Trashed & Treasured

By EdenFortae

5.2M 181K 15.8K

Jade Emmerson was born to two wolf parents but has a dormant gene that practically makes her human. When she... More

Winter: Update


114K 4.2K 174
By EdenFortae

We had Jaxon moved inside to rest while the other men were assigned posts and jobs. I decided to sit that out trusting our fathers and my mate to take care of everything while I ensured my brother was alright. Before I joined him in his room I sent out an order for all of his things to be brought over to the house. With him being Royalty, now, he'll need the same protection as we do and honestly, I like the idea of him being close to me.

I was laying on my side looking down at my brother while he slept when suddenly my gaze diverted to the scar on his chest. Before my very eyes, I watched as it darkened to a few shades darker than his skin tone resembling a raised flesh-colored tattoo just like the marks Dominic and I have. When the very last part of it changed color Jaxon began to stir. As his eyes fluttered open I sat up leaning over him with this overwhelming need to see if there were any changes. Immediately I noticed the fluorescent glow his eyes took on and the similar ring of silver in them. Instead of it being around his pupil like mine, it was around his iris.

"Jeez your eyes are fucking scary," he mumbles gruffly, scrubbing his face with his hand.

"You're one to talk." I snorted rolling my eyes. He looked at me seriously then hopped out of bed and rushed over to the mirror where he gawked at his own reflection. He was probably just as awed as I was the first time I saw mine and judging by the way he keeps smiling at himself, I'd say he likes what he sees. "Please tell me we didn't make your head even bigger. It'll explode soon."

"I was sexy before. Now I'm just flat out gorgeous." His eyes lowered to the mark on his chest and he ran his fingers over it seemingly in a daze. Different emotions flashed over his features as if he were remembering what happened and was trying to make sense of it. "Dominic attacked me."

"He wasn't trying to hurt you, Jax, just mark you." I patted the spot on the bed where he was previously laying in hopes he'd join me and allow me to explain everything but true to Jackie's nature he just faced me and continued to ask questions.

"Mark me? Like a mate's mark? I don't know what kind of freaky shit the two of you are into, but count me out! So not the image nor the news I needed."

It took all I had not to crack up laughing at him. The serious look on his face was just outright comical as was the way he shouted it. "You're so stupid sometimes, I swear! He marked you as his Beta. Now, if you come have a seat I'll explain it to you." My contained laughter slipped through my nose as he made his way over to me with narrowed eyes sitting down cautiously on the very edge of the bed. "Seriously, Jax, what do you think I'm going to do, kiss you? That's gross beyond reason and even if I weren't your sister I'd probably think that." Jaxon scoffed at that and again I rolled my eyes, "You know how Doc said Dominic and I are the Alphas of all? Wellbeing that, we both need Betas."

"Of all the wolves in the world, why would he choose me, though? I don't even really like the dude." He wasn't complaining but obviously confused. Dominic hasn't really shown that he likes my twin all that much either. On the strength of me, kept that to himself. I've purposely avoided asking any questions that might confirm that because I don't think I'll be able to deal with the answer even though I'm sure I know. Dominic is my mate and Jax is my twin. In their own ways, both are my other half and it would bother me having the two of them display hate for each other.

"You may not but your wolf does. Dominic's wolf felt a pull to you just as we'd feel a pull to a mate. I don't know what it is but there was something in your scent and your eyes that told his wolf you were worthy of leading alongside him so he marked you. I'm sorry it was painful for you but it had to be done. You needed his blood to have our strengths and to ensure that your pups will be born underneath the royal bloodline as well. He marked you just over your heart because it is your main life force. When you mate," I paused immediately noticing the way his face fell, "and...have pups...they will be born with that mark, and depending on how many you have, one will be chosen as beta, just as you were."

Jaxon chuckled lightly shaking his head disbelievingly. "This shit is so confusing and complex! How do you know all this?"

I shrugged. In the time that has passed since I've been sitting here, my wolf has been feeding me this information and without pondering or questioning it I relayed the info. It's weird how all of this is working but if I keep this open line between us I should be able to get a good grasp on everything fairly soon...or so she says. "My wolf told me. She says in the next day or two you'll understand as well."

"Oh yeah?" his brow quirked and a small smile spread it's away across his face, "What else does she say about me? That I'm the most handsome royal beta in the world? That your mate did a great job is choosing such greatness?"

I scoffed palming his forehead until he fell backward on the bed, "No but she said you're the most arrogant dick in the world. You should feel honored!" Laughter reverberates through the room. I'm glad he found that funny because I'm very serious. There was a slight knock on the door that I just barely heard over his laughter even with my extra heightened senses. I caught the scent of Doctor Hemming and an unknown female through the door, pushed off the bed, and let them in. Right away my eyes landed on those of the familiar blonde from the meeting that I'd bumped into. On pure instinct, I sniffed her out before I allowed her into the room and suddenly felt that pull.

"Queen Jade," I vaguely heard the doc as he addressed me, "this is my niece Kayla. She just joined this pa—Jade?"

It was her. My wolf felt it and so did I. My heart took off faster than the speed of light as I felt her wolf bow to me as if she was accepting the silence pledge stated through the eyes of mine. I took in her scent again feeling the beast take over me. With strength I didn't know I possessed I pushed the doctor out my way and lunged at the girl knocking her to the floor shifting as I landed on her and proceeded to scratch my mark into her chest. She cried and screamed for help and I honestly felt bad, not being able to stop myself. I don't really understand it but I have to do this. That's all I'm feeling and all I'm thinking. I have to mark her and it had to be done now. Shifting back I bit into my own wrist pouring my blood over her wound until it healed over looking like a swollen red wound.

