
By WinterWolf-99

49.5K 1.4K 375

Phantom Planet has happened, but revealing their secret turned into the biggest mistake of their lives. Danny... More

Chapter 1: Parachute
Chapter 2: Bad Landing
Chapter Four: The Start Of Trust
Chapter Five: The League
Chapter Six: One Year
Chapter Seven: PTSD
Chapter Eight: Hiding Place
Chapter Nine: Distrust
Chapter Ten: Another Mystic
Chapter Eleven: Flores Sanquire
Chapter Twelve: Siren of Nature
Chapter Thirteen: A Chance to Trust
Chapter Fourteen: The Ghost Zone
Chapter Fifteen: The Mystic Isles
Chapter Sixteen: Mystic War
Chapter Seventeen: Have To Go Back
Chapter Eighteen: Amity Park
Chapter Nineteen: Home Sweet Hell Hole
Chapter Twenty: Good Luck? Never Heard Of It
Chapter Twenty-One: A Lot More Than Meets The Eye
Chapter Twenty-Two: Jazz
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Hard Truth
Chapter Twenty-Four: You're Nothing To Us
Chapter Twenty-Five: Of Councils And A Costumed Huntress
Chapter Twenty-Six: Huntress In Red
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Danielle Phantom
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Divide & Conquer
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Enter The Crystal Beasts
Chapter Thirty: The Hybrid
Chapter Thirty-One: Breaking Into A Government Facility... Again
Chapter Thirty-Two: We've Had Enough Of You
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Horrors Of Reality
Chapter Thirty-Four: Okay, Now We're Mad
Chapter Thirty-Five: First Battle Of A War
Chapter Thirty-Six: Tale of Dark Dan
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Rise
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Army of Magic
Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Battle Begins
Chapter Forty: Demon Of Fire
Chapter Forty-One: Flaming Feathers
Chapter Forty-Two: A Ghost's Rage
Chapter Forty-Three: Ultimate Harmony
Chapter Forty-Four: Final Showdown
Chapter Forty-Five: Returning Home

Chapter Three: The Cave

2.4K 73 59
By WinterWolf-99

The team brought the two teens to Mount Justice. They exited from the bio-ship that Miss.Martian piloted. They were relieved to be back.

It was pretty routine for Nightwing. There was a prison escape, set up by the villain, Sportsmaster, to cause mass panic and get the most dangerous criminals out of Arkham Asylum. The team foiled the plan like almost all the others.

Nightwing expected the night to go like all the others. Arrive, make a plan, the plan goes horribly wrong, there's a huge battle, everything works out in the end. He most definitely didn't expect to find two bleeding teens that looked lost, terrified, and a long way from home. But rescuing and saving people was what they do. The biggest surprise was that the two seemed to have powers.

They went toward the debriefing room... until.

"Um... guys," Superboy said.

They turned to see Aqualad and Superboy still carrying the knocked out twins. Nightwing mentally slapped himself for forgetting about the two bleeding kids.

"Right. I'll take them to the infirmary," he said.

"NO," both boys blurted out, shocking the team.

"We mean that we'll do it," Aqualad says.

The two walked away without even waiting for a response. Most of them just brushed it off.

" Not whelmed, not whelmed at all, " Nightwing thought. " Then again, they've been acting strange since we found them. Must be stress. "

"Nightwing and Robin, report to debriefing," Batman called.

The rest of the team went to their own rooms. Batman was in the briefing room when his first and second protégées entered.

"Mission was a success. All criminals were stopped and put back in their cells," he told his mentor. "But Sportsmaster was able to escape."

"We also encountered two more people, the two neither friend nor foe," Robin then added.

Batman's gaze hardened into a glare.

"Explain," he ordered.

"We had been searching for any stragglers that might have gone into the forest," Nightwing explained. "We had followed the paths of two blurs in the trees. It turned out to be two teenagers, no older than sixteen. It was just the two of them, alone and they looked scared. We offered to bring them home and call their parents, that's when they started resisting. We had to try forcing them until..."

Batman simply waited, noticing the hesitation.

"Superboy smelled blood, and I mean a lot of it. One had cut his leg while the other had a wound on his head. Sportsmaster had used one of his exploding javelins on them. They needed medical attention."

"And where did you take them," Batman asked, after thinking for a bit.

Robin hesitated for a bit, but managed a small, and awkward, "here."

