Alps โœฐ Ethma

By bxxgnxt

348K 6.7K 8.7K

"I assume you got my note, cunt. I can't believe I slept with your filthy ass. Like I said, if you tell anybo... More



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By bxxgnxt

James Pov.

"What?" I muttered out loud to myself & shook my head, blinking quickly before rereading the plastic device in my hands over & over. Positive. The test read positive. Emma-Emma's pregnant. Last night when I had suggested it to her I did it think it was actually the case, I just wanted to see her reaction honestly. But she's actually pregnant?! "Y-You're pregnant....with Ethan's....?" I trailed off in a questionable tone as I tilted my head up to look at her crying figure. She nodded her head while closing her eyes tightly as her lips parted & she let out a shaky breath, more tears spilling over her bottom eyelashes. "Oh sister, come here." I cooed & wrapped my arms around her as she shook against me with heavy sobs. "I-I'm not ready to b-be a mom, E-Etha-Ethan wouldn't want a b-baby either." She sobbed out into the fabric of my shirt & I frowned, cocking my head down & pressing my chin into her hair as I rubbed her back. "Shh, it's okay. I don't know about Ethan wanting a baby, he gives off mixed signals but I'm sure he'll be supportiv-." I began to reply & she cut me off quickly. "Don't tell Ethan! H-He's not gonna know." She stated & sniffled into my chest. "You know, it's not be the best option but you could always get an abortion if it's not too late." I explained quietly & she pulled away from me, looking at me with a shocked expression. "I-I would never kill such a-an innocent thing!" She cried loudly & I clamped my hand over her mouth. "Okay, okay, shh, it was just a suggestion." I assured, pulling her back against my chest as she nodded her head slowly while sniffling more. "Ethan n-never finds out." She mumbled quietly below me & I frowned at Grayson's bedroom wall. "Emma-" I began to object but she cut me off, "No James. Promise m-me. Promise me y-you won't tell h-him." I clenched my jaw as she let out a pained hiccup & looked up at me with heartbroken, watery eyes. "Or G-Grayson. I d-don't want him knowing e-either." She added. I sighed & cursed to myself. "I...I promise." I said reluctantly. She suddenly pressed back against me, wrapping her arms around me tightly as she hiccuped against me. "Th-thank you." She stammered out & I nodded sadly, my chin bobbing against the top of her head. "It'll be okay, I'll help you with whatever you need. Just call me or text me." I said kindly & she nodded against me. "O-okay." She muttered sadly & I frowned. Fucking Ethan & his weak ass pull out game. Or he was too fucking drunk to care.

Ethan Pov.

After my steamy & thoughtful shower I had dried off & thrown on some random joggers & a hoodie-which I think was Grayson's but I don't really care. It was comfortable & I was tired, that hot water from my shower making me drowsy. I made my way down the staircase, walking back down the hallway towards the living room. I entered in, stepping on the shaggy carpet & saw Grayson still asleep on the floor, now cuddling Emma's pillow she had used last night. I moved my eyes over to the couch & saw Emma laying with James, wrapped around him tightly as they cuddled in a friendly way. I mean, what other way? James is the most gay person I've ever met & he's made it pretty clear that he's dating Grayson. Emma & James we're watching some video on James' phone that made James laugh quietly. Emma was still wearing my hoodie & looked comfortable against James as she looked over at me & gave me a small smile. Her face was slightly red as if she had been crying earlier, must just be the lighting angle I was seeing her from. I walked over to Grayson who was still sleeping on the floor, nudging him in the stomach with my foot. "Wake up, lazy ass." I announced & Grayson didn't move, just shut his opened mouth & continued to dream. I sighed & moved to sit on the other couch across from James & Emma, moving into a comfortable position & shutting my eyes peacefully. Time for a nap.

