Daughter of Hela

By StoriesLoubbie

34.7K 1.1K 702

Lou Miller never thought she will meet her biological mother. She was angry for leaving her in the doorsteps... More

Reborn or Newborn
Tammy and Tom
Debbie meets Hela
Ocean's 9... Hela?
Welcome to our team
Debbie + Alcohol
Testing the skills
Did you worry about me?
What's going on between you two?
Daphne's in Danger
Lou's insecurities
Anxious hearts
Awkward moments
A special moment for Hela
A dream of happiness
How to train your daughter
It's storytime
Lou and her powers
Hela Vs Lou
Deal with the destruction
The past, present and future

Unshed tears

1.9K 52 4
By StoriesLoubbie

Debbie's POV

Finally I am done with my food. I don't know why, but Lou always insists on having vegetables. I hate it. Why to eat veggies when we can have tasty meat. Lou started pulling my leg because I was the last one to finish. Even Derek and Keri were faster than me. But let's not consider them. They are tiny. They eat way lesser than me.

Now that we were done with our dinner, we all decided to watch movies. The kids wanted to watch Maleficent. When I was inside jail, Disney decided to bring out a new version with Angelina Jolie, making Maleficent a hero instead of villian. I haven't seen it yet but Constance and Amita were all excited. They had boasted of watching it almost 10 times. I mean weren't they satisfied with old animated ones? I don't watch kids movies. But I sometimes do watch so that as to criticise it later with Lou. By criticising, we mean, we secretly enjoy but act like we don't, in front of Tammy and others. Now too I thought of doing the same and turned to hint Lou.

I saw Lou's face. I couldn't read her. She was silently sitting in her chair, indifferent to all the chattering going around her. Before I could check on her, Constance turned on the movie. And Derek sat on my lap. So I had to sit through entire movie. I wanted to speak to her. I felt she wasn't all fine.


The movie was really good. I liked the concept of mother's love that made Aurora wake up from her eternal sleep. Good twist. Now that the movie was done, Tammy took upstairs. We all had the last minute arrangement for kids. Lou was worried they might dislike. They had been here many times, but never stayed overnight. Lou loves those kids. She is their 'crazy and funny aunt', who spoils them by treating them with whatever they ask. Tammy always had tough time controlling Lou's overflowing love towards them. But also, she was happy that Lou would do anything for their safety, and always takes care of them. Lou was the one Tammy approached when Derek fell sick one night and no one was there to look after Keri when he was admitted. Lou also was there on school's pick up list. I never was with Tammy during both the kid's birth. When Derek was born, I was with Claude, and Keri was born when I was in prison. Though I am still against Tammy's marriage and the life I don't hate those little munchkins.

Back to present. Shortly afterwards Tammy took her kids to room, Lou too walked upstairs. I saw her walk. The regular stylish sway was missing. Something is definitely wrong.

Daphne and Rose started speaking about the movies and the technicalities behind those, Constance, Amita and Nine started playing some game in their cell phones. They were playing as a team or something. I don't get that. So I thought of going back to my room. I walked upstairs, peeped into Lou's room. She was not there. May be she's in bathroom. I walked towards my room and was about to enter when I saw Lou sitting outside kids' room. The door was closed and Lou was sitting right next to it, tears in her eyes. I sat next to her. She didn't mind me seeing her in this state. I could hear Tammy reading bedtime story. I am still confused about why Lou is here and why she is having tears in her eyes. I was about to wipe her tears, when she spoke

"Did your mum read you bedtime stories?"

That was it. Lou was missing her parents. Well she never had any. She was an orphan. Even though she was blonde and attractive kid, something always came up and her adoption was cancelled by every couple who met her. But I never saw her thinking about parents, or even speaking about them. Only once or twice, she spoke about her past. She only knew that someone left her on the doorsteps. And earlier, she was neutral about her feelings. But as rejections from different couples increased she started hating her life. She started hating her parents because of whom she had to lead a lonely life. She wasn't able to make friends. In orphanage too, the kids didn't take her into their groups. She was always considered as some goth girl. Well, Lou wasn't subtle enough to differ so. With the rebellious attitude and style, she was feared by many. Some considered as a punk. She was lonely because of all these notions. A lone tiger, to be honest. She was just being who she was. But people around her didn't think that way. Once she was 16, she moved out of the orphanage, joined bartending by pretending to be older than she really was. The owner was in need of a worker so he didn't look much into any documents. She got the job, bartended at night and continued preparing for her higher studies during day time. She started saving money so that she could attend college the next year or two. It was really hard. Sometimes, she couldn't afford daily meals. So she started a day job, babysitting kids for some socialite. But she never stopped her studies. She now had a small apartment shared with some guy whom she met few months ago. It was difficult for both of them to pay the rent. They had to work hard. He was an aspiring musician, which obviously meant minimal income.