"You brought CIVILIANS to Mount Justice," Batman growled, narrowing his eyes at Nightwing and Robin.

"It's not like that," Nightwing explained, straightening up. "These two boys were... different."

Batman kept his eyes narrowed.

"Batman, they claim to have never heard of the Justice League, or any of the other heroes," Robin told him. "We told them about our mentors, and they both looked completely in the dark. They were genuinely confused."

Batman was caught off guard by this. Even in the most remote of areas, people have heard of the league.

"Also, one of them created this type of shield made from gold light, or something like that," Artemis says, the rest of the team coming in.

"So they have powers," Batman asked, his gaze softened a little.

"We're not sure," Robin admitted. "They didn't seem much like any metahuman or mutant we've ever seen."

"I saw their eyes," Beast Boy piped up. "Danny's were normal but turned green when we separated them. White's were gold when his shield went up."

"I couldn't get into their minds," Miss.Martian said. "They have strong walls built in their minds. Not even Uncle J'ohn would be able to get in."

Batman's gaze turned a little curious. He was thinking hard about what these two teens would be. There have been no cases of any metahuman that could create force fields.

"For whatever reason, we need to learn more about them," Batman ordered. "Where are they?"

"Aqualad and Superboy took them to the infirmary," Nightwing informed them.

"Superboy?" Batman actually raised an eyebrow.

"In fact, he insisted on him bring them there," Impulse pointed out. "They both did."

Batman just stared at the team, processing this new information.

*****Time Skip*****

Aqualad and Superboy were taking care of the twins. Aqualad seemed calmer than Superboy, but he hadn't left White's side. Same with Superboy and Danny.

'' I get that Kaldur is always calm, but this is unusually calm even for him,'' Superboy thinks. '' What is with him? What's with me ?''

Meanwhile, Aqualad was thinking almost the same thing. But yet it was not.

'' His eyes, '' he thought, bandaging White's head. '' More than just the gold color, but also a look of fear and rejection. Whatever happened to them, they'll never get over it .''

The two eyed how they looked.

Danny had his raven black hair, with a single white streak from the Disasteroid incident, that was a little wet from the rain. His black jacket and red t-shirt were a little dirty from their roll down the hill. His jeans were ripped from his leg being cut and taking part of it to clean White's head then wrap his own wound. His red boots were also dirty.

White had the same raven black hair as his brother, but with gold streaks that had appeared after his battle for the throne with Obsidian Siren. His jean vest and jeans were mostly covered in mud and leaves. His gold shirt and shoes also had dirt on them, but less. The only thing untouched by the dirt seemed to be the lyre pendant around his neck.

While Superboy was fixing up Danny's leg, Batman and the rest of the team entered the infirmary. The look on Batman's face had the smallest amount of curiosity for the unconscious twins.

''Have you discovered anything new about them,'' he asked.

''We've just been bandaging their wounds,'' Superboy says. ''They lost a lot of blood from the amount I could smell.''

''Their blood has been put into the system, though,'' Nightwing said, typing on a computer. ''There's nothing. No medical records, no education history, no family tree. It's literally like they dropped out of the sky.''

''Did they say who they were,'' Batman asked.

''They said they're names were Danny and White,'' Aqualad answered. ''But no last name was given.''

The computer beeped, signaling that something was found in their blood. Nightwing looked through the results.

''This is strange,'' he said.

''What is it,'' Kid Flash asked his best friend.

''Their blood isn't fully human,'' Nightwing answered. ''More than seventy percent is not human at all. According to these results, White's blood is gold while Danny's is green. Most of their blood cells are non-human in DNA.''

''That coincides with the powers that you've seen them use,'' Batman says. ''Anything else?''

''Their heartbeats are not normal,'' Superboy says. ''Danny's is slow as if he is in a coma but was even like that when he was awake. White's is musical as if his heartbeat is almost a song.''

Batman took out a stethoscope and checked them himself.

''You're right,'' he concurred.

''So if their blood doesn't show anything, they aren't in any database,'' Miss.Martian asks, Batman and Nightwing nodding.

''But don't we also have every alien in the galaxy registered,'' Impulse says. ''If they aren't in it, then what are they? They crashed the system.''

''Is they are alien, their kind must not be registered,'' Batman said. ''Or... they aren't of this galaxy.''