A few minutes passed as I was on the verge of falling asleep when I heard a loud groan come from the middle of the room. I frowned & opened my eyes, seeing Grayson waking up on the floor & looking around as his hair stuck up in every direction possible. Grayson's eyes landed on James & Emma as he slowly stood up, taking a blanket with him from the floor. He walked over to them & Emma watched him with wide eyes, shaking her head. "Gray, no-" Her panicky voice was cut off as Grayson plopped on top of her & James, getting comfortable as he laid his head in Emma's lap & wrapped his arms around her sleepily. My stomach knotted for some reason. Grayson laid so his ass was right in James' face, doing it on purpose as James groaned & tried shoving my brother off of them. Emma did the same, pushing against Grayson's broad chest. "Love me!" Grayson yelled tiredly, hugging Emma tighter as she laughed & shook her head. "No! Gray get off, you weigh like ten hundred pounds!" Emma stated & Grayson buried his face into her stomach. A pang of something ran through me & I frowned at myself. The hell was that? A pang of jealousy? It sure felt like it, but-I wasn't jealous was I? There's nothing to be jealous about. All Grayson did was cuddle Emma. That's all. That's all that happened. Nothing else. There's no reason to be jealous.

James suddenly slapped Grayson's ass, catching him off guard & Grayson's body jerked away as James shoved him off of the couch. Emma sighed loudly in relief as Grayson hit the floor & James chuckled. Grayson sat back up again on the floor & pouted while pulling his legs against his muscular chest, ducking his head down into his knees. James laughed harder. "Why don't you love me?" Grayson asked quietly, sounding tired. Emma & I chuckled as James leaned down to look at his boyfriend. "My poor baby." James cooed while touching my brother's hair & Grayson scoffed, getting up to walk away when James wrapped his arms around his waist to stop him. "Fine, come here." James said sarcastically & pulled a now happy Grayson down on top of him, wrapping his arms around his upper back instead to pull him closer. Emma laughed at them before giving the two a disgusted look when they started to kiss. My mouth dropped open. Grayson was tongue fucking James' mouth. On my favorite fucking couch. No pun intended.

"Get a room!" Emma said loudly & stood up from the couch, walking over to the one I was sitting on to sit down next to me instead. James laughed & flipped him & Grayson over so he was on top now. "What's the matter? Don't like the show?" James said sarcastically in between kisses & I cringed, shivering. "Yeah, what's the matter?" Grayson jokingly said, suddenly grabbing James' ass & squeezing it softly as I slapped a hand over Emma's eyes like she was a child. Emma giggled loudly & grabbed at my arm, moving my hand away from blocking her view. I laughed & covered her eyes with my other hand, making her jump out of the way & laugh hysterically. I leaned back against the couch with a smile on my face, giving up as I sighed & yawned. "Tired?" Emma asked while looking at me & I nodded slowly. "Couldn't sleep last night," I explained, "also that hot shower really did it for me." Emma nodded while chuckling & I shut my eyes. "Me too." She said. "Why couldn't you sleep last night?" I heard her ask & my eyes opened again, looking into her light blue ones. "Thinking about my mom. How right now she's alone with my dad. Was worried that something might happen." I mumbled quietly so Grayson wouldn't hear, but there was no need as I could still hear him kissing James from across the room. "She'll be fine, I promise." Emma stated & gave me a soft smile, causing the corners of my lips to raise into a smile as well. "Why couldn't you sleep?" I asked back & her facial expression turned into a frown as her eyes darted around the room. "Uh-I was just cold so it kept me up." She explained oddly & I nodded slowly. "Sorry, the lovebirds over here took all the blankets last night." I apologized loudly, aiming my voice towards Grayson & James. Grayson crawled off of James & sat down next to him while glaring at me. "Sorry we were fucking cold!" Grayson said & I scoffed. "Grayson, you had five fucking blankets! I had one, one and I was perfectly warm." I explained & Grayson rolled his eyes as James laughed & patted his arm sympathetically. "Have you guys ever actually had a civil conversation where you don't yell or fight with each other?" Emma wondered out loud with James agreeing & I crossed my arms. "No, not since Ethan became a fucking dick." Grayson said under his breath & I snapped my head towards him incredulously. "It's not my fault asswipe! It's yours, ever since you kissed up to mom and dad to become the most perfect child." I muttered angrily & Grayson scoffed, standing up from the couch. "Me?! You're the one always fucking trying so hard to get dad to like you more! In football you even shove me out of the way just to get a touchdown! And we're on the same fucking team!" Grayson yelled & I stood up as well, clenching my fists at my side. "That's because no matter how hard I try dad still loves you more and is more proud of you! Even when you don't get any fucking touchdowns!" I argued back & Grayson's upper lip went up slightly, giving me a look. "Well at least I don't beat up people's best friends and then steal them!" Grayson shouted while looking at Emma next to me & I opened my mouth to yell back but had nothing to say. He was right.

