minutes later, I learned that one woman was on maternity leave, another was about to have an operation on her uterus, and a bald man with a shiny head was leaving for Guam in a few days. Such valuable info.

After being scarred for life, I saw a file folder labelled, 'Folder X.' "Seems promising." I muttered under my breath. After what I had just learned, I was ready to go scuba diving in the Atlantic Ocean to find what I was looking for.

With a pounding ache in my head, probably from that weird vision, I opened up the folder and started continued my search.

Biting my lip, I noticed every file in the folder was labeled with a weird number, or code, or letters, or a combination of any of the three. Were these the file information for all the victims at the lab?

I decided to click on one, and was immediately met with a sheet that looked like some sort of stalker resume.

Species name, height, weight, patient number, etc. The next page of that patient's file was a progress report. All the reactions to different experiments and such. There were a few pages like that. I scrolled to the next page and immediately wished that I hadn't.


No, they weren't selfies. These were the most morbid, gruesome things you could think of.

And for use reason, I couldn't look away. What if they had done this to her.

No Zoe, don't think like that right now. You need to focus.

I gasped and fought the urge to vomit, cringing away in horror. This poor creature was brutally and mercilessly tortured.

I quickly closed out of the tab and check another file folder. Labelled 'Folder Π.' What I saw was even more surprising.

Formula names.

My eyes were the size of saucers and my jaw close to hitting the floor. I quickly clicked on a file and a bunch of confusing, coded numbers appeared on the file. "What the....?" I muttered, and scrolled down to look for pictures.

Once I made it through all the files, I saw the last one which seemed to stand out. I clicked on it, and immediately froze. The picture was a bottle with a mysterious, misty substance in it that was shining rainbow colors. This had to be it.

This was the final formula.

This was the formula that was the product of all the others, the one that was responsible for turning ordinary humans into horrible beasts. (Who may or may not be hot, like Brady.)

I stared at it in awe. Who was really responsible for the creation of something that came from the heart of the devil himself?

Time would only tell.


Brady's POV.

"What do you mean, 'It's gone???'" I growled, and Lauren instinctively flinches. "T-The formula. I-It's missing." I narrowed my eyes. "That's not possible. Someone would've had to steal it from the lab, and that's literally impossible to do."

She shook her head. "That's what we thought. But you saw the monitors! The evidence is right there on the screens. It only makes sense that someone has the formula, and is somehow attracting the creatures to a new location. However, we tried hacking into their software to see if their security was breeched, but we couldn't get in." I nodded my head. They may be lunatics, but they certainly weren't nimrods when it came to technology and science.

"So you have no idea howthe formula was taken, but you just assume it was?" She glares at me. "What other options do we have?! Something like this rarely happens, so we automatically have to assume the worst. Besides, we all knew something was bound to happen. Helen saw it." My eyes widened. "What did she see?" She shook her head again. "She won't tell us. All she said was, 'It's gone! The fate of humanity lies in the hands of the chosen ones.' And then she fainted. It's been three days and she still hasn't woken up."

Helen is our strongest witch. She is also the 'seeker of the future,' which means she has important visions that help us plan against future attacks and such. She has become especially important these past few yeats, with me and the guys being at the lab.

"I should probably start helping you guys then." I said. "We need to figure this out." I then glanced behind me to the room where I left Zoe. I just hoped she wasn't causing too much trouble.

"I'm gonna head back." I said, walking back where we came from. "Okay." She called. "I'm gonna head over to the guys and explain to them what's going on. Afterwards we need to put our heads together to come up with a plan." I nodded, then realized she probably couldn't see me, so I called "k" and kept walking.

When I got back to the room, my jaw nearly hit the floor.


Zoe's POV.

I bit my lip and tried not to run out of the room in panic. I was looking at the formula that could destroy humanity forever, how was I supposed to react??

Suddenly I heard and gasp and spun around in my chair. (I love spinny chairs yess.) There stood Brady, arms crossed, eyes wide, and jaw dropped. I gulped and jumped up, backing away from him and the desk. "I-I know you s-said not-t to touch anyth-thing b-but I um.... I found the files you guys were looking for." I stuttered nervously, and whispered the last part sheepishly. I didn't want him to be mad at me, and for some reason I felt like it had to do with something more than fearing him.

I bit my lip and looked at him innocently, as he gaped at me. "I told you not to touch anything because I was afraid of you messing it up..." He spoke slowly. "But you managed to hack into the files that Lauren and the others have been trying to get into for hours." I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded weakly. He ran over to me and hugged me. "Zoe this is amazing!" He breathed into my hair. "How did you do it?"

