
By TheeMoonchild_

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RED. "If you think that you can save me, break me down, or tame me. Here's your chance to do some damage." ••... More

00| Red.
Oo1. The McDonald's incident.
Oo2| Special humans.
Oo3| The undergrounds.
Oo4| Handsome strangers.
Oo5| Lasting Impressions.
Oo6| Dibs.
Oo7| Yoongi's favorite.
Oo8| Fries, milkshakes and threats.
Oo9| The Red Clan.
O11| The real Undergrounds.
O12 | The trouble three.
O13| Red City.
O14| Taehyung and Jimin.
O15| The Underground Brawl.
O16| The Glitches.
O17| No Mourners, no Funerals.
O18| The Neo Corps.
O19| Blood and Rain.
O20| Final goodbyes.
O21| Her.
O22| Good form.
o23| Touch and go.
O24| Comfort Quarantine.
O25| Nightly thrills
O26| Dead man tell no tales.
O27| 4 Hours
O28| The Second Candidate.
O29| District Nine.
O30| Prisoner 665.
O31| Kim's Palace.
O32| Suky's.
O33| Plasma.
O34| Raven and River.
O35| Rivers and Streams.
O36| History.
O37| Nova's interlude.
O38| Lee's Retribution.
O39| Reunions.
O40| A Series of Unfortunate Events.
O41| Min Yoongi and the not fun, very bad, Lunch Date.
O42| The Furious and Fast.
O43| Twenty Six Seconds of Silence.
O44| Four days.
O45| Big City Blues.
O46| Thicker than Water.
O47| You and Me.
O48| The Night of the Lily Expo.
O49| Sense and Sensibility.
O50| First Secrets.
O51| The Others.
O52| District Three.
O53| Delicate Visions.
O54| How Hoseok Saved the World.
O55| The Rapture
O56| Revalations.
O57| To Anger a God.
O58| From Ashes.
O59| The Sixth Sense.

O10| Partying and Drinking.

597 57 27
By TheeMoonchild_

*I've started including the sound track to these books on the YouTube icon above! Listen to it as you read pls*
Song: Redemption_Zacari


Lee was a ball of energy, you weren't sure if he'd even sat still for more than a few seconds without gasping about how this was "honestly the biggest thing ever." The two of you exited the Skytrain near Club Red, where you were to meet up with Yoongi.

"Do you know we are literally a select few who are about to meet the entire Red Clan and live to see the next day?" He whispered as you two walked away from the station.

"Who said we'll live to see the next day?" You arched an amused brow, his expression dropped, as if realizing that was a very real possibility. "I mean, I know I'll make it out alive—they like me, you on the other hand, my friend." You placed a hand on his shoulder and shook your head slowly. "No guarantees."

"Stop joking around," he deadpanned, slapping your hand off him.

You snickered, looking down around the crowded streets of the Undergrounds in hopes of seeing Yoongi. And after a few seconds of running your eyes over the dark crowd colored by the multiple neon lights, you finally spotted a flare of red. He was standing infront of a booth that seemed to be selling something, he scanned his phone over a device and was handed a clear bottle of deep blue soda and a small pack of candy.

Feeling eyes on him, he looked from his soda and towards you. A smile tugged on his handsome face—God, it hit you every time you looked at him. He was stunning, head to toe. "There he is," you turned to Lee who followed your eyes, before his body straighten. A mischievous smile tugged on your lips, "nervous?"

"Shut it," he grumbled, following behind you as you crossed the concrete streets and went over towards the man dressed in all black with a flare of red.

"Welcome back, SkullCrusher," mused Yoongi as he uncapped his soda and took a small sip. "This must be the annoyingly overbearing friend you told me about." He nodded towards Lee who's nervous smile dropped and he threw you a glare.

"That's him," you grinned, patting his shoulder. "Lee, Yoongi, Yoongi, Lee," you introduced, Lee offered his hand to which Yoongi gave one firm shake to.

"Ohh, so you're Lee," he marveled, "she told me you forced her to join the preliminaries, thank you for that, I would have never found her."

"He's putting it nicely," you turned to Lee, "what he means to say is that this is all your fault." Lee pushed you away by your face scoffing.

"Shut it," he then turned to Yoongi, "it's nice to meet you, Yoongi, but let it be known I'm here to make sure you aren't doing anything untoward with my friend." He stated diplomatically.