Emma gasped from behind me. "You're such a bitch sometimes and you're too blinded by your own stupidity to see it." I heard Grayson mutter & I looked up at him. That's it. I made a move to run at him but felt Emma's small hand grip my wrist from behind me. I looked back at her angrily. "Let go. I'm sick and tired of him talking shit about me. Is that all I am? A bitch? You should've never found me on that day in my room. I was gonna end it all and you screwed it up." I mumbled angrily & Emma's eyes softened. I bit my lip, willing myself to not cry at how fucked up my life is. "Then I'm glad I screwed it up." Emma whispered & I sighed as she rubbed her thumb over the sleeve on my hoodie, in the exact spot where my attempts at leaving this world where engraved. "Come here. Calm down." Emma said & I reluctantly sat down next to her as she wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. "It's not your fault. Gray's just mad." She said into my ear & I sagged against her warm embrace.

Emma Pov.

I carded my fingers through Ethan's damp hair like I always did, that seeming to calm him down. I looked over at Grayson who was still standing up staring at Ethan & I while James was just looking at the floor blankly. "Gray, Ethan could never take me away from you. You're my best friend. You always will be, I promise." I stated & Grayson broke out of his trance, running a hand through his floppy hair & looking at me. "I know, sorry. It was just in the heat of the moment. Sorry Ethan." Grayson apologized to his brother & I felt Ethan sigh against me. "It's okay." He mumbled into my shoulder & I smiled. He sounded tired. I ran my fingers up & down his back gently in a soothing way, feeling him shiver against me. I looked over at James & he sent me a knowing smile, glancing down towards my stomach & then at Ethan. I shook my head & sighed, remembering that I was indeed pregnant. Fucking great. I don't wanna be a mom. I'm too young. And I know Ethan would never want to stay with me & help raise the baby. His baby.

I felt Ethan's body sag against mine & heard his breathing get heavier, causing me to sigh in relief that he fell asleep. He needed some sleep. He didn't deserve to have to stay up most of the night wondering if his mom would be safe from his father. Nobody deserves that. I gently pulled him away from me & laid him down on the cushions as he inhaled deeply & turned his head into the fabric of the beige couch. I didn't bother covering him up with any blankets, considering he was wearing thick clothes. I stood up from the couch & walked back over to the other couch where Grayson & James sat there staring at me with shocked expressions. "What...." I asked, trailing off in confusion. Grayson looked between me & Ethan's sleeping figure across the room. "Are you the sandman or something? How'd you get him to fall asleep so fast?!" Grayson questioned loudly & I shushed him, looking over at Ethan to make sure her didn't wake up. I shrugged. "I don't know, he told me he didn't get much sleep last night. Must've just been tired." I only half-lied & James made a sarcastic humming sound while I glared at him.

After around an hour of binge watching whatever played on the television, Grayson, James & I started to get bored & just went onto our phones instead. I was scrolling through my notifications when suddenly somebody groaned, causing me to look up at Grayson. "Can you stop watching porn for one minute of your life?" I asked while flashing my best friend a sarcastic smile & he looked up from his phone at me with a confused expression. "That wasn't me...." Grayson trailed off & my eyebrows furrowed before I turned my head to look at James. "Damn, didn't know you guys shared the same PornHub membership." I joked towards James & he too looked up at me confused. "That definitely did not come from me. I don't moan like pregnant walrus." James stated & I cocked my eyebrow at the couple. "Then who...?" I asked quietly before another groan that sounded more like a moan was heard & we all snapped our heads towards the other couch. Ethan laid there still asleep as he moved around & his hand inched towards his crotch as his eyebrows furrowed & his lips parted. "No. Fucking. Way." James spat out in shock as a wide grin spread across his face. "He's having a fucking wet dream." Grayson muttered in shock & my eyes widened as I moved my eyes back to look at Ethan who had just let out another deep moan. "What are we gonna do?" I asked quietly, trying not to look at Ethan's hand that was pressed right over his pelvis. "Take a video and then post it fucking everywher-" James started excitedly & Grayson cut him off, "No, we're just gonna wake him up. Jesus Christ James." Grayson chuckled at his boyfriend & ruffled his hair as James sadly clicked his phone's camera off. Ethan panted heavily from across the room & my eyes widened as I turned to look back at Grayson. "Grayson wake him the fuck up!" I ordered & Grayson broke out of his frozen trance, getting up from the leather couch & walking over to the one that held his horny twin brother. "Eth." Grayson said & nudged Ethan's shoulder, which only made him let out a low groan. Grayson looked back at us with a cringing expression & James laughed, covering his mouth with his perfectly manicured hands. "Ethan!" Grayson yelled this time & Ethan only pressed his hand down against himself on top of his joggers, moaning again. My eyes widened as a jolt of something travelled through my stomach. "Ethan awake the fuck up!" Grayson yelled loudly again & this time grabbed a pillow off of the ground, smacking Ethan across the face with it. Ethan jolted awake & cursed as he sat up, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Grayson stared at his brother for a moment & cleared his throat, catching Ethan's attention. "What?" Ethan asked sleepily & Grayson tilted his head down, making Ethan look down at himself as his face suddenly flushed red when he saw the tent in his pants. He threw his hands over his crotch & his eyes widened as he shot up from the couch, running out of the living room. Grayson & I laughed loudly as we heard a door slam shut upstairs.