I shrugged and hugged back, unable to come up with a reasonable answer. 'Oh, it's actually a funny story, the voices in my head helped me out by flashing me messages in my brain' didn't really seem like an acceptable response.

He kissed the top of my head before sitting down at the computer screen. "Okay. Let's get down to business." He started viewing the files and I cringed and looked away. That stuff was just too awful to see a second time.

(A.n. Guys I always thought that awful had an e after the w?? My education has failed me!!! Ahhhh!)

Once Brady finished he looked over at me. "Zoe..." He spoke hesitantly. Apparently he didn't want me knowing the truth about the people who made him..... Different.

I bit my lip again and looked away. I heard him sigh and felt his arms wrap around me. "Don't worry, okay? Everything will be alright." I looked up at him. "Did something happen you're not telling me about?" He shook his head and looked away.

"Brady...." "Zoe stop. I don't need you worrying anymore than you already are, okay? Just leave this to us and we will fix the problem. It's not a big deal anyways." Lies. I'm no mind reader (not yet anyways), but I can tell an obvious lie when I see one.

"Okay." I said, putting on a fake smile to trick him into thinking I felt fine with everything that was going on. He smiled. "Good."

"Can we go? I need to shower." I said. After all the training, I did feel slightly sticky and gross, but the truth was I just needed some time to think about all the new information that was shoved at me. He nodded and took my hand. "Sure."

I took a deep breath and followed him out the door.

Soon we were back at the house. "Brady... What if my aunt comes back?" He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Then I'll have to take you home." I look at him in shock. "You would let me go?" He smiles thinly. "Zoe, I care about you. And I honestly think that you probably should go home, you and Alice. There's your families, school, and the suspicions of everyone we know. So I might take you home later, it just depends. I haven't made my final decision yet."

I there my arms around him, catching him off guard. He hesitantly hugged me back. "Thank you for at least considering it." I whispered into his chest. Yes, I loved being with Brady, there was training, protection, I was never lonely, and he was himselffor God's sake! Hot, charming, and a real sweetheart. But I need to go back to my regular life too. Besides, I miss my girly stuff! Me and Alice need to hang out, and I need my personal belongings like clothes and make-up. Plus, what happens when it's that time of the month again? I don't wanna ask Brady for pads, plus it's awkward because he can smell my blood being a vampire and all. The last thing I need is for him to go blood crazy when I'm on my period.

I pulled away from our everlasting hug and grinned lightly at him. "I'm gonna take a shower, you should probably think some more." I say and head into his room.

I close the door and lean against it. I don't even have to worry about the whole 'someone stealing the formula' thing, right? Brady said he had it under control.

Unknown's POV.

If only that was really true, young one. Maybe then you'd actually have a chance at saving your kind.


Zoe's POV.

After my shower I quickly got out and changed into my underclothes. I threw one of Brady's t-shirts that almost reached mid-thigh. I'll be fine without the boxers. It's weird wearing them over my underwear....

I dried my hair with the towel and hesitantly stepped out of the bathroom. "Brady?" I whispered. No answer.

As I was about to move towards the bed a cold breeze drafted by, making me shiver. My eyes darted to the window.

It was wide open.

"M-Maybe it was the breeze. A-And Brady probably opened it f-for fresh air..." I whimpered quietly to myself.

I felt another breeze and suddenly the window slammed shut, making me jump and squeal in fright. Suddenly I felt breathing on the back of my neck, and the air temperature seemed to drop a thousand degrees.

"Hello beautiful." A deep, raspy, unfamiliar voice cooed. Then one strong arm wrapped around my waist, another covering my mouth. My shrill screams were muffled by a hand, and I kicked and fought in the stranger's arms.

"MMFFFPPH!!!!!" I screamed helplessly. Then I remembered what Brady had told me during training.

"Remain calm, and go almost limp in their arms. If you're lucky enough, they might loosen their grip. The second they let their guard down, spring into action with some of the moves I am about to show you."

I slowly fell limp, and too my relief this id**t slowly loosened his grip. "That's it baby," I shuddered at the nickname, "just relax-" He didn't get to finished, because I slipped out of just grip at lightening speed and drop kicked him so he was scrambling backwards on the floor. I reached my hand out and grabbed the closest thing to me, a lamp. Poor lampy.