That's when she started sneaking things. She pickpocketed rich brats who spent money like water. She stole from those rich girls in her class who always bragged about their possession. The money was used for her daily expenses and for her roommate who now was her boyfriend, his music classes. Day by day their life changed. Both were into planning their respective career that they couldn't give time for each other. They decided to break up. It was a mutual decision. He moved out and started living with his band guys.

As the days passed applied for different scholarships. She got one which allowed her to study in States. She spent part of her savings to arrange her passport, visa and bought some new clothes for herself. She came to US when she was 18. She joined the college. The scholarship had covered her tuition fees and also provided her with stipend. Her life was going smooth, and by smooth, she had daily meals and a part-time job to check other expenses. She was also brilliant and so had good grades. She couldn't afford luxuries but she was content. She wanted to be a doctor. So she had to study hard.

She still would pickpocket stuffs so as to afford alcohol. She was a little addicted to it.
Blame it for the bartending job. But trust me, that girl never gets high. Never once I saw her getting even tipsy. Back to the story, one day she was walking alongside ever-busy New York Street, and I saw her. She was wearing some old blue jeans and a white shirt, a black Jacket in her arm, yet she carried it off as if it was some Armani or Gucci designer wears. I could see the outline of her purse in pant pocket. I walked towards her, with one swift motion I picked her purse. I walked further; she was walking away oblivious of my act. Or that's what I thought. I walked for almost 5 minutes and stood near a bar, to check her purse. She had $20 bill, college identity card and a small pocket calendar. Okay so this was my luck. Just $20.

I removed the bill, tossed that purse behind me and searched for my purse in my pocket. It was missing. I had kept it in my pocket. It had almost $600. It was my hard earned money of the day. I started searching around me. Suddenly I heard a voice.

"Looking for something?"

I turned to look at the tall blonde girl whose pocket I just picked, standing against the wall, waving my purse in her hand. I quickly walked towards her and snatched my purse. Checked for my money. Everything was intact. She hadn't taken anything.

"So, now that you have your purse back, can I have mine?", She asked me, or more like ordered me. lt wasn't American accent. But I couldn't recognise which was that.

I returned her purse. She smiled and walked away without a word. I was shocked. What just happened! Someone who picked my pocket with so much ease, had all chance to take my money, returned my purse with money intact and walked away without even complaining! Who would do that? When she was getting $600 instead of her $20, why would she deny the fortune? I decided to ask her. So, I ran behind her. Also, I wanted to know what accent was that. It was tough sexy and soothing.

I ran and approached her. She was walking in her own pace, occasionally taking a drag from her cigarette. I held her hand. She stopped. I looked into her eyes. I could read nothing. The crystal clear blue eyes stared back and I couldn't face it. I closed my eyes for a moment, opened with a determination. I asked her the reason for returning my purse. She just smiled at me, and took my purse from my hand and said,

"Well if you don't want it, then I'll have it"

And then, she started walking again. I was astonished. What was happening to me? She was intimidating too. Her eyes, though unreadable, was a little scary.

I decided to act strong, caught up her pace and pulled her aside. She looked at me again and this time she wasn't smiling. I could see the serious expression in her face. She was little angry I guess. (After few years, I found out that no one dared to physically overpower her. I was the first one)

"Take off your hand", she spoke, her voice stern.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to you", I replied. This was really new. I, Debbie Ocean never asked sorry. Today was a weird day. First, I was outperformed by her in pickpocketing and now I am apologising.

I hurriedly removed my hand from her and started speaking. I didnt know why but stammered a little.

"I..I... I jus... just wanted to...to know wh..why you didn't t..take the m.. money"

"Are you having short term memory loss? Because, I did take your purse again when you offered me"

"I didn't offer. I was trying to speak and you took it away"

"Well, you need your purse back? Or you want me to just answer your question and walk away with the purse? I could consider your $600 as the fees for treating your stammering", she spoke in an enchanting way, I couldn't reply her.

She snapped her finger in front of my face. I was brought back to this world. I had to get back to my game. I am the master and I cannot be defeated by this wierd accented blonde. Oh for fucks sake, she was blonde! And I am getting intimidated by her!

"I don't stammer. And $600 for treating stammering is too much, don't you think?",

What the hell am I speaking. Get back to the business.

"Well, it depends. Consider me as a celebrity doctor"

"What? Can we just speak about the real matter and not this unwanted things?"

"Fine, bombard me with your important questions"

"Yeah, why didn't you take the money? Why did you come back to take your $20 when you had $600 in your hand?"

