In the Moonlight [Completed]

By Red_Pheonix26

35.4K 1.1K 195

"Are you stalking me?" His deep voice asked. "You wish, that would mean I actually thought about you enough... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 29

797 26 2
By Red_Pheonix26

Alexa's PoV

His arms tightened around me like he didn't want to let go and I snuggled closer to him relishing in the moment.

Slowly he pulled away and looked into my eyes. "I missed you." His deep voice made me shudder as I felt so small under the intensity of his gaze.

"I missed you too." I tried to smile convincingly so that he wouldn't notice how weak my knees felt in that moment.

"Come inside, you must be freezing." He started walking up the small steps after grabbing my stuff and turned around to see why I wasn't following him. My eyes scanned the huge house that I would be staying in the next few weeks. The last few times I was here I didn't really have the opportunity to get a good look at it and how huge it actually was. I played with the sleeve of my sweater uncomfortably after realising how many werewolves were probably inside right now.

Max made a few careful steps towards me after noticing my discomfort and slowly held my hand in his. "I'm right here okay?" he gave me a sweet look of comfort that made my heart fill with warmth.

I nodded and walked inside.

Isaac was stood leaning against the couch whilst talking to a guy I didn't recognise and they seemed to be quite deep in conversation until they sensed our presence and turned around.

"Alexa, welcome to the pack house, this is Alpha Adam, we'll be having a party to celebrate our alliance. I hope you'll have settled in by then and be able to join us?" he spoke in a polite manner that I didn't recognise and gave me a kind smile that helped me relax.

"Yeah. I'd love to." I looked up at Max who gave me a reassuring smile.

The man called Adam started moving closer and his eyes trailed over my body making something in me twist with nerves. They then lingered on our interlocked hands and finally met mine.

"Well hello Alexa, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Adam." he put his hand out probably expecting me to shake it. He emphasised the syllables in my name in a discomforting manner but I tried to act cool as though it didn't phase me. Feeling Max's hand tense in mine after having seen the way Adam obviously checked me out I gave it a reassuring squeeze and used my free hand to shake Adam's. If he was the Alpha who supposedly 'threatened' our pack before this alliance then I didn't want him to think we were weak.

Making sure I gave him a firm handshake I smiled and returned the compliment.

"Let's go." Max pulled me by the arm after having watched the entire exchange.

"I hope to be seeing you tonight!" Adam called out after us as we made our way to the stairs.

Max's jaw clenched and he muttered an "I hate that guy." as we walked down a long hallway filled with rooms.

"Hey, it's okay. Ignore him." I said as we reached the end of the hallway where a window looked out into the garden. Max turned the doorknob beside the window and allowed me to step inside.

The room was quite simple with a king bed in the middle of the grey walls. A window let the light stream through onto the white covers and illuminated the blue carpet and wardrobe. There was also a desk with a chair that looked really comfortable, but my eyes narrowed as I saw all the things scattered around the room.

"This is your room isn't it?" I asked rhetorically as I turned around to face him.

But before I could even get a look at the smirk plastered on Max's face I was pushed onto the bed and a weight was pressed onto me.

"Great observation, you are correct." The idiot grinned as I struggled to break free from his grasp. His hands pinned my wrists by my sides to stop my struggling and although I tried to fight against him (as I was never going to give him the satisfaction of winning against me) he still managed to be probably ten times stronger than me.

"Max.." I sighed. "what are you doing?" I looked into his crystal eyes. They were half closed and admiring me from under his long lashes, yet they couldn't seem to focus anywhere apart from my lips.

"Nothing." He hummed innocently as his warm breath fanned across my face. My palms began to sweat as Max's face approached mine and I clenched them to try and calm my racing heart.

My body immediately reacted to the proximity and my heart hammered in my chest. I couldn't help how nervous I was around him as he had that that effect on me. Before I had the time to process what happened Max retreated away from me nearly making me whimper from the loss of contact.

I never knew anyone could have that effect on me. I already missed his touch and I didn't know I could be this needy.

I heard Max breathe out a sigh as he sat up on the bed, looking away from me.

"Are you okay?" My hand worriedly reached out to touch his shoulder as his body was facing away from me.

If I wasn't so observant I wouldn't have noticed how Max slightly flinched when I touched him. I couldn't help the frown that appeared on my face as I was confused by what was going on.

He almost cautiously looked at me from over his shoulder. "Yeah, I just realised we have a party to attend and we both need a shower. I'll go first, you can use my bathroom after me and your bedroom is through that door." He pointed at the white door to the right of his desk.