Untoward? Who says that? You thought, while Yoongi appeared unphased by his words. "You don't have to worry about that," he looked towards you with a nod, "we protect people like us," he then smiled, "plus, she can totally kick my ass if she wanted." You felt a smile involuntary tug on your lips, maybe even a few butterflies but you'd rather compliment Lee than admit that.

"By people like you, what do you mean?" Lee asked with a frown.

"Enhanced humans," Yoongi answered right away, "she's never been around her own kind, I hope we change that tonight. C'mon miss SkullCrusher" his eyes raked over Lee's form as if reminding him of his place, before he smiled and nodded towards down the street.

Lee threw you a glance and you shrugged, walking behind him. You knew Yoongi was being a bit rude, but then again, he was barely nice to you either. It seemed to be his own nature, and somehow, it was also attractive.

You moved to walk beside him, "where are we going?" You asked curiously, somehow being in the Undergrounds this time seemed exciting with Yoongi beside you.

"To a bar," he answered, "that's where the first Red Clan members are, you've already met Jungkook," you hummed, recalling the sweet—well, sweet to you— brunette with the slight attitude problem. "There's one more up-town, the others are staying down-town, so after that we'll go to the real Undergrounds." He explained.

"There's a real one?" You asked, "I thought this was the real one."

Yoongi shook his head, "far from it, the real Undergrounds isn't really a place regular people like you two can just walk into."

"What's it like?" Lee asked, already over Yoongi's previous rudeness.

Yoongi swayed his head, thinking of a way to describe it. "You ever watched Battle-club?" He asked.


"No ew," guess which one you were. The two men looked at you with comical disappointment. "Sorry I don't watch stupid movies about stupid guys fighting in stupid cars, against stupid cyborgs, it's dumb." You shrugged.

"My respect for you has dropped at least twenty percent," Yoongi stated, "but yeah, think Battle-Club but with a higher budget."

"That's so cool!" Marveled Lee who had already gotten over his dislike for Yoongi. "Which ones have you watched?" He asked.

"All of them," Yoongi answered, with the same chill tone despite Lee's growing enthusiasm. "Frankly I'm not into movies like that but Jungkook is obsessed with anything electronic, so to spoil him I watch the movies with him." He explained.

"Awee" you cooed, earning looks from both men. "What I think that's sweet."

"Is she always like this?" Yoongi asked Lee, pointing his soda at you.

"She hasn't even gotten started."

"Alright shut up, don't start being friends or I might have to rethink this whole candidate thing," you pointed between the two, earning an amused chortle from Yoongi.

The three of you approached a large building with neon sign plastered at the top that read Dionysus Bar. Yoongi lead the way towards the automatic glass doors that slid open for all three of you. The second you entered you were met with a gorgeous bar.

The floors were made of white and black wood, with black and red walls adorned by red velvet curtains. The furniture also fit the color code of white and red. The bar was a long, sleek black counter and behind the bar was a wall that displayed drinks of all shapes and sizes sorted into glass-made slots in the wall. The roof was black, with neon lights circling over the ceiling giving the large bar a pink, purplish and red hue.

It was fairly populated, a few people calmly sipped their drinks seated on the bar counter. Others were placed in the lounge area watching as someone played video games, others were slow-dancing to the soft jazz that played all over the building.

The scent was almost heavenly—it smelled simply of expensive wine and vanilla.

God, you could die here.

"Hyung!" Someone called from the lounge area, catching Yoongi's attention. You all turned to see Jungkook walk away from the screen earning a few boos from the people watching him play. But he clearly didn't care and crossed over towards Yoongi. "Hoseok said that he was in the Plaza down-town, Namjoon's peeved about something again so they have to handle it for him." He walked to stand infront of Yoongi who hummed, searching his pockets only to pull out the small bag of candy and handed it to him.

"I knew he'd get into a fight," sighed Yoongi who ignored Jungkook's delighted thanks. "Alright, tell Seokjin to hurry up and control his boyfriend or I will."

"On it," it was now that Jungkook seemed to notice you and Lee, a confused expression appeared across his face. "Who?" He asked pointing between you and Lee.

"Hi Jungkook," you flashed a smile.

"Do I know you?" His head cocked to the side, confused by the familiarity in your tone. You turned to Yoongi, wondering if Jungkook was serious. Yoongi, who placed his soda on the counter, swung his arm over your shoulder before using his other hand to cover half of your face.

"Does she look familiar?" He asked, head tilted to the side.

