The Church Girl And The Thug

By TenishaM

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*Read at your own risk* Who ever thought that a sweet girl like Rose would cross paths with a street thug lik... More

ღ Introduction ღ
ღ Chapter 1 ღ
ღ Chapter 2 ღ
ღ Chapter 3 ღ
ღ Chapter 4 ღ
ღ Chapter 5 ღ
ღ Chapter 6 ღ
ღ Chapter 7 ღ
ღ Chapter 8 ღ
ღ Chapter 9 ღ
ღ Chapter 10 ღ
ღ Chapter 11 ღ
ღ Chapter 12 ღ
ღ Chapter 13 ღ
ღ Chapter 15 ღ
ღ Chapter 16 ღ
ღ Chapter 17 ღ
ღ Chapter 18 ღ
ღ Epilogue ღ

ღ Chapter 14 ღ

163 5 0
By TenishaM


After Rosey and I finished making love and she fell asleep. I hopped in the shower and got dressed in my all black attire. Before leaving I made sure Rosey was wrapped well in the covers and kissed her lips lightly.

I jumped in my car and started it as the engine roar to life. I sped down the highway and down some desserted streets where the warehouse was located.

I walked to the enterance and gave the secret knock. I know it sounds childish but I make sure that we don't get raided by police. I knock twice then pause then knock twice again then tapped it once. The guards open the gare and I give them a head nod. I walk into the warehouse and see my half naked workers packing our supplies. Running a drug empire and being leader of a gang is hard specially since I'm young but I do my job very seriously.

I walked into holding room number three where Jason was. I see that bitch all bruised and bleeding tied up to a chair begging to be released.

"Finally, you got here man. I been wanting to kill him so bad!" Jason said aiming his gun at his head but I lowered his arm. He looked at me confused.

I frowned, "We can't kill him." I said.

"Why not?!" Jason said pissed.

"Because Rosey doesn't want me to." I said nochantly. "Specially if we kill him it will look shady on Rosey's behalf." I take a step forward closer to Michael making him flinch back in fear.

"But how do you know he won't snitch?" Jason asked.

"I was thinking about that to. Until I found out some very important info." I said brouching down I was eye level with him. "It seems that Michael has a baby mama and son. A very pretty girl might I add mike." I said smirking.

"MFGLLLFFFTLQLC!!" Michael tried saying. His mouth was ducted taped so his words came out muffled. I snatched the duck tape off his skin making the area of his mouth red.

"Did you say something Mike?" I asked.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THEM!" he yelled in my face.

"So it's okay for you to harass my woman but I can't touch those size double D breast your little girlfriend has?" I said cooly shaking my head in fake disappointment.

"Please I'm sorry PLEASE! Just don't hurt them! Please!" he begged me as tears oozed from his eyes. I knew I could break this guy. He is such a whimp. Not even close to being a man.

"Hmm," I said resting my thumb under my chin while my finger was pointed in the air as I pretended to think. "I'll you go Michael but if I hear anything about what happened today the only think you will have left of your son is his thumb. UNDERSTAND?" I said as my face hardened.

"Yes, yes! I understand I won't tell anybody thank you so much!" he said sobbing. BITCH!

"Don't thank me I didn't do this for you. I want to kill you so badly it pains me to talk to you roght now. You just better be lucky my woman has a good heart. Unfortunately. Jason knock him to sleep and then dump him outside of his house." I said.

"Gotchu," he said as he sucker punched Michael and had him sleeping. I walked out of the room and went to the second floor. I found my 'clean up crew' playing spades with hoes on their lap jiggling their breasts in their faces.

"Yo fellas!" I said as I walked into the room greeting them with daps.

"Wassup boss?" Tiny asked. How tiny got his name is a mystery to all of us. Tiny is a six foot seven, four hundred pound black man. If I wasn't who I was and just saw him on the streets I would be scared shitless. But Tiny knows even though he's bigger I can make his ass smaller.

"I need you to go to Rosey's house and clean up. I need everything fixed clean and looking brand new before her parents get back." I said in authority. Even though I'm the boss I still treat these guys like my friends. Well some of them at the most. Depends on our trust level.

"When do you want us on the job?" one of the guys asked. Sometimes these assholes can be so stupid!

"I want you on the job now!" I said and watched as they scattered at the boom of my voice.

They pushed the hoes off them and grabbed there jackets and exited the room. I left and went to the third floor where mine and Jason's office was. I walked into my office and sat down in my reclining chair. As I sit back I think about the changes that have occured in my life. Rosey makes me want to stop doing shit and get my life right just for her.

I felt my phone vibrate and check it to see it's an unknown number. I press the answer button and put the phone to my ear.

"Who is this?" I asked rudely.

"Hey baby, it's Tasha." a very annoying Tasha says.

"What the fuck do you want Tasha?" I said angrily. Hearing her voice just makes me sick.

"I miss you Ray. I miss us. We should get back together baby" she said trying to make her voice sexy but it wasn't working. At all.

"Tasha there would be no way in HELL! We would ever get back together! EVER!" I yelled into the phone.

"Oh really?" she said.

"Yes really now stop calling my phone before I fuck you up!" I said about to hang up until she said something that stopped me.

"I wonder what Rosey thinks?" she said.

"What the fuck are you talking about Tasha. I swear if you do anything..." I said trailing off. I could feel my face get red with anger.

"You'll do what? Hold on someone wants to say something. Say hi," Tasha said.

"RAMON! HEL-" a scared voice that I would recongnize anywhere screams into the phone.