I nodded still intrigued by his earlier behaviour but smiled when he lightly squeezed my hand before disappearing to the opposite side of the room.

Walking through to my bedroom just as I heard the water turn on, I put my bags down and started unpacking into the wardrobe. My room resembled Max's except that I didn't have a desk and the carpet was purple instead of blue.

From what I could gather, this party was a lot fancier than the ones we attended with Cathy before. This made me remember the accident with Derrick and I shivered but tried to forget about the fact that the Alpha from his pack was now living here.

I was hesitating between two dresses but decided to go with a black one. The straps went around my neck and it was quite tight making sure to show off my curves. The length was a bit short, stopping mid thigh and I couldn't wait to put it on.

Snapping me out of my thoughts, Max knocked on my door and told me it was my turn to shower.

After opening the door to reveal a half naked Max, I forgot what I was doing as I stared at his naked torso. His black trousers, that I imagined he would be wearing to the party, hung loosely on his hips, showing off the line of his boxers. My eyes travelled up to where I saw him drying his hair with a white towel. His arm muscles tensed as he tried to stop the water drops that escaped his damp hair and fell down the line of his abs.

I swallowed really loudly and pushed passed him trying to ignore my irregular heartbeat.

"Lex." At that moment I probably imagined him growling out my name. But this was probably just my weird mind playing tricks on me after the scene I had witnessed.

"Y-yes?" I cautiously turned around.

"Here's a towel, you forgot to grab one." He said nonchalantly.

"Oh, thanks." I said avoiding his eyes, feeling embarrassed for the thoughts running through my head.

He took a few steps towards me causing my eyes to snap up towards his. My heartbeat increased as he put his hand against my forehead.

"Hmm, weird." He shook his head and walked away.

I must have been blushing and the revelation only made my cheeks go redder. Rushing into the bathroom to get over the embarrassment, I closed the door behind me and hoped the warmth would help me relax.


I was standing in front of the mirror in my room and applying a light red tint to my full lips. The dress I picked made my eyes stand out and I was happy I chose it earlier so I wasn't in a rush right now. I paired it with some tights that accentuated my legs but still kept me warm and a pair of small black boots with heels.

I was a bit nervous to meet everyone including the Red Moon pack but I knew I would be fine if I was with Max. Thinking this as I made my way to the door leading to the room next to mine, I calmed my heartbeat and knocked before going in.

Max was wearing the black trousers and a white shirt that had the top two buttons undone, including a black jacket that made it look like he was pretty much wearing a relaxed version of a suit. This didn't matter however as he looked good in everything.

Sensing my presence he turned around and his eyes widened. They scanned over my body but not in a quick, unnoticeable way, no, he made sure to take his time as though he was admiring every feature. This managed to get my body to tingle under his heated gaze and I felt my breath catch in my throat.

"Let's go." He smiled as he grabbed my hand and walked down the stairs.

That's it?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I wasn't expecting a million compliments but the fact that he took so long staring at me but acted as though that never happened made me a bit annoyed.

Trying to shrug it off, I focused on the huge living room that we had stepped into. There was a lot of people here and I shifted my balance nervously. Most people were chatting whilst drinking red wine and I felt completely out of place. That's when I spotted Will and Ace and happily went over to them as they waved at me.

"Hey, how are you settling in?" Ace asked me as I reached them with Max following closely behind.

"I haven't really had time to look around yet." I gave an awkward smile.

"Well, you look beautiful." Will changed the subject after giving me a knowing look.

I shook my head and thanked him for the compliment.

Alpha Adam then decided to cut into our conversation.

"I agree." He said.

After those words Max took a step closer to me and put his arm around my waist effectively making the spot on which his hand rested heat up immediately.

"So, how long are you staying here?" He asked.

"Two weeks." I snapped out of my dazed state.

"I look forward to getting to know you." He gave me a wicked smile before walking away to sit at the huge table.

We decided to follow everyone who was now sat down at the table and waiting for food to be served.

Picking the right end of the table, I was happy to sit next to Max and avoid meeting all the new people here.


The food was delicious, and although it was weird to admit this since I feared him so much before, the food Isaac had prepared was the best out of all the food I had tried.

Isaac cleared his throat and all attention was on him. I was forced to admire the power of an Alpha.

"To those of you that I don't know, hello, I hope you're making yourselves at home. And to those that are wondering what is going on, I wanted to have this party to announce the alliance between our packs."