I smashed it on the strangers head, and ran towards the door. Before I could get there, I was tackled from behind and pinned to the ground. "HELP!!!!" I managed to scream before he grabbed my shoulders and slammed me back into the ground with such force my head bounced and stung on the impact.

"Alright sweetie. Guess we have to do things the hard way." He leaned down and pressed his mouth into the corner of my neck, inhaling deeply. "That's alright though. I love to when you show your naughty side."

I spat in his face, which apparently really ticked him off, because he grabbed my neck and squeezed it, cutting off my air supply. I choked and gagged, trying to breathe. He suddenly grew long, wide fangs and his eyes turned yellow. I squirmed underneath him, and he grew claws that dug into my neck like daggers. I wheezed, and let out a bloodcurdling scream when he let go and his eyes spotted the bright red liquid ozzing out of the wounds on my neck. His pupils dilated, and he brought his mouth towards my neck, his wolf-like fangs dripping with saliva so much he was practically drooling.

Then he shocked me by kissing my cheek! His clawed hand, the one that was the opposite of the one now pinning my arms above my head, traced my jawline lightly, but not enough to break the skin.

"Mmmm you smell nice. And you're beautiful too." He growled.

But right before he could do any real damage, the door flew open with a loud crash and he was flung off of me, hitting the wall.

I was sobbing, I had tried to remain strong and fight for myself but I failed. Now look at me sobbing like a baby. I really was a weakling.

Brady stood there, his eyes glowing viciously and his breathing irregular. His fangs looked longer and sharper, and he was clenching his fists so hard his knuckles were turning white. Too be honest, even though he was the one saving me, it scared me half to death!

Mr. Touchy-touchy was slowly rising, seething to himself, and Brady ran at him, body-slamming him into the wall. The wall shook and cracked on the impact, and the stranger let out a screeching howl in agony. Werewolf? It was weird because the creature looked more demonic than anything. Why are all weird dangerous things always attracted to me??!

Brady grabbed the guy off the floor, hauling him up by the front of his cloak. He slammed him into the wall, and I swear the whole house shook. "If I ever catch you near her again, I will snap your neck without a moment's hesitation. Are we clear?" He seethed through clenched teeth.

When he didn't get a response, he slammed the stranger against the wall even harder. "I said, ARE. WE. CLEAR!!?" I flinched as the wolf-demon-man nodded his head and Brady hissed at him. "Let me just remind you who the more powerful one is here. If I ever catch you touching my Zoe again, you will DIE! GOT THAT??! SHE IS MINE AND ONLY MINE! I don't ever want to see you lay a filthy claw on her again, got it??!"

I whimpered in fear. But despite my fear, I couldn't help but feel butterflies tickle my stomach. He called me his. And that sent a feeling of electricity through my veins that I had never felt before.

Barely had the guy nodded before Brady dragged him towards the window. His eyes turned this shimmery color and he said, "You don't remember coming here, let alone where this place is. You will never come here again and will forget about Zoe's scent completely." Wolfie's face went blank and he blacked out. Then Brady chucked the body out the window, slamming it shut.

When he turned to look at me, I was cowering in the corner of the room, soft sobs shaking my body. A steady stream of tears was escaping my eyes, and Brady's harsh expression softened and his face crumpled. "Oh my poor baby." He whispered, rushing over to me.

I gasped and back away, putting my arms out in front of me as if to protect me. "P-Please leave m-me al-lone." I stuttered. I felt rude for not thanking him, but I was still shaken up from the incident. Not to mention I had seen a scary, possessive side of him that I had never known existed before.

He looked at me sympathetically. "Hey." He spoke softly. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just gonna make sure you're okay." I looked away stubbornly. "I'm f-fine." I choked out, but my voice cracked, and I started bawling again. Brady came to me and knelt down, putting his hands on my face and stroking my cheeks with his thumbs. "Shhh baby." Then he noticed the blood now staining his shirt I was wearing, and his eyes darkened. "N-No stop-p." I backed away, afraid he would lose control. "Zoe... Let me heal you."

I remembered how awkward and afraid I had felt the last time he healed me. But I knew I didn't have a choice, so I looked down at my lap. "Ok-kay, just please don't hurt me." He smiled gently and scooped me up, walking over and placing me on the bed. "Now this may feel uncomfortable to you, but you have to trust me." I bit my lip. He leaned down, and slowly began to kiss my jaw. As he moved down to my neck, my heart rate increased, and I started to get scared. BreatheZoe, yougotthis. I told myself.