You, on the other hand, had to take time to process the fact that his arm was over your shoulder. His hand was freezing cold, sending chills down your body. He was so close to you that you smelled faint hints of his cologne. He smelled just like the bar, expensive wine and vanilla. Or maybe the bar smelled like him.

Jungkook's once confused expression widened with shock, "SkullCrusher!" He pointed at you, earning a chuckle from Yoongi who let you go, returning to his soda again. "Hyung told me you were coming here today, nice to see you again," Jungkook flashed a perfect smile at you.

You brushed off your shock and mirrored his expression. "You too! But my name isn't Skullcrusher, it's Y/n, so stop calling me that," you made sure to throw a look to Yoongi who simply shrugged, one of those mischievous shrugs that told you he may or may not oblige to your request.

"SkullCrusher is better," mused Lee.

"Yeah, you picked it of course you'd think it's better." You scoffed.

"And you—you weren't in the competition too right?" Jungkook asked pointing at Lee who shook his head.

"Nah, I'm Lee, and I'm here to make sure she's safe today," he placed a firm hand on your head.

Jungkook's expression brightened, "that's cool, so, what ability do you have?" He asked curiously. Before Lee could answer—if he was bold enough after the taunting snort that came from Yoongi— Jungkook continued, "I can make and control fire, my hyung here is lightning itself, he could kill us all if he wanted to. My other hyung, who's behind the counter can control someone's mind—don't even get me started on my other hyungs I swear sometimes I feel like I know real natural disasters—" before Jungkook could continue his well-meaning praise for the rest of the Red
Clan members Yoongi stopped him.

"Hey kid," he pointed to the counter behind him, "I told you to do something." Jungkook's face flashed with realization before he smiled sheepishly.

"My bad, hey Lay we'll talk later alright?" He pointed at Lee with a welcoming grin and rushed off to wherever Yoongi had sent him.

When you turned to Lee he had turned significantly paler, "he said fire, lightning and mind control?!" He turned to you alarmed.

"Yeah, thats Seokjin," Yoongi said pushing off the counter, "he's a nice guy, don't worry." He assured although the small smirk that followed that statement did nothing to ease Lee's inner panic. You on the other hand, were fascinated, so this was what Yoongi meant by being around people like you. It was so cool.

You turned to Yoongi, "lightning?" You questioned and he nodded. "I thought you said I could kick your ass."

"You could," he mused, "if I was severely intoxicated."

"You liar," you sighed, arms folding.

He shrugged again, something that you realized you liked seeing on him. It was so suave and confident, something he didn't even know was attractive. "But lightning, electricity in general is energy," he raised one finger and out came a small blue spark. "If you allow me to, I can teach you a few things about your power right now."

You nodded right away, while Lee settled on the bar stool beside Yoongi who motioned for you to stand infront of him. "Ergokenisis is a lot like electrokenisis," he offered his hand for you to take.

"I can tell by the similar names," you mused placing your hand ontop of his, he raised both your hands until they were pressed against each other vertically, before his fingers sprawled out and you're did as well.

"You're corny," chuckled Yoongi and you smiled, already well aware of that aspect as well. "If you put a little bit of energy right where our hands meet," you felt his hand become hot, so you decided to follow his lead, pumping energy into your hand as well. A smile of approval tugged on his lips, "then slowly move back," he said gently pulling back as you did the same, in between your fingers was his once blue lightning now crisp white like the energy blasts you remember pulsing out during your fight.

You marveled, this being the first time you've ever seen your energy without anything exploding. It was the purest shade of white with a soft, warm glow that illuminated the room.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Yoongi asked, staring between you and your hands, you nodded too mesmerized by you ability to speak. Yoongi watched you, the amazed expression on your face was adorable, he chuckled softly, keeping his hand there for as long as you needed.

Lee looked between you two, his eyebrows pinched together, watching as Yoongi stared at you. It was clear there was something brewing between the two of you and Lee owned it to Nova to not allow it to happen. "Alright now," he called reaching to pull your hands apart.

"Wait! No don't touch it—" Yoongi's warning fell on deaf ears since by the time he realized what Lee was doing he was too close to pull back and his hand already brushed it.

Lee's body was hurled back violently, he was sent rolling on the ground on the other side of the bar. Your neck snapped towards Lee, "oh my God! Lee!" You called, retracting your hand from Yoongi as the two of you rushed towards Lee.

"Doesn't your friend know not to touch energy?" Asked Yoongi.

"He's simple."


What do y'all think is gonna happen next? I wanna hear theories!

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