Everyone's eyes widened and those belonging to the Red Moon pack looked at Adam for guidance. He only shrugged and told them to continue listening.

Isaac took a sip of his wine. "You might not know this, but the Red Moon pack was attacked. By hunters."

By then the entire room was in a commotion, everyone was whispering under their breath.

"So we have decided that for the safety of our kind we will join forces against them. Especially since we don't know who they are. I count on everyone here to be civilised."

That was his last words before he stood up and thanked everyone for their attention. He was followed by Adam and I guessed they were going to discuss matters. But instead they turned on the speakers and in seconds the dance floor was flooded with people.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Why were all these werewolves, that hated each other and just found out they had to 'play nice', acting like they were close friends and dancing?

Max chuckled. "I should have expected this from Isaac. What better way to get to know people. Come on, let's dance."

I looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"Since when do you dance?"

"I don't, but you do." The simple sentence made my heart melt realising he would do this for me.

"Shall we?" He smiled.

"We shall." I returned the smile and let him guide me to the crowd of people.


After a while I had lost track of time and space, forgetting that I was in a room full of people.

The beat was drumming in my head, and I was dancing along letting the rhythm course through me. At that point I wasn't sure whether I was dancing right but I didn't care, I let the feeling of euphoria wash over me.

Max's hands were on my hips, the warmth was sending jolts through my body and adding to my foggy mind. He spun me around and kept hold of me, making me crash into him so that my back was pressed to him.

We kept swinging along to the beat, not wanting to stop. His breath was right by my ear and uneven which made it really hard for me to concentrate so I barely caught his words.

"You look stunning tonight." He whispered the words I had been waiting to hear in my ear.

I opened my eyes which had been closed the whole time and smiled, I didn't expect my body to shiver at his words.

"Why thank you." I laughed and turned around.

He stared into my eyes, something unreadable shining in his.

I wanted to stay here forever, just us two in our own world. I didn't expect the song to end so quickly.

"Let's get you to sleep." He said making the mood instantly drop.

"What, but.."

He frowned. "Look I'd love to stay here but, most people are drunk and I don't want them around you. Plus we have school tomorrow."

I let his words of reason process in my head and nodded understanding that he was right.

He took my hand taking me right back to my room.

But when he was about to leave after saying goodnight, I couldn't take it and ran up to him, hugging him from behind.

"Why do you keep running away." I said, not believing what I was doing and saying. My mind was still foggy from the rush I got from dancing.

He turned around. "What do you mean?"

"Before, when we were on your bed, you were about to kiss me. But you didn't." I honestly wondered why I was saying this, though part of me wanted to know.

He lifted an eyebrow. "You want to kiss me?"

He was obviously teasing me, just trying to get under my skin knowing I'll blush and say no whilst running away.

Too bad.


His smug look was wiped off his face and I was instantly pinned against the wall.

"How much self control do you think I have?" He growled, there wasn't any hint of a joking tone left in his voice.

"I don't know." My breathing hitched as he was inches away from my lips.

He stared into my eyes and smiled, right before crashing his lips onto mine.

I didn't expect myself to respond so quickly, pulling him closer as I wanted his touch.

He smirked in the kiss, his warm lips against mine as he demanded entry.

Feeling too weak to tease him right now, I let him in, our tongues meeting half way.

This kiss was different and I felt him pull away for air so soon.

"I should go." He said between harsh breaths but made no move to leave. His breathing mirrored mine, his chest kept pressing against mine.


"You don't get it. If I don't leave I might.." he trailed off.

I thought I knew what he meant. So I stared confidently into his eyes.

"Mark me."

It was like a trigger, his eyes clouded over and finally met mine, letting me see the desire swirling in them.

He pressed his lips gently against mine until it was back to a sensual kiss that made my mind foggy.

His lips left my swollen ones and started kissing along my jaw before finding a certain spot.

I bit my lip, and held onto his back in our hug.

He let out a growl as a sudden pain shot through my entire body.

Shocked, I clutched onto his shirt, probably wrinkling it in the process and let out a small whimper.

He started kissing the spot and before long the pain dissipated, leaving what I could only describe as immense pleasure. My body was set ablaze, burning with love for him.

I tried to hold on to him, but my consciousness soon left me, and I remember the feeling of floating in the air whilst being carried in two strong and caring arms.


If you've read it this far, thank you so much! This chapter was so long but since I haven't updated in a while I thought I should write something. Which then resulted in me writing over 3000 words.

Is this chapter too long?

I hoped you enjoyed it, I don't really know how I feel about this chapter...

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