For Forever: Dear Evan Hansen...

By Sincerely_treebros

3.3K 101 35

Tree bros one shots! I'll be posting once a week with extra updates if I'm not lazy There will be a lot of Tr... More

Hello, My name is Elder... Evan?
The Setup
Tree Nerd
Summer Camp
Guitar Gal
Mended Relationships (Guitar Gal pt. 2)
European Vacation
I don't Like Kids
Tickle Wars
Jared in the Bathroom
Another masterful attempt ends in disaster
Substitute Breakup
Connor finished the Milk
Goin' Viral
Going Viral pt. 2
Heathers AU pt.1
Heathers AU Pt. 2
Caught in the Storm
Mashed Potatoes
Environment one shot
Birthday Surprise
Chinese Takeout
Stop hurting the Fucking Door!
Medieval day Pt. 1
Medieval day Pt. 2
Not a chapter sorry but I need some advice

I'm Sorry

165 4 2
By Sincerely_treebros

Evan was sick with the flu so, of course, Connor was there to help him get through it. Evan was sleeping in Heidi's bed because it was bigger and smelled of her, and with Connor's hoodie wrapped around him for comfort.

'Con, c-can you go into my room a-and get my phone to p-play my r-relaxation playlist please?' Evan managed to croak out.

'Of course darling, I'll be back in a moment.' Connor kissed Evan on the forehead and rushed off to find Evans phone.

'Fuck where is it?' Connor whispers to himself, looking in drawers and cupboards, everywhere for the phone.

He opens a box which is stuffed to the brim with letters. Connor knows that Evan has to write letters to himself for therapy, but has never read any in the fear of pressuring Evan. He is about to put the box away when one of the letters catches his eye.

Dear Evan Hansen,

Today is going to be a good day and here's why. Connor and I are going on another date! I love him so much, he means the world to me and I have no idea what I would do without him. I trust him with everything and I am sure that he will never hurt me. Today we are going to the Autumn Smiles apple orchard. He has told me about it before and says that I will love it because of the trees and scenery. I've never heard of it before Connor mentioned it, which is kind of surprising because you know, trees, me, trees, me. I feel so much more confident around Connor, it's like he cures my anxiety and my stutter. I feel as if I am on top of the world. I can't wait for the rest of the day.

Sincerely, me

Connor feels a warm fluttering inside. God he loved Evan so much. Connor is about to put the notes away when he suddenly hears Evan.

'What are y-you doing!' Evan shuffles forward, still wrapped in his duvet.

'I was just looking for your phone and-' Evan cuts Connor off.

'You d-didn't read any of my letters did y-you?!' Evan then notices the note in Connors hand. He snatches it away and puts it back in the box. Evan closes his eyes and sighs inwardly.

'Please, just go.'


'Connor. Please.' Connor walks out of the house guiltily. He was so stupid! Ugh. Connor couldn't believe he stuffed up the one good thing in his life. At home, Connor ran straight to his room. He kicked his bed to try and get out his anger but only ended up with a stubbed toe.

'Fuck!' he screamed in mental and physical agony.

(Time skip to when Evan is better and has been at school for a few days)

'I just don't get it Zo, I only read one of his letters and it was all sweet and caring. I've sent him a thousand texts apologising but he's just... ignoring me. I haven't talked to him in days. What do I do?' Zoe looks at Connor apologetically.

'I know you didn't mean to Con, but you did invade his privacy. He probably never thought that you would read something so private and is just shocked.'

'But what do I do? I miss him so much!'

'Well, you'll have to get him to forgive you, which is something that you can't control exactly, but you can influence him.'

'So you're saying try and win him back?'

'Actually, I have an idea!'


Connor was nervous, but ready. The school day had just begun and the office lady was making her usual morning announcements. Connor walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

'Um, excuse me. Is it possible for me to make an announcement advertising the new gardening club?' She sighed, rolling her eyes at always being interrupted.

'If you must.' She rolled around on her chair and pulled out a magazine. Connor gulped, getting ready. Connor turned on the speaker.

'Um, hi everybody. My name is Connor Murphy. You may know me as 'Zoe's weird emo brother' or 'The school druggie.' Yes, those names are accurate, but there is another you should know me by. 'Evan's boyfriend.' I've made a terrible mistake, and am here to win Evan's heart back, so today for you all, I will be singing one of Ev's favourite songs. I am going to embarrass myself in front of the whole school for you Ev, because I need to show you that you mean the world to me and I don't know what I will do without you. Please forgive me after this.' Connor gulped again, preparing to sing, but the office lady cut in front of him.

'Hey! This isn't advertising the gardening club! Get off-' Connor starts singing anyway.

'Say there's this person you pass in the hall every day,

you've known him since seventh grade,

you're used to thinking about him in a certain way,

from the persona that he's displayed,

and then something changes,

and he changes.'

Evan runs into the office staring at Connor with tears in his eyes.

'From a guy that you'd never be into

into a guy that you'd kinda be into

From a guy that I'd never be into

Into a guy that I'd kinda be into

Is he worth it?


Evan rushes over to Connor and hugs him intensely.

'I'm sorry I over reacted Con. You are the single greatest, most amazing person to come into my life. I forgive you.' Evan reaches up and kisses Connor full on the lips. They gaze intently into each others eyes.

'I love you Ev.'

'I love you too Con.'

Uh oh, but little did they know that the receptionist had been secretly filming them the whole time. Hello Viral Video!

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