I winced and flinched when I felt his lips reach a bloody spot on my neck, half expecting him to lash out and eat me or something. But instead he only continued his work, and I soon felt a small sting then a warm feeling as my cuts slowly closed. I'm so confused... I know he healed me last time but this is different. There is more blood, so why isn't he losing control??!

I sighed deeply, my eyelids fluttering closed when he began to lightly kiss my neck again. Why must he have this affect on me??

Then he stopped, and I slowly opened my eyes. I immediately gasped in shock. His mouth was dripping with my blood, but his eyes shocked me. His eyes were a glowing dark red. They looked almost fiery, and I gaped at how beautiful they were. I looked at him concerned. "Your eyes..." I breathed. He bit his lip and looked away. "Z-Zoe... I have to tell you something." I looked up at him innocently.

"Please promise me that you won't freak out." I smiled gently. Now he seemed to be the nervous one. "Okay, I promise." I said, just to make him feel better. Truthfully, I was kind of getting nervous myself. "I kind of... Like you." I couldn't help but laugh. "No kidding silly, I like you too." He looked up at me. "Really?" I nodded. "I don't know what we have, but I definitely like it." I whisper. "And thanks for saving me." I say before crashing my lips to his. I wasn't easily fooled. I knew that he was hiding something from me, that wasn't what he had intended to tell me. He must have changed his mind at the last minute. Oh well, I would get it out of him eventually, it couldn't be that important, right?

(A.n. Omg she's so dumb why da heck did I make her like this...?)

He reacts instantly, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me impossibly closer to him. I run my hands through his hair and I hear him sigh in content against my lips. Then he shocks me by grabbing my arms in one hand and pinningthem above my head. You're mine." He hisses, kissing me with such force that I don't know how to react.

I whimper beneath him, and he kisses down my jawline to my neck. "No stranger is ever gonna mark my girl." He growls. Mark? What did he mean? Like a love bite or something?? "Brady." I whisper as he continues kissing me. "Brady." I say, a little louder. "Shhhhh." He whispers, putting a finger to my lips. "Relax, babe. Everything is fine." I sigh and relax a bit.

Then a sudden realization hits me with such force that I gasp aloud. "Brady... That guy that attacked me didn't have an ADSS tattoo..." I gulped. Brady froze. "You mean... He didn't have the tag?" I shook my head. He suddenly sat up, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "What does that mean? He could have gotten it removed but it doesn't seem too likely. And why did he come here?"

Brady sighs frustratedly. "Maybe he tracked your scent?" I frowned. "Maybe... I just feel like there's something big we're missing. Are you sure you guys have everything under control?" He bit his lip again.

"Remember, I am the one who was able to hack into the security system. And you've already taught me some really great self-defense moves. Who knows? Maybe I have some weird powers developing that might come in handy for you guys." I tried to convince him to admit what was really going on.

He sighs. "Listen.... I just don't want you to get hurt." I frowned. "I'll be fine, trust me. I'm stronger then I look. I hit that guy on the head with a lamp." I said proudly. Brady's eyes widen. "You what?!" He says shocked. I bit my lip. Then he started laughing. "You really are something. Maybe I'll give you a shot at helping us." "YAY!!!!" I squealed, tackling him in a hug.

He smirked. "A lamp? Really??" I giggled. "What else was I supposed to use? It seemed good at the moment." I muttered the last part under my breath. "I'm glad you defended yourself. No telling what could have happened if you hadn't..."

I frowned. "Well I did. So let's focus on the future." I saw with a smile.

Which may or may not include my death.


A.n. I swear you guys better thank me. I'll try to update more often, too.

My fingers tapped away at the touch screen keys as I worked on hacking into the ADSS main computer system. I somehow got into their files, so this can't be that hard.

I hear Brady talking to the woman from yesterday behind me, and she begins barking orders to someone near her. We are going to find who took that formula.

Haha that kinda sounded dramatic.

I frown and stare at the computer. There had to be an easier way...

After typing in a series of random codes, I sat back with a sigh. I needed help. I stood up and called for Brady. "Do you think I could get a few people to try to hack the system with me? I have a feeling it might be easier if more people try." I smile at him and he nods quickly.

"Brian, Cindy, Lucy, Amanda." He speaks through his headset. "Come to Lab B to give Zoe some backup."

I grab some water from the mini fridge in the lounge room next door, and wait for my 'backup' to arrive. Soon enough I hear the doors to the other room hiss open and Brady calls, "Zoe, they're here-" But he is cut off by the crash of glass and the sound of gunfire.