''There is another option,'' Aqualad says. ''When White put up his shield, there was a sense about him similar to those of Atlantis. If they are not of this world, they could be from a realm of magic. They have an aura and vibe like those that study at the Conservatory of Sorcery. Like our queen.''

''Don't even think about going on another rant about magic not being real, Wally,'' Nightwing halted the speedster when he saw him open his mouth.

''By the looks of how this tie, he's done this before,'' Batman says, looking at how Danny wrapped his leg.

''So, they have seen battle before,'' Nightwing put together. ''Or have been injured, like this, before.''

Batman then grabbed a needle. He went toward Danny, but Superboy stepped in front of him.

''What are you doing,'' he asked, his arms crossed and a stern expression on his face.

''Conner, what are you doing,'' Nightwing glared, then also noticing that Aqualad seemed to get protective of White.

''I'm just getting some blood samples to do some further investigation,'' Batman told him.

Superboy then let Batman pass. Batman had also grabbed a few test tubes to put their blood in. But the needle had not even broken the skin when the whole room started shaking. Like the cave's very own personal earthquake. A hand reached out and grabbed Batman's wrist. The needle shattered.

White was standing up and off the bed. The bandage was gone and his wound almost along with it, the healing surprising them. His eyes were glowing gold with fury.

'' You are not going to test us,'' he boomed, his echoing siren voice taking over. '' I have had enough of all of you guys trying to test us .''

He then judo flipped Batman, sending him crashing into another medical bed. Danny then sat up, awakened by White's earthquake. He first saw the fallen bat, then the surprised teens, and finally was his enraged twin. He knew very well that White hated medical rooms outside the Far Frozen or Pandora's kingdom. Ever since a very unpleasant run-in with the Guys In White.

He stood up and went next to White. His eyes were now his ghostly green.

'' Who are you and why are you trying to test us,'' he asked in his booming ghost voice that loved using to scare people.

''That is what we should be asking you,'' Batman says, getting up.

The earthquake got worse, and the team could feel the entire mountain starting to shake.

'' WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO TEST US,'' White yelled.

''We were just going to take a few blood samples,'' Nightwing told them.

''And why would you need to do that,'' Danny growled but losing his ghostly voice.

''You two have non-human DNA that is not in the league's systems,'' Miss.Martian told them.

''What is this league you keep talking about,'' White asked, calmed down a little and the shaking stopped.

''The Justice League,'' Aqualad explains. ''Heroes from around the globe that have joined together to fight supervillains that would be too much for a single hero to handle. They handle things on and off world. Truth, peace, and justice.''

''Seriously, how unoriginal,'' Danny says.

''Like you're one to talk,'' White said, Danny playfully hitting his arm.

''You've told us your names, but who are you,'' Artemis asked, glaring.

"Why, exactly, should we tell you," White growled. "You try to test every unconscious teenager you meet? We have no reason to go spilling every detail about ourselves to you."

Danny put his hand on White's shoulder. That seemed to calm him down.

"We truly don't have any reason to trust you," Danny said. "My brother hates needles."

"I hate tests, period," White crossed his arms. "Stupid Guys In White."

"Guys in what," Beast Boy asked.

The two boys sighed, knowing it was going to be a long few days.

"That's personal," Danny said.

There were a few moments of awkward silence. Batman soon broke it.

"At least tell us where you're from," he asked.

"Earth," Danny simply stated.

"Where on Earth," Batman narrowed his eyes at them, starting to lose his patience with these two.

"The United States," Danny simply stated, again.

"Where," Batman was now getting pissed.

"It doesn't matter," White says, Danny tightening his grip on his shoulder.

"What about your parents," Superboy asked.

"Is there anyone we can call," Aqualad asked.

"That seriously doesn't matter," Danny said.

"And why is that," Batman narrowed his eyes even more.

"When we say that it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter," White says, trying not to blow up at the hero.

Batman then noticed the look in their eyes. They seemed lost, hurt, and like they have nothing left to lose because they've already lost everything. He had the team leave, himself and Nightwing going to the debriefing room. He faced his first protege. He had a plan on what to do.

"I think it would be best if the two stay here, so we can keep an eye on them and see what else we can learn about them," he told him.

"What White was saying about having enough of people testing them," Nightwing says. "What do you think happened to them?"

"I don't know, Dick," Batman admitted.

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