Red String Of Fate System (Dr...

By shadow-cat8

43.1K 1.8K 375

Rei was a ordinary high schooler, until he died in an unfortunate accident. When he expected a peaceful after... More

Author's Note
The CEO and his "Angelic" Secretary (1.1)
The CEO and his "Angelic" Secretary (1.2)
The CEO and his "Angelic" Secretary (1.3)
Character Cast
The CEO and his "Angelic" Secretary (1.4)
The CEO and his "Angelic" Secretary (1.5)
The CEO and his "Angelic" Secretary (1.6)
The CEO and his "Angelic" Secretary (1.7)
The CEO and his "Angelic" Secretary (1.8)
The CEO and his "Angelic" Secretary (1.9)

Valentines Day Special

1.7K 64 10
By shadow-cat8

A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates these past few weeks. I was very busy with schoolwork and to make up for it, I decided to make a V-day special. Please note that this special and it is unrelated to the main plot of the story. In this special Rei and Louis are already a couple. 

 Enjoy reading! Happy Valentines Day!


Light poured in through the windows, brightening the once darkened room. I shifted in the bed before finding a comfortable position to sleep in while blocking the light from entering my eyes. Unfortunately, SOMEBODY decided to open up the curtains. Knowing who it was, I didn't bother to open my eyes, but grumbled and turned in the bed to express my dissatisfaction. That certain somebody  just chuckled before gently tugging my sheets. I pressed the sheets down hard to avoid getting them pulled off.

"If you have so much energy in the morning, why don't you just wake up?" I finally opened my eyes see Louis smirking slightly at me.

"Don't wanna." I grumbled back. 

"*Sigh* Do you even remember what today is?" He asked.

"Of course I do, and I'm spending with what I love - my bed." I said, pulling the sheets over my head to block the light and to ignore him.

"Who do you love more - me or the bed?" He suddenly asked, bringing his mouth really close to my ear. I could feel the heat even underneath the sheets.

"Know your limits!" I yelled from underneath the covers, blushing. 

'Of course it's you. Why would I be romantically interested in an inanimate object anyways?'

I thought Louis was going to continue pestering me to wake up, but he just left. I felt a bit disappointed, but at the same time I was relieved. I wasn't really tired anymore, but I was definitely scared. Today was Valentine's Day, and the first time I would be celebrating it with somebody. This day is supposed to be special, but it really didn't feel any different. What if I messed it up? What if Louis thinks that I'm not a good enough lover?  What if he . . . stops loving me? I can't express my love like Zack and Alistair, or even Edwin.

I was probably overthinking things, but even then I can't get these thoughts out of my head. These were the same thoughts kept me awake most of last night, and even now. Suddenly a delicious smell wafted outside from outside the room. I could feel my stomach grumbling. Forget it, no point in thinking such negative things. I'll just fill myself up with food and get on with today however I want to. 

I quickly got up and washed my face and brushed my teeth, and grabbed my phone, before heading outside. My mouth watered at the sight of breakfast. A plate of heart-shaped waffles was set on the dining table. It was covered with chocolate syrup and strawberries. 

Just as I sat down, and reached for the plate, a hand pulled it away. I looked up at Louis.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Ask the bed to make breakfast for you."

Louis looked really angry. Was he- Was he seriously jealous of a bed?! Did he think I was being serious about that? If so, then he is really gullible. But most importantly, I must clear my innocence to get my breakfast back. 

" I was joking about that." I said, looking at him sheepishly.

Louis's entire expression changed and it looked like he was trying hard not to laugh. I was confused about the sudden turn of events and looked at him strangely.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"I know, and I got you back." He said, smirking while answering.

"Wha- You knew! Don't scare me like that." I said, flustered.

"How could I not, if your reaction is this amusing." Louis said, still carrying that smug smile on his face.

"Hmph! Give me back my waffles." I said, feeling irritated for getting fooled so easily, reaching across the table for the plate.

"Wait one minute." Louis said before heading back into the kitchen. 

He brought another plate waffles, this one for himself. His waffles were covered in just maple syrup. I was quite surprised when seeing that.

"What?" He asked noticing my expression.

"You didn't eat yet?" I asked.

"No, I don't really like eating alone." He answered.

"You- you were waiting for me." I murmured, feeling guilty for taking a long time to wake up. Louis wakes up way earlier than me. He is and always was a morning person after all. Also, Zack and Alistair were gone on a vacation and Anne was on a school trip. So for now, it was just him and me in the house.

"Don't make that face. It's no big deal anyway." He said, passing me my silverware.

I took it and dug into my waffles wordlessly. I could taste the sweetness and softness of it in my mouth and couldn't help but savor it more. I looked up from the plate to compliment his cooking skills to see him already looking at me in daze.

"Is it really that entertaining to watch me eat?" I asked.

"Who's watching you eat?! I was just admiring my cooking skills." Louis said, breaking out of his daze while simultaneously blushing. 

'How cute.'

"You got caught staring at me." I said, thinking of getting back at him for teasing me.

"You're overthinking things." He denied.

"Sure." I said.

He just turned away refusing to look or talk to me. What a child. Suppose I can only change the subject.

"Fine. Your cooking is the best." I said, truthfully.

"Hmph. Of course." He said, looking proud.

My phone screen lit up and I saw I got a message from Alistair. I unlocked my phone and and saw a picture of him and Zack standing on the beach in their swim trunks. They were both wearing sunglasses. Alistair was wearing a thin, white jacket. Probably because Zack being jealous and overprotective again. How typical. I wrote a message back greeting Alistair and also wishing him a happy Valentines Day.