"My college ID was in that purse"

"Oh please, cut the crap. I know you can get new one by paying some fine. Truth"

"I wanted to take that money, but I saw a picture of you and your friend. She's in same college as mine. And she is the only friend I have. I didn't want to lose her"

"My friend?", I took my purse back and saw a photo of myself and Tammy. I didn't keep it. Definitely Tammy must have kept it inside. I was not happy about Tammy's gig. But it did save me my $600.

"Yeah, Tammy. She's my friend and roommate", I answered.

"She knows you are a criminal?"

"Pickpocketing doesn't count as a major criminal offence"

"It is a criminal act though"

"Fine. One more thing. When did you pick my purse?"

"The way you walked towards me, I knew what would happen. So I wanted to give you the taste of getting picked"

"Well, I think you just did"



"That's my name"

"Oh. Debbie. Debbie Ocean"

"As far as I know there are only 5 oceans. Which is this new one?"

"Very funny. It's my last name."



"My last name"

"Oh. Wanna come with me to my apartment?"

"Sorry, I don't go home with anyone whom I just met. Also, you're not my type"

"Geez, I didn't mean that. I thought you'd meet Tammy"

"Uh fine. Let me finish my shopping"

"Okay. I'll join you. Where are we going?"

"Just the stores next block. It's not expensive or luxurious. You see, I can't afford expensive stuffs."

"But you pickpocket, right?"

"I do. But today I took a leave. I only pick on weekends. You see, college keeps me busy and I never risked there. I don't want to get expelled"

"Oh, and yet you picked my purse"

"Who initiated?"

"Doesn't mean you had to reciprocate"

"And lose my last bill?"

"This is your last bill? It's not even half a month"

"I don't earn much. And I need this bill for like next two weeks"

I was bit taken back by her honest reply.

"Tammy never spoke about you", Lou said.

"Well, she can't boast about my criminal activities in college. Also, she never mentioned you. What's your domain? Same as Tammy? Have I ever seen you in campus when I visited?"

"I'm not in her class. I met her in canteen when I was eating alone and she..."


"Some mean girls started bullying her. I jumped in and..."

"What? She was bullied? Who are those girls? I'm going to..."

"Hey hey... Don't worry. I took care of them. They'll never dare to bully anybody"


"You look older to her. Well older to me as well. What do you do other than picking pockets?"

"Hey... Well, yeah I'm older to her. She's my family friend. She moved in with me when she joined college. And I guess, I'm older to you too if you are still a teenager"

"Yup I am. She's a nice girl"

"She is. Come on. Let's get the things you need"

"Let's go"

"Not to that shop you wanted to go"


"Trust me"

Without questioning, she agreed. I took her to some expensive looking mall. She hesitated. Clearly $20 will do no good in that place. I held her hand and reassured. She saved my Tammy, I can do this to return her favour. Also, she had impressed me. I really wanted to know more about her. I told her to buy the food items she was planning to. She was still not very sure.

She took some instant noodles, a packet of cookies and few candies. I stared at her.


"Buy something healthy. Also, do not worry about the money"


"Miller", I gave my stern look.


"Once we are done here, we'll go to other sections"

"Okay. Is there anything that substitutes Tim-Tams?"

"Excuse me, what?"

"Tim-Tams. It's famous in Australia. I was fond of it"

Okay. She's Australian. That explains the sexy accent.

"Guess you need to find it yourself"

She nodded.

We went through different sections but didn't buy anything. Or that's what she thought. Once the billing was done and I payed it, she looked at me gratefully.

"Now let's go home. Get drunk and enjoy to the fullest"

"You do this with every person you meet?"

"Only if that person is talented like me and saved my friend"

She chuckled. We went to my apartment. Tammy saw Lou and hugged her. We explained her about the day we had. Tammy was shy when she heard about the photo. I didn't understand though. We drank, had some take outs.

Lou became comfortable by now. She was drinking. Actually, drank more than us. But was unaffected. Tammy and I were already drunk and was not able to even stand. But Lou was there sitting on the couch, nursing another drink as if it was water. I doubted she was not drinking and planning to rob us once we become unconscious. I wanted to alert Tammy. But she passed out already. I tried my best to keep my eyes open. After two more drinks, Lou called it a night, and got ready to go to her hostel room. It was 2 a.m. How will she enter the hostel? I risked my apartment and the belongings and asked her to stay tonight. She obliged. She helped me and Tammy to our shared room and she made herself comfortable on the couch, despite my offer of spare bedroom.

Next morning, I woke up with a hangover. I walked towards the kitchen cabinets, took some Advil. I saw Lou, still sleeping. She looked content. I felt bad for doubting her. I prepared coffee for myself. Tammy woke up a bit later. She was a total mess. Her blonde hair sticking out in odd directions. She woke Lou up and gave her coffee. Lou was still half asleep. Never a morning person, I guessed. She told she sleeps till afternoon on weekends as a compensation to lack of sleep due to her early college hours. She thanked me again for the food items we bought. I stopped her on her way to door and gave her new lipstick, eye liner, a perfume bottle and a bracelet. She looked at me, the expression unable to read.