Screams and shouts are heard, and soon the doors fly open to reveal a bunch of people wearing suits that look like something from The Hunger Games. I hear Brady yell for me to run, but I stand my ground. This time, I am going to actually do something productive, and stay to fight. (A.n. Shocking, right? Lol, this is where the action happens.)

Someone grabs me from behind, and I jab my elbow back as hard as I can. I hear and 'oof!' come from the person behind me, and I twist around and punch the guy in the jaw, right through his custome made suit.

I kick him under his feet and he looses balance, tumbling to the floor. His fancy weapon skitters to the ground, and I snatch it up quickly.

Spinning on my heel, I run out of the lounge and search for the source of the problem. "Hey!" I scream to a suited person holding a blonde woman in a death grip. He drops her and points his gun at me instead. What a great mistake. With me as a distraction, the woman recovers and knocks the gun out of his hands, attacking him from behind.

"Brady!" I scream over the noise. There is no response. I clench my teeth in frustration. Who were these guys? I turn to see a fallen man, and kneel down to check for a badge. Then I see it wedged between his shoulder pad:


Why are they attacking?

While I'm distracted, someone pushes me to the ground, and I scream.

Fight back, genius!

Right! I spin around so my attacker is underneath me. Then I rip the helmet off, expecting to see one of two things.

A) An escaped victim/ some creepy hybrid

B) A frizzy haired ADSS scientist

Okay and maybe I was also expecting to see some sort of villain.

But I was definitely not expecting to see a girl my age.

My horrified expression matched her's and I quickly shoved her away from me. "Start removing helmets!" I screamed over the noise. Something wasn't adding up. Why would the ADSS scientists send kids to do their dirty work?

I mean, I know with sweatshops and all that humans have a history of using kids to do their stuff but these were evil scientists- oh never mind.

Gasps filled the air as more helmets were removed. "Why their just young girls!" Girls? I could've sworn their were guys...

"This is impossible!" Someone cries. "Just sick!" Says another. "No, wait." I say. "This all makes sense."

I get up and dust off my clothes. "They figured if they sent a bunch of kids- girls to be exact, that we would be too scared to fight them. Plus, their families were probably threatened or something so they had no choice but to join the ADSS' new army." All around me a chorus of "Ohhh"s are heard.

All the trained agents begin grabbing the girls and bringing them into different rooms. "Don't put them in cages, we're not like those ADSS freaks." I instruct calmly.

"We'll interrogate them later-" "Miss?" A small voice interrupts me. I look down and see one of the girls that is being dragged to her feet. "We didn't mean to! They forced us, they're horrible people." Then she whispers, "I hope you kill them all." I open my mouth to speak but no words come out. Then she shocks me. "One more thing.... T-They took your boyfriend." She whimpers.

My heart stops.

Time slows.

My blood runs cold.

My face pales.

Somewhere distant, I hear a scream. All sounds sound like they are miles away. Brady. They took Brady.

The only guy who said he really loved me.

The only guy who actually cared about me.

The only one who protected me and showed how much he cared.

Brady. My boyfriend. My other half. Gone. Gone. Ripped from my grasp by a couple of id**t scientist who wanted to have the world.

Well they couldn't have it. Not on my watch.

He's mine. And I'm going to find him no matter what it takes.

Even if it means giving up my freedom for his.

There's no going back now.

A.n. That was maybe a little too dramatic. Waaaaaaiiil then... Allowed me to formally apologize.

I've been a terrible author. I haven't even taken into account how many people might be reading this, waiting patiently for an update only to never get one. Plus, did I mention that this is ranked #999 in the paranormal section?? THAT'S F-ING UNBELIEVABLE!!!! I only beat out like one person's story, but still! Thank you so much for all thevotes, this is a reflection or your kindness to me. But the thing is, because of my lack of updates, I've probably lost more readers these past months than I actually could have gained. Please forgive me, I let life get to me and crawl under my skin, stressing me out to my limits. I'll try not to let it happen again, okay? If you'll still be my beauties, I'll still be your semi-favorite author?

Updates will be quicker. Bye lovelies that actually stuck with this.

Any questions for any character in the story or me can go here. If you're on the app, please comment on this line with your question. If you're using desktop, then just put the comment at the end. :) Remeber to say who your question is for, and I'll try to answer it! If you have more than one, great! We love talking to you!! :D


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