Ethan came back downstairs a few minutes later & sat back down on his previous spot on the couch while avoiding everybody's eyes. Grayson stifled a laugh with his hand & I shot a glare at him, leaning over James to slap my best friend on the shoulder. "Hey," James said while looking at his phone, "you guys wanna go to Aaron's party tonight? It's only a few houses down from here and his parents are out of town." Ethan tilted his head at James & shrugged as Grayson nodded his head. "I'm down." Ethan announced & Grayson agreed. "Sure." I replied & James nodded his head. "Alright well it starts at seven. What time is it right now?" James asked & Grayson took out his phone, showing James the time. "Oh shit it's already six thirty?!" Grayson exclaimed & my eyebrows shot up. "What time did we wake up then?! Noon?" I asked & Ethan shrugged from across the room. "Probably, considering we had to wait for sleeping beauty to awake." Ethan responded & Grayson scowled, opening his mouth to say something. "Okay! Let's go get ready!" James announced, preventing another fight to happen between the brothers. I gave James a thankful smile as he stood up & grabbed my arm, pulling me along towards the stairs. Grayson & Ethan stayed put so I assumed they were just gonna go how they looked right now. I sighed reluctantly as James practically dragged me up the stairs & to the bathroom, taking out his portable makeup pallets from his backpack. "Okay kitty girl, close your eyes!" James instructed happily & I chuckled, shaking my head & doing as I was told. This would take awhile.

Eventually after James taking like twenty minutes to do my makeup & the fifteen minute walk down to Aaron's house, we had arrived at the wild-looking party. I cringed when the stench of alcohol hit my nose, we hadn't even stepped foot on the driveway yet & I could already smell the weed as well. I for one wouldn't be drinking any alcohol, considering that I'm...pregnant. James pulled Grayson & I excitedly up to the front door, Ethan trailing behind with his hands shoved in his pockets. The door swung open & we were greeted by Aaron himself, slurring his words as he welcomed us to come in. I gave him a smile & a hesitant nod before I was being dragged in by James again over to the table filled with food & many different colorful drinks. Where did Aaron even get all of this? James poured himself an orange-colored alcoholic drink & turned to look at me for a second before grabbing the long curved spoon & pouring me some raspberry punch. I thanked him over the loud music & he nodded, before running back over to Grayson & sharing his drink with him. I took a small sip of my punch & Ethan appeared next to me. "No alcohol?" He said loudly into my ear, trying to drown out the music. I shook my head at him slowly. "Not feeling it tonight!" I lied back to him & he believed it, nodding before he poured himself a strange blue-colored alcohol. I rolled my eyes & laughed at him as he clanked his glass with mine. He threw his head back to drink the blue liquid & I watched with an odd interest as his throat bobbed up & down, swallowing the sour drink.