'They both look really happy though. I wonder what Louise and I can do today?'

"What are you looking at?" Louis asked.

I showed him the picture. Louis looked thoughtful.

"Well we shouldn't sit around either. Let's go somewhere." He said.

"Ah- yeah. We should." I said. 

"Anyplace you specifically want to go?" He asked.

What should I say? The movies? A museum? A cafe? I don't know, that would be like any ordinary date. It has to be special.

"I - A-anywhere is fine." I finally answered. Damn, what a lame answer. Does he think I'm too indecisive now? 

Louis stared at me for a moment. He looked like he was about to say something but decided not to. He then took the now empty plates from the table and went to put them in the kitchen. Was he ignoring me now? 

Once he came back, I made up my mind to tell him any random place.

"L-louis, um, well I -" I started.

"Don't say anything. Just get ready. I have a place which I want to show you."

"Oh, okay." I said. Louis was acting really strangely. I decided to not think about it too much and got ready just as he said.

I showered and dressed up in a plain black t-shirt, jeans, and a light blue sweater. I saw Louise waiting in the hallway. He was dressed in casual clothes as well. He wore a full-sleeved plaid red shirt and a pair of black jeans. He looked pretty good in them, not that I would admit it.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"You'll see when we get there. I want to keep it a surprise." Louis said.

"Noooo, the suspense will kill me by then." I said, dramatically.

Louise patted my head.

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to keep you entertained that you won't the heart to die." He said.

"Can't I at least get a clue?" I asked.

"Fine, one clue. The place we're going to is not in the city."

"It's not, the where?"I asked, aware that Louis wouldn't tell me anything.

Sure enough, he just gave a smile and walked out to the car. I followed him and and got into the car. 

"So where's my entertainment?" I asked, not really expecting anything too interesting. However, Louis handed me a something wrapped in shiny red gift wrapping paper.

"For you." He said.

"This is a . . ."

"Just a gift." He said.

I opened it and saw that is was a game console."

"It's the latest model and I know that you've wanted one." He said.

"How did you know?" I asked, looking at him.

"I-I might have overheard it." He said quietly.

"You mean, the only person I told is Ed, and you- Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?" I asked, teasingly.

Louis turned his face away from me.

"D-don't be silly. I just happened to overhear it accidently." He said.

"Thank you." I said. Louis turned back to me and nodded.

I spent the rest of the car ride playing the games that came with it, and testing out the new features. It was a good distraction as it was a good eight to nine hour drive. By the time we reached out location, it was already evening.

"This is . . ."

"It's the trail for a popular scenic spot. It shouldn't be too crowded today. If we're lucky we'll be the only ones." Louis said.

We both walked up the trail, chatting with each other. We walked up for a while, but miraculously I wasn't too tired. We reached the spot as the sky started darkening. I could see a multitude of stars shining brightly. It was a breathtaking sight.

"Wow, the stars are so beautiful." I said in amazement.

"Aren't they?" Louis said, lightly. He looked at me and his face was shining under the moonlight and stars.

"Definitely." I said, admiring the person beside me rather than the scenery.

This person . . . I don't want to lose him. But mother and father also loved each other and then father left. Mother turned crazy. I wondered if I would too, if Louis left me.

I must have been looking uncomfortable because Louis gave me a worried glance.

"Rei, I don't know what's bothering you and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to but I want you to know that . . . you can talk to me. If there is any way I can . . . well help . . . then you don't hesitate to ask." He said, probably in an attempt to cheer me up.

"I'm afraid that you'll stop loving me." I admitted, wondering if getting it off my chest would be better.

Louis didn't say anything. I was worried that what I said had annoyed him, and the continued silence was even more dreadful. Why did I have to ruin the good atmosphere? I should fix this.

"I-I'm not doubting you or anything." I say frantically.

Louis still didn't say anything but he grabbed my hand placed it on his chest. It was beating wildly and I could see his face flushing slightly. 

"Don't think about such silly things. I am serious about you." He said looking at me with determination in his eyes.

"I- I'm not special or anything, so why me?" I asked, still unsure.

"You're right." Louis said, and I looked down dejected, but then he continued.

"You're not doubting me, but yourself, even though you shouldn't. Maybe you're not special to anyone else, but you are special to me. You're really cool and you're never afraid to say what's on your mind, unlike me. I- I like being with you. "

"Me too, and I don't want to lose you." I admitted.

"Then why worry when we both feel the same." He said, smiling.

I smiled back.

"I didn't know you could be so cheesy." I commented.

"Who's fault do you think it is?" He muttered. 

I scooted closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder. He looked startled, but calmed down and stroked my head. I looked at this illuminated face. 

'Wow, I have really do have a handsome lover.'

"I love you." I said, kissing his cheek quickly.

I saw that his entire face froze and flushed.

"You-you . . ."

"Yes." I replied to the unasked question.

"Happy Valentine's Day."I said. I then continued to whisper in his ear, "I hoped you liked my present."

". . . Caught me off guard." I heard him whisper.

A peaceful and comfortable silence followed afterwards as we both leaned on each other enjoying each other's presence. It seemed today turned out to be quite special after all. 

End of special.

A/n: Well I hope you guys enjoyed this special. I'm not sure when I'll update next but I'll try to find time to complete the next chapter. Bye!

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