I glanced over my shoulder seeing Doctor Hemming standing there seemingly paralyzed while Jaxon looked on in horror. When I looked back down at the girl I realized why he was looking at me that way. Her shirt was completely drenched with blood which was all over the floor as well. It looked like I mauled the poor girl and the fact that she was unconscious didn't make it any better.

"Help me get her on the bed and cleaned up please." I barely recognized my voice. This was much different when I watched Dominic do it but now that I have, I feel extreme guilt. I can't imagine the pain I took her through and just like with Jaxon I'm determined to be by her side when she awakens. Doctor Hemming rushed into Jaxon's bathroom to get a warm rag to clean Kayla off while Jax joined me on the floor.

A strange feeling passed through me just then and as I watched him scan over her face. I felt this sense of belonging with this girl like there is another reason why my wolf selected her as my beta. Jaxon looked up at me like he felt something too giving me a questioning look then gently caressed her cheek with his palm. I don't know this girl's story and to my knowledge, my brother wasn't exactly rejected but I'm definitely going to keep an eye on these two.

Holding true to my silent promise I stayed by Kayla's side and waited for her to wake up. It took a little longer than before but I didn't mind waiting. When she finally came to her changes were just as noticeable considering her eyes were a deep dark blue before. Now they held the same glow as Jaxon's and also had the same silver ring. As she slept I covered her with one of my shirts so I can't see her mark but believe she has the same slashes also. Still laying, her eyes were focused on the ceiling as if she had no clue where she was or what happened but the second they fell upon me she shot up and crawled back to the headboard. Her eyes were wide with fear and her teeth chattered loudly. Now I really feel bad and wish I could have had the chance to explain things to her beforehand.

"Kayla," her eyes darted toward her Uncle then back to me, not wanting to leave herself vulnerable for another attack. "Kayla I need you to listen to me carefully—"

"Y-y-you tried to—kill me!" She scrambled off the bed, falling to the floor with a loud plop, jumped to her feet then back into the wall.

"No Kayla I—" I tried to reason but she was so frantic with her movements. She began sobbing and wrapped her arms tightly around herself.

"You did!"

"No Kayla she was marking you!" Doctor Hemming tried again but I doubt she heard a word of that. With a flash, she was at the bedroom door with her hand on the knob about to let herself out and probably run screaming bloody murder through the house but Jaxon intervened. Holding his hand over the wooden frame overlapping onto the door he pushed it closed, gently turning her to face him. With that small gesture, I watched as the tension in her shoulders visibly dropped and the look of fear fell as well. They seemed frozen, locked on each other the same way I was when I saw Dominic for the first time under the moonlight on that white sand beach; awed but confused.

Jaxon lifted his shirt over his chest without removing his eyes from her face revealing the mark he also wore and with that Kayla turned back to me in a much calmer state. Jaxon took her by the hand and led her back to where I was, sat her on the foot of the bed, and nodded for me to speak. I don't know if this is the royal beta that has done this for me but I am thankful for him either way. After what I did and the way I scared her I wasn't going to chase her down. I would have let her take the time she needed then find her way to me once her wolf formed a deeper connection with her.

"First, let me apologize for what happened. The first time we met I damn near knocked you over then touched you without asking and to top things off I just scared the shit out of you." I blew out a breath after sighing. Now that I've said it out loud, this sounds really bad. "I had to mark you, Kayla. My wolf told me that you're the one and since she and I are one being pretty much, I had no control over it."

"I—don't get it. You saw me before today so why? Why did you do this now?"

"I really don't know for sure but I think it has something to do with the mating. Dominic and Jaxon encountered each other many times before then and he marked him the same way just this morning. We were told that things would continue to happen after we mated and as time went on. I guess this is just one of those things."

She looked over at Jaxon I guess feeling a little more at ease knowing she wasn't the only person going through this. "What does it mean—to be your beta? What will I have to do?" Uncertainty and fear overshadowed her curiosity. I can't blame her.

"It means that you'll be helping me run things, living here with us, advise me, and pretty much means that you're stuck with me." I chuckled hoping that didn't sound crazy or scare her more.

She laughed lightly rubbing the side of her face nervously, "And here I was planning to devote myself to being a part of your medical staff. Being a big part of your royal staff is even better I suppose."

"You're actually not a part of the royal staff Kayla." Her Uncle added taking the words right out of my mouth. "When Queen Jade marked you she gave you some of her blood which means you have royal blood running through your veins now. By this time tomorrow, your blood will be completely mixed with hers making you the second most powerful she-wolf in the world. She chose you not as a servant like you were prepared to be, but to help her lead the entire wolf nation."

This is a lot of information for one person to take in so I expect Kayla to flip out, panic, or even faint but instead she launched herself at me throwing her arms around my neck. Taken aback by the sudden action I didn't know what to do at first. Once the initial shock wore off I placed my arms around her returning the hug. Out of nowhere, this strange wave of dizziness overcame me and the world was spinning. I shut my eyes blinking hard and when they reopened there was a series of images flashing in front of me. I see Kayla crying, staring down at a picture of a guy as she sits on a bed covered by a thick teal quilted blanket before things flashed and I saw her again, this time with a genuine smile before leaning in to kiss a male with extremely dark hair. I feel relieved, my heart is overrun by deep feelings of love replacing overwhelming feelings of pain.

As she released me the color in the room seemed to return with an understanding of what just happened. I had a vision. I saw into Kayla's past and a little bit of her future.

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