"Spin the bottle and dare upstairs!" Somebody yelled out loud & raspily while slurring a little, causing me to turn & look at them as they stood on a chair while looking like they were about to fall at any minute. What is this, seventh grade? Before I could process it, James was next to me again & he grabbed my arm to pull me toward the large staircase. I turned & frantically grabbed onto Ethan's bicep, shaking my head back & forth. "No! Spin the bottle is fucking retarded! Ethan help!" I yelled out & Ethan just laughed loudly as James continued to try & tug me away. Ethan eventually moved & started walking with us as I groaned, giving up when James started to practically drag me up the stairs. Grayson walked with us, looking reluctant to have to play as well. The four of us reached the top of the stairs & saw a few other people sitting around a bottle in a poorly shaped circle. All of us spread out & sat in different spots next to other people. I took a seat next to a girl with a pixie cut, her short brown hair was quiffed up in every which way as she laughed drunkenly.

"Okay, I'm going first!" Aaron himself announced & clapped his hands together before spinning the glossy bottle in the middle of the room. The bottle turned for a while before landing on a girl with long blonde hair. "Alright um, I dare you to....take off your shirt and leave it off for the rest of the game." Aaron said evilly & laughed in victory as the girl drunkenly took off her shirt, exposing her red lace bra. "My turn!" She said all bubbly & spun the bottle with her slender hands. It landed on Grayson & she smirked, making a humming sound as she thought to herself. "Ooh, I know, kiss the fruitcake since nobody else would ever dare to." She stayed, referring to James & I sucked in my cheeks as I tried not to laugh. If only she knew. Grayson looked at her dumbfounded & shrugged walking over across the room to James as James smiled at him. Grayson placed his hand on the side of his boyfriend's face & stared lovingly/drunkenly into his eyes for a moment. "Go on! Taste the rainbow!" Nash yelled out & everybody laughed before Grayson smashed his lips onto James', kissing him deeply as he held his jaw now. A few seconds passed & Grayson dragged James' bottom lip between his teeth before it snapped back into place & Grayson smirked, waltzing back to his spot. Everybody's jaws were dropped as they looked between Grayson & James who were panting heavily. "My turn." Grayson's said tauntingly & spun the shaped glass, making it spin rapidly until it landed on Logan. "Lick Nash's foot." Grayson said bluntly & Logan cringed before nodding, he never backed down from anything. He walked over to Nash who was already taking off his shoe & sock. Logan grabbed Nash's foot & Nash laughed while slurring something incoherent before Logan licked a long striped up his friend's foot. Everybody gave him a disgusted look as he wiped his tongue repeatedly with his hands & sat back down in his spot. Logan spun the bottle since it was his turn & it spun quickly till it slowed down & landed on his slightly younger brother Jake. "Jakey....kiss Emma and give her a hickey." Logan said while laughing evilly & I tensed up. Gross. I didn't want Jake's lips anywhere on me.

Jake rolled his eyes at his older brother & stood up, walking over to me before kneeling down in front of my body. I gave him a look before he grabbed my face & kissed me roughly for a moment, before pulling away & ducking his head down to suck a dark mark onto the base of my neck while I cringed. I found my eyes trailing to Ethan as Jake's hair brushed against my jaw. Ethan was staring at me darkly with his jaw clenched & eyebrows furrowed. Uh okay? "Slut." Jake whispered against my skin for only me to hear & I sighed. He finally pulled away from my throat & smiled down at his work, brushing his hands dramatically before walking back to his spot. I wiped my neck & frowned at the thought of what just happened to me. "My turn!" Jake exclaimed & clapped his hands together before grabbing the bottle & spinning it with extreme force until it landed on a girl with wild pink hair. I didn't pay attention to what dare she got as I looked at Ethan who was still staring at me, almost glaring. I mouthed a questioning to him & he clenched his jaw again, looking away & ignoring me. The fuck? I sighed. "Emma," Nash suddenly said & I turned to look at him, "do seven minutes in heaven with....Ethan in the closet. Since you guys seem to hate each other this should be interesting." Nash smirked & my stomach dropped. Are you fucking serious?! I was about to protest but Ethan stood up wordlessly & walked over to me, grabbing my arm with only a little force as he dragged my to my feet & pulled me roughly towards the closet. I looked back at James or Grayson for help but they were only staring at us while shrugging. I was not looking forward to being trapped in a small closet with an angry Ethan. "I'll be outside with the timer!" Nash announced as he sounded close behind us.