"Tasha, I swear if you do anything to her. I will kill you slowly and painfully." I said murderously.

"Wow that's the dirtest you ever talked to me. I don't think Rico would like that." she said. I froze when she said that name.

"RICO! You fucking snake! The Puerto Ricans leader Rico! I swear when I find you Tasha I will feed you to the fish!" I yelled into the phone angrily.

"I'll be waiting babe. All you have to do is have a happy life with me and give Rico your empire. Ttyl love you too boo." she said and hung up. I was so heated I didn't even feel the tears roll down my cheeks. I swear if anything happened to Rosey I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

I stormed out of the office and into the main room where the business and my boys are. When they seen me walk in they knew by my presence that I was angry and didn't want to be fucked with.

"What's going on Ray?" Jason asked immediately by my side.

"Our rivals and Tasha have kidnapped Rosey." I said dryly.

"This means war."

Rosey (before the kidnapping)

I woke up yawning and stretching all the sleepy cramps out of my body. I felt around on the other side of the bed and feel an empty space. I guess Ramon left.

I woke up and decided to start a hot bubble bath. I slipped out of Ray's shirt and slipped into the steamy bath. I washed and cleansed my body well. Then got out and lotioned myself with some Nivea lotion. I slipped on some panties and a bra then walked to Ray's dresser. I pulled out one of his big black shirts and slipped it on.

I decided to cook myself some breakfast since the floors are cold I put on some of his socks too. I went to the stero system and put on a song that could make anybody dance.

This Is How We Do It by Montell Jordan.

I swayed my hips as I walked to the kitchen. I grabbed the eggs, bacon, and pancake mix. As I scrambled the eggs with a fork I swayed my hips side to side and started bobbing my head.

"I'm kinda buzz and it's all because this is how we do it." I sang along. I thought I heard laughter behind me but I was too into the song to notice. I turned around to grab the cheese on the counter but found Tasha and a group of guys staring at me.

I screamed and dropped the bowl on the floor making it shatter. I held on the stove rail as my heart rate sped up. "What are you doing here? What do you want?" I said trying not to panic but it was hard.

"We're here for you." A tall guy said stepping up beside Tasha. He looked like he was the leader or something. "And might I add that was a wonderful performance you pulled." he said smirking. I slowly side stepped to the corner of the room where I knew a gun was located. Ramon told me all about his house and where he kept his secret guns hidden in cases like the one I'm in.

"Why would you want me? I didn't do anything to you." I said.

"Yes you did BITCH! You stole Ramon from me and I want him back. So I heard that The Puerto Ricans where looking to take over your boyfriend's empire. Take away the only thing that keeps him whole. You." she said walking closer to me. I continued to slowly side step trying to get closer to where the gun was located.

"Ramon doesn't want you Tasha. The fact that you don't know rejection when you see it makes you look pathetic." I hissed in her face with this courage that just decided to come out. She flared her nose and stalked towards me. I was almost close to the gun when she pulled my hair back and slammed me onto the floor.

She let go of my hair and smacked me. I held my cheek that was probably now throbbing red. She started to pace angrily while glancing at me a few times.

"UH! I wish I could just kill you! But in order for my plan to work you have to be alive. Well for now." she said. Then she turned to a boy and said 'grab her'. I tried making a dash past them but they were too strong. I felt one of them pick me up and sling me onto their shoulder. I started to yell, scream, kick, scratch and wiggle trying to get away from them.

"Juan ve a buscar la cuerda y cinta adhesiva. Esta perra se está molesto!" that guy that first said something to me said looking at a guy that looked around my age. The boy ran to the trunk of a car and had rope and duct tape in his hands. The guy wrapped my legs and arms with the rope and duct taped my mouth.

They had a black nine seater van that you in those kidnapping movies and shoved me in there.

"Drive Vern," the guy said. "Tasha call Ramon and tell him we got his girl." he said eyeing me up and down. I just realized I'm still in Ramon's black shurt with just my under clothes on underneath.

"Mmm if this doesn't work out I might just have to steal her from him. Make her my bitch." he said staring at me with lust in his eyes. I cowarded away from him and closed my legs as tight as can be.

"Hey baby, it's Tasha," I heard Tasha say on the phone with Ramon. "I miss you Ray. I miss us. We should get back together baby" I rolled my eyes at her trying to be seductive even I wasn't buying it. "Oh really?" ... "I wonder what Rosey thinks?" ... "You'll do what? Hold on someone wants to say something. Say hi" Tasha ripped the duct tape off my mouth which made me want to scream but I held it in. She brought the phone to my lips and mouth the words 'Say something'.

"RAMON! HEL-" my sentence was cut off as the duct tape was once again paced back into my lips muffling anything else I had to say.

"Wow that's the dirtest you ever talked to me. I don't think Rico would like that." Tasha said as she looked at the guy who first said something to me. I guess Rico  is his name. "I'll be waiting babe. All you have to do is have a happy life with me and give Rico your empire. Ttyl love you too boo." Tasha said as she hung up smiling.

"All taken care of. I'll have Ramon and you'll have your empire." she said then turned to me. "And then you'll be dead." she said.

I gulped and looked away scared. I decided to say a little prayer to myself.

Dear Lord,

I know I've done wrong and I'm sorry. But please forgive me dear lord and the sins I have done.

I just ask that you watch over my family if anything were to happen to me.

I ask you to please let Ramon and I to be blessed with another day in your presence.

I know Ramon has done wrong but he's a good person.


My late grandmother always told me that no matter how you pray and what you say. As long as your praying to the lord he will always listen.

I just hope he's listening now. 


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