"It's yours. We got it yesterday"

"You stole?"

"Nope. I bought it. For like zero money"

"I can't keep it"

"I got it for you. It's the same stuff that you have on your face, except, the branded version"


"Take it, Lou. Debbie doesn't always behave good with new people"

I displayed mock anger to Tammy, who just winked. Lou took the things, thanked, said goodbye and was out.

We three met frequently there after, stealing things, drinking alcohol and playing poker. Lou was the champion in poker. Three months passed by, and Tammy and I offered Lou to stay with us. Now we shared our apartment. Lou in one room, Tammy me and in another. It was no secret that Tammy and I were having something more. Lou never bothered about it. Our drunken nights were filled with past stories. Lou spoke about the orphanage. I could sense the anger and bitterness towards her biological parents. I didn't press that issue for it would make her uncomfortable. Tammy's stories were more of her parents being conservative and how I made her break all the rules. I mostly spoke about my family business. I am an Ocean and an Ocean never reveals everything.

After college, both Tammy and Lou tried for jobs. Lou couldn't study medicine, so decided to take some formal job. But she didn't get any. She was more than qualified and intelligent for the jobs she applied. But still no luck. I consoled her. Tammy too had the same issue. Lou's sarcasm and Tammy's over the top sweet nature (fake), were also the reasons for not getting any jobs. They decided to be the full time criminals.

We had a wonderful life. May not be always luxurious, but we were happy. Tammy and I... I don't know what it was called... I don't call it a relationship. It was just an adjustment, probably. We were steady for now. Lou was busy with her books. Wherever we went, she bought books. I encouraged her to go date people. She just shrugged. Tammy and I had to set her up with people. But she hardly continued with them for more than a month. Tammy asked her why she dresses in sexy outfits (which covers her entire body. Damn those suits) if she was not interested in people. She said that she was not a relationship person. And she likes to dress up that way. She was wearing them for herself and not for people. We decided to drop that subject.

Then, Tammy moved on after seeing my lack of interest in commitments. Lou and I travelled different states pulling cheap cons. I got bored of our steady income by rigging bingo, fell for a moron, got myself thrown into prison. Lou was angry at my decision of working with Claude and so, decided to stay away from this world and started working legally.

When she heard about my imprisonment, she rushed to meet me. She saw me outside the court; she was about to meet me but I signalled her not to. She was hurt. She followed the vehicle that took me to the prison. I saw her through windows. She was persistent. I was sure she would somehow manage to get me out of this situation, even if it meant killing the police officers. I didn't want her to do anything stupid. So, when I was sure she was looking at me, I tapped my index finger on my forehead. It was the sign we used back then to say wait for me, I'll be back.

She got my message, turned her bike. But before going away she held her thumbs up.

She smuggled necessary things inside the jail. Waited for me patiently. When I was released, she picked me up. We successfully pulled off the heist. She went for her California road trip. I was here, looking after her club and the loft. I apologised for my deeds. She just smiled and said she was not angry anymore. That I'm her best friend and nothing can seperate us. She also thanked for giving her 5 more friends.

But right now, seeing her outside the kids' room, sad and crying... It breaks my heart. She never felt the parental love. I feel, though she is angry at her parents, she yearns for their love. I didn't know how exactly to console her. Was she expecting to? I don't know. I wiped her tears, and she laid her head on my shoulders. We both sat there hearing Tammy's story. Once Tammy was done with her story, we got up.

I could still see tears flowing from her eyes. I never saw her crying over her childhood. She always avoided speaking or would brush it off with her sarcasm. Today though it felt different.

"Even the fictional character had a fairy godmother", Lou said.

It took me some seconds to get her words. She was speaking about the movie Maleficent. I couldn't leave her like this.

"Do you wanna talk?"

"I don't know. I am feeling anxious today. I feel as if someone is thinking about me. I don't know what, but I feel odd. And it's making me think about my parents. Fuck! I hate this. I hate them. They made my life miserable. If they didn't want me, then why they had to give birth. Weren't they aware of condom? Why they had to leave me? Why? I feel sick. I'm unwanted to my own parents. I am an unwanted burden"

"Shhh... Nope, don't say that. Don't say that. You are never unwanted. You have me. You have us. I love you. We all love you. We all want you"

"But you guys aren't my mom!", she said, somewhat in higher volume.

She walked to her room, shut the door. I felt bad for her. I could hear her sit against the door. I whispered good night and went to my room. My new mission was set. I need to cheer up Lou. Bring her out of this misery.

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