To the one I love,

By MyHappyEndingx

371 15 0

'I was lost, until I met him' After the tragic loss of your lover, you watch life start to fall apart again... More

Falling~ p1
Thoughts~ p2
Alone~ p3
Company~ p4
Breathless~ p5
Restricted~ p6
Overwhelmed~ p7
Carefree~ p8
Wait~ p9
Us~ p10
Enough~ p11
Troubled~ p12
Tied down~ p13
Hesitate~ p14
Nerves~ p15
Help~ p16
Acceptance~ p17
Relief~ p18
Going Solo~ p19
Low ~p21
Back~ p22
Anger~ p23
Lost~ p24
Her~ P25
Found~ p26
Loved~ p27

Hopeless~ p20

4 0 0
By MyHappyEndingx

Arianna's POV

It's been three days now. I didn't have the strength to go to school because if I saw him I know I would start crying again because I'm pathetic.
I've just stared at the ceiling all day and night, no sleep. I'm exhausted but I can't close my eyes. I can't eat and can't get myself to shower. My dad hasn't bothered me recently which is starting to worry me, maybe he's planning something? at this point I don't care anymore.
I can't even write on a night too. I just lay there feeling this deepening feeling in my chest, like I'm falling but not going anywhere. Theres nobody to talk to and I just feel alone and I hate it so much.

Logan's POV

She hasn't come back to school. When I see her friends I think about it. Danielle tried to ask me where she was but I didn't have the heart to tell her that I broke her, hurt her. So I shrugged and walked off.
I hate myself for doing this. I can't pay attention in class; half of the time I just go home halfway through because I can't cope.
I haven't seen my mum in a while either but I don't miss her. It's just been me and Rose at home and it's so lonely.

I stay in the shower for hours; feeling the warm water hit my back makes me feel better.
I've gathered all of her things and then I found her book- but I kept it closed, its not my business anyway. I've been bringing it to school to give it to her but she won't show so I keep bringing it and hopefully she turns up soon.

Today I visited Sean at least. When I got to his room I just sat there and we stayed quiet, like he understood.
I told him I ended things and that I regretted it, but he became confused and told me to just get back together but he doesn't know that its not that easy; but I wish it was.
"I'm not getting her back"
"How do you know that?"
"I need to stay away from her"
"Why are you complaining about not getting her back if you won't even go after her?!"
His eyes widened and I held my head in my hands and sighed.
"This is just really getting to me."
"You'll will find a way. You don't give up. I've known you since the day you came out of mum's-"
"Okay I get it!"
"And I know you'll figure it out."
"Thanks Sean."
"It's alright"
"I need to go back to school now, I swear my attendance is like ten percent right now"
"As if you ever cared about your attendance!" He laughs and I crack a small smile.
"Bye I'll visit soon Okay?"
I close the door behind me on the way out and get in the car. But I just sit there and grip the wheel.
Everyone keeps saying it'll be okay and it'll work out but nobody knows that do they? What if she never wants to talk to me again? What if he really means it? If he harms her again I will never forgive myself.

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