Ethan yanked me into the cramped closet & slammed the small door shut as he clicked on the light above us. We didn't actually have to make out though right? Nobody would know if we didn't do anything. I just wanted to know why Ethan was so mad, considering he was staring down at me with an extremely mad expression on his face. "Ethan wha-" I began to ask what his problem was, but was cut off as he roughly smashed our lips together & placed his large hand behind my head to hold me in place. I didn't move for a moment, being in shock before I decided to kiss him back. He grabbed my jaw gently & tilted his head to deepen the kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth as it slid against mine. I could taste the alcohol from just now & a small hint of mint on his tongue. I cupped his cheeks with both of my hands as he pushed me back against the few shelves, pressing his broad body close against mine. I moved my hands to tangle into his hair & tugged the dark strands lightly as his now slightly swollen lips continued to move against mine. I pulled away to catch my breath & Ethan didn't stop, only ducking his head down & attaching his lips to my neck in the same exact spot Jake had given me a hickey. Except Ethan was sucking a lot harder over that spot & he travelled to other spots of empty skin around my neck, biting down softly & leaving more dark marks. "E-ah!" I gasped when he sucked on my collarbone, finding my sweet spot. I tugged on his hair & pulled his face back up to meet mine again, colliding our lips together eagerly as he moved his hands down to my waist. I flipped us around without breaking the heated kiss, pushing him up against the shelves roughly & smiling against his lips when he let out a low noise. I pulled away from the kiss, dipping my head down to suck a large dark mark right next to his adam's apple. I felt him tangle his large hands in my hair as I left a few more marks, tugging down the collar of his hoodie slightly for better access. He threw his head back a little as I softly bit down on the base of his neck. I retreated from his throat then, lifting my head back up as he kissed me passionately again. I wrapped my hand around the nape of his neck & pulled his face closer if possible. He panted against my lips after pulling away for a moment & he stared down at me. "Emma," He started to say & I looked back into his deep green-almost brown eyes, "I think I l-" He was cut off by Nash suddenly banging loudly on the door & yelling.

"Time's up!" Nash's annoying voice yelled through the door & I chuckled as Ethan was looking at me with an unreadable expression. "What were you gonna say before sir-dipshit interrupted you?" I asked, looking back up at him. He shrugged. "Uh-nothing, I don't remember." He answered & I nodded, turning & opening the closet door for us to walk out & take our spots back in the messed up circle of people. Everybody was staring at us & gossiping loudly, being their drunkenly excited selves. I caught James & Grayson looking at each other as if they were communicating silently. "Damn, girl. Get it." The girl with the pixie cut leaned in next to me & whispered, making me blush & laugh. I don't know what even got into Ethan & I. Whatever. It's a party. What happens at a party, stays at a party.

I yawned as I walked into school, chuckling quietly at all of the students walked quietly through the halls for once because of their hangovers. I swear three fourths of the whole school showed up to Aaron's party last night. I passed James & Grayson as they chatted quietly near Grayson's locker, Grayson looking like he was about to pass out from being so tired. I trudged over to my own rusty & blue locker, seeing an odd square of paper hanging out of it. I walked closer & plucked up the small piece of paper, unfolding it to reveal a small note. It was from Ethan, he wanted me to meet him behind the school saying it was an emergency. That's odd. We just saw each other yesterday. What was so urgent?

I stuffed the note into the pocket of my skinny jeans & quickly tossed my jacket & bag into my locker, leaving me in only a t-shirt as I walked towards the entrance of the school. I stepped out into the now slightly warmer air that belonged to the outdoors. I looked around making sure no teachers were outside or watching me as I booked it to run behind the school. I walked around the brick wall corner & was welcomed by the slightly cool breeze of behind the school. There was no sign of Ethan. I walked around a little bit while looking around but there was still no sign of him. I was about to call out his name when I heard somebody talk from behind me, "Hello Emma." I whipped around & my stomach dropped.



Author's Note: hola bebes. ehehehh did u like it?? ALSO I STARTED ANOTHER BOOK AS WELL & ITS ETHMA TOO SO SHOULD I POST IT?? but don't worry, this book is far from ending so having another book wouldn't effect anything. leave thoughts? ily all so much. this book started out w/ only 3 ppl reading it & now there's 42 thousand of u guys?! ily & ur special & did I mention ily? ;*

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